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Creating a new Omega Race CX40 fire button attachment (already done? any interest in this? Thinking homebrews)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I really like stargate and defender, plus pinball games, and who doesn't love asteroids, so I'm working on this. It will have stargate/defender controls, asteroids, pinball, and a full joystick.


the cool thing is the thrust button for stargate/defender will be in the proper location, like asteroids, and will have reverse. The reverse toggles a one-shot latching relay which allows the thrust button to act as it would in an arcade machine. I did this in the 80s' when I was a kid but I used a latching pushbutton from radio shack.


The game can also be played as normal with the joystick. The joystick from the right port will be mapped to the smart bomb, hyperspace, and inviso buttons. (Yes, this thing uses both left and right jpoystick ports) So you get all the features from stargate without the second joystick hassle.


The sides have left and right flipper buttons for pinball, and a vibration switch for nudging inside.


Also, it will have 7800/2600 mode selection for the two fire buttons when used as a joystick.


All switching is simple pathway selection and the relay is an off the shelf thing from amazon.


It is in a big plastic box that I may put a huge weight in the bottom as this thing is big and will sit on a table


There is also a switch to make the hyperspace and smart bomb buttons work as the inventory select on
raiders of the lost ark. Just have to swap the two cables on the console.


Eventually I may add an arduino and touchscreen to control the switching, but this version could be built

by others pretty easily.


I have other versions with spinner, speed levers, etc using the pots and the driving inputs

(up and down) but this one first.


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