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What have you actually PLAYED tracker for 2022 (Season 15)


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2 minutes ago, jgkspsx said:

I may yet sneak something else in today... will point out what if I do.

Great! Make sure to add a second post, instead of editing an existing message even if you have the subscriber features of an extended editing window. Generally as long as I have not liked your message, you're free to edit it but once you see that I liked it, it means I've entered your times and it gives me more work going through an older message to see what was changed.

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Here are my times for this past week (May 6th through 12th, 2022)...


sorry, again no gaming this week. My current hobby is to draw a map of a "choose your own adventure" book (Kersti's Zauberschloß, available in German on www.kersti.de), and that already takes more time than I usually would take for gaming.

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This week I played:


Pokemon Red Version for Game Boy - 583 minutes


Super Mario Bros.: Level-Headed v0.3.8 for NES - 329 minutes


and no modern gaming



Pokemon Red - On my main file I now have 6 badges, and in my virtual console file I finally have Porygon.

Super Mario Bros. Level-Headed - I played all the way through the other 16 Easy Random Peach games I created in 2020, for a total of 20 games.

The next batch will be games created with v0.3.9. That doesn't mean I won't ever go back and replay older ones someday of course.

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A little bit of modern and a little bit of classic gaming for me this week! I've been doing my yearly playthrough or Resident Evil 4 on the Switch (on Professional difficulty this time, which is equal parts challenging and frustrating but still pretty fun) and played some Atari 2600 games for the final round of the HSC's end of season major league tournament. The highlight of the week for me was setting a new world record high score in the Atari 2600 homebrew game RAPTOR during the final round of the tournament! :-D





Resident Evil 4 (Nintendo Switch) - 1,205 minutes


Atari 2600
RAPTOR - 101 minutes
Wizard of Wor - 119 minutes

Total Video Game Play Time This Week
1,425 minutes (23 hours 45 minutes) [220 minutes eligible]


Individual System Play Times This Week
Nintendo Switch: 1,205 minutes
Atari 2600: 220 minutes


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Here's the summary for Week 23, running from June 6 - 12. We logged 2993 minutes of eligible play, playing 52 games on a total of 15 systems.


Top 10:


1. Pokemon Red Version (Game Boy) - 583 min. (#3)
2. Super Mario Bros: Level-Headed v0.3.8 (NES/Famicom) - 329 min. (#1)
3. Solar Fox (Atari 2600) - 206 min. (#7)
4. Ghost Rush (CoCo 1 & 2) - 200 min.
5. Trapfall (Pitfall clone) (CoCo 1 & 2) - 190 min.
6. Raptor (Atari 2600) - 159 min.
7. OmniStar (CoCo 3) - 140 min.
8. Wizard of Wor (Atari 2600) - 119 min.
9. Enduro (Atari 2600) - 78 min.
10. Dragon Dance (Game Boy Color) - 75 min.


Pre-NES top 10:


1. Solar Fox (Atari 2600) - 206 min. (PN#3)
2. Ghost Rush (CoCo 1 & 2) - 200 min.
3. Trapfall (Pitfall clone) (CoCo 1 & 2) - 190 min. (PN#6)
4. Raptor (Atari 2600) - 159 min.
5. Wizard of Wor (Atari 2600) - 119 min.
6. Enduro (Atari 2600) - 78 min.
7. Space Invaders (Atari 2600) - 58 min.
8. Asteroids (Atari 2600) - 36 min. (PN#4)
9. A Crush of Lucifer (Vectrex) - 35 min.
9. Bomb Threat (CoCo 1 & 2) - 35 min.


Top 10 systems:


1. Atari 2600 - 737 min. (#2)
2. Game Boy - 583 min. (#4)
3. CoCo 1 & 2 - 425 min. (#7)
4. NES/Famicom - 401 min. (#1)
5. Arcade - 192 min. (#5)
6. CoCo 3 - 140 min.
6. Game Boy Color - 140 min.
8. SNES - 102 min.
9. Atari Jaguar - 80 min.
10. Vectrex - 65 min.

It is a Pokémon week again, as the Red Version by a margin of 4h14m takes the overall title with last week's #1 in second place. Pre-NES, Solar Fox just barely takes the title ahead of the brand new Gold Rush on the CoCo. The four systems these games represent - Atari 2600, Game Boy, CoCo and NES - also hold the first four places on the systems list.


Super Mario Bros: Level-Headed v0.3.8 (NES/Famicom) becomes member #492 in the 1000 Minute Club with a total of 1230 minutes. Also Solar Fox (Atari 2600) becomes the second game to exceed 40K minutes (total 40009 min). Of course it is almost 194K minutes behind Kaboom! but that is expected.

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Today is Treasure's 30th anniversary, so I played some Treasure stuff. As of about a week ago, I'm semi-officially and possibly permanently moving away from using the RetroTINK/OSSC to use my Trinitron instead since that's why I have it. I just wish I could find some furniture that can safely support its 64kg weight so I don't have to leave the thing sitting on the floor, which makes it extremely awkward to use. Basically some of these games are just me trying various systems and cables on the CRT to see how it looks. I really do love CRTs. They are so good to play on.


