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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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1 hour ago, rayik said:


MrBeefy, what are you talking about?  TT told us he would never ask for money until people had a chance to play the system and games.  Not sure why you need to bring this up before the system and games are available for people to play.  



amico - will never ask for money before can play sytem.png

Plenty of people played it before crowdfunding was initiated.  Family, friends, actresses, employees, investors, paid Youtubers, shills and a few handpicked “people off the street”. 


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4 hours ago, kevtris said:

It means "quick! come up with some term that the supporters will eat!"  "formal production" means nothing.  It isn't any industry term I know of.  There's  "prototypes" and "production" with maybe a pilot/test run in between those two things to shake out the bugs. In fact, when I search "entering formal production" on google, I get stuff about the amico.  lol.  So just another made-up term, from a made-up CEO, of a made-up company.


Intellivision definitely DID have plenty of money to produce a run of amicos at one point.  There was enough cash to get the hardware made for sure.  They easily could've made 10-20K units and had cash left over for other uses.  Sure this isn't the stupid numbers tommy would talk about, but it's a start.  And having actual hardware shows you're committed to making this thing, and that would've probably been good enough to get some more cash maybe.  Selling them to the people who were interested, even if it never got more games, would've been far better than what ended up happening.


Instead, they just squandered the money, having a 2 year long party on the investors' dime.  That huge office, and $180K in furniture to outfit it was just a monumental waste of resources that were taken directly from the coffers that could've paid to have amicos manufactured.

It is almost like it was some BS term made to keep the Amicarps on the hook. Not sure it was needed as most of them swallowed that sucker so long ago the hook I sticking out their butt.


Man he really showed you kevtris! You ain't made a dumpster fire as big as they have!



2 hours ago, Flojomojo said:

Wouldn’t that be something if they had? If CEO Tallarico had verbal diarrhea, CEO Adam was severely constipated. He never said much of consequence. 


Canned pumpkin is good for curing either condition in dogs. It binds up the runny stools, and loosens the dry ones. If only we could send a case of the stuff to what’s left of the Intellivision gang. 


Well Tommy is a clown so I'm sure there are some pies laying around. Honk honk.


48 minutes ago, Rev said:

If only Intv Ent had taken the 45 seconds it took me to find these two charts we would of been playing Amico 3 holiday seasons ago…..and followed it. 

Why dont these show office parties and drinking and funny “testing” stunt videos and internet harassment?



Because the other things require work and making big kid decisions. Pretty sure I heard this being sung in the last office party.


I do believe Tommy tried really hard on his vision board. The Secret just happens to be a gaming communist.


38 minutes ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

It would have been better were it not for COVID.



Oh no are you infected? Do you have the urge to randomly make shit up? Do you want to make a cuke face and take a picture of yourself? Is your brain constipated or swiss cheese, and unable to have reasonable and rational thoughts? Do you believe the voices in your head that FCC certs are real despite no evidence of them being there? If so the Amico is for you!


46 minutes ago, Rev said:

Since you are feeling extra chatty, can you share with the class your definition of a scam?  

WHY ARE YOU ASKING THIS QUESTION!? Intellivision is great! And it is so great he approves of child exploitation!

They are very innovative Rev! See their award!


22 minutes ago, rayik said:


MrBeefy, what are you talking about?  TT told us he would never ask for money until people had a chance to play the system and games.  Not sure why you need to bring this up before the system and games are available for people to play.  

amico - will never ask for money before can play sytem.png

How silly of me! You're right! It isn't like their investor saw what a trash heap the product was and backed out leaving them want to ask for more money to bankroll their big office parties while breaking manufacturing contracts and turning down factories in Feb 2020 to source and make the consoles while they lied to people about the progress of their console which was totally ready to go at 80% completion which is 100% in Amicolyte math and totally not heading towards EOL before it could be released. I can't believe I would just forget they haven't taken a dime.



So would anyone be interested in how to make your own Amico? :D


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1 hour ago, Rev said:

@kevtris In your professional or unprofessional opinion, have you seen any product similar to Amico in terms of delays and how poorly ran it has been?   And did that product ever ship?   How does Amico compare to similar startup products.   How bad is it?

That game "Paprium" took 8 years to come out but it eventually crossed the finish line.  It even got positive reviews. 


Still, I think that there might be a few more "ins and outs" involved with producing a console. 


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3 hours ago, mr_me said:

That's from one of the last company emails under the former ceo.  It's not a good email, leaving lots of questions.

I think the subsequent emails including from the current CEO also leave a lot of questions.



December 22, 2021: "As we progress and accomplish goals in the production phase of manufacturing, we want to share one of our recent achievements while we continue to navigate our release date. Our pilot production plastics are in!" 


