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Anybody else here find it really curious that...

John Stamos Mullet

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5 minutes ago, John Stamos Mullet said:

Albert really needs to add a frown, rolleyes, or a preferably a middle finger emoticon to the options for posts like this.

Bro, people have openly stated they're 50 or 40+ on the forums... sorry if you aren't but it's not like an unknown thing.

Also, maybe be less rude and I might not assume you're a grouchy old fuck :)

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13 minutes ago, John Stamos Mullet said:

There are thousands of us here on this site who, regardless of our ages, like old Atari and new Atari, and really don’t care  about whether Infogrames was good or bad because it really doesn’t matter. 

Bro, I love OG Atari, Atari Games, and even some of the recent titles put out by modern Atari. But you can't just expect me to just move past all the late 2000s and all the shit that happened in the 2010s with current atari basically spitting on the legacy they purchased.

Nor do I think you should be so quick to move on. Having a ton of Yes-men doesn't help the company improve. And the fact you don't care about what they did during the 2010s (and even approve of it) is very odd to me if you really do have so much reverence for the old Atari/Atari Games/Tengen era of the brand.


And again, I like the 2600+. I just want them to make it more than a really simple rom-dumper.

Literally my only complaint. And seeing Ben and Al take feedback to heart rather than just shoot everything down is actually awesome.

My problems with Atari come down solely to the management, not even that they're a different company. I'm fine with a spiritual successor rather than a literal one... but it's taken over 20 years to get to that point. So forgive me for being cautious and/or skeptical about what current leadership is doing.

Like buying Night Dive and Digital Eclipse are actually amazing decisions to me (so long as they don't abuse them), developing projects larger in scope than the Recharged games, and pulling out of all the dumb licensing agreements (crypto, hotels, casinos, etc.) are all great steps in the right direction. But only time will tell.

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I thought he was referring to people who've been with AA since the beginning, not 40+ yold gamers. LOL, Atari age has been around a while (99, I think) but its not that old....yet.


Albert has always been decent on the moderator side of things. You want to hate Atari, or whatever, cool, that's on you, unless a topic gets way out of hand he, or his crew, are unlikely to lock or delete it. Part of what i, and I'm sure many others love about atariage is the fact you can pretty well talk about anything with little chance of the board censoring you. Sure there's some stuff, covid is fake, misinformation like that (I've had it a few times, I know most assuredly its not fake) lets talk politics or religion (there's actually rules for not talking about those, even posted in general forums) but mostly, anything, and any opinion is fair game. Now how other members act, or react, that's another thing.

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15 minutes ago, Video said:

I thought he was referring to people who've been with AA since the beginning, not 40+ yold gamers. LOL, Atari age has been around a while (99, I think) but its not that old....yet.

You mean this site hasn't been around since the literal start of the internet?!?! 🤯



I'm absolutely shook!

Edited by Warboss Gegguz
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On 12/20/2023 at 6:39 PM, ABA180 said:

Berzerk being a big one (and yes I got the new one but haven't had a minute to play), Defender, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, the list keeps going.  


I think 82-T/A is right about hearing the buzz of it all.  Comparison, my brother in law and I cleaned out his parents' house last year and found his old 4 switcher so he asked me to get it up and running again.


Hahah... Berzerk has got to be one of my favorite games. With the 2600+, I get to hear the long drawn out gunshot when the bad guy / robot thing shoots the bullet from clear across the screen and it makes that crazy / ridiculous noise as it continually goes down an octave each pixel. My 14 year old says it sounds like a long drawn out digital fart. It's hilarious... I do love that game, even if I kind of suck at it.



On 12/20/2023 at 7:23 PM, Warboss Gegguz said:

Typically, Commercial failure= SUPER HIGH resale value, and that strongly applies to the 7800. At least if you want them to be functional.


I haven't looked recently... and to be honest, I can't even remember... but back in like 1998 / 1999... people were unloading 7800 games left and right. Like... you COULD NOT SELL THEM. If you had a boxed 2600 game, people would be interested. I literally have a large box (originally a box that like 50+ Jaguar Killer Mutant Penguins shipped in) with... I dunno... 50+ Atari 7800 games brand new in the box never opened. I tried selling them on eBay like 7-8 years ago... and no one wanted them. They were still going for peanuts... and I just couldn't bring myself to sell a NIB 7800 game for $2.99.



