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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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46 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

I agree with all that. Seems safe to say this isn’t what Keith would have wanted. Putting Tommy in charge of the Intellivision legacy is like putting monster truck wheels on a Prius. 


Nah, that's actually kinda badass.  I mean, if that were RC toy, I'd want one.



Putting Tommy in charge was more like a, hmm.... anyone have a picture of a small clown riding a tricycle with an air raid siren for the horn?



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23 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:


Nah, that's actually kinda badass.  I mean, if that were RC toy, I'd want one.



Putting Tommy in charge was more like a, hmm.... anyone have a picture of a small clown riding a tricycle with an air raid siren for the horn?



a clown riding a tricycle with a monkey juggling | Stable Diffusion |  OpenArt

no horn, but monkey

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55 minutes ago, Creamhoven said:

Is this the real Tommy Tallarico here on Atariage?

The person I tagged? Yes. He was here for years and wouldn't shut up with his lies and promises despite not delivering jack. 


Are you really that out of the loop with Amico stuff? 

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29 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

The person I tagged? Yes. He was here for years and wouldn't shut up with his lies and promises despite not delivering jack. 


Are you really that out of the loop with Amico stuff? 

Probably doesn't even know where to get a decent Taco.

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2 hours ago, Stephen said:

Probably doesn't even know where to get a decent Taco.

I don't know what you're talking about. Not only was he the first American to ever eat a taco (he's best friends with Juan Taco, the inventor, they go back years), he has SEVERAL Guinness world records in eating and buying tacos. In fact, you might have heard of a little thing called Taco Bell? Yeah, they're inspired by him. The sound they use? Totally his creation.* His mother is very proud.


You can't disprove any of this because if it wasn't true an IE engineer would SAY it's not true, and because, just like FCC certs, they've never said it's false, it must therefore be true.




*DISCLAIMER: is actually Joey Kuras.

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1 hour ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

I don't know what you're talking about. Not only was he the first American to ever eat a taco (he's best friends with Juan Taco, the inventor, they go back years), he has SEVERAL Guinness world records in eating and buying tacos. In fact, you might have heard of a little thing called Taco Bell? Yeah, they're inspired by him. The sound they use? Totally his creation.* His mother is very proud.


You can't disprove any of this because if it wasn't true an IE engineer would SAY it's not true, and because, just like FCC certs, they've never said it's false, it must therefore be true.




*DISCLAIMER: is actually Joey Kuras.

I just can't even... just can't 🤣


Enjoy this as a prize.


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3 hours ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

I don't know what you're talking about. Not only was he the first American to ever eat a taco (he's best friends with Juan Taco, the inventor, they go back years), he has SEVERAL Guinness world records in eating and buying tacos. In fact, you might have heard of a little thing called Taco Bell? Yeah, they're inspired by him. The sound they use? Totally his creation.* His mother is very proud.


You can't disprove any of this because if it wasn't true an IE engineer would SAY it's not true, and because, just like FCC certs, they've never said it's false, it must therefore be true.




*DISCLAIMER: is actually Joey Kuras.

Well, "taco" is short for "Tallarico", right? Right? 😤

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7 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

The person I tagged? Yes. He was here for years and wouldn't shut up with his lies and promises despite not delivering jack. 


Are you really that out of the loop with Amico stuff? 

I didn't know that. My thought is I wait till it gets out or if it does not get out, why bother catching up with all the details, right? I understand that alot of people are upset, and that is unfortunate, and @Tommy Tallaricoshould adress their concerns, but for me I wait and see for now and if its not coming out anyways I don't know whats to gain from learning all the nasty bits.

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The Intellivision Amico will rock the gaming industry !!!


I have a question , for the controls.. The big turn of with me with the modern consoles is that you need a manual to remember what buttons and sequences of buttons does what when playing games. Will controllers functions in game play be simple and easier on the Amico.. Like back in the day.


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13 hours ago, Creamhoven said:

I didn't know that. My thought is I wait till it gets out or if it does not get out, why bother catching up with all the details, right? I understand that alot of people are upset, and that is unfortunate, and @Tommy Tallaricoshould adress their concerns, but for me I wait and see for now and if its not coming out anyways I don't know whats to gain from learning all the nasty bits.

Here's the recap, on the off-chance that you aren't doing an extended performance-art installation. 


