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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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4 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

And now I'm wondering if the flat-earthers think the moon (and the sun) are flat as well. 🤔

So, more like a slice of cheese, then.


Some of the Intellivision fans here are members of the flat mooners society, but they think it's something else.

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8 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

Why do you keep taking their word as gospel here? 

Because it gets results.  I'm not sure there's been a single trolling attempt time that's he's done this that hasn't hooked y'all in.   Even Beefy is replying, and I thought he had them on ignore.  🤣    That's some next level trolling when you hook in users who have you on ignore.



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10 hours ago, Northcoastgamer said:

I'm going to hold on casting my FCC cert vote. Perhaps we can have a debate on the topic between MrBeefy and mr_me. 🙄

It'd be kinda lame, I think.


MrBeefy -- They don't have them.


mr_me -- They don't have them... but they said they could at some point if they apply themselves.



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15 hours ago, bojay1997 said:

Incorrect.  You're the one who keeps twisting what other forum users have said.  You also have simply adopted your own interpretation of what the engineers did say to fit with your interpretation of the facts.  Multiple people have explained that your interpretation of what the engineers said is simply not accurate or how testing actually works.  And anyone is free to say whatever they want about the engineers at this point and it's not your right to harass them by claiming they are being unfair.  The company failed, it appears to have been mostly based on lies and deceit and it should have been pretty obvious to those engineers very shortly after they started working there.  If they didn't want to be painted with the same brush, they had the option to leave like J Allard did.   

Some accusations here calls for some more information.


In the July 2021 video two engineers were very direct when answering a question about recently passing compliance tests, no interpretation required.  The first answered "Yes we did.  We finished emc emissions testing."  Later in the same video the second engineer was asked about finally passing radiated emissions testing responded "Yeah, the radiated emissions is the toughest", "It's the most difficult to achieve of our compliance testing and we're done."  Both engineers indicated certification is not complete, but both are clear about passing RF emissions testing. 


The third engineer in 2022 was asked why it hasn't been fcc certified and answered "It passed the preliminary tests. It's not so hard to add some ground planes to shield some of the high speed signals. Why we didn't get the final certificate? I don't know. I'm not a money guy."  The term "preliminary tests" does mean something in the context of an FCC certification process.  The following is from an actual FCC Part 15 Class B report. "PRELIMINARY TESTING: It is often valuable to performing preliminary radiated measurements at a closer distance than specified for compliance to determine the emission characteristics of the EUT. At close-in distance, it is easier to determine
the spectrum signature of EUT, and if applicable, the EUT configuration that emanate the maximum level of emissions."  https://fcc.report/FCC-ID/QCHKMF-UD/271657.pdf  So in this context preliminary testing does measure radiated emissions that would indicate if the device is fcc compliant, but itself not usable for certification.  And labs do offer testing services outside of full certification https://www.ul.com/services/emc-pre-compliance-testing .  This lab calls it EMC pre-compliance testing but I've seen others call it preliminary testing.  While I don't disagree with the forum resident expert, the lab makes a case of how it has value.  Passing in a testing service like this would also indicate the device is within fcc rf emissions requirements but not necessarily certified.


The comment about these engineers is a bit unfair.  Allard only committed to being an advisor.  These engineers committed themselves to this project and saw it through to the end.

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19 hours ago, MarioMan88 said:

What doesn’t change is the theft, refund queue still being worked on Phil? Doubtful!


Console finished? Nah


Games complete? Nope


Firmware? 3 revisions behind 


Launch pad? Not even if Elon bought INTV


Entertaining? Absolutely 😀

Remember when the sycophants were like begging Elon to save Intellivision? I find their desperation to be justified in joining a cult to be entertaining.


I've heard that talk of Amico has been banned from Evercade places. Normies were tired of the evangelization talk of how Amico was going to save gaming. Evercade and Amico have a lot of overlap with fans.

16 hours ago, rayik said:


And this is why I'm out on conversations with you.  


I say the moon is made of cheese.  While our moon landings definitively showed it is not made of cheese, then by the same logic someone should keep reminding folks that I actually and truly said it was made of cheese.  Really and truly said that.  For real. That person should then not be surprised if others do not have a good opinion of them.


What kind of cheese is it? I always felt like it was a blue or feta.

15 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

And now I'm wondering if the flat-earthers think the moon (and the sun) are flat as well. 🤔

Just... ah man now I wonder if they think that. While I'm curious I don't want to ask one, since having one mrme type of person explaining dumb stuff is enough. I don't need more.

