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My Software Library: A Preservation Effort

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Over the years I have acquired a bit of software, 8bit and ST, and apparently some of it is not available on the internet.  I decided a couple of months ago to archive this software so the Atari community can have access to it and I purchased a SuperPro Card to archive it in the original format including protection schemes.  I ran into a couple of problems that kind of put me off of archiving it.


1. I applied to become a part of the Atari 8-bit Software Preservation Initiative, but was declined to become a member, no reason given.

2. I sent an email to AtariMania to recover an old account I have with them so I can post software images and I have yet to hear back from them.


Now, a couple of months later, I again have the bug to archive all this software due to an inquiry to one of the software titles that I have.  I do have a medical condition that limits the amount of time I can put forth in this effort, but I will try to post software now and then.  I do still have to learn the SuperCard Pro and some of my initial postings will not be in that format, but I am building a device to automate the process as much as possible.


At the moment, I have some ST titles to post.  My 8-bit library can be found here.


To: Atari 8-bit Software Preservation Initiative and AtariMania you are welcome to use anything I post, but you will have to come here to get it.


Steem SSE Hard Drive Images These would have save me a lot of time setting up Steem.


Posted software listing:

1st Word v1.03- UPDATED! Now includes the manual

1st Word V2.02

Aegis Animator V2.07

American Civil War, The Scenario Disk 1

Arena - Boot failure - Cannot read boot sector.

Artic Fox

Atari Application Series - Power Basic

Atari Power Pack: Afterburner

Atari Power Pack: Organizer

Atari Power Pack: Space Harrier Elite

Atari ST Language Disk CA026062-001

Atari ST Language Disk CA026062-002

Atari ST Language Disk CA026062-004


Blood Money Disk 1 - Missing Disk 2

BlowUp 030

BRE PD Disks #65 - Music Studio Songs

BRE PD Disks #140 - Templates of Doom, Fourway, GRDemo, Smasher/Shower Animation Set, Gradebook V1.0, Megablit V2.62, Patch Librarian (Yamaha)

BRE PD Disks #174 - Music Studio Songs

BRE PD Disks #175 - Music Studio Songs

BRE PD Disks #176 - Music Studio Songs - This archive is incomplete. During copy, I ran into disk errors. As much as I could get is here. SCP file added in case someone can clean it up and make it usable.

BRE PD Disks #328 - Music Studio Songs

BRE PD Disks #428 - Games Fifty Six - Stocks & Bonds 3.0. Unable to test. SCP Included in case someone can clean it up and make it usable.

BRE PD Disks #443 - DCopy V2.88, Letter Gothic Font, C-Modem, Amortization, Memfile V1.4, Ram Baby, Payroll V2.0, Spell V2.5

BRE PD Disks #468 - Arc 5.21, Two Column Printer, Darc, Dcache, Dearc 1.1, Mouse Doubler 1.1, Parkit, Fontpick, Rerun IV, Kwik Pic, ACC Ace V1.2

BRE PD Disks #650 - Big Screen, DCopy 3.06, Hagterm ST V1.31, Menu Construction Set, Quick ST V0.8, Archie Disk Labeler and Catalog Program

BRE PD Disks #740 - Utilities Ninety Seven - 2Fer, GEM Font Editor v1.11, Hotwire Demo, Remove V1.0, Pretty Printer V1.0. Unable to test. SCP Included in case someone can clean it up and make it usable.

