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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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8 hours ago, Rev said:

What is left to do on the Amico punch list to get this thing launched?  

What needs added or removed?  


1. FCC certifications

2. CE certifications

3. Patent 

4. Operating system 100%
5. Online store 100%

6. Leaderboards 100%

7. Purchase all materials

8. Line up Manufacturing

9. Open new office(s)

10. Line up distributors again

11. Hire new employees

12. ??

They don't need a patent on anything so that could be removed.


Open new offices and hire new employees could be removed based on what you consider their goal. If you think their goal is to grow as a company and support the product leave it in. If you think they just want to shit the thing out the door then die a quick death as it is DOA then those two things don't matter.

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48 minutes ago, Morpheus said:

I paid 200 bucks with FIG in September 2020, do I belong to the Founders group?😳


No, sorry.  There was that first campaign for ~2600  "Founders Editions" run solely from the Intellivision website. It was in Jan. 2020, I think.

Edited by PlaysWithWolves
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1 hour ago, Rowsdower70 said:

To be fair, even without the misinformation provided it would have been a shaky investment.   That part doesn't concern me, but statements made that influenced a persons decision to invest that were inaccurate do. 

You mean how J Allard was an Avenger for IE and already doing great things? 


How many people have seen the Neil Patel and Intellivision partnership video. That video basically makes it obvious it is a scam. This partnership was used to get investors. Just that one spot is a blatant lie. They told SEC Allard did nothing.


People should watch it if they haven't.

6 minutes ago, PlaysWithWolves said:


No, sorry.  There was that first campaign for ~2600  "Founders Editions" run solely from the Intellivision website. It was in Jan. 2020, I think.

That sounds right. If you go to those links of my old thread I think I listed it there.

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9 hours ago, Rev said:

What is left to do on the Amico punch list to get this thing launched?  

What needs added or removed?  


1. FCC certifications

2. CE certifications

3. Patent 

4. Operating system 100%
5. Online store 100%

6. Leaderboards 100%

7. Purchase all materials

8. Line up Manufacturing

9. Open new office(s)

10. Line up distributors again

11. Hire new employees

12. ??

1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11


4, 5 just need to be functional, not 100% complete. Do you know of any OS 100% complete? 

6. Again, not needed to launch. But a promised function and should happen soon after.

9. Why?  The pandemic has proven we are capable of working remotely. 


1,2,8 and 10 are critical.  But before that, if you don't have the money to build the thing, none of it matters.

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50 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

They don't need a patent on anything so that could be removed.


Open new offices and hire new employees could be removed based on what you consider their goal. If you think their goal is to grow as a company and support the product leave it in. If you think they just want to shit the thing out the door then die a quick death as it is DOA then those two things don't matter.

If they can launch a console now with bare bones staff and no central offices, then why did they need them at the start?  

As Ian (cupodcast) has said, the launch is just the starting line, not the end goal. 

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3 hours ago, rayik said:

Everything in that post is relying on what was "said" being 100% true.  What is not in the post is analysis of whether what is "said" is reliable or comports with what has been publicly shown.


The back and forth is simply this is what was "said." This is an analysis of what was "said."  But this is what was "said"  But this is an analysis of what was "said"  Round and round.  if it is demonstrated that what was "said" is not true, response is then deflection by bringing up something unrelated.


Rinse and repeat regardless of the Amico discussion topic.


Not an effective method of demonstrating that what was "said" was reliable or true.

No not not everything, some is independent.  People use the same document to show the company is in massive debt but don't mention who controls much of that debt.  I should have asked where is the profiting rather than saying they didn't profit.  It's not for me to prove anything.  People are making claims and showing little to back it up.


1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

You mean how J Allard was an Avenger for IE and already doing great things? 

How many people have seen the Neil Patel and Intellivision partnership video. That video basically makes it obvious it is a scam. This partnership was used to get investors. Just that one spot is a blatant lie. They told SEC Allard did nothing.



The SEC asked Republic/Fig in a call: "Please clarify the Company’s disclosure regarding J Allard’s status and whether any change in that status has had or may have a material effect of the development of the Amico game console."


The response was as follows:

"during that time, Mr. Allard served as a full-time advisor to Intellivision, helping Intellivision in the final stages of Amico hardware development";  "after this work of his was completed, Mr. Allard ceased serving as a full-time advisor, but has remained available to give advice when contacted by Intellivision"; "and considering his contributions overall, Mr. Allard has not played a material role in Amico product development."


You can also listen to the recording linked earlier in this thread when it was previously discussed of Allard himself discussing some of that work.  Does any of that make him an avenger.  A judge might have to rule on that one.



18 hours ago, Morpheus said:


At some point, TT replied to a post of mine that Amico SW would have been kinda of open to developers and that therefore a System Changer to play old Inty cartridges on the Amico consolle could have seen the light…


That would have been simply great!!!🤠🤠🤠



I remember them saying that it's not something they would do but if a third party did they would provide technical support.  If somebody did make such a device it could work with not only an Amico, but also Raspberry Pi, or any other computer system.

