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Timing normal 32K RAM vs 32K 16bit RAM


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Well, this was interesting. I don't want to muddy the waters, but this program:

10 A=0
20 A=A+1
30 IF A<3000 THEN 20

Runs as follows (in classic99 on my Win10 I7 office laptop):

  • TI Basic: ~26 seconds
  • Extended Basic: ~32 seconds

I chose the above to test the interpreter, and not writing graphics to the screen etc. 

Edited by Willsy
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35 minutes ago, Willsy said:

Well, this was interesting. I don't want to muddy the waters, but this program:

10 A=0
20 A=A+1
30 IF A<3000 THEN 20

Runs as follows (in classic99 on my Win10 I7 office laptop):

  • TI Basic: ~26 seconds
  • Extended Basic: ~32 seconds

I chose the above to test the interpreter, and not writing graphics to the screen etc. 

Yea less overhead routines to run for TI Basic as it is 1/3rd the size of GPL routines vs XB with no ROMs in TI Basic.

Also Floating Point in XB is really the speed problem for XB I can show you the GPL/ROM code to show it is not a small amount.

A huge portion of XB is devoted to more accuracy of Floating point then TI Basic which costs speed.

(More routines called to do same thing is going to slow down any program.)


But TI Basic totally sucks at Graphics compared to XB and RXB has increased speed for routines like CALL HCHAR about 9 times faster.

Now I say 9 times in that with demos you see 9 times more put on screen in same time as 1 from TI Basic.

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1 hour ago, RXB said:

Also Floating Point in XB is really the speed problem for XB I can show you the GPL/ROM code to show it is not a small amount.

A huge portion of XB is devoted to more accuracy of Floating point then TI Basic which costs speed.

(More routines called to do same thing is going to slow down any program.)

RND in XB does 5x more computation and therefore takes more time, but you seem to be saying that all floating point numbers are more accurate in XB than in BASIC. You're making a joke, right?

  • Haha 1
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50 minutes ago, senior_falcon said:

RND in XB does 5x more computation and therefore takes more time, but you seem to be saying that all floating point numbers are more accurate in XB than in BASIC. You're making a joke, right?

No joke do you see TI Basic routines doing most of the work for Floating Point in XB GPL or ROMs.

Now XB uses XML >12 CFI same as TI Basic, but all those that take a number from FP from XB all are XB versions.

Really why write new routines for FP for XB if TI Basic routines can work?

XB has XML >80 that is CIF in ROM, so why not use TI Basic version?

This is Covert Integer to Floating point:

       AORG >74AA
       TITL 'CIFS'
* CIF     - Convert integer to floating                     *
*           Assume that the value in the FAC is an integer  *
*            and converts it into an 8 byte floating point  *
*            value                                          *
CIF    LI   R4,FAC            Will convert into the FAC
       MOV  *R4,R0            Get integer into register
       MOV  R4,R6             Copy pointer to FAC to clear it
       CLR  *R6+              Clear FAC & FAC+1
       CLR  *R6+              In case had a string in FAC
       MOV  R0,R5             Is integer equal to zero?
       JEQ  CIFRT             Yes, zero result and return
       ABS  R0                Get ABS value of ARG
       LI   R3,>40            Get exponent bias
       CLR  *R6+              Clear words in result that
       CLR  *R6                might not get a value
       CI   R0,100            Is integer less than 100?
       JL   CIF02             Yes, just put in 1st fraction
*                              part
       CI   R0,10000          No, is ARG less then 100^2?
       JL   CIF01             Yes, just 1 division necessary
*                             No, 2 divisions are necessary
       INC  R3                Add 1 to exponent for 1st
       MOV  R0,R1             Put # in low order word for the
*                              divide
       CLR  R0                Clear high order word for the
*                              divide
       DIV  @C100,R0          Divide by the radix
       MOVB @R1LB,@3(R4)  ~@  Move the radix digit in
CIF01  INC  R3                Add 1 to exponent for divide
       MOV  R0,R1             Put in low order for divide
       CLR  R0                Clear high order for divide
       DIV  @C100,R0          Divide by the radix
       MOVB @R1LB,@2(R4)  ~@  Put next radix digit in
CIF02  MOVB @R0LB,@1(R4)  ~@  Put highest order radix digit in
       MOVB @R3LB,*R4         Put exponent in
       INV  R5                Is result positive?
       JLT  CIFRT             Yes, sign is correct
       NEG  *R4               No, make it negative

You can find all the source code in RXB for ROMs.

So I ask again why does XB not use TI Basic version of CIF? (Do you know?)


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Other math routines built into XB ROMs:

