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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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DJC announced last night his test unit should arrive today. Will be interesting to see how long this test phase lasts and what the next move will be by Intellivision. If everything on the hardware side is finalized and has been for over a year then I wouldn't expect any software bugs or suggestions should stifle the production run timeline, as software is easily patchable but the logistics of manufacturing is what really takes time (and should've been in the queue for half a year at least given the backlog at manufacturing plants).

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I do wonder... if...By say 2026,  All of the "Founders" will have something*, that,  at a rudimentary level,  plays slightly buggy versions of,  I'm going to say** 4 pack in games?







*I'll predict what I call a UFO Console;   An Unidentified Footbath shaped Object!



**All of this speculation is for "Illustrative Purposes Only"

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3 hours ago, MattPilz said:

DJC announced last night his test unit should arrive today. Will be interesting to see how long this test phase lasts and what the next move will be by Intellivision. If everything on the hardware side is finalized and has been for over a year then I wouldn't expect any software bugs or suggestions should stifle the production run timeline, as software is easily patchable but the logistics of manufacturing is what really takes time (and should've been in the queue for half a year at least given the backlog at manufacturing plants).

What could these CHUDS possibly be testing? This whole thing is so stupid. If hardware’s finished, then nothing to test. On the software side, what qualifications do these guys have to identify,catalog, and isolate software bugs? Honestly as idiotic as this company has been, I still never thought I’d see the day when these two mouthbreathers are put in charge of Q/A.

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On 10/26/2022 at 1:59 AM, Matt_B said:

About the only thing that they've clearly got the financing for is putting a single pre-production unit in the hands of an obscure YouTuber.


If you really want to set the bar low, you could perhaps discuss how long it'll be before they can manage to do that with a second.


I've a feeling that it'll be a long time before they're into double figures though, if ever.

I thought the bar was pretty low at bragging about the paint job on their wall wart. Look at this guy's a POWER CORD! DID YOU KNOW THAT ELECTRICITY MAKES THE AMICO GO?

On 10/26/2022 at 7:08 AM, MCHufnagel said:

I think the really sad thing here is that the people who were deceived by IE just won't own it. Everyone makes mistakes, but it's what you do after that matters. Still hanging on with the hope you're going to get rewarded in this debacle is just not mentally healthy. Just admit that you're screwed, learn from it, and move on the best you can. This is something I told my kids when they were in elementary school. I would hope that adults would be able to do the same. 

Hard admitting you were suckered by a blatant hack liar is not am easy thing for some.

On 10/26/2022 at 8:06 AM, 5-11under said:

Time to talk with people who are currently designing boards, sourcing parts, buying parts. Some have already replied (Kevtris a number of days ago, for example), and I'm sure you can find other stories out there in the w w w. Compared to 3 years ago, it's horrific out there. Before, it was just sourcing the combination of parts to fit your priorities (such as overall cost). Now, it's what's available now and will hopefully still be available (and hopefully not at significantly higher price) over the next number of months/years.


For example... fortunately, because of overall cost (parts, assembly, programming), a few years ago I started moving from using small CPLDs to using discrete logic chips. However, I still have one board that uses a Xilinx XC9536XL chip, in a specific form factor. These used to be plentiful, but now they're difficult to find, cost more, and there's no simple replacement to move to. It's not too bad to redesign for a board with 5-10 parts on it, but imagine a board with hundreds of parts. It can be done... look at Analogue, and some other/similar companies. However, it's a whole new way of thinking now, and I don't think the Amico was designed with this in mind.

I think minds were fairly empty when designing. Time has shown they had no plan.

On 10/26/2022 at 8:15 AM, mr_me said:

Yes, that's what the company has been talking about for a while now.  People here point out that other electronic products are getting produced and claiming they are just making up excuses.

They are making up excuses. For years they've been doing it. In February of 2020 they had the opportunity to manufacture and told the plant, "No."


But but but chip shortages was their excuse. No it was that they lied about the console not being ready. 