11 hours ago, Razzie.P said:

Because it gets results.  I'm not sure there's been a single trolling attempt time that's he's done this that hasn't hooked y'all in.   Even Beefy is replying, and I thought he had them on ignore.  🤣    That's some next level trolling when you hook in users who have you on ignore.

There is one big fatal flaw of the ignore feature. It still shows when people quote the person you ignore. It was nice when I ignored Tommy. People would quote him and I'm get to see him flip shit that I wouldn't respond to him once in awhile. Dude was obsessed. 

11 hours ago, Razzie.P said:

It'd be kinda lame, I think.


MrBeefy -- They don't have them.


mr_me -- They don't have them... but they said they could at some point if they apply themselves.

I am lame. That's why Tommy wanting to do a stream with me was not only pointless but a huge red flag. The idiot was so desperate because his footbath dream was dead that he needed to convince anyone he could. Which for us normies is shutting up and doing something. Words are cheap and only results matter.

8 hours ago, Matt_B said:

Why would we even need to be asking the engineers about the FCC certification status, when the guy at the top was making statements like this:

r/Intellivision_Amico - FCC compliance still not completed...

I'd note that nobody came forward to set the record straight until nearly a year later.

Those type of comments probably make @kevtrislaugh or roll his eyes.


Also note he never shared it. 😉

7 minutes ago, 5-11under said:

This is the end, beautiful amico
This is the end, my only amico, the end

Did he really say they committed themselves to the end? Launch is the beginning and they didn't make it to that! 🤣


Committed to building a basic android box that can't even run a dice rolling game without lag. Woot won't. Celebrate the inneptism! They sucked so bad they had to beg for more workers in 2021 to help get the console completed. Remember the help wanted sign? Then Tommy lied about it being for accessories? 🤣


They could only wish to be committed like I just was into taking my morning Amico.

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57 minutes ago, atarifan88 said:

🤣 Correct! These are the "Certs" they are looking for because anything that comes out of their mouth smells like complete BS! 


Wouldn't that be something? Much like the effort of making Amico, Certs were discontinued in 2018. 🤪


Speaking of effort and commitment,


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2 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Did he really say they committed themselves to the end? Launch is the beginning and they didn't make it to that! 🤣


Committed to building a basic android box that can't even run a dice rolling game without lag. Woot won't. Celebrate the inneptism! They sucked so bad they had to beg for more workers in 2021 to help get the console completed. Remember the help wanted sign? Then Tommy lied about it being for accessories? 🤣


They could only wish to be committed like I just was into taking my morning Amico.

The end can be when they run out of money.  For an engineer, once they finalise a prototype for manufacturing they can say they did what they set out to do, even if the company doesn't take it to manufacturing.  And of course there can still be changes after that.  These engineers had been with the company from the beginning, 2018/19.

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9 hours ago, mr_me said:



The comment about these engineers is a bit unfair.  Allard only committed to being an advisor.  These engineers committed themselves to this project and saw it through to the end.

Which engineers are you talking about? I’ve never mentioned names but I will say I’m not including Allard because he wasn’t involved (another lie). Who, specifically, came out on a public forum and spoke provable truths which have been independently verified? Because if you’d like I could name those who did the opposite of that.

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2 hours ago, SteveTheColecoDude said:

The perfect face for any Amico talk (and anything that comes out of Tommy's mouth)




This is a visualization of how I felt the AA Amico Ego thread was typed.

4 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

Which engineers are you talking about? I’ve never mentioned names but I will say I’m not including Allard because he wasn’t involved (another lie). Who, specifically, came out on a public forum and spoke provable truths which have been independently verified? Because if you’d like I could name those who did the opposite of that.

Allard was like, I'm out and don't want to sit on this sinking turd. He didn't do anything per Intellivision and their statement to SEC. You ask Tommy and he will give you a different story that goes like this.

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Hey look Guido admits to being one of the reasons the console was delayed. He was one of the guys working on controller software. Software that showed lag, disconnectivity issues, gyro issues, and completely not working on games like Bomb Squad. He then plays the victim role of, "woe is me."


Guy is a sad sack who refuses to take responsibility for his role in the Homer car. He should go mansplain some more, while throwing job applications out there.



hardware being delayed for years means those issues on the controller should have been buttoned up quite nicely by 2021. Too bad it wasn't.


Let me remind those that in February 2021 they showed this video of Finnigan Fox. Tommy claims he left the controls inverted on purpose. What he told RetroBro is that there was a firmware bug that wouldn't allow the way it was being held to be recognized.

Excellent work Guido!

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