Hanagumi Taisen Columns 2 - 33
Ikaruga - 4
Sonic Adventure 2 - 3


Langrisser - 60
Powerslave - 14
Radiant Silvergun - 10


USAAF Mustang - 5


Gunstar Heroes - 70

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Here are my times for the week:


Atari 2600:

Asteroids- 2 minutes

Assault- 5 1/2 minutes

Sentinel- 2 minutes

Ms. Pacman- 7 minutes

Burgertime- 8 minutes

Demon attack- 6 minutes

Fast Eddie- 2 minutes

Dodge 'Em- 3 1/2 minutes

Dig-Dug- 7 minutes

Beany Boppers- 4 minutes 

Sword of Saros- 2 1/2 minutes

Escape from the MIndmaster- 5 minutes

Adventures of Tron- 2 minutes

Tron Deadly Dsics- 6 minutes

Tapper- 11 minutes

Winter games- 4 minutes

Taz- 5 minutes

Spiderman- 3 minutes

Shootin' Gallery- 4 minutes

Berzerk- 3 minutes

Bump n' jump- 4 1/2 minutes

Lock n' Chase- 6 1/2 minutes

Q-Bert- 8 1/2 minutes

Joust- 7 minutes

Zoo Fun- 1 minute

Laser Blast- 2 1/2 minutes

Klax- 7 1/2 minutes


Game Boy:

Klax- 6 minutes

Megaman Dr Wily's Revenge- 17 minutes


That's what I can remember.



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1 hour ago, Cafeman said:

Sega 32X,  

- Spider-man web of Fire, 15 mins.

Thoughts? It feels too broken to release, but there are glimmers of a good game if I overlook how hard it is to get over the exhaust vents without accidentally grabbing them in the first level alone.

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On 6/14/2022 at 7:13 PM, carlsson said:


Also Solar Fox (Atari 2600) becomes the second game to exceed 40K minutes (total 40009 min). Of course it is almost 194K minutes behind Kaboom! but that is expected. 

40,000. Is a lot of minutes. 

Times this week are;


Arcade on ps one


Asteroids 13. I am a Bad player at this game. 

Galaga 10

Gaplus 11

Mappy 13


Atari 2600


Demons to Diamonds 16

Eggomania 286

Kaboom 50

Solar Fox 121


cleaned my flashback paddles and first Eggomania score was 127,000. My second Kaboom score was 3,670. Pretty happy. Then I went to the basement and got my paddles from 1980 and gave them a quick clean and they worked perfectly. Hadn’t used them in 30+ years. Quite surprised. 

congrats to Skippy and Atarian7 for great HSC seasons that ended tonight. 





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2 hours ago, jgkspsx said:

Thoughts? It feels too broken to release, but there are glimmers of a good game if I overlook how hard it is to get over the exhaust vents without accidentally grabbing them in the first level alone.

Agreed. I've played it through a few years back, mind you.  A little more polish and it could have been a fun game. Those exhaust vents though. :D

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Not a huge week for me in this tracker either...



Finally built the last of my 2021 holiday season purchases, the Tempest Atari Legacy cabinet. So most of these are from that.

Akka Arrh - 20 minutes.

Fun, but the games are looooong.

Asteroids - 10 minutes

Asteroids Deluxe - 15 minutes

Sadly, no screen overlay. Booooo!!!!!

Gravitar - 25 minutes

This was the inaugural game for the new machine since I have had it on the brain.

Lady Bug - 25 minutes

For a Facebook HSC

Millipede - 35 minutes

on two different machines

Missile Command - 20 minutes

Out Run - 15 minutes

Just to listen to the music before bed, mostly...

Pac-Man - 10 minutes

Went head-to-head with the janitor at work and lost repeatedly.

Power Drift - 25 minutes

Finally starting to make some headway on this.

Space Duel - 25 minutes

Several go-arounds in both single ship and dual ship modes.

Tempest - 15 minutes



Basic Fun Q*Bert (colored LCD) - 15 minutes

Q*Bert is probably the best-suited of the classic arcade games for rendering in LCD, even more than Frogger. That said, this version with full arcade sound effects is pretty great. I'd like to try the Coleco one before I get ahead of myself, though.


Radio Shack Alien Chase - 15 minutes

Kind of a disrespectful future sport (basically playing basketball with the bodies of aliens fleeing a collapsing spaceship) but it is a good challenge…




Radio Shack Cosmic Quest - 20 minutes

Doubles as a fake phaser!




Nintendo Game Boy:

Bubble Bobble - 15 minutes

Collection Pocket - 110 minutes

This odd little collection has five games I like a lot, e.g.



and one game that I thought when I started playing was a real game but turned out to be just a slot machine:



GameBoy Gallery - 20 minutes

NOT a Game & Watch Gallery per se, this prototype for that series recreates G&W games in pixels, although with an odd and somewhat unsettling vibe.

Gradius - 15 minutes


Nintendo Game Boy Color:

Pop'n'Pop - 20 minutes

The same game as Yogi Bear's Great Balloon Blast, except it's the original version with the whole lineup of Taito mascots instead of a selection of three bears. Also there's a story. Also it's just way more polished in every way.


Sega SG-1000:

Hang On II - 45 minutes

Really an amazing conversion given the hardware.



The Black Onyx - 20 minutes

Somehow I had gotten the idea that this was all in English, but there is enough English for me to figure out what I'm doing most of the time... kind of...


Sega Genesis:

Snake Rattle'n'Roll - 20 minutes

Does it look like an NES game? Yes. Is it fun? Also yes.


Wings of Wor / Gynoug - 35 minutes

A representative sample:



Sega Master System:

Montezuma's Revenge - 75 minutes


Several different attempts here, after a lot of playing around before recording.



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