I wonder where those woodgrain pilot production plastics currently reside, and if it's normal for manufacturing arrangements to sit idle for 14 months since they announced "production phase" and "formal production."



March 2, 2022: "Over the last few weeks we started discussions with potential investors/acquirers outside of the StartEngine universe. As we continue to work with them on a deal structure and terms, it has been agreed that we maintain a 'quiet period' while negotiating."


How successful were these negotiations, and with whom. Not talking about licensing deals of IP, but investment or acquisition deals specific to Amico.



June 7, 2022: "We have begun a test production run of Amico that includes every aspect of the product including packaging... These units should be completed in the next few weeks."


How many test production run units did this batch include, and were they completed by July?



August 30, 2022: "The error manifested on the next reboot in a way that looked like a controller bug.  With that resolved, the path is clear to finish the pilot run in the next few weeks...we are doing everything we can to make sure that we have a stable system before starting production"


Is this the same pilot run that was alluded to being finished up in June, and weren't they already at "production phase" back in December 2021?



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Remember when they had to pay families, and actors to show up to their Boomers event or wherever this was?  

Not unbiased when you are getting paid and fed. “Rehearsal”.  Nice 

I thought they never spent money on marketing and advertising?






It was all a facade. If this event was staged and fake, they all were. Welcome to Californication. 9D2B4CC6-22E8-4428-907B-393613EB5641.thumb.jpeg.f50958095eba31216b615e78fc2ae5ee.jpeg



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2 hours ago, kevtris said:

I haven't.  I'm sure such things happen- it's just their CEOs tend to not post everything for the world to see.  I suspect most companies are intent on making products instead of showing the world they are a "big company" (tm).  tommy was 100% flash and zero substance.  Renting out that "successful year 5" office on year -1.  Also, picking out controller lanyards and making controller cozies is the thing you do long after your product's in the can and in production.  He was constantly doing everything backwards, starting from the finish line and working back to the start, with predictable results.

Never seen a company release 8 physical “games” before a console either. 

But then again, they were probably never meant to actually work. 

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1 hour ago, Rev said:

People may think you are making up the parking space bit. 😝😝



That shot doesn't actually show the Ferrari parking signs.


Weren't there two businesses registered there at the same time? Amico and some Rad Rides Dude? Almost like they were using Amico monies to pay for space for some rad rides.

1 hour ago, MattPilz said:

I think the subsequent emails including from the current CEO also leave a lot of questions.



I wonder where those woodgrain pilot production plastics currently reside, and if it's normal for manufacturing arrangements to sit idle for 14 months since they announced "production phase" and "formal production."



How successful were these negotiations, and with whom. Not talking about licensing deals of IP, but investment or acquisition deals specific to Amico.



How many test production run units did this batch include, and were they completed by July?



Is this the same pilot run that was alluded to being finished up in June, and weren't they already at "production phase" back in December 2021?




47 minutes ago, Rev said:

Never seen a company release 8 physical “games” before a console either. 

But then again, they were probably never meant to actually work. 

I'd be willing to bet that they made the physical stuff despite knowing the console wasn't coming necause of a contract. They probably didn't was to screw the pooch like they did with Ark. Then they said screw everyone give us money on the promise of a game we can't/won't keep.

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On 1/2/2023 at 12:04 PM, SteveTheColecoDude said:

Here's a selection of games/licenses Tommy said was in the works or they were "in talks" for 




And that's absolutely not all of them.

I remember waiting & waiting for someone to ask Tommy about the NFL license so I could immediately jump in and call out Tommy for his BS.


I kind of regret not asking him myself if he could get an NFL game on the Amico so I could immediately turn around and call him out on it. Though at the time I was laying low just mostly lurking in the Amico forums here at AtariAge and didn't really want to start something.

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2 hours ago, Rev said:

Never seen a company release 8 physical “games” before a console either. 

But then again, they were probably never meant to actually work. 

true.  I am trying to think of another company that released games for a system that didn't exist, and am drawing a blank.  I believe intellivision has the dubious distinction of this "honor".   After seeing the garbage they released, I am inclined to agree that these were never meant to work;  there was zero security and all they did was phone it in.  You can get cards like this made easily.  You give them artwork and what you want on the cards, and they will make them for you and give you an xml with the unique IDs on the cards.  Get some cheap-o coins made and throw 'em into a box and sell them to suckers.


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3 hours ago, Tommy2D said:

That game "Paprium" took 8 years to come out but it eventually crossed the finish line.  It even got positive reviews.

Indeed but I think some people still haven't got theirs, as what happened with the Polymega for instance.


3 hours ago, Rev said:

I thought they never spent money on marketing and advertising?