Edited by mr_me
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1 minute ago, Rev said:

I dont think they need central offices…..but Intellivision Entertainment DID!    And they blame the failed launch on NOT having them.

Remote meeting technologies improved rapidly. 


I have coworkers that still think remote is not viable.  I will agree that meeting in person adds some intangibles.

However, "I" think that a teams meeting is more focused.  More gets done faster.  You can record the session and review parts.  Better than note taking etc.


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22 minutes ago, mr_me said:

You can also listen to the recording linked earlier in this thread when it was previously discussed of Allard himself discussing some of that work.


There seem to be newcomers to the thread since our discussion, therefore good reason to repeat the link for those wishing to hear from other speakers:

Podcast with Tommy Tallarico, David Perry, J Allard and Hans Ippisch



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29 minutes ago, Rev said:

If they can launch a console now with bare bones staff and no central offices, then why did they need them at the start?  

As Ian (cupodcast) has said, the launch is just the starting line, not the end goal. 

They just wanted to act like big boys. 🍼


I do find it funny that a lot of people act like them launching would be a success. That just means they earned their participation trophy.


Them releasing would most likely kill them quicker than just dying the slow death they are now. 


Does anyone actually think they have a legit path to success at this point?



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9 minutes ago, number6 said:

There seem to be newcomers to the thread since our discussion, therefore good reason to repeat the link for those wishing to hear from other speakers:

Podcast with Tommy Tallarico, David Perry, J Allard and Hans Ippisch



Do you have the link handy to where they told SEC that he did nothing?

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43 minutes ago, mr_me said:

The response was as follows:

"during that time, Mr. Allard served as a full-time advisor to Intellivision, helping Intellivision in the final stages of Amico hardware development";  "after this work of his was completed, Mr. Allard ceased serving as a full-time advisor, but has remained available to give advice when contacted by Intellivision"; "and considering his contributions overall, Mr. Allard has not played a material role in Amico product development."


So you are in complete agreement with MrBeefy-- J Allard's name attached to investor pitches was scam behavior, as he had no material role in Amico product development. Say it. Say "I agree with MrBeefy, Intellivision likely lied about J Allard's role in these investment videos. I apologize for wasting everyone's time quoting something in direct support of MrBeefy's stance. I am addicted to argumentation."

Edited by zapzapzac
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59 minutes ago, Rev said:

If they can launch a console now with bare bones staff and no central offices, then why did they need them at the start?  

As Ian (cupodcast) has said, the launch is just the starting line, not the end goal. 

The lockdowns and other workplace restrictions really impacted hardware and firmware development which was going on through 2020 and into 2021.  That work should be done now, although firmware can always be tweaked.  Game development probably not so impacted unless it was highly dependent on hardware features like Back Talk Party.  These are group play games and there is still final play testing and focus group testing that might need to happen.  As the hardware work is done and remaining work is software, they could manage better working remotely than before.  And we don't really know what their office situation is right now.


14 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:

Do you have the link handy to where they told SEC that he did nothing?

I copied what was written about it earlier.  It doesn't say he did nothing nor did SEC ask what he did.  SEC asked if his leaving would have a material effect on Amico development.



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2 hours ago, 1980gamer said:

But as I said earlier, it is easy to Monday morning quarterback.


No no no, we were all saying this stuff Sunday morning before the game started.  The booster club didn't want to hear it at the time, and now that the thing has blown up on the launchpad, you guys are talking about hindsight.


Those offices were ridiculous at the time they were showing them off, not just in hindsight, and many of us said so then.  This was classic 1990s dot com bust sort of behavior.  Your company has no revenue, no product, debt out the wazoo, and you're laying out thousands upon thousands of dollars on unnecessary office space and custom running man signage as if you were Sony or Nintendo?  You don't have to be Warren Buffett to understand that that is bad business.


Their sales projections and ideas about their potential serviceable market were absurd at the time.  I told Tommy that myself, and I broke down every single point where he was using data to create a false impression on his pitches.  There was no way they were going to do the kinds of numbers he was talking.  I'm not the only one who said that.  Lots of people said that, and not on Monday morning either.


It was obvious to anyone who was paying attention at the time that Tommy was exaggerating or flat-out lying about all kinds of different games and features being "worked on".  Where's Tron?  Where's the big, even bigger than EWJ4 launch game that Tommy said was happening but he couldn't tell us about?  Where's the Marvel beat-'em-up arcade game he said was "happening right now" over two years ago?  Where's all those dozens of games that were coming shortly after launch?  There's not one lick for code of any of that, guaranteed.  I'm not the only one who said that.  We've been saying it for two years now, well before Monday morning.


The price-to-spec ratio was out of whack well before the umpteenth price increase and then removing a controller.  I said that two years ago.  Show of hands; who else was saying that two years ago?


It's not Monday morning, dude.  I and everyone else who pointed out what a gong show this thing was turning into said all this stuff the whole the way through.  We were right; the defenders were wrong.  You guys don't get to hand wave away all the stupid, dishonest crap you defended with a "well, that's easy to say in hindsight".  It was easy to say in foresight, too.  It's not our fault you guys stuck your fingers in your ears and yelled lalalalalalala.


