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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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2 minutes ago, Bill Loguidice said:

The issue is is that these games have minimal market value. They're all casual experiences with modest (at best) production values. To me, the only value was having them on the Amico with the various - and mostly - controller-based gimmicks. Those types of games are a dime a dozen, and often free, on other platforms.


I mean, you're not wrong here. But most of the investment has already been made, so this isn't about cutting losses, but actually doing something with what they have. Every decade, a prior decade has a resurgence of popularity. Right now, it's the 80s / early 90s. If there's every going to be a time for releasing any of these games... it's right now. ~5 years from now, no one is going to care. When I pick up my daughter from school... every kid has an 80s concert t-shirt on... and they're all wearing trucker hats or other ridiculous 80s things. All the TV-shows seem to be 80s themed, it's pretty cool. Arcades are seeing a resurgence... and while a lot of it is buoyed by Gen-X parents... I think if they had even a modicum of intent to make back some money, they should start selling these games ASAP on anything that will take it. 100 sales of Moon Patrol on Atari VCS ... even if they just give it to the VCS developers to figure out, is better than nothing. The dude is clearly hurting for cash, so $5k means a lot more to someone who has $0, than it does to someone who has 5 million, haha...


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1 hour ago, 82-T/A said:


It's unbelievable to me that with what they have produced (games / content), that they aren't trying to save themselves somewhat by selling this on things like Atari VCS.

Congratulations. You have earned your hater badge. You don't have Tommy Tallarico's DATA. You obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about and that's why they have assembled the best team with over 600 years of industry experience.


They are doing something unique here, and these games can't be played any other way. We know you are a hardcore gaming racist and can't think outside your own bubble.


Atari doesn't know what they are doing and Intellivision is totally going to beat them this time.


So stop being an untalented jealous gatekeeping.





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17 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Congratulations. You have earned your hater badge. You don't have Tommy Tallarico's DATA. You obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about and that's why they have assembled the best team with over 600 years of industry experience.


They are doing something unique here, and these games can't be played any other way. We know you are a hardcore gaming racist and can't think outside your own bubble.


Atari doesn't know what they are doing and Intellivision is totally going to beat them this time.


So stop being an untalented jealous gatekeeping.





"This is how you run a gaming company!" -the greatest quote that did not age well

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27 minutes ago, davpa said:

"This is how you run a gaming company!" -the greatest quote that did not age well

Depends of which definition you chose to accept for "gaming"


1. manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous.

"it was very easy for a few big companies to game the system"

Would that one work for you?



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Good little look at Amico games with ratings. I pretty much agree with all of it.



The end quote is a perfect summary of how the games come off.


Amico’s library looks like a midlife crisis mixed with desperation. Good luck selling that to young moms!


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2 hours ago, davpa said:

Just as a side note, I'm in talks with BBG Entertainment and it is very likely that Dynablasters, Astrosmash, and Shark! Shark! will hit the Atari VCS 800 store.  I say "very likely" as they could turn around and say "No," but I'm not sure why they would when they are porting to other consoles (so we are part of the development pipeline vs opening up an old project).  Also, the games are all made in Unity so that makes it a dirt easy port to the new VCS, so they have practically no reason to say No to porting.


Would having games that were meant to be on the Intellivision Amico appear on the Atari VCS 800 count as an "insult to injury?"

That’s interesting news and Atari VCS, with its retro fan base and relatively small online shop, will likely sell more copies of these than Steam or other consoles. 

I doubt Intellivision feels much injury, insult, shame, or anything else at this point. 

2 hours ago, davpa said:

That is the worst part about all this (at least to me), that the Intellivision identity is now being parceled off piece by piece.  When everything was falling apart, I was hoping there was going to be a sale to some eccentric billionaire that would have kept Intellivision IPs together as Keith Robinson did.

Wade Rosen seems like the right guy for that job. Atari has the Mattel M-Network games, after all. 


I guess @Tommy Tallarico fancied himself that benevolent millionaire who would save the brand? And yes, I’m gonna keep tagging him until he finds the courage to come out and speak his truth. 

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2 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

Let's do Coleco Vision next!

Ugh, can we not?


Doesn’t matter what I think, they’re doing it anyway. 


They tried something very similar 4 years ago and only got 150 backers. And now they don’t have the licenses anymore and are likely to get sued by Atari. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/colecorevival/coleco-berzerk-and-frenzy


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9 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

Ugh, can we not?


Doesn’t matter what I think, they’re doing it anyway. 


They tried something very similar 4 years ago and only got 150 backers. And now they don’t have the licenses anymore and are likely to get sued by Atari. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/colecorevival/coleco-berzerk-and-frenzy



Haha... check this out:







Coleco Chameleon... was supposed to come out in 2016. But I guess it never happened. That case looks strangely familiar... :)


Yeah, just looked it up... they cancelled it quick... didn't even make it to June of 2016 and they cancelled.


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2 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

Congratulations. You have earned your hater badge. You don't have Tommy Tallarico's DATA. You obviously don't have a clue what you are talking about and that's why they have assembled the best team with over 600 years of industry experience.


They are doing something unique here, and these games can't be played any other way. We know you are a hardcore gaming racist and can't think outside your own bubble.


Atari doesn't know what they are doing and Intellivision is totally going to beat them this time.


