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18 minutes ago, CPUWIZ said:

Ich bin genau so wie Du, mache alle ZuckerMuskTok Dinge auch nicht, aber Albert hat nur Deine Addresse und so.  Ich kann Dich Glaube Ich ohne Albert finden und deine Posts kann Jeder lesen, was fuer Daten hat Er, die Dir Sorgen machen wuerden?  IP's, Maschinen die Du benutzt?  Echt Interessiert.

Gibt ja nicht nur das Forum. PMs, Store, Royalties etc. sind i.d.R. nicht öffentlich.

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16 minutes ago, Fred_M said:


In Germany people generally value their privacy more than in other countries. For example Google street view was a complete disaster in Germany a few years ago, because many Germans objected to publish images of their houses. https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/germany-street-view/


I have attended many German Atari meetings and was always surprised that Germans want to follow each rule litteraly 🙂 I respect that, but for others it can look a bit like nitpicking.


You are literally telling a German about what happens in Germany, half my street is blurred. 🤣

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18 minutes ago, Fred_M said:

I have attended many German Atari meetings and was always surprised that Germans want to follow each rule litteraly 🙂 I respect that, but for others it can look a bit like nitpicking.

Why making rules if you do not follow them? :) 

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16 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

Gibt ja nicht nur das Forum. PMs, Store, Royalties etc. sind i.d.R. nicht öffentlich.


Oh, sure, there is no way for Atari to even look at that.  Got it.

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Posted (edited)

Good to see that …some … of the worry about transparency concerning the Privacy Policy was taken to some degree (or within a limited context) …seriously.


Now, it only remains for Ataris representative here TrogdarRobusto, to get the list he required in order to systematize what Atari needs to deal with in their wording of the Privacy Policy, created through listing requests from AA-users who have invested different amounts of time, energy, money etc here on this site, concerning what they want spelled out.

Most likely it won’t crystallize out of thin air all by itself, nor materialize from AA-reassuring this or that.

Not a big deal for me, but if it concerns or troubles other AA-users and also Atari themselves have needs for overview, those should be respected.


For my own part I don’t have any overt worry, and no hurry neither, but the process must be done, also on the part of Atari to get things sorted out.


So, a list of things that AA-users wants clarified, still needs to be put down, as asked by Ataris representant.

Edited by Giles N
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42 minutes ago, CPUWIZ said:


You are literally telling a German about what happens in Germany, half my street is blurred. 🤣

LOL I did not know that 🤣 🤣🤣

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Giles N said:

Now, it only remains for Ataris representative here TrogdarRobusto, to get the list he required in order to systematize what Atari needs to deal with in their wording of the Privacy Policy.


I think Atari's legal team will be very capable in creating a good privacy policy and other legal documents. I trust that Atari has some well educated professionals that know everything about the law. I don't think a list made by AtariAge users will make a big difference, sorry 😉


This is what TrogdarRobusto wrote:


"We are actually in the process of updating the TOS on Atari.com (they are a bit outdated) and there is no resistance to revisiting our privacy policy, it is actually on the corporate to do list because we want to bring all the new entities in line with each other (DE, DNS, MG, AA, etc). I just don't think it is going to happen in real time with this thread. That said, if the folks here can come up with one list of questions related the policy I am happy to pass those along to our legal team as part of the process. Sound good? "


I think that you are interpreting his words a bit different than what the bold part actually means.

Edited by Fred_M
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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Fred_M said:


I think Atari's legal team will be very capable in creating a good privacy policy and other legal documents. I trust that Atari has some well educated professionals that know everything about the law. I don't think a list made by AtariAge users will make a big difference, sorry 😉

I totally agree about Atari having the legal resources to do this professionally..


But, even if this is a gamer-forum with the hobbyist/enthusiast-background it actually has, the users here - being of different nations, backgrounds, social and cultural contexts, should have their concerns respectfully adressed/answered in a un-selective manner, even if that may be general statements like ‘we are ourselves unsure how long it will take, and how the precise wording will sound’.


Such open and transparent feedback, shouldn’t be to ask too much, and the AA-users here deserves some feedback, and I’ll add that the AA-users here must or should also of course use their/our head(s) to get a feeling whether things really are burning matters requiring immediate detailed answers or solutions or whether it’s highly likely it will be resolved by ongoing processes.


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Giles N said:

So, a list of things that AA-users wants clarified, still needs to be put down, as asked by Ataris representant.

Yes.  He invited us all to work together to make a list.  Wasn't that an amazing offer!  We should take him up on that offer!  I'm telling you guys, AN OFFER LIKE THAT MAY NEVER COME BY OUR WAY AGAIN!  


1 hour ago, Fred_M said:


I think Atari's legal team will be very capable in creating a good privacy policy and other legal documents. I trust that Atari has some well educated professionals that know everything about the law. I don't think a list made by AtariAge users will make a big difference, sorry 😉

I disagree.  Our list of questions has been requested.  I think they sincerely want our feedback about what issues are about the Privacy Policy are most important to us.  


I can't emphasize this one point enough.  AN OFFER LIKE THIS MAY NEVER COME AGAIN.  We should all immediately stop arguing with each other and just do as the man @TrogdarRobusto Mr. Dave suggested and make a list of our privacy concerns and questions and send it to him ASAP.  He has MOST GENEROUSLY offered to take our list of concerns to the Atari management.  

Edited by Living Room Arcade
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Posted (edited)

Excuse me?  A real mix of people here in this forum.  I do not speak German and I didn't work in Japan.  I'm just an ordinary Atari player.  


I acknowledge what @Fred_M Mr. Fred said that yes, I have no doubt that Atari has some very smart people in their management and legal departments.  However, is it so hard to imagine that it might really be true that via @TrogdarRobusto Mr. Dave that these very smart people might now be requesting some feedback from us, the Atari Age members and Atari game players, regarding what are our questions and issues are about the Privacy Policy?