@Tommy Tallarico, along with some like-minded investors, acquired a controlling share of Intellivision Entertainment (IE).  IE engaged a designer to produce an "interesting" controller that is a modern take on the classic Intellivision disc-based controllers.  Tommy and Co. also designed the Amico console to be the "centerpiece of your living room" with a questionable number of flashing LEDs along with very modest hardware.  The processing power of the Amico is roughly equivalent of a smart phone, which cost $100, circa 2017.  Remember, that was the cost of the WHOLE smartphone, not just the system-on-a-chip (CPU/GPU).  Of course, processing power wasn't supposed to matter because the Amico games would be simple and focus on family-friendly-group-oriented gameplay. That concept seemed to hit a snag when videos of Amico gameplay appeared to struggle with hitting 30/fps. 


Oh yeah, I almost forgot: IE hired some notable names from the video game industry.  Initially, IE appeared to have venture-capital funding and would not require anything resembling crowd-funding to launch.  I still didn't think that the Amico was likely to succeed but the apparent vote-of-confidence from venture capitalists did lend the perception of credibility.  Although, that veil of credibility started to crumble when IE did start reaching out to the general public for financing.  Tommy told us all that "The Rocket Ship has been built but we just need the fuel to take off!!!".  To IE's credit, they raised around $17 million dollars.  It seemed like enough to launch a niche console, especially since Tommy repeatedly boasted about having major orders, in the bag, from retailers along with a robust $100 million dollar line of credit! 


Somewhere along the line, Tommy gave six sextillion interviews with anyone who owned a webcam. He also posted, on Atari Age, frequently.  He would engage with just about anyone who showed interest in the project, including me, and he would veer (sometimes wildly) between warm and welcoming and vindictive and vitriolic.  Lots and lots of debate occurred about whether Amico would find its niche and Tommy literally compiled a folder of "haters".  IE also worked with a group of relatively low-level youtubers to actively promote the Amico.  There are some accounts that IE dangled the prospect of jobs to these Youtubers if the system found success.  That would explain some of the more bizarre behavior from some of the active promoters, on social media. 


Ultimately, IE made poor management choices (COVID didn't help) and appears to have very little resources left with which they could deliver the illusive Amico.  At least two Amico titles (Astrosmash and Shark! Shark!) will be available on Steam/Switch and other titles should be available on Mobile under the puzzling banner of "Amico Home".  


In short, if you are interested in trying any of the games - get your Switch/Steam/Mobile accounts ready.  If you truly want the full Amico experience...don't hold your breath.  

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17 minutes ago, Tommy2D said:

Here's the recap, on the off-chance that you aren't doing an extended performance-art installation. 


@Tommy Tallarico, along with some like-minded investors, acquired a controlling share of Intellivision Entertainment (IE).  IE engaged a designer to produce an "interesting" controller that is a modern take on the classic Intellivision disc-based controllers.  Tommy and Co. also designed the Amico console to be the "centerpiece of your living room" with a questionable number of flashing LEDs along with very modest hardware.  The processing power of the Amico is roughly equivalent of a smart phone, which cost $100, circa 2017.  Remember, that was the cost of the WHOLE smartphone, not just the system-on-a-chip (CPU/GPU).  Of course, processing power wasn't supposed to matter because the Amico games would be simple and focus on family-friendly-group-oriented gameplay. That concept seemed to hit a snag when videos of Amico gameplay appeared to struggle with hitting 30/fps. 


Oh yeah, I almost forgot: IE hired some notable names from the video game industry.  Initially, IE appeared to have venture-capital funding and would not require anything resembling crowd-funding to launch.  I still didn't think that the Amico was likely to succeed but the apparent vote-of-confidence from venture capitalists did lend the perception of credibility.  Although, that veil of credibility started to crumble when IE did start reaching out to the general public for financing.  Tommy told us all that "The Rocket Ship has been built but we just need the fuel to take off!!!".  To IE's credit, they raised around $17 million dollars.  It seemed like enough to launch a niche console, especially since Tommy repeatedly boasted about having major orders, in the bag, from retailers along with a robust $100 million dollar line of credit! 


Somewhere along the line, Tommy gave six sextillion interviews with anyone who owned a webcam. He also posted, on Atari Age, frequently.  He would engage with just about anyone who showed interest in the project, including me, and he would veer (sometimes wildly) between warm and welcoming and vindictive and vitriolic.  Lots and lots of debate occurred about whether Amico would find its niche and Tommy literally compiled a folder of "haters".  IE also worked with a group of relatively low-level youtubers to actively promote the Amico.  There are some accounts that IE dangled the prospect of jobs to these Youtubers if the system found success.  That would explain some of the more bizarre behavior from some of the active promoters, on social media. 


