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Hi guys!
Here I am again!
This is a new game I'm working on for the ATARI 2600.
I hope you like the idea.
Leandro Camara


Space Logbook | 02-21-2024


What if you could travel the infinite cosmos in a universe inside your own ATARI?

Do you like adventure games and exploring new worlds? Can you solve riddles and complete missions?
If you played Adventure and tried your hand at SwordQuest games made by ATARI, get ready for another adventure on this classic console!


ZARKSTARS: STELLAR is a project by developer Leandro Camara for the ATARI 2600 that takes place in an infinite open world, with ships, space stations, planets, black holes, nebulae, constellations and comets in motion, with missions to be carried out in a universe without limits. To discover the map, navigate through space with your patrol ship, and carry out extra missions with actions also from the ship's pilot's point of view (cockpit).

Do you want to help with this project?

To support the STELLAR PROJECT you can contribute in two ways:


[1] Purchase the complete cartridge in the pre-sale that starts today!

[ Complete Cartridge ]

Complete numbered cartridge with box, manuals, inserts and poster.




[2] Support the developer! Give your best contribution and receive one of the game's special limited editions that include an early development prototype and other exclusive items! You will also have priority in choosing your cartridge number according to your contribution, which will be kept anonymous if you wish.

[ Special Edition Cartridge ]

Complete numbered cartridge with box, manuals, inserts, poster and also a physical prototype of the game in its initial stage including copies of the game's creation notes, an unreleased button from the saga, a second special poster and an embroidered patch from the ZARKSTARS collection.

Support the development of new games and be part of this original adventure for ATARI!

Send a message to the email [ zarkstarsgame@gmail.com ] [ Subject: STELLAR PROJECT ] and find out more!


*Delivery forecast will be given according to the scope and interest in supporting the project. Photos for illustrative purposes only.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zarkstars/posts/pfbid09DU2UCmjdJuwofjBMaU6TYjuuvtiFLUi8ax5R27zVuQY2c3jQok5uMVatEBNgbu8l


Stellar - 02 (75dpi) Corte.jpg

Stellar - 01 (75dpi) Corte.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Hi guys!

Here is a short gameplay video of ZΔRKSTΔRS V: STELLAR!

If you like exploring space, solving puzzles and completing missions... ☺️

Hope you like it!




Edited by HSW3ET
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The Special Edition of ZΔRKSTΔRS V: STELLAR is ready!

Thank you to everyone who supported the project and who continues to follow the games in the ZΔRKSTΔRS saga!

You can also have a copy of this Special Edition! Write to the email [ zarkstarsgame@gmail.com ] and get yours!

There are only 10 copies available!



Leandro Camara



Stellar Project 1.jpg

Stellar Project 2.jpg

Stellar Project 4.jpg

Stellar Project 3.jpg

STELLAR (Screenshot) - 1.jpg

STELLAR (Screenshot) - 3.jpg

STELLAR (Screenshot) - 4.jpg

STELLAR (Screenshot) - 5.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/20/2024 at 2:19 AM, Living Room Arcade said:

@HSW3ET Mr. Leandro Camara, looks MAGNIFICENT!  (Reminds me of my previous suggestion to make a 2D version of Elite for Atari 2600.)  Are there plans to offer a digital download version and/or a demo version?  Thank you!  

Hi Living Room Arcade! Thanks! I'm glad you liked the game. I now see your idea! Nice!
Regarding digital versions, I would like to see my games available for the VCS as some people have already asked me about this possibility, but it's not just up to me, obviously. Let's wait and see if something happens in this regard.
Keep writing! It's important for developers to hear a little encouragement! ☺️

Leandro Camara

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Posted (edited)

Hi guys!
These are the rules for playing and unlocking Stellar. The game is a type of puzzle inspired by Adventure games, interleaving action scenes in the ship's cockpit. It's a game for explorative players, but who also like hitting targets.
I hope you like the idea. Comments are always welcome.
Leandro Camara




