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Board Game Art

Cebus Capucinis

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29 minutes ago, MrTrust said:


While I generally agree, I always go out of my way to check availability and rarity before I actually do it. I assure you, nothing that can't easily be found for $20 or less gets put in a frame.


(Except for Wellington's Victory - that got put in a huge 2-part piece for my Napoleon themed home office).


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You can still find a good portion of SPI style wargamers - I have a solid collection of them, and get them out on occasion. It's definitely harder to find people willing to play them, but they're around.


Having said that, these folio style games came in SPI's magazine and thus are incredibly easy to find at quite low prices. I like to think of it as making art from Pac Man 2600 carts - little harm in destroying something rare but creating something fun. I've considered taking some to the local game shops and asking them if they'd just put them up free of charge, just for some cool art to put in public.


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14 hours ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

While I generally agree, I always go out of my way to check availability and rarity before I actually do it. I assure you, nothing that can't easily be found for $20 or less gets put in a frame.


Oh, I know.  Also, I anticipate most of the old SPI, AH, VG titles of yesteryear will see their values fall off a cliff once the older Xers pass on, or just decide to stop collecting.


Most of what might have any broad appeal from back then has either been reprinted, or has been stolen by some other more modern design that "scratches the same itch."


I wonder if the same thing will happen with GMT games.  The really successful games of theirs like Twilight Struggle or C&C: Ancients have such high supply they're 10 a penny, and in another 20, 30 years, is anyone going to want to play Here I Stand, or Paths of Glory, or Empire of the Sun?  I have a hard time seeing it, but who knows?


12 hours ago, carlsson said:

I suppose besides value, it is near impossible to find anyone who wants to play those games these days, when there are many more recent options to choose from?


Correct, and my feelings about this attitude are well known, but PBEM keeps them a little more accessible than they otherwise would be.  Conventions and smaller gatherings work as well, if you plan in advance.


12 hours ago, Cebus Capucinis said:

Having said that, these folio style games came in SPI's magazine and thus are incredibly easy to find at quite low prices.


Most of the time, anyway.  I lost a box of ziplock games I had in a move, some SPIs like Voyage of the B.S.M. Pandora, many Victory Point Games things like Zulus on the Ramparts and Astra Titanus.  I had a look to see what it would cost to replace all the ones I had in that box and my hair turned white.


Damn, how hard could it be to get these reprinted in their original formats?  It's a mapsheet, a rules booklet, and one sheet of counters; if there's enough demand that people will pay $100 to play a magazine game, put it back in print, or at least release it as a decent .pdf.

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