Ultimately, IE made poor management choices (COVID didn't help) and appears to have very little resources left with which they could deliver the illusive Amico.  At least two Amico titles (Astrosmash and Shark! Shark!) will be available on Steam/Switch and other titles should be available on Mobile under the puzzling banner of "Amico Home".  


In short, if you are interested in trying any of the games - get your Switch/Steam/Mobile accounts ready.  If you truly want the full Amico experience...don't hold your breath.  

Thank you for explaining the situation to me. I can't read it right now but I have bookmarked it and will read it as soon as I have the time. Thanks again, until later!

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1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

Here's the recap, on the off-chance that you aren't doing an extended performance-art installation. 


@Tommy Tallarico, along with some like-minded investors, acquired a controlling share of Intellivision Entertainment (IE).  IE engaged a designer to produce an "interesting" controller that is a modern take on the classic Intellivision disc-based controllers.  Tommy and Co. also designed the Amico console to be the "centerpiece of your living room" with a questionable number of flashing LEDs along with very modest hardware.  The processing power of the Amico is roughly equivalent of a smart phone, which cost $100, circa 2017.  Remember, that was the cost of the WHOLE smartphone, not just the system-on-a-chip (CPU/GPU).

Do you know how it compares to a raspberry pi 4?

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

  Of course, processing power wasn't supposed to matter because the Amico games would be simple and focus on family-friendly-group-oriented gameplay.

This is what was apealing to me.

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

That concept seemed to hit a snag when videos of Amico gameplay appeared to struggle with hitting 30/fps. 

 That is unfrotunate, it seems like they have miscalculated.

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:


Oh yeah, I almost forgot: IE hired some notable names from the video game industry.  Initially, IE appeared to have venture-capital funding and would not require anything resembling crowd-funding to launch.  I still didn't think that the Amico was likely to succeed but the apparent vote-of-confidence from venture capitalists did lend the perception of credibility.  Although, that veil of credibility started to crumble when IE did start reaching out to the general public for financing.  Tommy told us all that "The Rocket Ship has been built but we just need the fuel to take off!!!".  To IE's credit, they raised around $17 million dollars.  It seemed like enough to launch a niche console, especially since Tommy repeatedly boasted about having major orders, in the bag, from retailers along with a robust $100 million dollar line of credit! 

Okay, I sense that this wasn't completely true.

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

Somewhere along the line, Tommy gave six sextillion interviews

Really that much? I don't know that seems a bit much, I don't believe it.



1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

with anyone who owned a webcam.

I have seen him on even on reviewtechUSA back then.

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

He also posted, on Atari Age, frequently.

Yeah I was suprised to hear that. @Tommy Tallaricocome back, we clear things up and move on. I would like to work with him, I understand that he is unpopular for sound reasons but I think he is talented and I have no programmers that can work on the SNES for my game 'Creamhoven and the Evil Nooker - a saturanian tale'

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

  He would engage with just about anyone who showed interest in the project, including me, and he would veer (sometimes wildly) between warm and welcoming and vindictive and vitriolic.  Lots and lots of debate occurred about whether Amico would find its niche and Tommy literally compiled a folder of "haters".

The gaming racists. I have written an essay about it:

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

  IE also worked with a group of relatively low-level youtubers to actively promote the Amico.  There are some accounts that IE dangled the prospect of jobs to these Youtubers if the system found success.  That would explain some of the more bizarre behavior from some of the active promoters, on social media. 

I don't think Tommy is a particularly good PR person and seems to have a bit too much moral flexibility.

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

Ultimately, IE made poor management choices (COVID didn't help) and appears to have very little resources left with which they could deliver the illusive Amico.  At least two Amico titles (Astrosmash and Shark! Shark!) will be available on Steam/Switch and other titles should be available on Mobile under the puzzling banner of "Amico Home".  

That is kind of ironic. Amico Home sounds like a name for the menu interface of the Amico console or something like that.

1 hour ago, Tommy2D said:

In short, if you are interested in trying any of the games - get your Switch/Steam/Mobile accounts ready.  If you truly want the full Amico experience...don't hold your breath.  

This much I understand. Some users here where not happy with my stance that I like the clean family concept of the amico and hope that it would succeed even if Tommy is a flawed character. For me it is absolutly fine if others aren't happy with my positions, so it's absolutly fine. I did accuse them of being overly negative, so this didn't help and I understand that. Maybe I was too positive and the negativity is adequate since Tommy seems to have gotten money out of people under false pretence. It is not a situation I understnad enough about to judge. I hope for the best outcome for all, but I also understand that there is bad blood.

Edited by Creamhoven
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