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I had one of these as a kid. I searched years ago for one and the few I found were pretty expensive. On a whim, I searched today and wow they are reasonable.

There are several still listed from various sellers all around the $30 range including shipping.

I don't know why I had to have it, but I did.


I just got this one. That's price with shipping listed as "in good working condition" *used*.


Order total: $26.01 (Yes, shipping included)
Basic Fun Speak & Spell Electronic Game
Basic Fun Speak & Spell Electronic Game
You should get it by 22 Nov.
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@Sinphaltimus Is that the new one which was selling in Target?  If so, I hope you will not be disappointed.  The speech is all new and does not sound like the original at all.  I bought one for the grandkid, but wound up giving it to Goodwill.  I have picked up a handful of each of the "Speak &" devices with some modules, enough to build one good unit of each for Christmas.  The prices on those are also relatively reasonable.

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15 hours ago, OLD CS1 said:

@Sinphaltimus Is that the new one which was selling in Target?  If so, I hope you will not be disappointed.  The speech is all new and does not sound like the original at all.  I bought one for the grandkid, but wound up giving it to Goodwill.  I have picked up a handful of each of the "Speak &" devices with some modules, enough to build one good unit of each for Christmas.  The prices on those are also relatively reasonable.

I'm not sure. The photo seems to be a little different than the original I recall. I'll compare against some other pics after a quick google...


I think you're right. I don't see a TI logo on it and Brand is listed as BASIC FUN. :( My  mistake. I'll have to wait a couple weeks before I go and gerab a real one (about the same price) if it's in working condition.

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4 hours ago, HOME AUTOMATION said:

And now, a word from our sponsor...



 P.S. I don't know what he's saying. But, I am certain that I agree whole-heartedly!


The labels on those bottles have a definite Jim Beam vibe. . .And the name is interesting too: Duch Puszczy is "the Spirit of the Forest", although I suspect there is the definite possibility of mangled English pronunciations turning it into something somewhat pornographic. The company also makes a 95% alcohol "Spiritus" in the vein of the classic Everclear.



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...The only proven-fuel my engine will accept...?




Duch Puszczy is "the Spirit of the Forest" ...there're places in the mind reachable only by that "Old wood alky"!?

...and yes, the name alone does tend to "get the old Evinrude cranking"!:grin:

wrong pic
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1 hour ago, HOME AUTOMATION said:

Hmm, afraid I'm not the expert on this...


This is the only self-made .GIF I can recall posting here...



I made it with software from the '90s. I seem to recall that it couldn't handle today's .GIF's higher color palette option.

Gees, don't make me come over there



Edited by GDMike
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Good gravy.


I am gonna revoke all of your geek cards.


Just use the ffmpeg command line utility. It is available for basically every platform, supports basically every input format, and is GPL FOSS.




You can specify size, rate, filter, compression schema, and all that shit in one go, without uploading your video source to some third party for processing (which probably just wraps ffmpeg with a CGI function anyway!).



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