5 hours ago, Warboss Gegguz said:

Bro, people have openly stated they're 50 or 40+ on the forums... sorry if you aren't but it's not like an unknown thing.

Also, maybe be less rude and I might not assume you're a grouchy old fuck :)


You're not wrong... almost all of us our in our mid-40s or older... haha. It sucks getting older, let me tell you. When I was 18... I was a friggin' stud... like... everywhere I went, girls checked me out, even dudes checked me out (hahaha). I would run 8-9 miles every day, and that was AFTER I ran a mile to the place where I would start running my 8 miles. When I would get off from school, I'd walk to McDonalds and I'd eat 3 double quarter pounders, with fries... and put that down like it was nothing, and THEN walk home and eat whatever my mom was making for dinner... and I didn't gain an ounce of weight. It was the 90s too... so the music was way more awesome... and people weren't always getting so bent out of shape about everything like they do today. There were no victims, at least... people didn't want to be known as one (it wasn't a status symbol). I'd just moved to Miami with my Fiero (hahah), and I used to cruise around up and down the beach strip thinking I was sooo cool. Not too many regrets... I do wish I had bought a beach house. In ~1997 they were selling for $40k... fourty thousand dollars man... 40k could buy you a house that was right on the other side of the sand dune up near Hallandale or Dania beach. I made good decisions... you know... I've had an awesome career thus far, my wife is still smokin' hot, my daughter is smarter than I am... I can't ask for more. But damn... as the old people say, "I miss the time..."


Anyway... dude, I eat a cheeseburger and that shit is going right to my gut. I can't eat half the stuff I used to eat... and I think I tore a muscle in my right arm because I can't move it too well in one direction. Sometimes I get a fascist plantar (plantar fascistic or whatever it's called, hahah)... which is tendonitis of the heel. My hair is getting grey... and I have to watch my cholesterol. Let me tell you man... getting old... you don't just do it... you have to kick ass at it, haha...


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Ah yes, I never was a "stud" by any definition, but I sure miss my metabolism. I used to think people just had it quit due to inactivity, but over the past few years, I've found that to be wrong. Sure, I'm reasonably healthy still (knock on wood) but despite exercise and running a few miles a day (just crank some good tunes and go) my metabolism has still all but switched off. I used to eat garbage too and was fine, now I get run down and gain weight just by smelling food lol.


Anyone who missed the negativity may just not check a lot of topics, like there's one in Atari general, "atari should make a new Atari kart" or some odd. Just gloss over that and see some peoples hate and negativity. There's plenty of others. I just don't get "atari shouldn't do it because their unknown, or because its not Mario kart. Nobody claimed it was, as for Atari being unknown (outside us fanbase) it will remain unknown until Atari remakes a name for itself. I know, shocking to us fans, but they really are an irrelevant unknown in today's world. I love the arcade remakes, but I also know modern gaming and the bulk of people will just be " meh" on the recharged stuff.

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7 hours ago, Warboss Gegguz said:

Bro, people have openly stated they're 50 or 40+ on the forums... sorry if you aren't but it's not like an unknown thing.

Also, maybe be less rude and I might not assume you're a grouchy old fuck :)

I would be less rude to you if you would be less rude about your opinions of what you think Atari should be, or what they should do with their products that directly benefits you. Your entire posting output on this subject is you making ridiculous demands that Atari should give you the ability to play every 2600 game on the 2600+, for free, with roms you essentially stole from the internet, and if they don't do that then they they are just ripping you off. All done with heaping helpings of sarcasm and condescension.


reap >>> sow.

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2 hours ago, Video said:

I just don't get "atari shouldn't do it because their unknown, or because its not Mario kart. Nobody claimed it was, as for Atari being unknown (outside us fanbase) it will remain unknown until Atari remakes a name for itself. I know, shocking to us fans, but they really are an irrelevant unknown in today's world. I love the arcade remakes, but I also know modern gaming and the bulk of people will just be " meh" on the recharged stuff.