That's probably the lie that irritated me the most. Tommy kept on claiming he hadn't spent a dime on marketing after all the teasers, events, and having employees that are supposed to work on marketing. 🤦‍♂️


3 hours ago, Rev said:

Never seen a company release 8 physical “games” before a console either.

I must admit it's kinda genius, though. Selling razor blades without even selling razors is a huge disruption of the basics of economy!!

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8 hours ago, Rev said:

Remember when they had to pay families, and actors to show up to their Boomers event or wherever this was?  

Not unbiased when you are getting paid and fed. “Rehearsal”.  Nice 

I thought they never spent money on marketing and advertising?



It was all a facade. If this event was staged and fake, they all were. Welcome to Californication. 

The Boomers event was on September 11.  The casting call was for September 13 and 14 and says there are no speaking roles. 


4 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

That's probably the lie that irritated me the most. Tommy kept on claiming he hadn't spent a dime on marketing after all the teasers, events, and having employees that are supposed to work on marketing. 🤦‍♂️

They've talked about their marketing consultants going back to October 2018, implementing that plan is another thing.

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5 hours ago, kevtris said:

I am trying to think of another company that released games for a system that didn't exist, and am drawing a blank.  I believe intellivision has the dubious distinction of this "honor"

So what you're saying is Tommy earned another world record! WINNING

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5 hours ago, Pink said:

I remember waiting & waiting for someone to ask Tommy about the NFL license so I could immediately jump in and call out Tommy for his BS.


I kind of regret not asking him myself if he could get an NFL game on the Amico so I could immediately turn around and call him out on it. Though at the time I was laying low just mostly lurking in the Amico forums here at AtariAge and didn't really want to start something.

Probably wise to lay low, had you been critical Tommy would have just had Atari Age ban you.  

I wonder how Tommy and Jaybird's Backgammon game turned out?

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1 hour ago, mr_me said:

The Boomers event was on September 11.  The casting call was for September 13 and 14 and says there are no speaking roles. 


They've talked about their marketing consultants going back to October 2018, implementing that plan is another thing.

I said Boomers or “wherever this was” 


They still had paid actors dancing around in front of cameras. (According to backstage want ad)

After having multiple public events why would they even NEED to pay people to play and pretend to like it?


Have you pondered the definition of SCAM yet?  Go grab some coffee and meet me back here in an hour. 

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@Rev I think the casting call was for this promo video, not the on-location Boomers event. Note the large, conspicuous stickers with FCC logos. Who were they trying to fool? 


The Boomers video had some ringers too but they didn’t seem to be part of the casting call. The blonde woman is a known associate of Tom’s, and the middle aged guy with dark hair is on the board of the Octane awards and likely a Republic investor too. COI much? The small trim guy with the “gamer” shirt definitely has an actor/paid shill vibe. I’ll bet someone familiar with casting calls in the area could probably match him to a working actor’s headshot. 

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34 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

@Rev I think the casting call was for this promo video, not the on-location Boomers event. Note the large, conspicuous stickers with FCC logos. Who were they trying to fool? 


The Boomers video had some ringers too but they didn’t seem to be part of the casting call. The blonde woman is a known associate of Tom’s, and the middle aged guy with dark hair is on the board of the Octane awards and likely a Republic investor too. COI much? The small trim guy with the “gamer” shirt definitely has an actor/paid shill vibe. I’ll bet someone familiar with casting calls in the area could probably match him to a working actor’s headshot. 

Very possible.   

Just more investor money wasted trying to snag new investors. 

They spend more time and resources on this crap than releasing the system.

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2 hours ago, Rev said:

I said Boomers or “wherever this was” 


They still had paid actors dancing around in front of cameras. (According to backstage want ad)

After having multiple public events why would they even NEED to pay people to play and pretend to like it?


Have you pondered the definition of SCAM yet?  Go grab some coffee and meet me back here in an hour. 

There are legitimate things to complain about, some serious.  They get lost among the pettiness, false accusations, and personal harassment in this thread.

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16 minutes ago, mr_me said:

There are legitimate things to complain about, some serious.  They get lost among the pettiness, false accusations, and personal harassment in this thread.

Like the personal harassment and insults of certain podcasters?

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Okay, I've got a thought exercise for everyone.  


What would bring the Amico saga to a close for you? 


Cancellation and Apology 


Bankruptcy Announcement 


A high-quality Amico documentary  


Other: _______________________

Edited by Tommy2D
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4 minutes ago, Tommy2D said:

Okay, I've got a thought exercise for everyone.  


What would bring the Amico saga to a close for you? 


Cancellation and Apology 


Bankruptcy Announcement 


A high-quality Amico documentary  


Other: _______________________

Refund all deposits…and show some grace and integrity. Just call it quits.

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