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Fujinet Stopped Accepting Wi-fi Password

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Hi everyone,


Looking for some troubleshooting advice.  I haven't used my Fujinet (Lotharek's Fujinet pro) in a while.  I've never had any issues with it.  Decided to fire it up tonight (on my original A800), but for whatever reason, it will no longer connect to my Wi-fi network.  I tried resetting the system.  It seems to "see" the wifi network ok, but it won't connect.  I tried resetting the system.  When I type in my wifi password (100% certain its the correct password), it appears like it is attempting to connect (the "clicking" sound one would expect), but it won't connect.    It eventually goes back to the network selection screen.  I've tried this several times, but it still won't connect.  It's the only network device that won't connect to the network.


Any recommendations regarding troubleshooting steps I can/should try?





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5 minutes ago, JamesIves said:

Hi everyone,


Looking for some troubleshooting advice.  I haven't used my Fujinet (Lotharek's Fujinet pro) in a while.  I've never had any issues with it.  Decided to fire it up tonight (on my original A800), but for whatever reason, it will no longer connect to my Wi-fi network.  I tried resetting the system.  It seems to "see" the wifi network ok, but it won't connect.  I tried resetting the system.  When I type in my wifi password (100% certain its the correct password), it appears like it is attempting to connect (the "clicking" sound one would expect), but it won't connect.    It eventually goes back to the network selection screen.  I've tried this several times, but it still won't connect.  It's the only network device that won't connect to the network.


Any recommendations regarding troubleshooting steps I can/should try?





Hi. Sorry you're having issues:


Two things:


(1) ensure you have the latest firmware, by using the FujiNet Flasher http://fujinet.online/download

(2) If you can, while also in the flasher, fire up the serial monitor and reboot the system; paste the output here in this thread.



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I went ahead an flashed the device, but its still not connecting to the network.  I'm beginning to think this might be a hardware issue?


For what its worth, here is the console entry:


Retrieving firmware
Downloading https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/releases/download/v1.2.0/fujinet-ATARI-v1.2.0.zip
sha256 b5973277c8ec995a52346234c202aa79edfc189dce3bca335bc13bb478f76c7c OK
Using '/dev/cu.usbserial-1420' as serial port.
Using '460800' as baud rate.
Starting firmware upgrade...
File 1: bootloader.bin, Offset: 0x1000
File 2: partitions.bin, Offset: 0x8000
File 3: firmware.bin, Offset: 0x10000
File 4: spiffs.bin, Offset: 0x910000
FujiNet Version: v1.2
Version Date: 2023-10-14 18:40:00
Git Commit: 4c184943
Connecting...[21:20:05] ul 299 12:26
Connecting...[21:20:05] ul 299 12:26
[21:20:05] et J 21:4
[21:20:05] s01rst:0x(OEON_REoWLUR0UR1SI_EV)
[21:20:05] 1 PWRSEo:x ONA_BOT_EOing or ownd
Serial port closed!
[21:20:05] 1 PWRSEo:x ONA_BOT_EOing or ownd
..Serial port closed!
..Serial port closed!
Serial port closed!

Chip Info:
 - Chip Family: ESP32
 - Chip Model: ESP32D0WDQ5 (revision 3)
 - Number of Cores: 2
 - Max CPU Frequency: 240MHz
 - Has Bluetooth: YES
 - Has Embedded Flash: NO
 - Has Factory-Calibrated ADC: YES
 - MAC Address: B4:8A:0A:62:6B:DC
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Flash Size: 16384KB, SPIFFS Offset: 9280KB
 - Flash Mode: dio
 - Flash Frequency: 40MHz
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Chip erase completed successfully in 9.1s
Warning: some reserved header fields have non-zero values. This image may be from a newer esptool.py?
Compressed 25216 bytes to 16233...
Writing at 0x00001000... (100 %)Wrote 25216 bytes (16233 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 0.4 seconds (effective 530.9 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 3072 bytes to 119...
Writing at 0x00008000... (100 %)Wrote 3072 bytes (119 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 1619.4 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 2167824 bytes to 1237261...
Writing at 0x0013c000... (100 %)Wrote 2167824 bytes (1237261 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 29.0 seconds (effective 598.0 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 5242880 bytes to 684984...
Writing at 0x009b4000... (100 %)Wrote 5242880 bytes (684984 compressed) at 0x00910000 in 16.3 seconds (effective 2580.0 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard Resetting...
Done! Flashing is complete!

