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Altirra 4.10 released


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11 hours ago, mirao said:

Altirra crashes when using a command line help in my Wine environment this way:

  1. Run this command from a terminal:  
  2. Click into the window with the help so that you can see a text cursor
  3. Press Ctrl + C (selecting of text doesn't matter)
  4. Click on the button "OK"
  5. Altirra will crash in a moment 🐞

Here is a a crash dump: 

AltirraCrash.zip 292.2 kB · 1 download


Used SW:

  • Ubuntu 23.10
  • Wine wine-8.0.1
  • Altirra 4.20-test29


Hmm... this looks like a potential issue in Wine. It's crashing on within the call to OleUninitialize() on exit, can't see anything that would affect that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some debugger issues I've found during extensive (so very helpful) use:

4.20-test29 Wine/Mac


There's no entry for the A register in the Variables section of the ? .help


.loadsym will append the same files to the list multiple times if requested. Generally innocuous but does cause ##TRACE to repeat for every instance.


Is there a way to get source files to reload when symbol files get reloaded? Or add a reload item to the context menu.


It would be nice if a file could be selected in the Source File List via double-clicking.


Pasting into the debugger command line replaces everything instead of just the selection (or simply inserting). It also renders in a different, larger font when pasting from an outside source.


It would be nice to have the ability to disable/enable breakpoints without deleting them. Perhaps 'bd' and 'be' and a checkbox in the GUI.

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3 hours ago, Teapot said:

Pasting into the debugger command line replaces everything instead of just the selection (or simply inserting)

I had the same issue, see 

I reported it to Wine: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54182

Interestingly when I'm trying it now, it's working well.

Just tested with Altirra 4.20-test29, wine-8.21 (Staging), Ubuntu 23.10

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33 minutes ago, MrFish said:

It's almost a month since @phaeron has posted. I say, either he's not feeling well (hopefully not the case) or we're in for a 4.20 Release thread pretty soon.


It's been about a month since I posted in this thread. I posted in another thread a couple of days ago.


Getting close to another release, but there's something I'm finishing up before starting to do pre-release checks. There's also a potential CPU minspec issue with the current compiler that I need to check for.

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There is an issue which surely is not on Altirras side, but I´m not sure how to track it down, and it´s been there for Altirra 3.x already, but I was too comfortable with the command line to investigate the issue more in detail. ;)


I use Mac OS X Sonoma 14.0 on M1 (but this issue exists on Intel Macs and older OS, too) with wine installed through homebrew.

When I start Altirra directly from the terminal ('win64 Altirra64.exe') all runs fine.


But as I´m a lazy, snobby Mac user (please add any stereotypes you like, I´ll gladly ignore them) I´ve created an APP using Apple script editor, so I can start Altirra like any other APP by just clicking the Altirra-Icon that sits in my dock. Starts fine, but after a few seconds, Altirra simply freezes. Could be my bad Apple Script, could be wine, but surely not Altirra. For starters, here my Apple Script, which I write in Apple scripteditor.app and then save as APP:


do shell script "/Applications/Wine\\ Devel.app/Contents/Resources/wine/bin/wine64 /Applications/Atari/8Bit/Altirra/Altirra64.exe"


Of course, the paths are my personal paths, you might have to adopt them to your actual paths. First thing I never cared about: When I simply use "wine64" without the full path ahead, like I do in Terminal, the script fails. Obviously it ignores the path. Maybe it sounds like I´m good in the command line, but this is just mimicri. I only now the stuff, that I think I need. ;) 


Anyway: Open it that way, it works, but only a few seconds.


The same is, when I use the shell-script to call Altirra as emulator from WUDSN-IDE:




sed "/mads /a\\
Source: $lstfile
" $lstfile > $lstfile.temp
mv $lstfile.temp $lstfile

basename "$FILE"
f="$(basename -- $FILE)"

/Applications/Wine\ Devel.app/Contents/Resources/wine/bin/wine64 /Applications/Atari/8Bit/Altirra/Altirra64.exe $f


I can set that *.sh-file as Emulator in WUDSN IDE and it will open it with the compiled program. But after a while it freezes.


I´m asking you for help to track down what the problem is. Just tell me, if I forgot to mention something important here. And please let me know which kind of log files or whatsoever I should observe/create to track down that issue.

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You actually run 'win64 Altirra64.exe' from the CLI and it works fine?  You mean "wine64 /Applications/Atari/8Bit/Altirra/Altirra64.exe" or are you already in the Altirra folder when you run wine64?  I'm assuming you don't & it for background.  You also have bash vs zsh on newer OS versions to contend with. I'm not sure if wine64 is adding things to shell startup scripts.


You could add "env; set" to your bash script to see if the output matches the same as running it on the cli.



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I can run "wine64" from everywhere, as it is the $PATH variable.