I remember being EXACTLY like this when I was much younger. Specifically, I remember really, really shitting on the Atari Jaguar when I was 16. There was a kid on one of my classes that had an Atari Jaguar, and he was talking about DOOM for the Jaguar to some kid behind me, and how cool they thought it was. I was super dick about it, I was all like... "Can you even save your game?" and... "Why would you even bother when it's so much better for the PC?" I'm not like this now... on anything actually, I really try to take a measured approach.


We all think our opinions and ideas are the best, but understanding that everyone not only comes from a different place in life, but a different perspective too, helps you realize that people don't view the things you like and dislike by the same metric. I don't know if it's maturity, or whatever. That's the best I can figure... but I remember being like this too.


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4 hours ago, 82-T/A said:


Hahah... Berzerk has got to be one of my favorite games. With the 2600+, I get to hear the long drawn out gunshot when the bad guy / robot thing shoots the bullet from clear across the screen and it makes that crazy / ridiculous noise as it continually goes down an octave each pixel. My 14 year old says it sounds like a long drawn out digital fart. It's hilarious... I do love that game, even if I kind of suck at it.




You're not wrong... almost all of us our in our mid-40s or older... haha. It sucks getting older, let me tell you. When I was 18... I was a friggin' stud... like... everywhere I went, girls checked me out, even dudes checked me out (hahaha). I would run 8-9 miles every day, and that was AFTER I ran a mile to the place where I would start running my 8 miles. When I would get off from school, I'd walk to McDonalds and I'd eat 3 double quarter pounders, with fries... and put that down like it was nothing, and THEN walk home and eat whatever my mom was making for dinner... and I didn't gain an ounce of weight. It was the 90s too... so the music was way more awesome... and people weren't always getting so bent out of shape about everything like they do today. There were no victims, at least... people didn't want to be known as one (it wasn't a status symbol). I'd just moved to Miami with my Fiero (hahah), and I used to cruise around up and down the beach strip thinking I was sooo cool. Not too many regrets... I do wish I had bought a beach house. In ~1997 they were selling for $40k... fourty thousand dollars man... 40k could buy you a house that was right on the other side of the sand dune up near Hallandale or Dania beach. I made good decisions... you know... I've had an awesome career thus far, my wife is still smokin' hot, my daughter is smarter than I am... I can't ask for more. But damn... as the old people say, "I miss the time..."


Anyway... dude, I eat a cheeseburger and that shit is going right to my gut. I can't eat half the stuff I used to eat... and I think I tore a muscle in my right arm because I can't move it too well in one direction. Sometimes I get a fascist plantar (plantar fascistic or whatever it's called, hahah)... which is tendonitis of the heel. My hair is getting grey... and I have to watch my cholesterol. Let me tell you man... getting old... you don't just do it... you have to kick ass at it, haha...

I was always buying the compilation discs for my Playstations anyway and took interest in the preloadeds but always said "damn, no Berzerk/Defender/etc again!"  So this definitely scratches the itch for stuff that hasn't been put out for a while in newer form.


Re getting old..I just hit 50.  Never had the girls chase me (I was the metalhead long haired freak in a conservative town) but I remember my hot rods and eating whatever I wanted plus drinking soda like it was going out of style.  Music was much better..I was lucky to be exposed to some good stuff at 7 yrs old by my cousin like Ozzy, AC/DC, Misfits.  I was a BMX kid, actually still ride.  


Relatable to the cholesterol thing, I had to really change my lifestyle a couple of times..most recently 10 yrs ago.  But I shouldn't have lived to see age 30, so at 50 to be still playing games/riding BMX/going to metal shows I can't complain.  No kids but I have a hot wife.

4 hours ago, 82-T/A said:



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12 minutes ago, ABA180 said:

I was always buying the compilation discs for my Playstations anyway and took interest in the preloadeds but always said "damn, no Berzerk/Defender/etc again!"  So this definitely scratches the itch for stuff that hasn't been put out for a while in newer form.


Re getting old..I just hit 50.  Never had the girls chase me (I was the metalhead long haired freak in a conservative town) but I remember my hot rods and eating whatever I wanted plus drinking soda like it was going out of style.  Music was much better..I was lucky to be exposed to some good stuff at 7 yrs old by my cousin like Ozzy, AC/DC, Misfits.  I was a BMX kid, actually still ride.  