Showing logs:
[21:21:20] --~--~--~--
[21:21:20] FujiNet v1.2 2023-10-14 18:40:00 Started @ 5
[21:21:20] Starting heap: 4332984
[21:21:20] [src/main.cpp:51] main_setup(): Heap: 192015
[21:21:20] Detected Hardware Version: 1.6.1 and up
[21:21:20] Safe Reset button ENABLED on GPIO 14
[21:21:21] SPIFFS mounted.
[21:21:21] E (500) vfs_fat_sdmmc: sdmmc_card_init failed (0x107).
[21:21:21] SD mount failed with code #263, "ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT"
[21:21:21] fnConfig::load
[21:21:21] Load fnconfig.ini from flash
[21:21:21] fnConfig::load read 601 bytes from config file
[21:21:21] Reading wifi section
[21:21:21] FLASH Config Storage: Enabled
[21:21:21] fnConfig::load read 601 bytes from FLASH config file
[21:21:21] disk UNMOUNT
[21:21:21] disk MOUNT
[21:21:21] ATR MOUNT
[21:21:21] mounted ATR: paragraphs=5760, sect_size=128, sect_count=720, disk_size=0
[21:21:21] Creating a default printer using FS_SPIFFS storage and type 1
[21:21:21] ModemSniffer::ModemSniffer(FS_SPIFFS)
[21:21:21] SIO SETUP
[21:21:21] Set HSIO baud from 19200 to 67431 (index 6), alt=68209
[21:21:21] Available heap: 4314448
[21:21:21] Setup complete @ 754 (749ms)
[21:21:21] [src/main.cpp:289] main_setup(): Low Heap: 184107
[21:21:21] WiFiManager::start() complete

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2 minutes ago, JamesIves said:

I went ahead an flashed the device, but its still not connecting to the network.  I'm beginning to think this might be a hardware issue?


For what its worth, here is the console entry:


Retrieving firmware
Downloading https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/releases/download/v1.2.0/fujinet-ATARI-v1.2.0.zip
sha256 b5973277c8ec995a52346234c202aa79edfc189dce3bca335bc13bb478f76c7c OK
Using '/dev/cu.usbserial-1420' as serial port.
Using '460800' as baud rate.
Starting firmware upgrade...
File 1: bootloader.bin, Offset: 0x1000
File 2: partitions.bin, Offset: 0x8000
File 3: firmware.bin, Offset: 0x10000
File 4: spiffs.bin, Offset: 0x910000
FujiNet Version: v1.2
Version Date: 2023-10-14 18:40:00
Git Commit: 4c184943
Connecting...[21:20:05] ul 299 12:26
Connecting...[21:20:05] ul 299 12:26
[21:20:05] et J 21:4
[21:20:05] s01rst:0x(OEON_REoWLUR0UR1SI_EV)
[21:20:05] 1 PWRSEo:x ONA_BOT_EOing or ownd
Serial port closed!
[21:20:05] 1 PWRSEo:x ONA_BOT_EOing or ownd
..Serial port closed!
..Serial port closed!
Serial port closed!

Chip Info:
 - Chip Family: ESP32
 - Chip Model: ESP32D0WDQ5 (revision 3)
 - Number of Cores: 2
 - Max CPU Frequency: 240MHz
 - Has Bluetooth: YES
 - Has Embedded Flash: NO
 - Has Factory-Calibrated ADC: YES
 - MAC Address: B4:8A:0A:62:6B:DC
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Changing baud rate to 460800
Flash Size: 16384KB, SPIFFS Offset: 9280KB
 - Flash Mode: dio
 - Flash Frequency: 40MHz
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Chip erase completed successfully in 9.1s
Warning: some reserved header fields have non-zero values. This image may be from a newer esptool.py?
Compressed 25216 bytes to 16233...
Writing at 0x00001000... (100 %)Wrote 25216 bytes (16233 compressed) at 0x00001000 in 0.4 seconds (effective 530.9 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 3072 bytes to 119...
Writing at 0x00008000... (100 %)Wrote 3072 bytes (119 compressed) at 0x00008000 in 0.0 seconds (effective 1619.4 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 2167824 bytes to 1237261...
Writing at 0x0013c000... (100 %)Wrote 2167824 bytes (1237261 compressed) at 0x00010000 in 29.0 seconds (effective 598.0 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 5242880 bytes to 684984...
Writing at 0x009b4000... (100 %)Wrote 5242880 bytes (684984 compressed) at 0x00910000 in 16.3 seconds (effective 2580.0 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.