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I feel like this thread has just been 98 pages of cognitive dissonance. It's not even about the subject matter anymore. It's instead become this intractable "must be right, us vs. them" mindset that was, as we know, openly cultivated early on.


Facts? It depends on what your definition is. Proof? Only needed when it cuts one way or the other, otherwise hearsay is fine. As several have pointed out, the subject matter isn't WORTH this much argumentation, so it's got to be something else.



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J Allard himself said he left Intellivision in summer 2020 because it was "not a good fit" - https://www.geekwire.com/2021/xbox-co-founder-j-allard-left-intellivision-short-stint-hints-project-gaming-vet-brother/


Tommy in February 2021 - "Let me go over a few people on our team... How about the guy that co-founded Xbox?... He loves our idea so much that he joined the team and has been making huge contributions"


Tommy said that he was on their team, not had been on their team for a little while but since left, but was on their team, months after J Allard himself said he left. This was said in a pitch specifically to get investors to give them money.

Edited by SteveTheColecoDude
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16 minutes ago, mr_me said:

It doesn't day he did nothing nor did SEC ask what he did.  SEC asked if his leaving would have a material effect on Amico development.




I don't buy that you're innocent. I reject my earlier quip about you being addicted to argument. You are being intentionally deceitful and anyone who reads the link should be able to put that together. You are not existing in baseline reality, whatsoever.


No. The SEC did not ask for specifics about his role-- they asked if him being in that role had a material (in this case material means SIGNIFICANT) effect on the past DEVELOPMENT of the Amico [<- the part you intentionally ignore] and would his leaving change future DEVELOPMENT of the Amico [<- the part you intentionally bring up].

Intellivision/TT in that investor video: AVENGERS WITH J ALLARD
SEC: Has J Allard had significant impact on development of Amico?

Intellivision: No, sorry, WE HAVE REMOVED HIM FROM THE FILING due to the fact that he has not had a significant impact on the development of the Amico.


Everyone else besides 1980 and Mr_Me: Wow, that investment video claiming J Allard being important on their team is misleading as fuck.

You're a liar, mr_me. You are intentionally misleading everything. Let's call it for what it is. You're not objective. You're a liar, just like Tommy.

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19 minutes ago, SteveTheColecoDude said:

J Allard himself said he left Intellivision in summer 2020 because it was "not a good fit" - https://www.geekwire.com/2021/xbox-co-founder-j-allard-left-intellivision-short-stint-hints-project-gaming-vet-brother/


Tommy in February 2021 - "Let me go over a few people on our team... How about the guy that co-founded Xbox?... He loves our idea so much that he joined the team and has been making huge contributions"


Tommy said that he was on their team, not had been on their team for a little while but since left, but was on their team, months after J Allard himself said he left. This was said in a pitch specifically to get investors to give them money.

Don't forget this one: February 20201 - "MAKING HUGE CONTRIBUTIONS"


March 2021 in the "'fess up to the SEC letter" - "No material role, sorry, we retract previous statements"


There's a reason that question was asked for clarification. I'm not getting into the specifics here, especially when a handful will just twist and disregard the statement, but I have....some... professional dealings with the SEC on a certain "requires a specific education and licensure" level and they don't ask questions like that unless there's some red flags for something. And the primary thing the SEC investigates red flags for is....potential.....SECURITIES FRAUD. Yeah, FRAUD! That little ol' word again.


Candidly, we can likely ignore disgruntled investors and possibly point to this part of the timeline as to why a certain person is no longer CEO. If the SEC even STARTS sniffing around your business, even if you did nothing wrong, your legal expenses SKYROCKET to the point of no return. (For example, that short response letter to the SEC about J Allard probably cost near 5 figures in total legal spend.) If they were already cash strapped and had to hire securities counsel to roll back most of the egregious bloviating, that probably only helped sink the ship further and leadership probably saw someone as a serious, literal cash flow liability. Eliminate the problem at its source and all that.


I'm not giving a dissertation on the legal definition of fraud as the SEC sees it, suffice it to say there's some troubling indicators here that I'm sure they're continuing to keep an eye on. Agree or disagree however you want with that one.


For those in the thread, I'm just going to say this: don't engage with anyone that isn't a licensed and practicing securities lawyer on the securities law front. Armchair lawyers get securities law 110% wrong every single time. If they don't have a law license, or even do have a law license, and they don't practice in it, what they have to say about anything can be thrown IMMEDIATELY in the dumpster because securities law is ridiculously complex, and that's just federal law, so we're completely disregarding state blue sky laws in terms of complexity, which is a whole additional layer to add on. Just don't even engage on that level because whether the intent is dishonest or not, it's not reliable information.


I try to keep my professional statements out of this and other threads for fear anyone thinks I'm giving legal advice (large, bold, screaming from the rooftop font: I AM NOT YOUR LAWYER AND I AM NOT GIVING YOU LEGAL ADVICE) but this crap is getting egregious to the point where it's being very, very hard for me to hold my tongue. I might peace out of this one for a while.

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