BRE PD Disks #803 - Desk Manager 2.5, File Spy 1.3, NullFill, Flamethrower, The Green Little Selector 1.4, Pinhead 1.3, Quick Menu 2.5, Hotwire Patch

BRE PD Disks #1465 - Lachdraw v0.5, ST Gallery V1.0, Mithril 3-D Animation, Mac Image

BRE PD Disks #1499 - Superboot V7.4

BRE PD Disks #1528 - Crack Art V1.0

C Compiler V2.0

Cal V6.3

Calamus Vector Graphic Clip Art

Calamus Vector Graphic Clip Art Group 3

Cesium Sound

Chaos Strikes Back

Chess Master, The 2000

Circuit Maker II- UPDATED! Now includes 2nd disk image, manual, alternate reference and registration

Clip Master Disk 1

Compute's Atari St Disk Feb 1987

Compute's Atari St Disk Apr 1988

Cyber Paint V2.1

Cybermate V1.1

Cyber Sculpt

Cyber Texture

Degas Elite V1.0

Degas Elite V1.1

Diskus 3.9 - Boot Error. I was only able to use 2 revolutions as it stats "Ram capacity Error" for anything higher.

DTack - DBasic

Dungeon Master - UPDATED.  Now Includes Manual, Map Pack, Spell List and Reference Card

Easel ST V1.10

EdHak V2.37

Emagic Logic Full White Labels

Emagic Logic Blue and White Labels

Enchanter - Apparently this disk has been overwritten with some other program.Disk Picture only

Extendos V4.04

Final Whistle

Flight Simulator II V1.1


GFA Basic

GFA Basic Compiler V1.71

GFS Basic V2.0

GFA Basic V3.07



Geneva V1.06

Hippo-C - Boots to desktop. Run HOS.TOS from Drive A

Hisoft Basic V1.23

Image Cat

Jinxter - Boots to Desktop. Run Game.Tos on Drive A. Press Spacebar at graphic screen.

Laser C V1.1

Laser C V2.1

Laser C V2.1 Upgrade

LaserDB V1.0

LaserDB V1.1

LUM-Tech Public Domain (LTPD) Disk #2 - The Revenge Document Displayer V2.01, Poker Dice

Mark Williams BC Programmable Calculator- UPDATED! Now includes the instruction manual

Mark Williams C V2.17

Mark Williams C V3.06 Update

Mark Williams C V3.09

Master Tracks Pro. No software

Microsoft Write V1.0

MidiSoft Studio


Music Software Exchange - CASU02 - Casio Synth Utilities

Music Software Exchange - DBAS01, DBAS02 - Data Base Librarian

Music Software Exchange - DFIL02 - Data File Librarian

Music Software Exchange - Music Software Catalog Disk 5

Music Software Exchange - PAEM01 - Proteus 1/1XR Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR01 - Roland D50 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR02 - Roland D50 Patch Banks - Unable to Archive

Music Software Exchange - PATR03 - Roland D50 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR04 - Roland D50 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR05 - Roland D50 Patch Banks - Unable to Archive

Music Software Exchange - PATR06 - Roland D50 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR07 - Roland D50 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR08 - Roland D50 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR09 - Roland D50 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR10 - Roland D50 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR11 - Roland D5,10,110,20 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR12 - Roland D5,10,110,20 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR14 - Roland D5,10,110,20 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR15 - Roland D5,10,110,20 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - PATR16 - Roland D5,10,110,20 Patch Banks

Music Software Exchange - ROLU01 - Roland Synth Utilities

Music Software Exchange - STDN01 - Song Bytes Dance Styles

Music Studio 88 V1.3

NeoDesk 3.01,3.02,3.03 to 3.04 Upgrade

NeoDesk 4.05


NVDI V4.11 R8 Upgrade

PC Ditto V3.64 - UPDATED. Now includes software V3.64, package images, manual and keyboard template.