It looks totally legitimate to me.  I think they seriously would like our feedback.  So, shouldn't we be doing that right now?  Start a thread.  Have some discussion.  Then, put together a list and submit it to Mr. Dave as he requested.  


Could someone please tell me why are we not doing this?  What is the obstacle to starting work on this right away?  


EDIT: And if guys like the Privacy Policy just the way it is and are happy with it with no changes, then tell them that.  They are just asking for our feedback, I think.  

Edited by Living Room Arcade
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Fred_M said:

I think that you are interpreting his words a bit different than what the bold part actually means.

Ok, - so as to what I have written, what would be the practical difference?


You edited some parts of your prior post after I answered that I did believe Atari had the proffessional capacity to do this themselves. (and that AA-users need to use discernment what are pressing and what can wait).


As to such a list, what precisely to you think I interpret different than what it actually means…?


If I gave the impression I didn’t think they could come up with any Privacy Policy themselves, - like at all -, that was poorly written by me.


But requesting one list to be passed on to the legal team, would make it much more systematic (contra spread all over the place, or hinted at, or just partially thrown in on emotional whims) for Atari 1) to know what the users here were the most concerned about, 2) as to gather the concerns for the legal team to sort out what have anything to do with legal realities contra just speculative fears or wishes, so as to 3) come back to us when the work is ready-enough to be put into some Q&A sheet/thread for us to consult.


If no such thread is created to gather the user-concerns or wishes in one place (and I’ll add: we should all use some common sense and keep cool and stick to the task to get things done), it’ll end up being spread all over the place and - independent of Ataris legal capabilities - much more difficult to systematize as to communicate point-by-point, category by category, to the users here.


And additionally; it may actually be users here who have questions concerning real possible future scenarios, that Atari may not focus on right now, and by that not give too much thought.

Edited by Giles N
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9 minutes ago, Living Room Arcade said:

@OldSchoolRetroGamer  Could you please be serious for a moment?  

Oh trust me, I've been "serious" the entire time, regarding all my recent responses to you, I have not only conveyed EXACTLY how I feel, but I've attempted to do it in the most direct way possible, you do not perceive it as serious I guess because it doesn't align with your opinion. 


So there is no doubt, please know I am 100% serious. 


It seems you have a very short memory though regarding this matter, I thought the HERE WE GO AGAIN gif above was entirely appropriate, no? 

Considering this recent post:




And yet here you are again.......................🤷‍♂️


I will keep posting my feelings on this matter, in a manner I feel appropriate and yes, please assume I am totally serious. 

Serious Tim Robinson GIF by NETFLIX


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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Living Room Arcade said:


@OldSchoolRetroGamer  Okay, you're serious.  So, what do you say about the topic?  

I'm hoping this thread doesn't get closed like the one I linked to above, and instead mods choose to boot the appropriate people from this one instead. 
If I've anything else to add as far as the original topic of this thread you will be the first to know.......well, if indeed you are still in this thread by then......😏

Edited by OldSchoolRetroGamer
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13 minutes ago, OldSchoolRetroGamer said:

I'm hoping this thread doesn't get closed like the one I linked to above, and instead mods choose to boot the appropriate people from this one instead. 

It won't get closed, but I may clean it up at some point.


@Living Room Arcade - Stop spamming this thread, and especially stop tagging the same people, myself included, repeatedly.  There is no need for you to respond every single time someone else posts in the thread, and no need to respond basically stating the same thing over and over and over again.  @TrogdarRobusto has already told you we're are going to investigate the privacy policy, and that's not something that's going to happen overnight. 


Also, for the record, Atari does not have access to any of the private information people have mentioned above, nor have they asked for any of that information, nor does it make any sense for them to even want to access that information.  The only things that I have provided are aggregate information, such as number of unique visitors on the site on a monthly basis or sales figures in the AtariAge Store.  I do agree that clarifying this in an AtariAge privacy policy is important and will hopefully put some minds at ease as far as content on AtariAge is concerned.



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I think Al has provided clear and straightforward words here, and we should leave this topic for now, or put it in some thread where questions and concerns are listed in wordings that are as close to ‘proffessional’ and ‘pertnint’ as possible. 

It seems the strong feelings by many here get in the way of that.


If people put it aside and invite TrogdarRobusto to start and write the opening of such a thread, that is a better way of doing it, in my view.

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1 hour ago, Living Room Arcade said:

@Albert Mr. Albert, I am a man of ethics.  That is the most insulting thing I believe I have ever heard.  Still, I want to be able to continue to log in to Atari Age and download more free Atari games.  So, please forgive me.  [throws ethics out the window]

At this point, I have to just consider whether you are just trolling the community and those members who have tried to engage with your various vexatious threads and posts in good faith.


You have continued to rabble rouse about the privacy policy after your other thread was pretty much ignored and people pushed back, you've passive aggressive responded anyone that doesn't agree with you to bully or manipulate them to contribute or tell them to "think it over", you tried to suggest that there was some big call to arms to band together to work on said policy, annnnnd there wasn't (it was a kind offer to forward on questions) and now you are having a pop at Albert after he provided you with an update on what's going on?


You sir need a forum holiday. Preferably a long one.


Maybe you should think it over ? :) 



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15 hours ago, Giles N said:

I think Al has provided clear and straightforward words here, and we should leave this topic for now, or put it in some thread where questions and concerns are listed in wordings that are as close to ‘proffessional’ and ‘pertnint’ as possible. 

It seems the strong feelings by many here get in the way of that.


If people put it aside and invite TrogdarRobusto to start and write the opening of such a thread, that is a better way of doing it, in my view.


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