Hard Resetting...
Done! Flashing is complete!

Showing logs:
[21:21:20] --~--~--~--
[21:21:20] FujiNet v1.2 2023-10-14 18:40:00 Started @ 5
[21:21:20] Starting heap: 4332984
[21:21:20] [src/main.cpp:51] main_setup(): Heap: 192015
[21:21:20] Detected Hardware Version: 1.6.1 and up
[21:21:20] Safe Reset button ENABLED on GPIO 14
[21:21:21] SPIFFS mounted.
[21:21:21] E (500) vfs_fat_sdmmc: sdmmc_card_init failed (0x107).
[21:21:21] SD mount failed with code #263, "ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT"
[21:21:21] fnConfig::load
[21:21:21] Load fnconfig.ini from flash
[21:21:21] fnConfig::load read 601 bytes from config file
[21:21:21] Reading wifi section
[21:21:21] FLASH Config Storage: Enabled
[21:21:21] fnConfig::load read 601 bytes from FLASH config file
[21:21:21] disk UNMOUNT
[21:21:21] disk MOUNT
[21:21:21] ATR MOUNT
[21:21:21] mounted ATR: paragraphs=5760, sect_size=128, sect_count=720, disk_size=0
[21:21:21] Creating a default printer using FS_SPIFFS storage and type 1
[21:21:21] ModemSniffer::ModemSniffer(FS_SPIFFS)
[21:21:21] SIO SETUP
[21:21:21] Set HSIO baud from 19200 to 67431 (index 6), alt=68209
[21:21:21] Available heap: 4314448
[21:21:21] Setup complete @ 754 (749ms)
[21:21:21] [src/main.cpp:289] main_setup(): Low Heap: 184107
[21:21:21] WiFiManager::start() complete

The error 107 indicates that there was an error reading the SD card, is one inserted?


Also, I don't see it actually attempting to connect to a network.




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I didn't insert a flash card prior to flashing.  Is that required?


I'm a bit confused.  When I flash the system, wouldn't the first attempt to connect to the network occur after flashing (i.e., when I identify the network to connect to after I attach the unit to the A800)?


After flashing, I hooked the unit up to my A800.  It boots Fujinet as expected and it identifies the available networks.  I select the appropriate network, and it prompts me for the password.  I type in a password, and then it simply errors out and returns to the network selection screen. 


I'm sure my "newbie" status is shining through here, so thanks for your patience.  :)



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34 minutes ago, JamesIves said:

I didn't insert a flash card prior to flashing.  Is that required?

No, sd card is not required.


35 minutes ago, JamesIves said:

When I flash the system, wouldn't the first attempt to connect to the network occur after flashing (i.e., when I identify the network to connect to after I attach the unit to the A800)?

Correct, this is what will happen. Are you able to capture the serial debug output when trying to connect to wifi? Fujinet will show an error there if it cannot connect.



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Here is the serial debug output (below).  This has me even more confused, as it suggests the system is connected to the wifi network with an IP address of  But when I attempt to connect on the  A800, it displays an error message and returns to the wifi network selection screen.





