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cx-53 issues


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I have a cx52 that had a number of issues. I managed to fix them all but one. The last issue was I can go left but not right, not knowing much about this I was looking for a replacement opto and saw best electronics had one. They wanted $50 min order for pay pal so I decided to pass.


I found this one but not sure it will fit. 


would have to grind down the sides. 


but now looking more in to this I do not think its the opto, I mean if it moves it moves right? If one LED didnt work, it would not move. so I did some more cleaning and now its goes right but not left. So I played a bit more and it seems random, but once I plug it in, either Right or left will work but only one, and it's not always the same direction. 


What the heck could this be?







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1 hour ago, ulao said:

I have a cx52 that had a number of issues. I managed to fix them all but one. The last issue was I can go left but not right, not knowing much about this I was looking for a replacement opto and saw best electronics had one. They wanted $50 min order for pay pal so I decided to pass.


I found this one but not sure it will fit. 


would have to grind down the sides. 


but now looking more in to this I do not think its the opto, I mean if it moves it moves right? If one LED didnt work, it would not move. so I did some more cleaning and now its goes right but not left. So I played a bit more and it seems random, but once I plug it in, either Right or left will work but only one, and it's not always the same direction. 


What the heck could this be?







Do normal controllers work properly I assume?


Have you by chance tried to wiggle the cable a bit while connected to see if you can get it to change? If so, that might indicate an issue with the wiring within the controller cable itself.


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yeah I ended up taking it out of the console environment to take a more scientific approach. I ave it connected to a Oscilloscope atm, and it seem to be in fully working order. There are no bad connections and I can power it from a 5 volt source.  I thought it was a sure symptom when it only traveled left, but not that it flips on my I'm really confused. the 5200 CX52 work fine both on the console, scope, and a USB adapter. The CX52 also works fine in all 3 environments with the exception  of the noted horizontal issue. I wonder if the  4013 chip has bad contacts. I'm pretty sure taking that chip our and putting it back in change the directions. Yeah its in the right way :) 


Edit.. yeah that was it, taking the 4013 out and putting it back in some times changes direction. Seem to be in right with all pins in good order.


Edit..Ok, now I can rock it back and forth of the IC is not in all the way, and change the direction. Something has to be wrong with the contacts to that chip.


Edit.. Re-flowed it all, test all chip pins to the socket to the board. 


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ok I see why it goes left and then right now that I study the circuit. Pretty sure its a bad component going to just trace it all thru. The circuit waits for a steady line in the encoder before it determines the direction. I was just making it think incorrectly. But I'm sure the opto is not the problem now. 

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