The Star Patrol! New rules imposed by the V Galaxy Command, based on Venus (now a planet inhabited by a civilization that governs galactic justice), authorized the installation of prisons on Earth's Moon, a planet abandoned for more than a century and which is on a path to collision with the Sun. Mars, holder of the most stable mining colonies in the solar system, has made available a new Space Station with enough cargo to supply and repair the latest space fleets. The Red Planet has been a target for looters over the years, but now an unknown race is determined to deactivate the Space Station and take the mined cosmic material to a mysterious planet located in the ancient orbit of Saturn. Under the banner of Star Patrol, you were called upon by the Earth base to maintain order in the 4 quadrants that are now under your jurisdiction. Piloting the Stellar S.T-8 patrol, your role is to maintain controlled space navigation, carrying out 6 missions and crossing space through meteor showers to the action zones. Lord Computer knows where to find you and you feel like you can't put the missions at risk. This is an advanced space exploration adventure. Jump into infinity!


Read carefully the sequence of galactic events and discover this adventure of exploration of the cosmos.
Mission 1 [ The Robot Rockets ]
Mission 2 [ The Smuggling ]
Mission 3 [ The Space Pirates ]
Mission 4 [ The Stolen Cargo ]
Mission 5 [ The Crystals of Zarkyon ]
Mission 6 [ Capture of the Prisoners ]
Mission V [ The Star Cruisers ]


Galactic Map coordinates and events:
[*] The cosmic wind is blowing towards the southeast in space.
[a] The smugglers' rocket automatons were seen heading northward from one of the storms in the twin stars.
[b] Mars, the red planet, is at one of the extremes of the galactic map.
[c] The contraband delivered by the robotic rockets sailed through space one zone in the direction of the cosmic wind.
[d] Only one of the Orion nebulae accepts discarded capsules.
[e] The pirate ships are about to leave the upper limit of the central galaxy. They will be flying above your cockpit's field of view.
[f] Venus, the green planet, is to the spatial northeast of one of Orion's belts.
[g] The power modules stolen by the pirates were sucked into one of the solar storms on the twin stars.
[h] An analysis identified that the cargo looted by the pirates are atomic coils belonging to the Space Station and that they need to return immediately.
[i] Countless stellar crystals were seen in one of Orion's nebulae, being pulled towards a Dark Star.
[j] Only one of the solar storms in the twin stars accepts the discharge of energy from the alien crystals.
[k] The pilots of the pirate ships were dragged by the space flow to one of the most extreme points in the galaxy in the direction of the cosmic wind.
[l] Earth, the blue planet, is to the spatial northeast of a black hole.
[m] A Dark Star was located above the central galaxy. It is being used by star cruisers to travel to unknown worlds.
[n] Star cruisers were seen fleeing the mining planet, heading north in space, a few constellations above the central galaxy, on their way to the Dark Star.

Mission 1
[a] Destroy the rocket automatons escaping from the solar system.
[b] Seek your reward on the planet Mars [ 10,000 Points ].
Mission 2
[c] Rescue the smuggled capsules dropped by the robot rockets.
[d] Dispose of contraband in the specific Orion Nebula [ 20,000 Points ].
Mission 3
[e] Destroy the pirate ships that stole the Space Station modules.
[f] Seek your reward on the planet Venus [ 30,000 Points ].
Mission 4
[g] Recover cargo looted by pirates in the correct solar storm.
[h] Take the energy modules to their origin [ 40,000 Points ].
Mission 5
[i] Destroy the Zarkyon Crystals in the specific Orion Nebula.
[j] Discharge the crystals in the correct solar storm [ 50,000 Points ].
Mission 6
[k] Capture marauder pilots lost on the edge of the central galaxy.
[l] Take the prisoners to Earth's Moon and advance to the next level [ 60,000 Points ].
Mission V
[m] Find the zone where the star cruisers are moving.
[n] Take down the cruisers before returning to Earth with the prisoners.
Note: This mission occurs, with the third patrol, between actions [k] and [l] of Mission 6.


How to assemble the map (included in the package)
Earth Command provided him with a disassembled galactic map, as well as coded directions. Choose which side of the map tiles you prefer to use:
[ I ] Completed scenario, with the blue grid delimiting zones.
[ II ] Incomplete scenario, with green stars (difficulty switch right at A).
Start the game (Reset switch) and navigate through space to try to organize the 4 tiles that make up the central galaxy. Use the colored pawns to complete scenario II.