PC Ditto II - UPDATED! to include the instruction manual and several notices

PDC Disk 1 - Catalog

PDC Disk 673 - ST Writer Elite V3.8

People, Places & Things Disk 1

Personal Pascal 2

Pointing Device Driver & Pop-up Menus V7.1

ProtoLogic A3LY

ProtoLogic A3LY Q3:91

Space Quest

SpeedoGDOS V4.1

ST Action Disk 6 - Back to the Future II, Dan Dare, Photon Storm, Brain Blasters

STart Vol 1 No 4 Spring 1987

STart Vol 2 No 1 Spring 1987

STart Vol 2 No 2 Fall 1987

STart Vol 3 No 8 March 1989

STart Vol 3 No 9 April 1989

STart Vol 5 No 4 December 1990

STart Vol 5 No 7 April May 1991

ST Basic Quick Reference Guide Only

ST Computer Owner's Manual

Stereo CAD-3D V2.02

ST-Log #12 March 1987

ST-Log #13 April 1987

ST-Log #14 May 1987

ST-Log #36 October 1989

ST X-Press Vol 2 No 1 February 1988 - Diskmate

Super Cycle

Teenage Queen - SCP needs Repair

Tucson Atari Central CYB001 - Animate4, Foreman2, Knockers, Manta_37, Miracle2, Shadow, Tesla

Tucson Atari Central CYB002 - Animate4, Probe

Tucson Atari Central CYB005 - AVS, Dood, Spectrum

Tucson Atari Central GAM014 - STNG

Tucson Atari Central MUS009 - EZMonkee, EZTPDemo, FBPatch

Tucson Atari Central UTI003 - AHDFix, Bytfree23, Diskfree, HDscan, Ratehd, Turtl217, UTurtles, VDOS, VDOS 1, VDOS 2, VDOS 3, VDOS 4, Whereis

Word Writer St 2.0

XBoot V2.59

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I tested the install after I copied the files from the disks and re-created with blank disks.  I then transferred the files to the PC using the UIP Tool.  I then transferred back. re-created the disks and test the install again.  It all worked great.MWC v3.09.zipMark Williams C .ST Images.zip


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For SCP and Kryoflux dumps, there is already an active preservation/sharing option available here: https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=28228


The Repository Mega share link for shared dumps is here: https://mega.nz/#F!9RJixYhI!ozJAY06nUpYj2vzpuWORRg


I can upload dumps to the repository if you would like them added.  I have a dropbox link which allows you to add dumps and I then move them over to the Mega repository.  My dropbox upload link is: https://www.dropbox.com/request/DTUu6HMB7ojWWK4xjhjS


We welcome any contributions to the repository.



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Nice too see people take effort and time about preservation - and indeed, we are in last years, maybe decade-two when floppy disks old over 30 years still are in relative good shape and can be read error less.

Looked that repository at Mega - lot of new titles since I  looked it last time.

And that reminds me on my missing flawless images of games list - there is thread at atari-forum about it, for some 10 years.

And just from top of head:  Son Shu Shi,  Jinks - still no good images of them. 

Worst is that whole idea of doing some database about available images, with added comments about how good, how well tested it is, plus possible limitations - like TOS v. compatibility, etc - just ignored .  I know that it is easier to just DL and DL, but how about quality ahead quantity ?


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With the uploads transferred through my dropbox link, I check that the dumps are not bad and of a reasonable flux level.  I am no expert but the dumps I transfer are of acceptable levels.  In terms of which dumps works with what version of TOS, a preservation dump doesn't care as it is a raw capture and matches whatever the original disk worked with.  It would be better if other supported preservation, as you say, someone must have originals for games like Son Shu Shi and Jinks.  With Greaseweazle, Supercard Pro and Kryoflux, the process of dumping disks is now easier.

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I messed around with the SuperCard pro today and found that I do not have a compatible floppy drive.  Ordered one.  So I am going to continue to post while that is in transit with plans to back track and do all previous titles in the .SCP format when the drive arrives.  In fact, I will attempt to supply an unprotected version alongside of the .SCP format for titles that can be unprotected.  I will also try to supply an .ST or .STX format where I can.

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BRE PD Disks #176 - This archive is incomplete.  During copy, I ran into disk errors therefore there ill not be a .ST image. As much as I could get is here. Does not seem to have copy protection.  Create a single sided disk and copy contents to disk or just copy to your hard drive.


BRE176.SCP.zip Included in case someone can clean it up and make it usable.


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