On 10/26/2022 at 10:26 AM, jerseystyle said:

This is where there is such a disconnect… that you trust that there is still an actual company working towards getting these consoles out in any substantial way. I think after the first missed deadline, and probably before, everything they have said turned out to be a lie. This is easily proven because two years ago everything was finished except waiting on parts but now games aren’t done and units are being tested. They have long ago lost the benefit of the doubt, in my opinion.

Don't speak of reason or truth. Those are considered attacks by liars and those of weak mind!

On 10/26/2022 at 11:29 AM, SteveTheColecoDude said:

Added to the fact that it's now been confirmed by multiple Amico fans that Tommy privately used them as attack dogs to go out on coordinated attacks against critics... how can you go back from that? It sounds sort of insane when you look at what happened, but here we are.

He also PMd people on AA to do the same to me and others. I will actually be talking with law enforcement tomorrow about some of it. 


I actually called that behavior from him out here on AA and he lost his shit because he knew I was right. That and I'm not susceptible to joining cults.

On 10/26/2022 at 2:09 PM, Rowsdower70 said:

They dug their own graves, may as well climb in and start pulling the dirt in. 

How many will be dead of old age before it releases?

22 hours ago, jerseystyle said:



Also, nothing about how they’ve handled this has been in any way “common”. 

They are on the launchpad!

21 hours ago, MarioMan88 said:

The fact some people STILL defend, believe and provide conjecture for this so called company is mind boggling. Yea, just Mr Me here on AtariAge but others exist in the AmicoVerse.


Why not just own it like one user said few posts back? This system is a unicorn….

Cults have a strong pull. 

3 hours ago, GoldLeader said:

I do wonder... if...By say 2026,  All of the "Founders" will have something*, that,  at a rudimentary level,  plays slightly buggy versions of,  I'm going to say** 4 pack in games?


*I'll predict what I call a UFO Console;   An Unidentified Footbath shaped Object!


**All of this speculation is for "Illustrative Purposes Only"

I will have to consider the possibility that I will need to update my avatar in 2026.

1 hour ago, Matt_B said:

The only thing they're testing is the patience of the people who threw money at it in the expectation that they'd eventually get something.

I think they have found themselves at the sweet spot of those who will never fault them or give up.

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3 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

What could these CHUDS possibly be testing? This whole thing is so stupid. If hardware’s finished, then nothing to test. On the software side, what qualifications do these guys have to identify,catalog, and isolate software bugs? Honestly as idiotic as this company has been, I still never thought I’d see the day when these two mouthbreathers are put in charge of Q/A.


 I rather think this move is not (just) for testing (no matter what they say),  but maybe a statement of, "See?  They exist!  A Regular Guy just like you has one..It's Real!" 


(Subtext:   Now stop whining about your refunds)



P L U S ... I can see it now...


Heya YouTubers!   I'm a Regular Joe just like you but Lookee!  I have it!  It Exists!!!  Yay!



I may have had to sign an NDA but here it is!  .... It exists!!


Cool,  Man!   How are the games?


Oh man! They...Ummm...Sorry had to sign an NDA.


What about the controllers?




Have you tried multiplayer?


Maybe...Ummm...I mean,  NDA.


Is the store up yet?




Have you had a look at their ecosystem?  What can you  tell us?


Well,...They...Umm...if ...nope....the thing is...ahhhh,  ... NDA.


Do the boxes with their artwork that had those...


Interrupts:   NDA.


Is it Fun?




Show us!!


Sure!  I keep it right over here by my TV,...Next to that stack of NDAs.










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52 minutes ago, GoldLeader said:


 I rather think this move is not (just) for testing (no matter what they say),  but maybe a statement of, "See?  They exist!  A Regular Guy just like you has one..It's Real!" 


Oh totally! Some say really dumb things like, "It exists. I played it!"


They are so desperate for a win. Goalposts have been moved so far. I can't wait for the games to hit other platforms and hear real unbiased reviews. Especially from people who are stuck in theb90's or earlier.

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3 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

He also PMd people on AA to do the same to me and others. I will actually be talking with law enforcement tomorrow about some of it. 