Codified Guidelines:
[1]  Start of Patrol: R Quadrant, White Constellation, Sector 3.
[2]  Robot Rockets: R Quadrant, White Constellation, Sector 1.
[3]  Mars: Quadrant A, Red Constellation, Sector 6.
[4]  Smuggling dismissed: Quadrant R, Yellow Constellation, Sector 2.
[5]  Solar Storm Orion I: R Quadrant, Neon Green Constellation, Sector 3.
[6]  Pirate Ships: Z Quadrant, Red Constellation, Sector 3.
[7]  Venus: K Quadrant, Green Constellation, Sector 4.
[8]  Twin Star Nebula II: Quadrant A, Red Constellation, Sector 4.
[9]  Active Space Station: R Quadrant, Neon Green Constellation, Sector 1.
[10] Solar Storm Orion II: Quadrant A, Purple Constellation, Sector 5.
[11] Twin Star Nebula I: Quadrant R, Yellow Constellation, Sector 1.
[12] Pirate Pilots: K Quadrant, Neon Green Constellation, Sector 6.
[13] Earth: Z Quadrant, Blue Constellation, Sector 2.
[14] Black Hole I (Hot): Quadrant Z, Purple Constellation, Sector 1.
[15] Black Hole II (Icy): Quadrant K, Yellow Constellation, Sector 6.
[16] Sun: Outside the Quadrants of the Central Galaxy, Singular Constellation, Sector 3.
[17] Dark Star: Unknown Quadrant, Unknown Constellation, Sector 6.
[18] Android: Unknown Quadrant, Blue Constellation, Unknown Sector.
[19] Lord Computer: Unknown Quadrant, Red Constellation, Secret Sector.
[20] Galactic Map: 01011010 01000001 01010010 01001011


Galactic Map:
Quadrants A and K - Sectors 4, 5 and 6
R and Z Quadrants - Sectors 1, 2 and 3
Quadrants A and Z - Upper Constellations
K and R Quadrants - Lower Constellations


The Cosmos


Parallel Worlds
Following the shape of an infinite spiral that follows the flow of the cosmic wind, the universe replicates the central galaxy, creating new and infinite sister galaxies in all directions. However, there is only one true central galaxy, from where your ship departs, which is made up of 7 known constellations with 6 sectors each and where the spacecraft's radar works correctly. Missions can also be carried out in these parallel galaxies, but be very careful not to get lost in cosmic infinity, running out of fuel to return to Earth.


The Dangers of the Cosmos
As soon as you break the borders of the central galaxy, your radar stops working. Certain distant areas in the cosmos can scramble your senses and cause off-radar malfunctions. Know that you will be at your own risk in these unusual areas of the universe.
The Sun and an immense solar cloud are above the central galaxy and gradually consume the ship's fuel if you cross these zones. The only way to stop the drainage is to use the Solar Neutralizer (Joystick 2 button).


Emergency Return
Black holes are interconnected through the center of the spiral of the universe. Navigate through any black hole to immediately return to the central galaxy. The radar will function normally again, guiding you correctly.


Making the game difficult
Find a sister galaxy where your radar won't work, and try to execute all missions using only your instinct as an experienced pilot, navigating without guidance from the ship's computer. Don't use the black holes in this case, lest they send you back to the central galaxy.


Draw smaller routes when moving through space, thus avoiding wasting fuel. There is a quick way to solve the missions, but to achieve a good score, it will be necessary to keep the ship's energy at a high level. Be careful when entering nebulae and solar storms, stars can appear very close to the patrol. A mission cannot be redone by the same patrol, even if they did not execute command orders correctly or entered the scene with little fuel. Lord Computer is watching you from many places in the cosmos. He can deteriorate or restore your ship's power if you cross paths with him.
How to find the Dark Star? Departing from the android's message zone in the northeast spatial direction, crossing the Sun.


Extra Points
Each element rescued with the modular claw gives you 1 extra bonus point. This way, you can record your skill with Joystick 2 in the rightmost digits of the score. The galactic map programmer android, Dr. Zektor-0, offers you 5,000 points and 1 full supply if you prove to be a true space explorer, knowing how to use the ship's controls correctly. Grab this chance!