Relatable to the cholesterol thing, I had to really change my lifestyle a couple of times..most recently 10 yrs ago.  But I shouldn't have lived to see age 30, so at 50 to be still playing games/riding BMX/going to metal shows I can't complain.  No kids but I have a hot wife.


Oh man... the BMX bike... dude, those were some of the best years. We had a big forest behind my neighborhood with a creek... and all the kids would ride their bikes in the forest so often enough that there was an actual BMX trail that had been built. There were ramps and jumps and all kinds of things in it. Dude, I loved my BMX bike in the 80s. I had a Smokey & the Bandit BMX bike... and my lunch box was an A-Team lunchbox... haha... damn. I miss the time.

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4 hours ago, 82-T/A said:


Oh man... the BMX bike... dude, those were some of the best years. We had a big forest behind my neighborhood with a creek... and all the kids would ride their bikes in the forest so often enough that there was an actual BMX trail that had been built. There were ramps and jumps and all kinds of things in it. Dude, I loved my BMX bike in the 80s. I had a Smokey & the Bandit BMX bike... and my lunch box was an A-Team lunchbox... haha... damn. I miss the time.


Bikes were actually my first love as I got my first bike before my first video game but it's close.  I never did team sports nor wanted to, so BMX racing and freestyle gave this outcast punk a home and outlet.  We had wetland across the street they couldn't build on so I made a small BMX practice track when I was about 9-10. Bikes got parked when I started driving in 1991..I still kick myself for selling a couple of them.  10 years ago the bug bit me again so I have a collection now, bought 2 of the 3 bikes I had back then (same kind, not THE bike unfortunately).  The one I'm missing would cost me about $2000 or so as I had it.  

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18 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

I haven't looked recently... and to be honest, I can't even remember... but back in like 1998 / 1999... people were unloading 7800 games left and right. Like... you COULD NOT SELL THEM. If you had a boxed 2600 game, people would be interested. I literally have a large box (originally a box that like 50+ Jaguar Killer Mutant Penguins shipped in) with... I dunno... 50+ Atari 7800 games brand new in the box never opened. I tried selling them on eBay like 7-8 years ago... and no one wanted them. They were still going for peanuts... and I just couldn't bring myself to sell a NIB 7800 game for $2.99.

That's the way it usually goes down with "soon to be collectors item" sort of tech.

It starts with the company behind it pulling out support and halting production because of lack of sales. Then, the retailers and early adopters liquidate their stock of those consoles and their games for dirt-cheap just to turn a profit. And finally, when public interest is restored due to scarcity and intrigue, the prices and listings spike well above their original MSRP. And that's even more true if there's relatively few DMG items left in decent condition.


Same thing happened to the Jaguar, 32X/Mega CD, NA Saturn, Dreamcast, etc. Basically, the lack of interest overshadows the actual scarcity for a bit. Until it doesn't and it becomes a sought after collectors item. And that happens even now. Like, a few years ago you could've gotten a nearly-new used Vita for pennies on the dollar, but now one in good condition is like twice the original MSRP.


And all of this is a huge part of why I support emulation so much. Because even if we lived in a miracle world where tech wouldn't inevitable fail over time, I don't think people should have to pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars to play aftermarket games.

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14 hours ago, ABA180 said:

I was always buying the compilation discs for my Playstations anyway and took interest in the preloadeds but always said "damn, no Berzerk/Defender/etc again!"  So this definitely scratches the itch for stuff that hasn't been put out for a while in newer form.

Yeah, stuff like Namco Museum, Activision Collection, Arcade Treasures, and those shitty 1000-in-1 bootleg plug and plays were my main exposure to retro games as a babi. Especially since I grew up in a not particularly wealthy family, so getting "20 games for the price of 1" in a buy or rental was "economical". Even if the emulation on those early compilations was of fairly variable quality. Also remember the little mini-arcades they used to have at Holiday Inns where I would play shit like the OG MK, TMNT, and Smash TV, lol. 


And of course my first console was technically a SNES, but we only had MK 2 and Super Mario World for it.

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1 hour ago, Warboss Gegguz said:

That's the way it usually goes down with "soon to be collectors item" sort of tech.

It starts with the company behind it pulling out support and halting production because of lack of sales. Then, the retailers and early adopters liquidate their stock of those consoles and their games for dirt-cheap just to turn a profit. And finally, when public interest is restored due to scarcity and intrigue, the prices and listings spike well above their original MSRP. And that's even more true if there's relatively few DMG items left in decent condition.