Using '/dev/cu.usbserial-1420' as serial port.
Using '460800' as baud rate.
Showing logs:
[07:24:08] ACTION: Reboot
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 5a
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 43
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 50
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 40
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 99
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 45
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 70
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 5f
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 78
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 77
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 76
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 75
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 74
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 73
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 72
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 71
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 38
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 37
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 36
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 35
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 34
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 33
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 32
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 31
[07:24:08] All devices shut down.
[07:24:08] Stopping web service
[07:24:08] Shutdown handler called
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 5a
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 43
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 50
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 40
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 99
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 45
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 70
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 5f
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 78
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 77
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 76
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 75
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 74
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 73
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 72
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 71
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 38
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 37
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 36
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 35
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 34
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 33
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 32
[07:24:08] Shutting down device 31
[07:24:08] All devices shut down.
[07:24:09] --~--~--~--
[07:24:09] FujiNet v1.2 2023-10-14 18:40:00 Started @ 5
[07:24:09] Starting heap: 4332984
[07:24:09] [src/main.cpp:51] main_setup(): Heap: 192015
[07:24:09] Detected Hardware Version: 1.6.1 and up
[07:24:09] Safe Reset button ENABLED on GPIO 14
[07:24:09] SPIFFS mounted.
[07:24:09] SD mounted.
[07:24:09] fnConfig::load
[07:24:09] Load fnconfig.ini from SD
[07:24:09] fopen = /fnconfig.ini : ok
[07:24:09] fnConfig::load read 770 bytes from config file
[07:24:09] Reading wifi section
[07:24:09] Reading stored wifi section for index: 0
[07:24:09] FLASH Config Storage: Enabled
[07:24:09] fnConfig::load read 770 bytes from FLASH config file
[07:24:09] disk UNMOUNT
[07:24:09] disk MOUNT
[07:24:09] ATR MOUNT
[07:24:09] mounted ATR: paragraphs=5760, sect_size=128, sect_count=720, disk_size=0
[07:24:09] Creating a default printer using FS_SDFAT storage and type 1
[07:24:09] ModemSniffer::ModemSniffer(FS_SDFAT)
[07:24:09] SIO SETUP
[07:24:09] Set HSIO baud from 19200 to 67431 (index 6), alt=68209
[07:24:09] Available heap: 4240716
[07:24:09] Setup complete @ 839 (834ms)
[07:24:09] [src/main.cpp:289] main_setup(): Low Heap: 183491
[07:24:09] WiFiManager::start() complete
[07:24:10] WiFiManager attempting to connect:
[07:24:10] ssid = IvesPlozai
[07:24:10] WiFi connect attempt to SSID "IvesPlozai"
[07:24:10] esp_wifi_connect returned 0
[07:24:12] IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP
[07:24:12] Obtained IP address:
[07:24:12] SNTP client start
[07:24:12] Starting web server on port 80

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So here's the latest:


When I attach the Fujinet to my PC via USB and reset it, it appears to login to the wifi network correctly and obtains an IP address.   The serial debug log seems to confirm this.  And I can see my device connected to the router when I review the active clients.  


When I remove the Fujinet from my PC and attach it to the A800, it boots as expected, but won't connect to the network.  It "sees" the network.  When I enter the password, it errors out every time. 


Very frustrating.  If anyone has any recommendations, I'm all ears.





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Well, I seemed to have narrowed this down to a network issue versus a problem with the Fujinet (although for some reason, the Fujinet seems to be the only device impacted).


I have a mesh network set up in my home.  It broadcasts on both 2.4G and 5G.  When the network extender that the Fujinet is attached to is broadcasting on both networks, the Fujinet has trouble connecting.  If I turn off either 2.4G or 5G on the extender (i.e., just broadcast on one band), it will connect.  The oddest thing is - it only seems to struggle w/ connect to this one extender.  When attempting to connect to other extenders in the house (even when they're broadcasting on both 5G and 2.4G), it seems to work ok.


This is a new one for me.  If anyone has any thoughts or advice, I'd love to hear from them.  Not really anxious to disable dual band broadcasting simply to accommodate the Fujinet.



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It’s been a long time since I had to connect my Fujinet to my mesh network. It’s possible I used the capability in my Eero mesh network to temporarily pause the 5Ghz band, let the Fujinet connect, and allow the 5Ghz band to start up again. On the Eero, you can pause the 5Ghz band for 5-10 minutes (don’t remember the exact time right now). 

Once the Fujinet was connected, I know you can use the dial bands without a problem. 

Bob C

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Just closing the loop on this thread.  Unfortunately (or fortunately?) the issue I encountered seems to be specific to my set up, so its doubtful many others will benefit from this...


I ultimately determined that the dual band issue was caused by the fact that there was a lot of interference on the 2.4G band channel my router was using.  After switching the 2.4G band channel on my router, I am now able to connect without any issues (at least for the time being).


Anyhow, thanks to Darwinmac and tschak909 for the feedback!  I really appreciate it.



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