1) This game was designed for 2 controllers, but it can also be used with just Joystick 1.
2) Difficulty switchs change the colors of the scenes.
3) The Color/B-W switch turns off the sound of cosmos travel.


Your objective is to carry out 6 missions, without colliding with stars, comets, planets, black holes, space stations, keeping the ship fueled throughout the space journey.


Journey into the Cosmos
Move the ship in the 8 possible directions and use the Thermal Scanner (Joystick 1 button) to identify the areas where each action takes place on the galactic map. Once you find the right location, the mission begins.
Warning: The scanner does not consume power, but you will lose spacecraft navigation commands during use.


Ship Fuel
Represented by the Energy Bar, fuel is essential for carrying out missions. For every 8 zone limits crossed, the ship consumes 1 charge of energy. To start a new mission, it is crucial to have fuel above the reserve level. However, to collect the rewards this will not be mandatory.


Dock the front of the spacecraft in front of the Space Station, without colliding with it.
Supply is unlimited and the docking position changes depending on the patrol.
Patrol I   [ Level 1 ] - Normally docked on the ship.
Patrol II  [ Level 2 ] - Docks on the second ship.
Patrol III [ Level 3 ] - Docks on the third ship.


Black Hole
Use black holes to travel from one side of the galaxy to the other.
[ Red  ]: Point the ship to the right and press the joystick button. You will be transported to the blue hole at the other end of the map.
[ Blue ]: Point the ship to the left and press the joystick button. You will be transported to the red hole in the opposite part of the map.


Colliding with comets consumes 3 fuel charges. Colliding with stars, planets, black holes and space stations consumes 1 energy charge. Squadron ships do not suffer damage from comets if they are docked to the Space Station during refueling. Traveling through black holes does not consume energy.


Ship Cockpit
As soon as you start a mission, the ship's cockpit appears on the screen and the computer, in the bottom left corner, will tell you which mission is in progress. The ship's fuel (Energy Bar) is constantly consumed in this stage and your objective is to destroy and/or capture as many targets as possible before the spacecraft's energy load reaches the reserve level. Every time this occurs, an alert warns you that you will be sent back to the galactic map, completing the initial stage, all you need to do now is complete the mission in the cosmos.


Modular Claw
Use the claw (Joystick 2 button) to retrieve the objects requested in the missions. A horizontal alignment alert will let you know when targets are ready to be captured. You can choose not to use the claw and just exterminate the lost charges and pilots, but you will gain fewer points on the score.
Warning: It is important to move the modular claw away from objects in space during the return to the cosmos scene, so that contact between them does not cause damage to the spacecraft.


Score (in the cockpit):
Rocket Automaton - Destroyed [ 100 Points ]
Pirate Ship - Destroyed [ 100 Points ]
Zarkyon Crystal - Destroyed [ 100 Points ]
Star Cruiser - Destroyed [ 100 Points ]
Smuggled Capsule - Captured [ 500 Points ] / Destroyed [ 100 Points ]
Power Module - Captured [ 500 Points ] / Destroyed [ 100 Points ]
Marauder Pilot - Captured [ 500 Points ] / Exterminated [ 100 Points ]


Represented by 6 stars in the lower left corner of the screen, the radar indicates the constellation (through color) and the sector of the central galaxy in which your ship is located.
The colors of the constellations indicate the color of the planets, a nebula and a storm, in addition to the Space Station.
Each mission starts in its corresponding sector, indicated by the number of stars on the radar.


Ship Commands
[ Joystick 1 ]
Directional - Moves the spaceship in 8 directions.
Directional and Button - Travels through black holes.
Button - Thermal Scanner.
          - Completion of Missions.
          - Laser shooting (in the cockpit).
[ Joystick 2 ]
Button - Solar Neutralizer.
          - Modular claw (in the cockpit).


Difficulty Switchs
[ Left Switch ]
Cosmos always with a black background - Position (A)
Cosmos changes color (in levels 2 and 3) - Position (B)
[ Right Switch ]
Green Stars (Computer Display) - Position (A)
Yellow Stars (Normal View) - Position (B)
Warning: Switch changes work during the game.


Game over
The game ends if you run out of fuel on your ship.


You win the game if you complete the 6 missions with each patrol, for a total of 3, returning to Earth to receive your decoration and be sent to the battles of Zarkyon.


