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Name this Thing!

Thomas Jentzsch

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Honestly...if we're talking moving away from the Pi, we could always just make a "just enough operating system" type thing with Buildroot again, and then move to hardware as the next phase. What do you guys think?

Edited by r_chase
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I do like StellaNova. It has a ring to it. The “StellaNova!” 

I also like the Stella+, as I feel like it is a subtle dig at the 2600+, but also the plus symbols shows that Stella is transcending emulation and making a kind of grand return to hardware. 

And as I had posted my opinions of the 2600+ and how Atari should have kept with their numerical naming conventions for their future 8-bit offerings, I would lean towards something along those lines. 2600... 5200... 7800… the 10400 or abbreviated as the 10-4. Gives it a kind of vintage feel like you are plugging in a CB radio while ready to play. Atari and Smokey and the Bandit go together real well. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/15/2023 at 5:45 AM, Dionoid said:

Actually RTStella was proposed by @DirtyHairy. I like the "RT" in the name to refect the real-time communication with the cartridge

I like StellaRT. It puts Stella first and keeps the origin of this front-and-center. RT is a common abbreviation for Real Time, and is a clear descriptor of the purpose of this project. (As long as people don't mistake it for "retweet". 🤮 )


While I personally enjoy taking digs at Atari's failings, I think it's better to take the high road and elevate the naming of this project above that sort of thing. Also, I would hate to see some satirical reference to Atari result in people mis-attributing this project to them, when they've got absolutely nothing to do with it (apart from owning the forum where it's currently being developed... :ponder: ). So I'd avoid names containing elements of or references to Atari, VCS, 2600 and similar names/puns.


On 9/15/2023 at 6:05 AM, BigO said:


I'm sure he's flattered. ;)


Now if someone would just let him out of that box... :ponder: 

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  • 9 months later...

I have now decided to at least give the prototype board an abbreviated working name "aRTa26" (an abbreviation for "A RealTime Atari 2600"). "Community-Built Unnamed 1970's Video Game Console-Compatible System (WIP)" was too long for the silkscreen.





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6 hours ago, Al_Nafuur said:

"Community-Built Unnamed 1970's Video Game Console-Compatible System (WIP)" was too long for the silkscreen.

and forgo CBU1970sVGC-CS-WIP as a name?


It practically rolls of the tongue!

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10 hours ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

No love for StellaRT? Or is that name meant only for the board?

Yes the board.


StellaRT is the emulator, but basically the board/hardware can be used with any emulator that has a cartridge port driver. That's why I'm not in favor of using terms like Stella or Pi when naming the device, because on the Pi side of things there might also be "alternatives".


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