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FIFA World Cup Viewer with FujiNet


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I've just made a quick-and-dirty FIFA World Cup Viewer with FujiNet's json parser. It's not a masterpiece of design, speed and memory management but it works ;-)
With the letters A to H you can switch between the groups. Displaying of the results is not yet added.


N: handler is needed.


1 DIM NAME$(32),GRP$(1)
5 DIM RET$(256),N$(256),URL$(256)
10 GR=1
16 URL$="N:HTTPS://api.openligadb.de/getmatchdata/WM2022/2022/1"
30 GOSUB 1200
35 REM GOSUB 1400
40 OPEN #2,12,0,"K:":GET #2,KEY:CLOSE #2
50 GR=KEY-ASC("A")+1
55 IF GR<1 OR GR>8 THEN 40
60 GOTO 30
99 CLOSE #1:END 
100 REM FUNC QUERRY *****************
110 XIO ASC("Q"),#1,12,0,N$
130 INPUT #1,RET$
200 REM PROC MATCHDAY ***************
210 FOR I=0 TO 5
214 POSITION 1,I*2+4
215 ? I+1;")";
220 N$="N:/0/matchDateTime"
222 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
224 POSITION 4,I*2+4
225 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
228 GOSUB 100:? RET$(3,10)
240 N$="N:/0/team1/teamID"
242 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
244 POSITION 14,I*2+4
245 GOSUB 100:GOSUB 2100:? RET$,
250 N$="N:/0/team2/teamID"
252 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
254 POSITION 22,I*2+4
255 GOSUB 100:GOSUB 2100:? "-";RET$
260 N$="N:/0/matchIsFinished"
262 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
264 POSITION 34,I*2+4
265 GOSUB 100
267 IF RET$="FALSE" THEN ? "_ : _":GOTO 290
290 NEXT I
1200 REM SCREEN *********************
1205 POKE 82,0:POKE 752,1
1210 ? "}     World Cup 22 for FujiNet 0.8":? "       by Michael Goroll (MichaG)"
1215 ? " GRP.";
1220 FOR G=1 TO 8
1225 AA=ASC("A")-1
1226 IF G=GR THEN AA=ASC("A")-1
1230 ? CHR$(AA+G);" ";
1250 NEXT G
1260 ? "I=AF J=QF K=HF L=F"
1270 POSITION 8,23:? "powered by openligadb.de";
1285 GOSUB 1300
1290 RETURN 
1300 REM DISPLAY GROUP GR ***********
1310 N$=URL$:N$(LEN(N$))=STR$(GR)
1320 CLOSE #1
1330 OPEN #1,12,0,N$
1335 XIO 252,#1,12,1,"N:"
1340 XIO ASC("P"),#1,12,0,"N:"
1345 GOSUB 200
1350 CLOSE #1
1390 RETURN 
2000 REM PROC Display all Teams
2010 RESTORE 3000
2020 FOR T=1 TO 32
2040 ? ID,NAME$,GRP$
2050 NEXT T
2100 REM PROC Get Teamname **********
2110 RESTORE 3000
2120 FOR T=1 TO 32
2150 NEXT T
2160 RETURN 
3000 DATA 764,Argentina,C,750,Australia,D,2673,Belgium,F,753,Brazil,G,2669,Costa Rica,E,758,Denmark,D
3001 DATA 139,Germany,E,2670,Ecuador,A,755,England,B,144,France,D,754,Ghana,H,2672,Iran,B,749,Japan,E
3002 DATA 845,Cameroon,G,5588,Canada,F,4912,Qatar,A,146,Coatia,F,4629,Morocco,F,761,Mexico,C
3003 DATA 147,Netherl.,A,1410,Poland,C,149,Portugal,H,2408,Saudi Arabia,C,38,Switzerland,G,4630,Senegal,A
3004 DATA 1404,Serbia,G,170,Spain,E,751,S.Korea,H,1391,Tunisia,D,849,Uruguay,H,949,USA,B,5572,Wales,



Edited by MichaG
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On 11/17/2022 at 5:51 AM, MichaG said:

I've just made a quick-and-dirty FIFA World Cup Viewer with FujiNet's json parser. It's not a masterpiece of design, speed and memory management but it works ;-)
With the letters A to H you can switch between the groups. Displaying of the results is not yet added.


N: handler is needed.