Ooh wow, it will be interesting to see what happens there.


I can only imagine the amount of shady stuff he said in private to his puppets that we'll never know about, gotta be so much of it.

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On 10/26/2022 at 7:46 PM, jerseystyle said:

They don’t hand it off to self identified fanboys. They have it market/focus tested by a wide range of groups, not an unemployed CHUD broadcasting to a minuscule audience from a fetid basement. You know, like the markets TT claimed this was for (which weren’t Gamers according to him). Again, this makes no sense if you think this a step before production. This only makes sense as either a grift or a way to show good intentions to stave off a lawsuit.

Companies often test new products with their best customers.  As previously mentioned, they would have already done focus group testing and market research, but that has limitations.  After doing a test production run a company should have dozens of units that they can put in dozens of homes for an extended period of time.  This is field market testing, where they can see how the final product performs in their target markets.  And these two youtubers are in their target markets. One in their primary target market, families with younger children. And then a retro gamer in the other case.  While retro gamers are a smaller target audience, it could also involve non-gamer friends/family.  And they should have units in other homes as well.  However, I don't see how this demonstrates an intention to go to mass production, if that's what was implied.  They haven't talked about manufacturing or a release date, or if they've secured the financing to do it.  They've only talked about doing a test production run.


On 10/26/2022 at 8:24 PM, MarioMan88 said:

The fact some people STILL defend, believe and provide conjecture for this so called company is mind boggling. Yea, just Mr Me here on AtariAge but others exist in the AmicoVerse.


Why not just own it like one user said few posts back? This system is a unicorn….

Own it? What does that mean? This is a discussion forum.  People post comments/questions and others respond.  If you disagree with anything, feel free to respond yourself. 

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Todays fake unboxing.  Controllers just laying on top of console? No cords were wrapped up in plastic. Looks like the last “tester” threw it all in the box after losing the bubble wrap and sent it to the next “tester”.

Do people actually fall for this?   …..Dont answer that.

Edited by Rev
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5 hours ago, Rev said:

Todays fake unboxing.  Controllers just laying on top of console? No cords were wrapped up in plastic. Looks like the last “tester” threw it all in the box after losing the bubble wrap and sent it to the next “tester”.

Do people actually fall for this?   …..Dont answer that.

I didn't see it, but I'm guessing then there's only one of the dev units and they had to take turns? 

Keep it classy, IE! 


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9 hours ago, SegaSnatcher said:

So what games will they be demoing? 

Amico QA Testing. Most important best selling PREMIUM game. DJC confirmed they are doing QA testing.

7 hours ago, Rev said:

Todays fake unboxing.  Controllers just laying on top of console? No cords were wrapped up in plastic. Looks like the last “tester” threw it all in the box after losing the bubble wrap and sent it to the next “tester”.

Do people actually fall for this?   …..Dont answer that.



Ha they are just trying to intice an investor. They want to show the appearance that they still operate in some fashion rather than the reality they squeezed as much money out of other people and pissed it away with nothing to show for it.

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25 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Amico QA Testing. Most important best selling PREMIUM game. DJC confirmed they are doing QA testing.



Ha they are just trying to intice an investor. They want to show the appearance that they still operate in some fashion rather than the reality they squeezed as much money out of other people and pissed it away with nothing to show for it.


Go watch all 3 Amico “unboxing” videos.  All 3 unboxings the contents have differences. Inserts different, plastic wrappings, cords, etc. Nothing is uniform, looks more like thrift store pick up videos……  Gives the appearance of unprofessionalism. (big surprise there)


Any smart and savvy investor sees through this. If Amico ever gets another 17 million to burn through it’ll be a shocker. 

But stranger things have happened! 

But at least we can soon play Amico games on Switch. 😍



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2 hours ago, Rowsdower70 said:

I didn't see it, but I'm guessing then there's only one of the dev units and they had to take turns? 

Keep it classy, IE! 


Looks like they have a relay race sending Amicos from tester to tester…..but give them a break, there is probably a Rasberry Pi shortage. 

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