       AORG >748E
CBH411 DATA >4101
CBH44  BYTE >44
* VROAZ  EQU >03C0            VDP roll out area
* PROAZ  EQU PAD0+>10         Processor roll out area
* PZ     EQU PAD0+>12
* QZ     EQU PAD0+>16
* CZ     EQU PAD0+>1A
* SGNZ   EQU PAD0+>75
* EXPZ   EQU PAD0+>76
* OEZ    EQU PAD0+>14
EXC127 EQU  >00
LOG10E EQU  >18
LN10   EQU  >20
PI2    EQU  >28
RPI2   EQU  >30
PI4    EQU  >38
TAN3P8 EQU  >48
SQRP   EQU  >50
EXPQ   EQU  >96
SINP   EQU  >010C
ATNP   EQU  >014E
* INVOLUTION                                                *
* FAC           - exponent                                  *
* Top of stack  - Base                                      *
* If integer Base and integer exponent do multiplies to     *
* keep result exact, otherwise, use logarithm to calculate  *
* value.                                                    *
       BL   @SAVRTN           Save return
       BL   @POPSTK           Get Base into ARG
       MOV  @FAC,R0           If exponent=0
       JEQ  PWRG01            Then result = 1
       MOV  @ARG,R0           If Base=0
       JEQ  PWRG02            Then return 0 or warning
       A    @C8,@VSPTR        Use Base on stack
       BL   @PUSH             Check to see if E is floating
*                              integer
       BL   @GRINT            Convert 1 copy of exp to int
       MOVB @C8,@SIGN         Assume sign is positive
       BL   @XTFACZ           FAC=ARG     STACK=INT(ARG)
       BL   @SCOMPB           Integer exponent?
       JNE  PWRZZ3            No, try floating code
       BL   @PUSH             Put Exp above Base on stack
       MOVB @C8,@FAC10        Assume no error
       BL   @CFI              Try to convert E to integer
CCBH7  ABS  @FAC              Absolute value of exponent
       MOV  @FAC,R12          Save integer exponent
       BL   @POP              Return E to FAC; B on stack
       MOVB @FAC10,R0         If E>32767
       JNE  PWRZZ1            Return to floating point code
       BL   @XTFACZ           Get Base in accumulator
       BL   @PUSH             Put E on stack for later sign
*                              check
       DEC  R12               Reduce exponent by one since
*                              accumulator starts with Base
       JEQ  PWRJ40            If 0 then done already
PWRJ30 SRL  R12,1             Check l.s. bit
       JNC  PWRJ10            If 0, skip the work
       BL   @SMULT            Multiply in this power
       A    @C8,@VSPTR        Restore stack
PWRJ10 MOV  R12,R12           Finished?
       JEQ  PWRJ40            Yes
       BL   @XTFACZ           No, exchange: B in FAC,
*                              accumulator on stack
       BL   @PUSH             Copy B onto stack
       BL   @SMULT            Square it for new B
       BL   @XTFACZ           Restore order: B on stack
*                              accumulator in FAC
       JMP  PWRJ30            Loop for next bit
PWRJ40 S    @C16,@VSPTR       Done, clean up
       MOV  @VSPTR,R3         Get stack pointer
       AI   R3,8              Test exponent sign now
       BL   @GETV1            Get it
       JLT  PWRJ41            If negative, compute negative
PWRRTN B    @ROLIN2           Use commone code to return
PWRJ41 MOVB @FAC10,R0         If overflow has occured
       JNE  PWRJ45            Go make it zero
       BL   @MOVROM           Get a floating point one
       DATA FPOS1              into ARG
       BL   @FDIV             Compute the inverse
       JMP  PWRRTN            And return
PWRJ45 CLR  @FAC              If overflow, the result=0
       MOVB @FAC,@FAC10       Indicate no error
       JMP  PWRRTN            And return
PWRG02 MOVB @FAC,R0           Is Exp negative?
       JLT  PWRG05            Yes, divide by 0 =>put in overflow
       JMP  PWRJ45            No, result is zero and return
PWRG01 LI   R0,FAC            Need to put floating 1 in FAC
       BL   @MOVRM1           Get the floating 1
       DATA FPOS1              into FAC
       JMP  PWRRTN            And return
PWRZZ3 BL   @GETV             Check for negative
       DATA VSPTR             On the stack
       JGT  PWRZZ2            If ok
       MOVB @ERRNIP,@FAC10    Else error code
       S    @C8,@VSPTR        Throw away entry on stack
       JMP  PWRRTN            And return
PWRZZ1 BL   @GETV             Positive or negative Base?
       JGT  PWRZZ2            Positive Base
* NEGATIVE BASE - So see if exponent is even or odd to set
*                  the sign of the result
PWRZZ4 CLR  R1                For double
       MOVB @FAC,R1           Get exponent
       ABS  R1                Work with positive
       CI   R1,>4600          Too big to have one's byte?
       JGT  PWRZZ2            Yes, assume number is even
       SWPB R1                Get in low order byte
       AI   R1,>830B          No, get one's radix digit
*                              location in FAC
       MOVB *R1,R1            Get the digit
       SLA  R1,7              If last bit set, set top bit
PWRZZ2 LI   R4,FPSIGN         Save sign of result
       BL   @PUTV1             in a permanent place
       BL   @XTFACZ           Base in FAC; Exponent on stack
       ABS  @FAC              Must work with positive
       BL   @LOGZZ            Compute LOG(B) in FAC
       BL   @SMULT            Compute E*LOG(B) in FAC
       BL   @EXPZZ            Let exp give error on warning
       LI   R3,FPSIGN         Check sign of result
       BL   @GETV1
       JLT  PWRZZ5            If E is negative
       JMP  PWRRTN            If E is positive
PWRZZ5 NEG  @FAC              Make it negative
       JMP  PWRRTN
PWRG05 BL   @OVEXP            Return overflow
       JMP  PWRRTN            And return
* EXPONENTIAL FUNCTION                                      *
* FAC   =   EXP(FAC)                                        *
* CALL      BL   @EXPZZ                                     *
* WARNING:  WRNOV             Overflow                      *
* STACK LEVELS USED:                                        *
*      X : = FAC * LOG10(E)                                 *
*      So EXP(FAC) = 10^X                                   *
*      Make sure X is in range LOG100(X) = LOG10(X)/2       *
*      N : = INT(X)                                         *
*      R : = X-N, 0 <= R < 1                                *
*      IF R < .5 THEN R : = R                               *
*                ELSE S : = R-5                             *
* A rational function approximation is used for 10^S        *
* (HART EXPD 1444)                                          *
* EXP : = IF R .LT. .5 THEN 10^N * 10^S                     *
*                      ELSE 10^N * 10^.5 * 10^S             *
       BL   @ROLOUT           Get workspace and save return
       BL   @MOVROM           Get LOG10(E)
       DATA LOG10E               into ARG
       BL   @FMULT            X : = FAC * LOG10(E)
       BL   @PUSH             Save X
       BL   @GRINT            Compute N : = INT(X)
       BL   @MOVROM           Get floating 127
       DATA EXC127              into ARG
       BL   @FCOMPB           Is N > 127?