Same thing happened to the Jaguar, 32X/Mega CD, NA Saturn, Dreamcast, etc. Basically, the lack of interest overshadows the actual scarcity for a bit. Until it doesn't and it becomes a sought after collectors item. And that happens even now. Like, a few years ago you could've gotten a nearly-new used Vita for pennies on the dollar, but now one in good condition is like twice the original MSRP.


And all of this is a huge part of why I support emulation so much. Because even if we lived in a miracle world where tech wouldn't inevitable fail over time, I don't think people should have to pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars to play aftermarket games.


I think it hasn't much changed for the 7800... I looked up the prices, and they're still not what they were when new. Most of the games, NIB, are selling for $6.99, etc... so not a huge increase... probably all just mostly inflation based because of shipping cost.


But yes on everything you said, I just don't think the Atari 7800 has reached that point (or may ever). Not many people had them... I think most owners of the 7800 got them from liquidation.

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I've seen more of a circle jerk about how perfect this system is than anything else. Mine showed up defective, my video documenting this got posted here and I got bullied for having a negative experience and documenting it. I saw others who had the same experience as me on Reddit got the same treatment and my post there even got removed for violating a rule it didn't even violate.


Meanwhile I posted my other video here that was extremely positive toward the system from a hardware perspective (couldn't test software because defective) and very in depth, and no one gave a fuck about it. When I get my system back fixed and provide a very likely extremely positive update, unfortunately I doubt anyone will care about it either.


I think people just latch on to any criticism as a personal attack. And that's what gets their attention, rather than the flood of praise. It's been kinda a creepy vibe, NGL.


Also I should note that, as someone who was involved in criticism, while I'd not been active on the forum for a long time, I was not at all new here, nor at all new to the 2600.

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12 hours ago, 82-T/A said:


I think it hasn't much changed for the 7800... I looked up the prices, and they're still not what they were when new. Most of the games, NIB, are selling for $6.99, etc... so not a huge increase... probably all just mostly inflation based because of shipping cost.


But yes on everything you said, I just don't think the Atari 7800 has reached that point (or may ever). Not many people had them... I think most owners of the 7800 got them from liquidation.

Are you shopping somewhere other than eBay and Etsy?  Most of the 7800 games I come across run ~$30 and that's for cartridge only.  The only ones that tend to be cheaper are Pole Position II, One-on-One Basketball, and Xevious.


Edit: There's also Best Electronics, which is significantly cheaper, but it also depends on what games you're looking for.  (That said, I love Bradley's selection of Lynx games!)

Edited by KainXavier
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5 hours ago, KainXavier said:

Are you shopping somewhere other than eBay and Etsy?  Most of the 7800 games I come across run ~$30 and that's for cartridge only.  The only ones that tend to be cheaper are Pole Position II, One-on-One Basketball, and Xevious.


Edit: There's also Best Electronics, which is significantly cheaper, but it also depends on what games you're looking for.  (That said, I love Bradley's selection of Lynx games!)

Ah, Etsy, where you can buy a Sunnyvale made four switcher for the low price of only $500...


I've found that local junk shops/flea markets sometimes have good prices. Others don't. I think many sellers act like vintage = rare.


Also, I've never bought games from Best, but based on my other purchases I could definitely see that being a good option. Bradley is quite a character, but he's friendly, extremely knowledgeable and his prices are solid.

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3 hours ago, AgentOrange96 said:

Ah, Etsy, where you can buy a Sunnyvale made four switcher for the low price of only $500...


I've found that local junk shops/flea markets sometimes have good prices. Others don't. I think many sellers act like vintage = rare.


Also, I've never bought games from Best, but based on my other purchases I could definitely see that being a good option. Bradley is quite a character, but he's friendly, extremely knowledgeable and his prices are solid.

Ah, yeah brick and mortar stores are probably the best when it comes to pricing.  I'm fortunate enough to live within a few hours driving distance of several retro game shops and used entertainment stores.  I don't come across 7800 games too often, but I have managed to expand my 2600 library quite a bit that way. 