Actually, $PATH leads to /opt/homebrew/bin in which wine64 links to the above mentioned folder.


I´ve added "env; set" to the bash script and will check. A quick test with some really short snippets showed no issues so far.

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Just a minor nit, but the first line of your script should be "#!/bin/bash", not "#/!bin/bash". That typo might be making your script run with your default shell, which could be zsh, instead of bash. Not sure if that would make much of a difference, but it's probably worth fixing anyway.


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13 hours ago, skr said:

I can run "wine64" from everywhere, as it is the $PATH variable.

Actually, $PATH leads to /opt/homebrew/bin in which wine64 links to the above mentioned folder.


I´ve added "env; set" to the bash script and will check. A quick test with some really short snippets showed no issues so far.

Interactive vs non-interactive shells behave differently.  You might just need to source your environment in the script that freezes: BASH_ENV="$HOME/.profile" or .bashrc or whatever.

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  • Fixed MOVP3 A,@A instruction in XF551 full emulation (fixes HyperXF menu).
  • Fixed a compatibility issue in zip decompressor and improved decompression speed.
  • Optimized speed and memory usage of trace analyzer load/save.
  • Trace recorder no longer records disk sector-under-head information for hard disk like images which only have one track, which looked silly.
  • Adjusted color of keywords in source views as they were hard to see in dark theme.
  • Fixed debug display incorrectly rendering Graphics 3 (IR mode 8).
  • Added separate internal cartridge types for SIC! 128K and 256K cartridge sizes, and added separate flash ROM types to match.
  • Fixed bug in the keyframe flags emitted by the video recorder when writing an uncompressed AVI file.
  • Fixed an ARM64-specific bug in the video recorder (source only for now, since I don't usually include ARM64 test releases).
  • Fixed /soundboard command line switch not correctly applying the specified address.



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On 12/13/2023 at 9:07 AM, skr said:

I use Mac OS X Sonoma 14.0 on M1 (but this issue exists on Intel Macs and older OS, too) with wine installed through homebrew.

When I start Altirra directly from the terminal ('win64 Altirra64.exe') all runs fine.


But as I´m a lazy, snobby Mac user (please add any stereotypes you like, I´ll gladly ignore them) I´ve created an APP using Apple script editor, so I can start Altirra like any other APP by just clicking the Altirra-Icon that sits in my dock. Starts fine, but after a few seconds, Altirra simply freezes.

I used a shell script that generates the app bundle to do the same thing.




The app bundle (Altirra.app) that this script generated used to work on this computer on Ventura (13.x), but now it doesn't work on Sonoma.  My Intel Mac is still on Ventura, and it still works there.  I'm using WINE installed by Homebrew, instead of an application installed into the Applications folder.


I can launch Alitirra via the shell script that gets embedded into in the app bundle by hand with no problems, and no freezes on Sonoma, I have it running right now.


So I don't think your "launch issue" is an Altirra problem, it sounds like a Sonoma problem.


I have an M2 MBA, my hardware info is in this spoiler:


$ system_profiler SPHardwareDataType

    Hardware Overview:

      Model Name: MacBook Air
      Model Identifier: Mac14,2
      Model Number: Z1610005LLL/A
      Chip: Apple M2


The shell script that I'm using for launching Altirra under WINE is in this spoiler; adding or removing the ampersand to background the process doesn't make a difference;



# run Altirra under WINE
WINE64_BIN=$(which wine64)
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
   echo "ERROR: 'wine64' not installed"
   exit 1

if [ ! -e "${ALTIRRA_HOME}/Altirra64.exe" ]; then
   echo "ERROR: can't find Altirra64.exe binary!"
   echo " - Searched directory '${ALTIRRA_HOME}'"
   exit 1

   ${ALTIRRA_HOME}/${ALTIRRA_VER}/Altirra64.exe \
   /portable \
   /d3d9 \
   2> ${ALTIRRA_HOME}/Altirra64.wine.log &


Edited by spicyjack
Added note about WINE install
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8 hours ago, M-Z said:

Is there a way to make Altirra's Performance Monitor capture entire video frames? I'm kind of into cheating and seeing properly when my "character" crashes into something would be very useful... :)

Not currently, no. The image is scaled down to 128 pixels tall to reduce memory requirements without needing heavyweight compression. This still takes ~150MB/min at NTSC rates. I've thought about making the height of the video track in the UI adjustable, but this would eventually just scale up the relatively small image.


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  • 1 month later...



Is there a way to mark your much used files such as bookmarking them to a list for quick access ?

Something like the 'favourites' in Stella

While working with tons of images/files in different folders/subfolders it would be very convenient and time-saving

The 'recently used' menu is useful but sometimes not enough and can only store 10 entries

If no , would it be possible to implement such option ?

Thanks and best regards

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