       JEQ  EXP03             If = 127
       JLT  EXP01             If > 127
       NEG  @ARG              Check negative range
       BL   @FCOMPB           Is N < -127?
       JLT  EXP03             N > -127
       JEQ  EXP03             N = -127
* N is out of range
EXP01  S    @C8,@VSPTR        Pop X off stack
       MOV  @FAC,@EXP         Recall exponent sign
       MOVB @C8,@SIGN         Result is positive
       BL   @OVEXP            Take over or underflow action
       JMP  BROLIN            Restore CPU RAM and return
EXP03  BL   @PUSH             Save value on stack
       BL   @CFI              Convert to integer exponent
       MOV  @FAC,R12          Get it in REG to mpy by 2
       SLA  R12,1             Compute 2*N
       BL   @POP              Restore value
       BL   @SSUB             Compute R = X - N
       BL   @MOVROM           Get a floating .5
       DATA FHALF              into ARG
       BL   @FCOMPB           Is .5 > R?
       JGT  EXP04             Yes, S=R
       NEG  @ARG              -.5
       BL   @FADD             Compute S : = R - .5
       INC  R12               Remember R >= .5, (2*N+1)
*                              save a copy of S
EXP04  BL   @PUSH             Save a copy of S
       BL   @POLYW            Compute S * P(S^2)
       DATA EXPP              Poly to evaluate
       BL   @XTFACZ           FAC = S, stack = S * P(S^2)
       BL   @POLYX            Compute Q(S^2)
       DATA EXPQ              Poly to evaluate
       BL   @POPSTK           S * P(S^2) -> ARG
       A    @C8,@VSPTR
       BL   @PUSH             Save comp of Q(S^2)
       BL   @FADD             Q(S^2) + S * P(S^2)
       LI   R3,FAC            Save FAC in a temp
       LI   R4,CZ
       MOV  *R3+,*R4+         1st two bytes
       MOV  *R3+,*R4+         2nd two bytes
       MOV  *R3+,*R4+         3rd two bytes
       MOV  *R3,*R4           Last two bytes
       BL   @POP              FAC = Q(S^S), stack = S*P(S^2)
       BL   @XTFACZ           Revese same
       BL   @SSUB             Compte Q(S^2)-S*P*(S^2)
       LI   R3,CZ             Get fac back from temp
       LI   R4,ARG
       MOV  *R3+,*R4+         1st two bytes
       MOV  *R3+,*R4+         2nd two bytes
       MOV  *R3+,*R4+         3rd two bytes
       MOV  *R3,*R4           Last rwo bytes
       BL   @FDIV             Compute Q-P/Q-P
EXPSQT SRA  R12,1             Check flag that was set above
       JNC  EXPSQ5            If not set
       BL   @MOVROM           Get SQR(10)
       DATA SQRTEN             into ARG
       BL   @FMULT            Multipy by SQU(10) if N odd
EXPSQ5 BL   @MOVROM           Need a floating 1
       DATA FPOS1              into ARG
       SRA  R12,1             Check odd power of ten
       JNC  EXPSQ8            If not odd power
       MOVB @CBHA,@ARG1       Odd power of ten (>0A)
EXPSQ8 AB   @R12LB,@ARG       Add in power of 100 to Exp
       BL   @FMULT
* LOGARITHM FUNCTION                                        *
* FAC       : = LOG(FAC)                                    *
* ERRORS    : ERRLOG     LOG of negative number or zero     *
*                         attempted.                        *
* STACK LEVELS USED:                                        *
*    IF FAC <= 0 THEN ERRLOG                                *
*    LOG(FAC)=LN(FAC)=LOG10(FAC)*LN(10)                     *
*    FAC      : = A * 10^N,     .1 <= A < 1                 *
*    S        : = A * SQR(10),  1/SQR(10) <= S < SQR(10)    *
*    LOG10(A) : = LOG10(S/SQR(10))                          *
*             : = LOG10(S) - LOG10(SQR(10))                 *
*             : = LOG10(S) - .5                             *
*    LOG      : = (N - .5 + LOG10(S)) * LN(10)              *
*             : = (N - .5 * LN(10) + LN(S)                  *
* A rational function approximation is used for LN(S)       *
* (HART LOGE 2687)                                          *
       BL   @ROLOUT           Get workspace and save return
       MOV  @FAC,R0           Check for negative or zero
       JGT  LOGZZ3            If positive
       MOVB @ERRLOG,@FAC10    Load error code
       JMP  BROLIN            Restore CPU and return
LOGZZ3 BL   @TENCNS           Get base 10 exponent
       JNE  LOGZZ5
       BL   @MOVROM           Get a floating 1
       DATA FPOS1              into ARG
*                         Make it a floating 10
       MOVB @CBHA,@ARG1        by putting in >0A
       BL   @FMULT            Multipy FAC by 10
       BL   @TENCNS           Get new exponent of 10
       JMP  LOGZ5A            Compensate for Mult
LOGZZ5 INC  @EXP              Compenstat for where radix
*                              point is
LOGZ5A MOVB @CBH3F,@FAC       Put A in proper range
*                              by putting in >3F
       MOV  @EXP,R12
       BL   @MOVROM           Get SQR(10)
       DATA SQRTEN             into ARG
       BL   @FMULT            S : = A * SQR(10)
       BL   @FORMA            Z : = (S-1) / (S+1)
       BL   @PUSH             Push Z
       BL   @POLYW            Compute Z * P(Z^2)
       DATA LOGP
       BL   @XTFACZ
       BL   @POLYX            Compute Q(Z^2)
       DATA LOGQ              Poly to evaluate
       BL   @SDIV             Compute Z*P(Z^2)/Q(Z^2)
       BL   @PUSH             Push it
       LI   R0,ARG            Build entry in ARG
       MOV  R12,*R0+          Put in exponent
       CLR  *R0+               and
       CLR  *R0+                clear the
       CLR  *R0                        rest
       JEQ  LOGZZ7            If zero exponent
       ABS  @ARG              Work with ABS value
       MOV  @ARG,R0             in register
       CI   R0,99             Too large?
       JGT  LOGZZ9            Yes
       MOVB @FLTONE,@ARG      Exponent = >40
LOGZZ6 MOVB R12,R12           Exponent positive?
       JEQ  LOGZZ7            Yes
       NEG  @ARG              No, make it negative
LOGZZ7 BL   @MOVRM5           Need a floating .5
       DATA FHALF              in FAC
       BL   @FSUB             Compute N - .5
       BL   @MOVROM           Need LN(10)
       DATA LN10               into ARG
       BL   @FMULT            Compute (N - .5) * LN(10)
       BL   @SADD             Add to LN(S)
       JMP  BROLIN            Restore CPU and return
LOGZZ9 S    @C100,@ARG        Subtract first 100
       MOVB @ARG1,@ARG2
       MOV  @CBH411,@ARG      Load exponent and
*                              leading digit of >4101
       JMP  LOGZZ6
* EVALUATE X * P(X^^2)                                      *
* ON CALL  : PZ          Pointer to polynomial coefficients *
*          : FAC         Contains X                         *
*      BL    @POLYW                                         *
*          : FAC         Returns  X * P(X^^2)               *
POLYW  MOV  *R11+,@PZ         Get the poly to evaluate
       MOV  R11,R10
       BL   @SAVRTN           Save return address
       BL   @PUSH             Push the argument
       BL   @POLYX1           Compute P(X^^2)
       BL   @SMULT            Compute X*P(X^^2)
       JMP  PWRTN2            And return
POLY   MOV  *R11+,@PZ
       MOV  R11,R10