So stop being an untalented jealous gatekeeping.





In a vacuum this sounds like the ravings of a deranged person. 

But in reality these were repeatedly said by TT as to why they would succeed and any criticisms were wrong. 

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6 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

I don't know that I've really missed the boat. There are billions of people in this world who have never heard of the Amico and go on to live successful happy lives, hahah.

Absolutely, but at least among gamers, the usual reaction to discovering the Amico is "what the hell is this crap?"

But then, there are few guys that learn about it and then pre-order it right away. 🤷‍♂️

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53 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

Absolutely, but at least among gamers, the usual reaction to discovering the Amico is "what the hell is this crap?"

But then, there are few guys that learn about it and then pre-order it right away. 🤷‍♂️


I already received an e-mail from some guy named Tommy, and he provided me his PayPal address. He said that because I'm such a strong supporter, I will get an early release version of the system before everyone else. Suckers!!!

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5 hours ago, davpa said:

Just as a side note, I'm in talks with BBG Entertainment and it is very likely that Dynablasters, Astrosmash, and Shark! Shark! will hit the Atari VCS 800 store.  I say "very likely" as they could turn around and say "No," but I'm not sure why they would when they are porting to other consoles (so we are part of the development pipeline vs opening up an old project).  Also, the games are all made in Unity so that makes it a dirt easy port to the new VCS, so they have practically no reason to say No to porting.


Would having games that were meant to be on the Intellivision Amico appear on the Atari VCS 800 count as an "insult to injury?"


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2 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

Haha... check this out:







Coleco Chameleon... was supposed to come out in 2016. But I guess it never happened. That case looks strangely familiar... :)


19 years on this site you say 🙄..... 


That very thing is only just about the most famous thing that AtariAge is known for, outside of AtariAge. Probably the first and only time I read more than a thousand pages about dental equipment. Took me around 3 months but it was worth it. Along with the Amico, it is the reason I'm here in the first place. 


Start from here: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/235430-how-has-this-not-been-posted-yet-retro-vgs/



Continue from here: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/247145-coleco-chameleon-hardware-speculations/



And say, have you found your living conditions adequate in a barrel? I'm thinking of getting one, as long as it's filled with booze first. 

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3 hours ago, rayik said:

In a vacuum this sounds like the ravings of a deranged person. 

But in reality these were repeatedly said by TT as to why they would succeed and any criticisms were wrong. 

I know. That's why I find it funny. Gaming racist. What idiot thought of that?

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10 minutes ago, Rev said:

This is real. Gamestop charged someone for their Amico today.  They wish to remain anonymous. 

The grift that keeps on giving. 






Really? Pretty sure Gamestop closed down all their orders eons ago. Just double checked, and it isn't on their website anymore. That's weird. 


So the Switch now has a game that 100 people in the same room can play together.


And it uses cell phones as controllers.





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13 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Really? Pretty sure Gamestop closed down all their orders eons ago. Just double checked, and it isn't on their website anymore. That's weird. 


So the Switch now has a game that 100 people in the same room can play together.


And it uses cell phones as controllers.





Yes for real. I know him IRL and he is serious.  

Could be a system glitch. 

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Rev's "friend" is me... I got charged today and thought my card number was stolen since I had not ordered from Gamestop.com forever.  I called Gamestop and exactly what Rev posted above.  The Gamestop rep stated I was not actually charged but it was a hold likely because the system would be shipping soon.. haha..  I did not get any "release date" or anything.  They asked if I wanted to cancel and I said "hell no, I want my Amico!". 


I thought for sure I couldn't be the only one this happened and sure enough the Reddit link confirms.  I have not been following this thread for a long time.. 

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4 minutes ago, eebuckeye said:

Rev's "friend" is me... I got charged today and thought my card number was stolen since I had not ordered from Gamestop.com forever.  I called Gamestop and exactly what Rev posted above.  The Gamestop rep stated I was not actually charged but it was a hold likely because the system would be shipping soon.. haha..  I did not get any "release date" or anything.  They asked if I wanted to cancel and I said "hell no, I want my Amico!". 


I thought for sure I couldn't be the only one this happened and sure enough the Reddit link confirms.  I have not been following this thread for a long time.. 


Looks like the rocket ship needed just a tad bit more fuel and Amico will be shipping soon.  Take that, all you gaming racists out there. 


ps. Why is friend in quotations?   🤔😞😞😞

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4 minutes ago, eebuckeye said:

Rev's "friend" is me... I got charged today and thought my card number was stolen since I had not ordered from Gamestop.com forever.  I called Gamestop and exactly what Rev posted above.  The Gamestop rep stated I was not actually charged but it was a hold likely because the system would be shipping soon.. haha..  I did not get any "release date" or anything.  They asked if I wanted to cancel and I said "hell no, I want my Amico!". 


I thought for sure I couldn't be the only one this happened and sure enough the Reddit link confirms.  I have not been following this thread for a long time.. 

Well this is what amounts to exciting news. I'm sure some will ne ready to run the haters' nose in it!

6 minutes ago, Rev said:


Looks like the rocket ship needs just a tad bit more fuel and Amico will be shipping soon.  Take that, all you gaming racists out there. 

It is great that they got that whole FCac thing figured out. You will be playing Night Stalker before Phil Adam can say in a few weeks.

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