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Camelot Knights game.

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Hi all.


I've recovered a printout of one of my BASIC games from 1988 when I was a kid. A simple and short game where you advance on a scrolling scenery avoiding enemies.


It was excellent timing because I wondered if I could port it to CVBasic, my BASIC compiler for Colecovision, as a test of the compiler's capabilities.


The port was pretty easy, you can even relate it to the printed code. But then I started thinking if I could make an enhanced version of the game in CVBasic, so I made a title screen, designed some nice sprites, and added things that were impossible with interpreted BASIC, but feasible with compiled BASIC.


In the process I debugged CVBasic, you'll need v0.4.2 to compile this. Get it from https://forums.atariage.com/topic/363101-colecovision-recharged-basic-compiler-cvbasic-v040-now-with-compression-and-msx-support/?do=getNewComment


I've included the full source code of the games, including the BMP files of the graphics so you can build the game yourself. If you don't want to compile it, there are ROM files for both versions of the game.


Enjoy it!








Captura de Pantalla 2024-03-15 a la(s) 15.01.59.png

Captura de Pantalla 2024-03-15 a la(s) 15.02.15.png

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thank you for posting this!  Going to try the game out with my ATARIMAX COLECOVISION flash cartridge on real hardware!


I hope you are planning and working on your next book 


Programming Games for Colecovision 




This should be included in it!



thanks again,


Tim D.

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I bow to you Nanochess for creating a BASIC programming tool for the Colecovision (and SG-1000/MSX too). This is FANTASTIC!


I am in the process of doing a Pong game (have to start somewhere) and for now, i'm about half done (missing scores, sounds and collision).

I was wondering, is there a way to put an image (like your Camelot Knight.bmp) into the background ? Sorry to ask but the last time i touched

a BASIC game/program was like 30 years ago on my Atari 800XL.


Oh and BTW, your camelot game (camelot.rom) has a bug as you can reverse the scrolling (press fire and the down) and after 2 seconds, you'll

see various printout (i call it the negative zone, lol).

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1 hour ago, slydc said:

I bow to you Nanochess for creating a BASIC programming tool for the Colecovision (and SG-1000/MSX too). This is FANTASTIC!


I am in the process of doing a Pong game (have to start somewhere) and for now, i'm about half done (missing scores, sounds and collision).

I was wondering, is there a way to put an image (like your Camelot Knight.bmp) into the background ? Sorry to ask but the last time i touched

a BASIC game/program was like 30 years ago on my Atari 800XL.


Oh and BTW, your camelot game (camelot.rom) has a bug as you can reverse the scrolling (press fire and the down) and after 2 seconds, you'll

see various printout (i call it the negative zone, lol).

Cool! :)


You can follow the same process to show a image in the background, but you need to create yourself your bitmaps for score digits as currently there's no way to do PRINT in the high-res screen mode.


Yep, I know, the same bug that my BASIC program had 😁


I decided to keep it as a homage to history, but it is pretty easy to correct. This bug doesn't exist in the remake.


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