       BL   @SAVRTN           Save return address
       JMP  POLY01            And merge in below
       BL   @SAVRTN           Save return address
       BL   @PUSH             Need to copy FAC
*                              into ARG to square it
       BL   @SMULT            Square X (SMULT pops into ARG)
POLY01 BL   @PUSH             Push the argument
       MOV  @PZ,R3            Get the poly to evaluate
       LI   R0,FAC             into FAC
       BL   @MOVRM2
       JMP  POLY03
POLY02 BL   @POPSTK           Get X back
       A    @C8,@VSPTR        Keep it on stack
       BL   @FMULT            Multiply previous result by X
       MOV  @PZ,R3
       LI   R0,ARG            Get polynomial to evaluate
       BL   @MOVRM2            into ARG
       BL   @FADD             Add in this coefficient
POLY03 A    @C8,@PZ           Point to next coefficient
*                              and get first two bytes
*                               into ARG
       CB   *R13,@CBH80       Read first byte
*                              and test it to see if done
       JNE  POLY02            No, continue computing poly
       S    @C8,@VSPTR        Pop X off stack
       JMP  PWRTN2            Return with poly in FAC
       BL   @SAVRTN           Save return address
       BL   @PUSH             Save X on stack
       BL   @FORMA2
       BL   @FORMA2
       BL   @XTFACZ           Swap (X-1) and X
       BL   @MOVROM           Get a floating 1
       DATA FPOS1              into ARG
       BL   @FADD             X+1
       BL   @SDIV             (X-1)/(X+1)
       JMP  PWRTN2            And return
       BL   @SAVRTN           Save return address
       BL   @MOVROM           Get a floating .5
       DATA FHALF              int ARG
       NEG  @ARG
       BL   @FADD             X - .5
* SQUARE ROOT FUNCTION                                      *
* Reference for scientific function approximations.         *
* JOHN F. HART ET AL, Comper approximations,                *
*  JOHN WILEY & SONS, 1968                                  *
* FAC    : = SQR(FAC)                                       *
* ERRORS :   ERRSQR      Square root of negative number     *
*                         attempted                         *
* STACK LEVELS USED:                                        *
*     IF FAC = 0 THEN SQR : = 0                             *
*     IF FAC < 0 THEN ERRSQR                                *
*     FAC : = A * 100^N,        .01 <= A < 1                *
*     SQR : = 10^N * SQR(A)                                 *
* Newton's method with a fixed number of iterations is used *
* to approximate SQR(A):                                    *
* A rational function approximation is used for Y(0)        *
*      (HART SQRT 0231)                                     *
* Y(N+1) = (Y(n))/2                                         *
       BL   @ROLOUT           Get workspace and save return
       MOV  @FAC,R12          Check exponent
       JEQ  SQR03             FAC is zero, return zero
       JLT  SQR02             FAC is < 0, error
       MOVB @CBH3F,@FAC       Create A in range .01 <= A <1
*                              by loading >3F
       AI   R12,>C100         Remove bias (-63)
       SRA  R12,8             Sign extend
       SLA  R12,1             Save 2 * N
       BL   @PUSH             Save A
       BL   @PUSH             Save A again
       BL   @POLY             Compute P(A)
       DATA SQRP              Poly to evaluate
       BL   @XTFACZ           Stack : = P(A), FAC : = A
       BL   @POLY             Compute Q(A)
       DATA SQRQ              Poly to evaluate
       BL   @SDIV             Compute P(A)/Q(A)
       MOV  @CC3,@PZ          Save in permanent
SQR01  BL   @POPSTK           Pop into ARG
       A    @C8,@VSPTR        But keep it on stack
       BL   @PUSH             Push Y(N)
       BL   @FDIV             Compute A/Y(N)
       BL   @SADD             Compute A/Y(N) + Y(N)
       BL   @MOVROM           Nead a floating .5
       DATA FHALF              into ARG
       BL   @FMULT            Compute .5 * (A/Y(N) + Y(N))
       DEC  @PZ               Decrement loop counter
       JNE  SQR01             Loop three times
       S    @C8,@VSPTR        Pop off stack
       B    @EXPSQT           To finish up
SQR02  MOVB @ERRSQR,@FAC10    Load error code for return
SQR03  B    @ROLIN            Restore CPU RAM and return
* COSINE FUNCTION                                           *
* FAC         : = COS(FAC)                                  *
* COS(FAC)    : = SIN(FAC + PI/2)                           *
       BL   @MOVROM           Need to get PI/2
       DATA PI2                into ARG
       BL   @FADD             Compute FAC + PI/2
       MOV  R12,R11           And fall into SIN code
* SINE FUNCTION                                             *
* FAC          : = SIN(FAC)                                 *
* STACK LEVELS USED:                                        *
*     IF FAC < 0 THEN SIN(FAC) : = -SIN(-FAC)               *
*     X       : = 2/PI*FAC                                  *
*     K       : = INT(X)                                    *
*     R       : = X-K, 0 <= R < 1                           *
*     Q       : = K MOD 4                                   *
*  SO K       : = 4*N+Q                                     *
*    FAC      : = PI/2 * K + PI/2 * R                       *
*             : = 2*PI*N + PI/2*Q + PI/2*R                  *
*    SIN(FAC) : = SIN(P/2*Q+PI/2*R)                         *
* QUADRANT  Q     Identity                                  *
* I         0     SIN(FAC)    : = SIN(PI/2*R)               *
* II        1     SIN(FAC)    : = SIN(PI/2+PI/2*R           *
*                             : = SIN(PI-*(PI/2+PI/2R))     *
*                             : = SIN(PI/2*(1-R))           *
* III       2     SIN(FAC)    : = SIN(PI+PI/2*R)            *
*                             : = SIN(PI-(PI+PI/2*R))       *
*                             : = SIN(PI/2 * (R-1))         *
* IV        3     SIN(FAC)    : = SIN(3*PI/2 + PI/2*R       *
*                             : = SIN(3*PI/2 + PI/2*R-2*PI) *
*                             : = SIN(PI/2 * (R-1))         *
* I         0    R      = R         0 <= R   <  1           *
* II        1  1-R      = 1-R       0 <  1-R <= 1           *
* III       2   -R      = -R       -1 <  -R  <= 0           *
* IV        3    R-1    = -(1-R)   -1 <= R-1 <  0           *
*                                                           *
* A polynomial approximation is used for SIN(P/2*R)         *
*                      -1 <= R < 1                          *
* (HART SIN 3344)                                           *
       BL   @ROLOUT           Get workspace and save return
       BL   @MOVROM           Get 2/PI
       DATA RPI2               into ARG
       BL   @FMULT            X : = 2/PI*FAC
       MOVB @FAC,R12          Save sign
       ABS  @FAC              Consider positive numbers
       CB   @FAC,@CBH44       Check exponent range
*                              by checking with >44