Stellar - 01 (75dpi) Corte.jpg

Edited by HSW3ET
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2 hours ago, HSW3ET said:

Hi Living Room Arcade! Thanks! I'm glad you liked the game. I now see your idea! Nice!
Regarding digital versions, I would like to see my games available for the VCS as some people have already asked me about this possibility, but it's not just up to me, obviously. Let's wait and see if something happens in this regard.
Keep writing! It's important for developers to hear a little encouragement! ☺️

Leandro Camara

Hello, @HSW3ET!  Watched the video.  Wow!  It honestly looks like an adventure for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)!  Incredible!  


Perhaps did you misunderstand my question?  I mean, do you have plans to offer digital downloads of this game for Atari 2600?  (Ex. Champ Games offers Demo ROMS that you can download and try for free and has an Online ROM Store where you can buy and download the full versions of the games.)  Looks AMAZING!  Thank you!  

Edited by Living Room Arcade
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12 hours ago, hizzy said:

Are there five chapters to ZΔRKSTΔRS?

Yes there are supposed to be five games. However, currently there is only 4.


Zarkstars 1,2,4,5 (for some reason ZarkStars 3 has been skipped, but the developer still claims it will be released soon).

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ZeroPage Homebrew has the Exclusive World Premiere of ZΔRKSTΔRS V: Stellar on tomorrow's ZPH stream LIVE on Twitch! Hope you can join us!




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Posted (edited)
On 3/30/2024 at 3:45 AM, Living Room Arcade said:

Hello, @HSW3ET!  Watched the video.  Wow!  It honestly looks like an adventure for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)!  Incredible!  


Perhaps did you misunderstand my question?  I mean, do you have plans to offer digital downloads of this game for Atari 2600?  (Ex. Champ Games offers Demo ROMS that you can download and try for free and has an Online ROM Store where you can buy and download the full versions of the games.)  Looks AMAZING!  Thank you!  

Hi Living Room Arcade!

Thanks again for the compliments! The NES was a very powerful platform compared to the Atari 2600. :)


I understand your question... I'm waiting for a secure platform to provide a service in this regard. At the moment, it seems to me that only VCS provides this. I read that, at some point, PlusCart would also have this service. It could be a good way too. Let's wait.



Leandro Camara

Edited by HSW3ET
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Posted (edited)
On 4/1/2024 at 7:30 PM, Skwrl63 said:

We just received our copy here in the United States. The quality of these releases are amazing. 


Let the Space Saga continue 😎

Hi Skwrl63!

Thank you my friend! I'm glad you have the games in your hands!

You need to share the link to your YouTube videos here on the forum so that everyone knows!
Leandro Camara

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Just now, hizzy said:

Hi Leandro,


Is it possible to buy they whole Zarkstars series from you?



Hi hizzy!

Yes! You need to write to email [ zarkstarsgame@gmail.com and then I will find a way to assemble, while I'm in Brazil, a game that might be sold out, if it's really of interest to you. :)



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On 4/1/2024 at 8:31 PM, hizzy said:

Are there five chapters to ZΔRKSTΔRS?


This is the link here to the forum for the games I released... if you have any questions, ask me. ☺️



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On 4/2/2024 at 9:27 AM, Skwrl63 said:

Yes there are supposed to be five games. However, currently there is only 4.


Zarkstars 1,2,4,5 (for some reason ZarkStars 3 has been skipped, but the developer still claims it will be released soon).


Deep Space (ZARKSTARS III) will be the next title in the saga to be released. I believe we will have it available this year. :)


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  • 2 months later...
On 4/18/2024 at 1:41 PM, Living Room Arcade said:

In the Atari 2600 game library, AFAIK this is the first and only game of its kind, a 2D space adventure!  

That is what appeals to me so much about this game.  

Hi Living Room Arcade!

Thank you for your words! I'm glad you realized that. ☺️


I don't remember if there is something in this format for space games on the 2600. The inspiration for Stellar came from games that I really liked as a child (and still like!) like Adventure, the SwordQuest series and Raiders of the Lost Ark.


I've been getting good feedback on this game and I'm thinking about running a competition! Let's see if I can pay attention to this soon!


Thank you again!

Leandro Camara

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