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Help with 5200 emulators


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I've tried 3 different emulators now, the latest being "kat5200", and I'm never able to get a game to actually load. I really want to try out some 5200 games before I take the expensive plunge of buying a system. How exactly do you get kat5200 to work?

When I try to load the one rom I have, "Xari arena" I'm just met with a black screen...nothing happens. When I open up the launcher and select one of the many roms in there, it says "error loading ROM image". Why is testing out a 5200 so frustrating? ;.;

Guidance on getting Kat5200 to work, OR guidance on how to use another 5200 emulator would be really appreciated :)

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Some of the 5200 emulators will ask for the cartridge type when you load a game, if you get this wrong, the game fails to load,   One day I decided to actually read the docs for Atari800, and discovered there was a way to convert the roms to a different format that will prevent the emulator for ever asking about cartridge types again.    It works much better for me now.


Also make sure you have the OS (5200.rom I think it's called) installed in the right folder or nothing will load.

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1 hour ago, Stephen said:

Why is nobody recommending Altirra?  It's by far the best 8-bit emulator for the computers (and 5200 which is the same thing).

Speaking strictly for myself: it's Windows-only.  This is fine, but makes it difficult to recommend given that I've used it very little as a result.


FWIW, I recommended Atari800 based on experiences with Atari800MacX.  While I've used both, I've used the latter far more extensively - but in the case of the former, more than Altirra.


Altirra is a damned good emulator, however.  Won't debate that for a second.

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Altirra rulez big time, I use it every day on my Linux machine (with wine). It is more faithful to the real hardware (especially controls) and tries to detect cart type, which worked for me every time. atari800 is also very good, native, and thus many times faster if you crave for 100x speedups.

Edited by pirx
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/8/2023 at 5:37 PM, donjn said:

I finally got Atari 5200 working via Retroarch with direct links to each game through Launchbox!

Retroarch has "read ahead" options, too for ZERO LAG. It's amazing.

How do you find the sound, last time I tried using RetroArch for A8 and 5200 it was not very accurate...




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2 hours ago, CommodoreDecker said:

It looks like that, if one subscribes, then the ability to bring in other ROMs is opened up...?

Correct - if you subscribe to premium, you get cloud saves, premium games, and the feature to bring your own via local storage (on the device) or a folder on Google Drive.

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2 hours ago, Jetboot Jack said:

How do you find the sound, last time I tried using RetroArch for A8 and 5200 it was not very accurate...




The sound is always going to be an issue. You need to play around with the sound timing settings.

I care more about input lag and how the games look and feel.

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So I guess it has not changed much then sadly, I have never found a setting on that core that sounds acceptable.


I have a nice launchbox setup and have defaulted to Altirra for A8 and 5200 right now, it has it's quirks, but its accuracy is superb (for both sound and visuals it is far ahead of any other A8/5200 emulator) and I have not really felt any control issues, perhaps I need to revisit those settings in RetroArch 🙂





Edited by Jetboot Jack
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  • 2 months later...
On 9/28/2023 at 11:02 AM, Jetboot Jack said:

So I guess it has not changed much then sadly, I have never found a setting on that core that sounds acceptable.


I have a nice launchbox setup and have defaulted to Altirra for A8 and 5200 right now, it has it's quirks, but its accuracy is superb (for both sound and visuals it is far ahead of any other A8/5200 emulator) and I have not really felt any control issues, perhaps I need to revisit those settings in RetroArch 🙂


Yes I like Altirra but hate the input lag when using it for the 800 and 5200. This is why I like using the built-in Atari 800 emulator via Retroarch because I can change read ahead for an almost CRT response time!

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