       JGT  TRIERR            ERR in range of exponent
       BL   @PUSH             Save X
       BL   @GRINT            K : = INT(K)
       CLR  R1                Assume Q is zero
       CLR  R0
       MOVB @FAC,R0           Is FAC zero?
       JEQ  SIN02             Yes, Q is zero
       AI   R0,>BA00          Bias exponent (->46 byte)
*                              is K too big for (K MOD 4)
*                              to have a significance?
       JGT  SIN01             Yes, defualt Q to zero
       AI   R0,>51*256        (FAC+7-PAD0)*256
CBH80  EQU  $+1               CONSTANT >80
       SRL  R0,8
       AI   R0,PAD0
       MOVB *R0,@R1LB         No, get 10's and 1's place of K
CC3    EQU  $+2
SIN01  ANDI R1,3              Q : = (K MOD 4)
SIN02  MOV  R1,@QZ
       BL   @SSUB             R : = X-K
       MOV  @QZ,R1
       SRL  R1,1              Is Q even?
       MOV  R1,@QZ
       JNC  SIN03             Yes
       BL   @MOVROM           Get a floating 1
       DATA FPOS1              into ARG
       BL   @FSUB             Compute 1-R
SIN03  MOV  @QZ,R1            Quadrant III or IV?
       JEQ  SIN04             No
       INV  R12               Yes, change sign or result
SIN04  BL   @POLYW            Evaluate it
       DATA SINP               get poly P's coefficients
       JMP  ATNSGN              and set sign
TRIERR MOVB @CCBH7,@FAC10     TRIG error (>7 in FAC10)
       JMP  ATNSG3
* TANGENT FUCTION                                           *
* FAC            : = TAN(FAC)                               *
* TAN(FAC)       : = SIN(FAC)/COS(FAC)                      *
       BL   @SAVRTN           Save return address
       BL   @PUSH             Save FAC on stack
       BL   @SINZZ            Compute SIN
       BL   @XTFACZ
       BL   @COSZZ            Compute COS
       BL   @POPSTK           Pop stack into ARG
       CB   @FAC10,@CCBH7     Check for error
       JEQ  PWRTN3            If error
       MOV  @FAC,R0           Is COS = zero?
       JEQ  TAN01             Yes
       BL   @FDIV             No, TAN : = SIN(ARG)/COS(ARG)
       BL   @OVEXP            Issue overflow message
       JMP  PWRTN3            Clean up and exit
* INVERSE TANGENT FUCTION                                   *
* FAC            : = ATN(FAC)                               *
* STACK LEVELS USED:                                        *
*     IF FAC <  0 THEN ARCTAN(FAC) = -ARCTAN(-FAC)          *
*     IF 0   <= FAC <= TAN(PI/8)                            *
*                 THEN T = FAC, ARCTAN(FAC) : = ARCTAN(T)   *
*     IF TAN(PI/8) < FAC < TAN(3*PI/8)                      *
*                 THEN T = (FAC-1) / (FAC+1),               *
*                      ARCTAN(FAC) : = PI/4 + ARCTAN(T)     *
*     IF TAN(3*PI/8) <= FAC                                 *
*                 THEN T = -1/FAC,                          *
*                      ARCTAN(FAC) : = PI/2 + ARCTAN(T)     *
*                                                           *
* A polynomial approximation is used for ARCTAN(T),         *
*              -TAN(PI/8) <= T <= TAN(PI/8)                 *
* (HART ARCTN 4967)                                         *
       BL   @ROLOUT           Get workspace and save return
       MOVB @FAC,R12          Save sign
       ABS  @FAC              Use ABS(FAC)
       CLR  @QZ               Assume ARG is in range
       BL   @MOVROM           Need TAN(PI/8)
       DATA TANPI8             into ARG
       BL   @FCOMPB           Is TAN(3*PI/8) >= ARG?
       JEQ  ATN02             If =
       JGT  ATN02             If >
       BL   @MOVROM           Need TAN(3*PI/8)
       DATA TAN3P8             into ARG
       BL   @FCOMPB           Is TAN(3*PI/8) > ARG?
       JGT  ATN01             Yes, use case 2
       BL   @MOVROM           Get a floating 1
       DATA FPOS1              into ARG
       NEG  @ARG              Use case 3 to compute
       BL   @FDIV             T = -1/ARG
       LI   R3,PI2            Get PI/2
       JMP  ATN02A            Add it in at the end
ATN01  BL   @FORMA            Case 2 : T : = (ARG-1)/(ARG+1)
       LI   R3,PI4            Get PI/4
ATN02A MOV  R3,@QZ            Set up to evaluate
ATN02  BL   @POLYW            ATN(T) : = T * P(T^^2)
       DATA ATNP              Poly to evlauate
       MOV  @QZ,R3            Case 1?
       JEQ  ATNSGN            Yes, don't add anything in
       LI   R0,ARG
       BL   @MOVRM2
       BL   @FADD             Add in the constant
ATNSGN INV  R12               Check sign of result
       JLT  ATNSG3            If sign is already on
       NEG  @FAC               else negate it
ATNSG3 B    @ROLIN            And return
* GREATEST INTEGER FUNCTION                                 *
GRINT  MOV  R11,R7            Save return address
       MOVB @FAC,@SIGN        Save result sign
       ABS  @FAC              Absolute value
       MOVB @FAC,R5           Get exponent
       SRL  R5,8              Make it into word
       MOV  R5,@EXP           For rounding
       CI   R5,>40            Exponent < 0?
       JLT  BITINT            Yes, handle it
       CI   R5,>45            Exponent > 10^5 ?
       JGT  INT02             Yes, handle it
       AI   R5,->46           Locate position
       MOVB @R5LB,@FAC10      Save for rounding
       CLR  R2
       LI   R3,FAC8
       A    R5,R3             Point to 1st fractional digit
INT01  SOCB *R3,R2            Remember if non-zero
       MOVB @R2LB,*R3+        Clear the digit
       INC  R5
       JNE  INT01
       MOVB @SIGN,R0          Get the sign
       JGT  INT03             If non-negative(i.e. Positive)
       MOVB R2,R2
       JEQ  INT02
       AB   @CCBH7,@FAC10     Where to round up
       BL   @ROUNU            Do the rounding
       JMP  INT03
INT02  MOVB @SIGN,R0          Check the sign
       JGT  INT03             If positive don't negate
       NEG  @FAC              Make result negative
INT03  CLR  @FAC10            Indicate no error
       B    *R7          <<<< Return from here
BITINT LI   R0,FAC            Zero or -1
       LI   R1,>BFFF          Default to -1
       MOVB @SIGN,R2          Negative or Positive?
       JLT  INT04             If really negative put in -1
       CLR  R1                If Positive put in a 0
INT04  MOV  R1,*R0+           Copy in 0 or -1
       CLR  *R0+               and
       CLR  *R0+                clear
       CLR  *R0                  the
       JMP  INT03                 rest
MOVRM5 LI   R0,FAC            Move to FAC
       JMP  MOVRM1            Merge into common code
MOVROM LI   R0,ARG            Move to ARG
MOVRM1 MOV  *R11+,R3          Constant to load
MOVRM2 LI   R2,8              Constants are 8 bytes long
       A    @INTRIN,R3        Add in GROM offset                      <<<<<<<<<<
       MOVB R3,@GRMWAX(R13)    Write MSB of address
       SWPB R3                Bare the LSB
       MOVB R3,@GRMWAX(R13)    Write the LSB
MOVRM4 MOVB *R13,*R0+         Read a byte
       DEC  R2                Moved them all yet?
       JNE  MOVRM4            No, copy the next one
       RT                     Yes, return