Also, I totally feel you on the "vintage = rare" thing.  Some of the listings I see on Amazon and eBay are just as out of touch as that one you found on Etsy. haha 


Lastly, I would definitely recommend checking out Best's game selection if you already order from there.  The number of 7800 games Bradley has on offer isn't as large as his 2600 or Lynx catalogs but there are still several must-haves at really affordable prices.

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3 hours ago, AgentOrange96 said:

I've never bought anything on there TBH, I just have been told they're eBay with less of a gamble on quality/shipment.


I haven't been to a place like the Exchange in forever and idk if they even have 2600 games, but as far as the overpriced nature of a lot of this: blame Wata games, Heritage Auctions, and dumbass speculators for the current over-priced nature of a lot of retro games.

All the more reason to get into emulation and "piracy" imo. And all the more reason the 2600+ needs flash-cart support at SOME POINT.

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On 12/24/2023 at 10:53 AM, KainXavier said:

Ah, yeah brick and mortar stores are probably the best when it comes to pricing.  I'm fortunate enough to live within a few hours driving distance of several retro game shops and used entertainment stores.  I don't come across 7800 games too often, but I have managed to expand my 2600 library quite a bit that way. 


Also, I totally feel you on the "vintage = rare" thing.  Some of the listings I see on Amazon and eBay are just as out of touch as that one you found on Etsy. haha 


Lastly, I would definitely recommend checking out Best's game selection if you already order from there.  The number of 7800 games Bradley has on offer isn't as large as his 2600 or Lynx catalogs but there are still several must-haves at really affordable prices.


Vintage is rare comes up in the BMX market.  Everyone sees the old bike in the cellar and thinks they have the Crown Jewels.  

Oddly there are some department store bikes that are worth a lot today b/c so few survived though..


Like you, I have a few actual stores not too far and have been hitting them up more.  Got pretty lucky to grab several 7800s such as Food Fight and Ms Pac Man for almost nothing (albeit cart only).  

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On 12/23/2023 at 12:24 PM, Warboss Gegguz said:

Yeah, stuff like Namco Museum, Activision Collection, Arcade Treasures, and those shitty 1000-in-1 bootleg plug and plays were my main exposure to retro games as a babi. Especially since I grew up in a not particularly wealthy family, so getting "20 games for the price of 1" in a buy or rental was "economical". Even if the emulation on those early compilations was of fairly variable quality. Also remember the little mini-arcades they used to have at Holiday Inns where I would play shit like the OG MK, TMNT, and Smash TV, lol. 


And of course my first console was technically a SNES, but we only had MK 2 and Super Mario World for it.



I had some of the actual games for the Intellivision at first, then had a 2600 as a teenager.  But by far the most home exposure I got was from those discs.  I definitely see added reason in your case re the value piece you mentioned..which makes complete sense to me also.  

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2 hours ago, ABA180 said:

I had some of the actual games for the Intellivision at first, then had a 2600 as a teenager.  But by far the most home exposure I got was from those discs.  I definitely see added reason in your case re the value piece you mentioned..which makes complete sense to me also.  

Yeah, early zoomers got to grow up in the era where non-redemption game arcades weren't entirely dead yet, and again things like Namco Museum, Activision Collection, Intelevison lives, Konami Arcade Hits, Midway Treasures, etc. kept retro games accessible.

The only bummer to me (as a D&D nerd) is that none of the official D&D RPGs for the intelevison could be included in Intelevision lives. Literally the only reason I have a copy of jzInTv.

And yeah, I recently got my dad a copy of Atari 50 for christmas as a stop-gap until the dev team/batari/hackers get flash-carts working properly on the 2600+, which is especially good since it means he (and i) can play the proper arcade games instead of conversions + a ton of crap that's excusive to the other Atari systems.

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I'm a first time poster. Opened 2600+ on Christmas Day, tried my (PAL) 7800 carts and my heart sank as the first three didn't work, two of which were ok on the compatibility list and all working fine on my 7800.


Couldn't find any answers on Reddit, YouTube testing seemed to be ok, then Google eventually brought me here.


Given this forum seems to be the only place for anything approaching official updates, I think it's reasonable to assume 'newbies' may discover this forum over the coming weeks and may well be here to raise questions/concerns. The official compatibility list is misleading as it stands, so digging around is required, that digging led me here.

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