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My Castle Adventure. Concept VBB


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Looks cool!  I never played the original but I'm always fascinated about bringing a Zelda style game to the 2600.   I haven't started (even learning!) to code but I've done up the world map in 2600 graphics/colors and created a bunch of sprites.


Personally, I think the game would benefit if you turned off the playfield lines but you'd lose access to a missile.

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10 hours ago, alfredtdk said:

Would a sprite castle for more graphic details be a good idea? Or is it better to use the classic playfield?


Whenever I try to use sprites like that by the end of the project I'm running out of resources.  THAT becomes a real bummer.  I don't know if that's the natural order of things or just what happens due to my own habits.

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13 hours ago, Gemintronic said:


Whenever I try to use sprites like that by the end of the project I'm running out of resources.  THAT becomes a real bummer.  I don't know if that's the natural order of things or just what happens due to my own habits.

Out of curiosity, which resource(s)?  RAM?  ROM space?  Something else?  I don't really have a frame of reference myself to know.

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12 hours ago, LatchKeyKid said:

Out of curiosity, which resource(s)?  RAM?  ROM space?  Something else?  I don't really have a frame of reference myself to know.


batari BASIC puts playfields and sprites into the last bank. Somehow I always end up running out of room for sprites by the end of my project.


I wonder if bb could be modded to put playfields in a bank separate from sprites.                                                                                                                                

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3 hours ago, Gemintronic said:


batari BASIC puts playfields and sprites into the last bank. Somehow I always end up running out of room for sprites by the end of my project.


I wonder if bb could be modded to put playfields in a bank separate from sprites.                                                                                                                                

Thanks.  Is that for all the kernels or just the DPC+ one?  I remember reading about that type of restriction for that most advanced kernel but I wasn't aware (admittedly in my very limited knowledge) that it might apply elsewhere.

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4 minutes ago, LatchKeyKid said:

Thanks.  Is that for all the kernels or just the DPC+ one?  I remember reading about that type of restriction for that most advanced kernel but I wasn't aware (admittedly in my very limited knowledge) that it might apply elsewhere.


Pretty sure it's been this way for every kernel since the very beginning.  It works around the fact EVERYTHING gets cleared away when you switch banks.


Sorry to go so far off topic alfredtdk :)

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4 hours ago, Gemintronic said:


Pretty sure it's been this way for every kernel since the very beginning.  It works around the fact EVERYTHING gets cleared away when you switch banks.


Sorry to go so far off topic alfredtdk :)

I do not mind. Feel free to ask questions in the topic, I'm also learning.
For now, these are ideas, concepts. If I make this a full game I will open a new topic to introduce it. Thanks

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9 hours ago, Gemintronic said:

batari BASIC puts playfields and sprites into the last bank. Somehow I always end up running out of room for sprites by the end of my project.


I wonder if bb could be modded to put playfields in a bank separate from sprites.

Probably not. The sprite and playfield data is in the last bank because that is where the display data is located, and the kernel needs to access it when drawing the screen. 

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One thing I miss about the standard kernel (as opposed to the multi sprite kernel) is the ability to modify playfields.  In a prototype called Destiny I broke the playfield up into 3 sections.  I "printed" a section out then scrolled it out of the way for another.. then another.  So, mazes could be randomly made out of 3 different parts:



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It definitely sounds authentic to the original and you're steadily progressing in adding features.   Have you decided whether you'll include the playfield lines or not?  I see you went back so figured I'd ask.   One thing that I never considered (with bB) until looking at your project is that the choice of using the ball as the player lets you put two independent (non-doubled or tripled) enemies on screen at one time with just the basic kernel; while I love the idea of a zelda style game where all of them are full sprites, this is a huge benefit to calling back to the classic adventure game instead.

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On 11/18/2023 at 6:35 PM, Gemintronic said:

I managed to find the altered kernel I was talking about.  You get no_blank_lines and player1colors BUT missiles are gone and the playfield is mirrored:



So in that kernel mod, only the PF2 is symmetric, correct?   That's an interesting trade-off and one I suspect people can work around potentially when converting fully asymmetrical maps especially given the benefits (no lines and two full color full detail enemy sprites).

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