ROLOUT LI   R1,PROAZ          Processor roll out area
       LI   R3,VROAZ          VDP roll out area
       MOVB @R3LB,*R15
       ORI  R3,WRVDP
       MOVB R3,*R15
       LI   R0,26
       DEC  R0
       JNE  ROLOT1
       CLR  @FAC8             And save return address
       MOVB @STKADD,R9
       SRL  R9,8
       AI   R9,PAD0
       MOV  R10,*R9
ROLIN  LI   R1,PROAZ          Processor roll out area
       MOVB @CVROAZ+1,*R15    LSB of address
       MOVB @CVROAZ,*R15      MSB of address
       LI   R0,26             Number of bytes rolled out
       DEC  R0
       JNE  ROLIN1
       CLR  @FAC8
       SRL  R9,8
       AI   R9,PAD0
       MOV  *R9,R11
C8     EQU  $+2
PUSH   LI   R0,8              Number to push
       A    R0,@VSPTR         Bump stack pointer
       MOV  @VSPTR,R1         Get stack poiter
       MOVB @R1LB,*R15
       ORI  R1,WRVDP
       MOVB R1,*R15
       LI   R1,FAC
       DEC  R0
       JGT  PUSH1
POP    LI   R2,FAC
       MOVB @VSPTR1,*R15      LSB of address
       LI   R0,8
       MOVB @VSPTR,*R15       MSB of address
       S    R0,@VSPTR
       DEC  R0
       JGT  POP1
XTFACZ MOV  R11,R10           Save return address
       BL   @PUSH             Put FAC on top
       LI   R3,8              Working with 8 byte entries
       MOV  R3,R5             Need another copy for below
       S    R3,@VSPTR         Point back to old top
       BL   @POP              Put it in FAC
       A    R3,@VSPTR         Restore pointer to old top
       MOV  @VSPTR,R4         Place to move to
       A    R4,R3             Place to move from
XTFAC1 BL   @GETV1            Get a byte
       BL   @PUTV1            Put a byte
       INC  R3
       INC  R4
       DEC  R5                Done?
       JNE  XTFAC1            No
       B    *R10              Yes, retrun
* EXP:      Gets the base 10 exponent
* OEZ:      0 if exp is even and 1 if exp is odd
TENCNS CLR  R0                Get base 100 exponent
       MOVB @FAC,R0           Put in MSB
       AI   R0,>C000          Remove bias (SUBT >64 from MSB)
       SLA  R0,1              Multiply it by 2
       SRA  R0,8              Sign fill high order byte
       CLR  R3                 and put in LSB
       CB   @FAC1,@CBHA       1st digit of FAC one decimal
*                              digit?
       JLT  CNST10            Yes, base 10 exponent is even
       INC  R0                No, take this into account in
*                              exponent
       INC  R3                This makes base 10 exp odd
       MOV  R3,R3             Set condition for return
* CBH411
* EXC127    BYTE >41,1,27,0,0,0,0,0          127
* FHALF     BYTE >3F,50                      .5
* ZER3      BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0
* SQRTEN    BYTE >40,3,16,22,77,66,01,69     SQR(10)
* LOG10E    BYTE >3F,43,42,94,48,19,03,25    LOG10(E)
* LN10      BYTE >40,2,30,25,85,09,29,94     LN(10)
* CBH7      EQU  $+3
* PI2       BYTE >40,1,57,7,96,32,67,95      PI/2
* RPI2      BYTE >3F,63,66,19,77,23,67,58    2/PI
* PI4       BYTE >3F,78,53,98,16,33,97,45    PI/4
* CBHA      EQU  $+7
* TANPI8    BYTE >3F,41,42,13,56,23,73,10    TAN(PI/8)=SQR(2)-1
* TAN3P8    BYTE >40,2,41,42,13,56,23,73     TAN(3*PI/8)=SQR(2)+1
**          SQR POLYNOMIALS  (HART SQRT 0231)
* SQRP      BYTE >3F,58,81,22,90,00,00,00    P02=.58812 29E+00
*           BYTE >3F,52,67,87,50,00,00,00    P01=.52678 75E+00
*           BYTE >3E,58,81,20,00,00,00,00    P00=.58812 E-02
*           DATA SGNBIT
* SQRQ      BYTE >40,01,00,00,00,00,00,00    Q01=.1 E+01
*           BYTE >3F,09,99,99,80,00,00,00    Q00=.99999 8 E-01
*           DATA SGNBIT
**          P02 = .18312 36015 92753 84761 54 E+02
* EXPP      BYTE >40,18,31,23,60,15,92,75
**          P01 = .83140 67212 93711 03487 3446 E+03
*           BYTE >41,08,31,40,67,21,29,37
*           P00 = .51780 91991 51615 35743 91297 E+04
*           BYTE >41,51,78,09,19,91,51,62
*           DATA SGNBIT
**          Q03 = .1 E+01
* EXPQ      BYTE >40,1,0,0,0,0,0,0
**          Q02 = .15937 41523 60306 52437 552 E+03
*           BYTE >41,01,59,37,41,52,36,03
**          Q01 = .27093 16940 85158 99126 11636 E+04
*           BYTE >41,27,09,31,69,40,85,16
**          Q00 = .44976 33557 40578 41762 54723 E+04
*           BYTE >41,44,97,63,35,57,40,58
*           DATA SGNBIT
**          LOG POLYNOMIALS  (HART LOGE 2687)
**          P04 = .35670 51030 88437 69 E+00
* LOGP      BYTE >3F,35,67,05,10,30,88,44
**          P03 = -.11983 03331 36876 1464 E+02
*           BYTE >BF,>F5,98,30,33,31,36,88
**          P02 = .63775 48228 86166 05782 E+02
*           BYTE >40,63,77,54,82,28,86,17
**          P01 = -.10883 71223 55838 3228 E+03
*           BYTE >BE,>FF,08,83,71,22,35,58
**          P00 = .57947 38138 44442 78265 7 E+02
*           BYTE >40,57,94,73,81,38,44,44
*           DATA SGNBIT
**          Q04 = .1 E+01
*           BYTE >40,01,0,0,0,0,0,0
**          Q03 = -.13132 59772 88464 0339 E+02
*           BYTE >BF,>F3,13,25,97,72,88,46
**          Q02 = .47451 82236 02606 00365 E+02
*           BYTE >40,47,45,18,22,36,02,61
**          Q01 = -.64076 45807 52556 00596 E+02
*           BYTE >BF,>C0,07,64,58,07,52,56
**          Q00 = .28973 69069 22217 71601 9 E+02
*           BYTE >40,28,97,36,90,69,22,22
*           DATA SGNBIT
**          SIN POLYNOMIAL  (HART SIN 3344)
**          OF SIN AND COS >1
**          P07 = -.64462 13674 9 E-09
**          BYTE >C4,>FA,44,62,13,67,49,00
**          P07 = -.64473 16000 0 E-09
*           BYTE >C4,>FA,44,73,16,00,00,00
**          P06 = .56882 03332 688 E-07
* CBH44     EQU  $+2
*           BYTE >3C,05,68,82,03,33,26,88
**          P05 = -.35988 09117 03133 E-05
*           BYTE >C2,>FD,59,88,09,11,70,31
**          P04 = .16044 11684 69828 31 E-03
*           BYTE >3E,01,60,44,11,68,46,98
**          P03 = -.46817 54131 06023 168 E-02
*           BYTE >C1,>D2,81,75,41,31,06,02
**          P02 = .79692 62624 56180 0806 E-01
*           BYTE >3F,07,96,92,62,62,45,62
**          P01 = -.64596 40975 06219 07082 E+00
*           BYTE >C0,>C0,59,64,09,75,06,22
**          P00 = .15707 96323 79489 63959 E+01
*           BYTE >40,01,57,07,96,32,67,95
*           DATA SGNBIT
**          ATN POLYNOMIAL  (HART ARCTN 4967)
**          P09 = -.25357 18798 82 E-01
*           BYTE >C0,>FE,53,57,18,79,88,20
**          P08 = .50279 13843 885 E-01
*           BYTE >3F,05,02,79,13,84,38,85
**          P07 = -.65069 99940 1396 E-01
*           BYTE >C0,>FA,50,69,99,94,01,40
**          P06 = .76737 12439 1641 E-01
*           BYTE >3F,07,67,37,12,43,91,64
**          P05 = -.90895 47919 67196 E-01
*           BYTE >C0,>F7,08,95,47,91,96,72
**          P04 = .11111 04992 50526 62 E+00
*           BYTE >3F,11,11,10,49,92,50,53
**          P03 = -.14285 71269 75961 157 E+00
*           BYTE >C0,>F2,28,57,12,69,75,96
**          P02 = .19999 99997 89961 5228 E+00
*           BYTE >3F,19,99,99,99,97,89,96
**          P01 = -.33333 33333 32253 4275 E+00
*           BYTE >C0,>DF,33,33,33,33,32,25
**          P00 = .99999 99999 99999 08253 E+00
*           BYTE >40,01,0,0,0,0,0,0
*           DATA SGNBIT