1 DIM NAME$(32),GRP$(1)
5 DIM RET$(256),N$(256),URL$(256)
10 GR=1
16 URL$="N:HTTPS://api.openligadb.de/getmatchdata/WM2022/2022/1"
30 GOSUB 1200
35 REM GOSUB 1400
40 OPEN #2,12,0,"K:":GET #2,KEY:CLOSE #2
50 GR=KEY-ASC("A")+1
55 IF GR<1 OR GR>8 THEN 40
60 GOTO 30
99 CLOSE #1:END 
100 REM FUNC QUERRY *****************
110 XIO ASC("Q"),#1,12,0,N$
130 INPUT #1,RET$
200 REM PROC MATCHDAY ***************
210 FOR I=0 TO 5
214 POSITION 1,I*2+4
215 ? I+1;")";
220 N$="N:/0/matchDateTime"
222 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
224 POSITION 4,I*2+4
225 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
228 GOSUB 100:? RET$(3,10)
240 N$="N:/0/team1/teamID"
242 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
244 POSITION 14,I*2+4
245 GOSUB 100:GOSUB 2100:? RET$,
250 N$="N:/0/team2/teamID"
252 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
254 POSITION 22,I*2+4
255 GOSUB 100:GOSUB 2100:? "-";RET$
260 N$="N:/0/matchIsFinished"
262 N$(4,4)=STR$(I)
264 POSITION 34,I*2+4
265 GOSUB 100
267 IF RET$="FALSE" THEN ? "_ : _":GOTO 290
290 NEXT I
1200 REM SCREEN *********************
1205 POKE 82,0:POKE 752,1
1210 ? "}     World Cup 22 for FujiNet 0.8":? "       by Michael Goroll (MichaG)"
1215 ? " GRP.";
1220 FOR G=1 TO 8
1225 AA=ASC("A")-1
1226 IF G=GR THEN AA=ASC("A")-1
1230 ? CHR$(AA+G);" ";
1250 NEXT G
1260 ? "I=AF J=QF K=HF L=F"
1270 POSITION 8,23:? "powered by openligadb.de";
1285 GOSUB 1300
1290 RETURN 
1300 REM DISPLAY GROUP GR ***********
1310 N$=URL$:N$(LEN(N$))=STR$(GR)
1320 CLOSE #1
1330 OPEN #1,12,0,N$
1335 XIO 252,#1,12,1,"N:"
1340 XIO ASC("P"),#1,12,0,"N:"
1345 GOSUB 200
1350 CLOSE #1
1390 RETURN 
2000 REM PROC Display all Teams
2010 RESTORE 3000
2020 FOR T=1 TO 32
2040 ? ID,NAME$,GRP$
2050 NEXT T
2100 REM PROC Get Teamname **********
2110 RESTORE 3000
2120 FOR T=1 TO 32
2150 NEXT T
2160 RETURN 
3000 DATA 764,Argentina,C,750,Australia,D,2673,Belgium,F,753,Brazil,G,2669,Costa Rica,E,758,Denmark,D
3001 DATA 139,Germany,E,2670,Ecuador,A,755,England,B,144,France,D,754,Ghana,H,2672,Iran,B,749,Japan,E
3002 DATA 845,Cameroon,G,5588,Canada,F,4912,Qatar,A,146,Coatia,F,4629,Morocco,F,761,Mexico,C
3003 DATA 147,Netherl.,A,1410,Poland,C,149,Portugal,H,2408,Saudi Arabia,C,38,Switzerland,G,4630,Senegal,A
3004 DATA 1404,Serbia,G,170,Spain,E,751,S.Korea,H,1391,Tunisia,D,849,Uruguay,H,949,USA,B,5572,Wales,


WC22V08.BAS 2.5 kB · 1 download

Excellent @MichaG. :) Awesome innit? :)

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Once this gets to a stable point, I can help you make a boot disk. :)


an example procedure:


* Format disk with mydos, put system files on it

* put NDEV.AR0 from the mydos DOS disk on there

* use LoadGo.atr in the Utilities folder on apps to make an autorun.sys for basic, put it on disk as AUTORUN.AR1

* done


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On 11/20/2022 at 4:24 PM, tschak909 said:

Once this gets to a stable point, I can help you make a boot disk. :)


an example procedure:


* Format disk with mydos, put system files on it

* put NDEV.AR0 from the mydos DOS disk on there

* use LoadGo.atr in the Utilities folder on apps to make an autorun.sys for basic, put it on disk as AUTORUN.AR1

* done


Would love a bootdisk!


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I found this autorun by @JAC! very good, in the ATR disk image just replace AUTORUN.BAS with your program, named AUTORUN.BAS.

Moreover, it enables BASIC.

Autorun by Jac!.zip


I added the program, I haven't tested it yet with FujiNet.



Here is a stock DOS 2.5 disk with the program. RUN "D:WC22.BAS" to run it.




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