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It appears (from the above) that Extended BASIC provides assembly versions of the transcendental functions (and SQR). TI BASIC calculates those values in GPL, and I'm not aware of any assembler versions in the console ROM (at least not that are documented in the E/A manual.) Which is perhaps why XB calculates transcendentals more quickly than TI BASIC.

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25 minutes ago, senior_falcon said:

You have changed the subject. You stated that floating point numbers are more accurate in XB than in BASIC. I see no evidence to support that.

Heiner Martin discusses XB on page 209 of Intern.

You are correct XB is not so much more accurate but does way more than TI Basic can do with Floating Point.

TI Intern ignores a ton of other flags and pointers in XB, and TI Intern does not show a single byte of XB code GPL/Assembly.

TI Intern is great at TI OS and Basic, it does not show XB at all other than some references talking about XB. 


Ok well answer the original question:

So I ask again why does XB not use TI Basic version of CIF? (Do you know?)

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1 minute ago, Reciprocating Bill said:

CIF appears to be absent from the console ROM, which is why the E/A loader loads it into RAM to make it available to Option 3 programs, and why Extended BASIC has to provide its own. 

So how does TI Basic do it?

(Trick Question)

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I've noticed the same thing when I built my 16-bit wide RAM in the console. The difference in execution speed for assembly code with both the workspace and the code in expansion RAM is roughly 110%. That is, fast RAM cuts the time to a little less than half.

For Extended BASIC the difference is so small that you have to use a stopwatch to see it. In reality, standard expansion or fast expansion doesn't make any meaningful difference.

For Pascal, the difference is roughly 10%. The p-system runs a lot of code that's transferred to the 8K RAM section.

The main advantage is that you don't have to consider how to best use the little RAM PAD to speed up your assembly programs. Just run them where they are, and they'll go as fast as possible.


But when an interpreter runs sequential code from memory, reading a byte from CPU RAM, GROM or from VDP RAM doesn't make much difference. When reloading the address it does, but you don't do that all the time.

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9 hours ago, apersson850 said:

I've noticed the same thing when I built my 16-bit wide RAM in the console. The difference in execution speed for assembly code with both the workspace and the code in expansion RAM is roughly 110%. That is, fast RAM cuts the time to a little less than half.

For Extended BASIC the difference is so small that you have to use a stopwatch to see it. In reality, standard expansion or fast expansion doesn't make any meaningful difference.

For Pascal, the difference is roughly 10%. The p-system runs a lot of code that's transferred to the 8K RAM section.

The main advantage is that you don't have to consider how to best use the little RAM PAD to speed up your assembly programs. Just run them where they are, and they'll go as fast as possible.


But when an interpreter runs sequential code from memory, reading a byte from CPU RAM, GROM or from VDP RAM doesn't make much difference. When reloading the address it does, but you don't do that all the time.

Hmm do you mean changing address locations? 

After all VDP and GROM both are AUTOINCREMENTING after you load the address.

There is a huge difference between changing location to read of RAM vs VDP/GROM as you do not need a subroutine to switch address in RAM.

For example to switch VDP address you have to do this:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Write VRAM address
*     Expects address in R0
* BL here for writing data
VWADD  ORI  R0,>4000    * set to write VRAM data
* BL here for reading data
VWADDA MOVB @GR0LB,*R15 * write LSB of R0 to VDPWA
       MOVB R0,*R15     * write MSB of R0 to VDPWA
       ANDI R0,>3FFF    * ensure R0 returned intact

Whereas in RAM you do this:

        MOV  @FAC,@ISR    * Put FAC into ISR Interupt hook

RAM does not require a delay and does word at a time mostly, while VDP/GROM are Byte based in a Word based CPU.

Not hard to see this is costly the more bytes transferred as half a word at a time is being used vs full words like RAM.

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14 hours ago, RXB said:

Hmm do you mean changing address locations? 

After all VDP and GROM both are AUTOINCREMENTING after you load the address.

Yes, it is, so you only need to reload the address when the program makes a jump. That's why there's not too much difference in performance between reading bytes sequentially from VDP RAM vs. CPU RAM. And most interpreted code (all we discuss here) are byte-sized anyway, so the byte/word processing you write about is irrelevant. It's the same for both.

All together it gives that having 16-bit RAM in a machine doesn't improve Extended BASIC's performance in any significant way. It's barely noticeable with the p-system, in spite of having about ten times as much impact there.

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2 hours ago, apersson850 said:

Yes, it is, so you only need to reload the address when the program makes a jump. That's why there's not too much difference in performance between reading bytes sequentially from VDP RAM vs. CPU RAM. And most interpreted code (all we discuss here) are byte-sized anyway, so the byte/word processing you write about is irrelevant. It's the same for both.

All together it gives that having 16-bit RAM in a machine doesn't improve Extended BASIC's performance in any significant way. It's barely noticeable with the p-system, in spite of having about ten times as much impact there.

So you just implied that VDP/GROM is same speed as Assembly for reading/writing bytes?

Or as you said "That's why there's not to much difference in performance between reading bytes sequentially from VDP RAM vs CPU RAM."

Sorry that is totally hogwash as I been writing GPL for XB for 30 years now.

Never has VDP/GROM been the same speed as Assembly doing the samething or reading/writing bytes.


I just created RXB 2021 last year and the change in speed from GPL to Assembly is plain to see. 

Like CALL HCHAR for example is about 9 times faster proving what you said above is hogwash!

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I don't think its hogwash. Think of the wider picture. We don't have DMA on the 9900, so anything we do with a sequence of bytes - reading a sequence of bytes from memory, or writing a sequence of bytes to memory - be that RAM, GRAM, GROM, or VDP, involves processing them in a loop in some way - either a tight loop, or an unrolled, or partially unrolled loop. The thing that you're missing is, as an overall percentage of the compute time required to execute the loop and process the data/do whatever it is you're doing, the memory interface is a relatively small contributor to the overall compute time. Don't forget, accessing VDP or GROM memory is a single 9900 machine code instruction, so it can't be that slow.


When you consider something like the GPL interpreter, where it is running code from GROM memory, the reading of the bytes via the GROM memory interface doesn't really make any difference, because the interpreter then goes off and does something with those bytes, and that will take a lot longer than the time it took to deliver it to the CPU via the GROM interface.


By far the biggest impact of BASIC/XB/RXB on the TI is the dual interpreted nature of the system itself. The technically clever (especially considering they only had 256 bytes of CPU ram!) emulation of a different instruction set on top of the 9900 is the reason for it's slowness in general. But I know you know that very well.

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1 hour ago, RXB said:

So you just implied that VDP/GROM is same speed as Assembly for reading/writing bytes?

You're missing the point, or at the very least positing a false dichotomy. This is /not/ about Assembly vs. anything else, this is about the impact of using different types of memory on BASIC program execution speed.


The supposition is that using faster memory with the same software implementation (e.g. GPL, Assembly, ...) will lead to faster execution speeds. Or, in this explicit example that faster 16-bit memory will greatly improve execution speeds over slower 8-bit memory. It has been demonstrated multiple times now, by multiple people, that the actual speed increase from using faster memory over slower memory is negligible.


Not only has it been demonstrated, people have also explained why that is. 


So the conclusion is, regardless of how you feel about that, that while 16-bit memory is faster than 8-bit memory and 8-bit memory is faster than VDP RAM and GROM, the actual impact on execution speed of BASIC programs isn't appreciable.


I hate saying this, but nothing I've said here has not been said before, you really need to read and do your best to understand what other people have posted before reacting. And please keep the snarkiness to yourself when you do end up disagreeing with someone. We're all here to learn and enjoy ourselves, not to get told off by someone who only half reads these posts.

Edited by TheMole
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1 hour ago, RXB said:

Never has VDP/GROM been the same speed as Assembly doing the samething or reading/writing bytes.

This statement may be part of the confusion here Rich.


We are not comparing VDP/GROM to Assembly Language

One is a form of memory.

The other is a programming language.

There is nothing to compare here.


We are all trying to say:

  • when you read the SAME program from different types of memory
  • and the program is interpreted 
  • Memory type (RAM,VDP RAM, GROM)  doesn't make very much difference to the execution speed
  • because reading the program bytes is a small percentage of the total time.


And as proof of this, my tests and Bill's tests indicated BASIC program code, read from CPU RAM is only 5% faster than reading the program from VDP RAM.




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1 hour ago, RXB said:

So you just implied that VDP/GROM is same speed as Assembly for reading/writing bytes?

This sentence makes no sense.

Or as you said "That's why there's not to much difference in performance between reading bytes sequentially from VDP RAM vs CPU RAM."

There isn't much. The only difference is the time to set the address. Once that is set it is a simple loop:

(Move from CPU RAM to CPU RAM. R1 is source address, R2 is destination, R3 is count)


         DEC R3

         JNE LOOP

(Move from VDP ram to CPU ram. R1 contains >8800, R2 is desination, R3 is count)


         DEC R3

         JNE LOOP

This is actually a bit faster because there is no need to increment R1.

Sorry that is totally hogwash as I been writing GPL for XB for 30 years now.

Never has VDP/GROM been the same speed as Assembly doing the samething or reading/writing bytes.

See above.

I just created RXB 2021 last year and the change in speed from GPL to Assembly is plain to see. 

Like CALL HCHAR for example is about 9 times faster proving what you said above is hogwash!

Your HCHAR is quickly writing bytes sequentially to VDP, which, of course, proves apersson's point. Your HCHAR does prove one thing, though. Assembly is faster than GPL.


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There are some other interesting approaches that can help tease out the performance impact of utilizing VDP RAM in settings other than the running XB interpreter.


For example, I’m tempted to re-code my assembly version of the Sieve of Erastothenes, placing the 8192 byte array in VDP.


A quick run of the Sieve in Chipmunk BASIC shows that the array is read and/or writen to 24,573 times during the course of a single interation of the sieve (including initialization).


What impact will the use of VDP RAM have on Sieve performance, relative to an array in RAM? Stay tuned.

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5 hours ago, Willsy said:

I don't think its hogwash. Think of the wider picture. We don't have DMA on the 9900, so anything we do with a sequence of bytes - reading a sequence of bytes from memory, or writing a sequence of bytes to memory - be that RAM, GRAM, GROM, or VDP, involves processing them in a loop in some way - either a tight loop, or an unrolled, or partially unrolled loop. The thing that you're missing is, as an overall percentage of the compute time required to execute the loop and process the data/do whatever it is you're doing, the memory interface is a relatively small contributor to the overall compute time. Don't forget, accessing VDP or GROM memory is a single 9900 machine code instruction, so it can't be that slow.


When you consider something like the GPL interpreter, where it is running code from GROM memory, the reading of the bytes via the GROM memory interface doesn't really make any difference, because the interpreter then goes off and does something with those bytes, and that will take a lot longer than the time it took to deliver it to the CPU via the GROM interface.


By far the biggest impact of BASIC/XB/RXB on the TI is the dual interpreted nature of the system itself. The technically clever (especially considering they only had 256 bytes of CPU ram!) emulation of a different instruction set on top of the 9900 is the reason for it's slowness in general. But I know you know that very well.

Running from VDP vs RAM is not the same speed.

Why do you people insist that VDP is same speed as RAM when you all go with Assembly?

It is like you refuse to admit RAM is faster then VDP or GROM.

And by the way VDP and GROM are very close to same speed.


If VDP/GROM/RAM are the same speed why even go with Assembly? (It is the worst one for wasting memory!)

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4 hours ago, TheMole said:


So the conclusion is, regardless of how you feel about that, that while 16-bit memory is faster than 8-bit memory and 8-bit memory is faster than VDP RAM and GROM, the actual impact on execution speed of BASIC programs isn't appreciable.


You just said two total opposites in same sentence?

16 bit is faster then 8 bit and 8 bit is faster then VDP/GROM so why is TI Basic slower then XB?


Per your logic they are not, per these above arguments it is not.

See why I can not fathom your lack of logic.


How about being factual and quit implying there is no difference as you just stated there is one.

If there is no difference as you argue why is TI Basic slower then XB? 

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4 hours ago, TheBF said:

This statement may be part of the confusion here Rich.


We are not comparing VDP/GROM to Assembly Language

One is a form of memory.

The other is a programming language.

There is nothing to compare here.


We are all trying to say:

  • when you read the SAME program from different types of memory
  • and the program is interpreted 
  • Memory type (RAM,VDP RAM, GROM)  doesn't make very much difference to the execution speed
  • because reading the program bytes is a small percentage of the total time.


And as proof of this, my tests and Bill's tests indicated BASIC program code, read from CPU RAM is only 5% faster than reading the program from VDP RAM.





Where did the 1% or 2% claim go?

That is what got me started?

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