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The Ultimate 7800 Collectors Thread


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My grandfather worked for Jaguar in England about ten years ago or so, just as he was retiring. I remembering him actually *asking* me about the Jaguar situation. Being a huge Atari freak, I still didn't know what to tell him.


From what I remember, Jaguar (the car company) had asked for one Jaguar (the Atari) unit, and Tramiel refused. Jaguar (the car company) had no problem with Atari using the name "Jaguar" on the game system and did not want to persue Atari legally, however the only consideration they asked for was one Jaguar (Atari) unit so they could have an idea as to what it was Atari was marketing. Tramiel declined, and Jaguar (the car company) got pissed.


That's just typical Tramiel lore which I guarantee is based in fact. I'm sure most of you are familiar with Jack's business tactics which crossed the ethical line on several occasions. This is one of those times where I wish he would have been a man and not been such a cheapskate.


As for the DeLorean Atari thing, I tend to go along with everyone else in thinking this was something more along the lines of a "John Deere 2600 VCS" than some sort of wacky promotion. It just smells like rotten tuna if you ask me. As a DeLorean owner, I am not quick to discount wacky promotions, etc, because there have been so many in the past. One car dealer was offering "60 lbs of Coke" with every DeLorean sold in 1983, including a palate of 6-packs of Coca-Cola when a car was purchased as a gag on John DeLorean's cocaine situation. Stuff like that was normal. But as an avid Atari enthusiast I have to remain skeptical of everything, as I have been burned one-too-many times. When I first heard of that thing it was like five or six years ago when I was still in high school. I saw one on ebay that was going for 10x what it should have. I emailed the seller asking what the deal was and I got the same old story about the dealership in Ohio or whatever.


It just didnt seem legit and I never found anything Atari-related or DeLorean-related to confirm that story so I passed on it, with no regrets. I called all the old DeLorean dealerships in Ohio and no one had heard of such a thing. If anyone could confirm the authenticity of something like that it would have been me. The whole thing just seemed silly and the ebay price was ludicrous. I just didn't get it. Like, what was the point? Aside from the black one I saw at a DeLorean get-together in 1997, I haven't heard anything else on those things in like five years. Can't we all just agree to not paint Ataris anymore? :roll: (makes me wanna put a foot up somebody's ass)


On the topic of bastardized illegitimate Ataris, what ever happened to that John Deere VCS thing anyways? I saw those on line with green cartridges and an entire "John Deere edition" VCS system and joystick. I don't ever remember seeing it on ebay or anything but I couldn't figure out if it was just some sort of humorous webpage just poking fun at the 2600 or if someone was actually out there pushing that thing. Anybody know the story?


Okay well I've written so much I have given myself a headache. Time to head to bed. *yawn*

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I recall that eBay auction. I had my eye on it. The price just went over my personal limit on what I thought it was worth. From the description and pictures, I would've liked to have owned the one Eric won. It is still a 7800 oddity and some crafty devil went to a lot of work to make it look like something that was going to be produced. As Eric stated, it's "not exactly a real proto but it has an interesting history." It's a conversation piece, if nothing else.

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As Eric stated, it's "not exactly a real proto but it has an interesting history." It's a conversation piece, if nothing else.


That's true. It's definately an oddity and in a way it's nice that someone like Eric is around to provide a nice home for such a thing.


I don't mean to rag too much on that 7800, and I sure hope Eric doesn't take personal offense to it. People rag on me alot just because I play Atari in general while everyone else is off playing xBox, and it's not very fun. The point of the matter though is that it seriously rubs me the wrong way when people misrepresent what they are selling, or who they are, etc. and that's what I'm inclined to believe happened with these 7800 decks.


Out of everyone here I'm probabally the most inclined to be open-minded about that unit because of all the oddities I have seen in the DeLorean world. It very well could have been some dealership making that in their BIG garage... but I just don't think so. Oh well... it certainly brings a lot of attention to Eric's collection 8) which might I add features a *very cool* copy of Marlboro Man for the Lynx. Quite nifty indeed.


As for the John Deere 2600, I'd like to see a link to that one. I haven't seen that in several years as well.

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On the topic of bastardized illegitimate Ataris, what ever happened to that John Deere VCS thing anyways? I saw those on line with green cartridges and an entire "John Deere edition" VCS system and joystick. I don't ever remember seeing it on ebay or anything but I couldn't figure out if it was just some sort of humorous webpage just poking fun at the 2600 or if someone was actually out there pushing that thing. Anybody know the story?  


Yes, I know the story :)


Here is a link:




BTW: I've had several John Deere Collectors and even a couple of Atari collectors offer to buy it for big bucks. I use it only for laughs at the NWCGE meets and the annual Atari 2600 Championships in Seattle. It always causes some convesation, just like my Colecovsion Jr w/ modified Jag pad. http://home.earthlink.net/~resqsoft/coleco_jr.htm


I am in the process of making a Coca-Cola Atari 2600. It will definetely be more polished with a Coke Wins cart http://home.earthlink.net/~resqsoft/coke_wins.gif


A couple of us here in the PacNW are actually looking to chrome a couple of Ataris, including a 7800 :D


I've made lamps, bookends and such from Atari parts for my game room. All very fun.


Have fun,


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Lee -


Wow man. I had no idea that you were behind all of that stuff. This is the first time I have seen the CVjr, and WOW. For some reason that just totally impresses me beyond belief. I always thought that thing was so haneously large. It's nice to see something like that so well done with all the attention to detail that you gave it. I really like how you recreated the front label. Was that printed on paper or is that actually some sort of aluminum?


I'd like to try something like that on a 5200 to make a 5100 style 5200 jr. I did see someone put together a 5200 inside of a 2600 jr with a ton of games built in. It was nifty.

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BTW: I've had several John Deere Collectors and even a couple of Atari collectors offer to buy it for big bucks.


I would. :D I'd buy it for my dad as a birthday gift.


"Hey dad, remember how I always wanted an Atari as a kid, and you guys said no way Jose?"


"Well guess what, I decided this family should have one whether you bought it or not, so I bought you one. HERE. It's a John Deere." :D :D :D

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Lee dude what did you do to me :?: :!: :?: :!:


...I couldnt stop thinking about your Colecovision Jr. unit you made (which looks REALLY nice by the way) and I literally ended up dreaming about it last night. Geez. :D


Maybe game mod and homebrew dreams are normal for some of you but this is a first-timer for me.

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Lee Krueger wrote:  


BTW: I've had several John Deere Collectors and even a couple of Atari collectors offer to buy it for big bucks.  



I would.  I'd buy it for my dad as a birthday gift.  


"Hey dad, remember how I always wanted an Atari as a kid, and you guys said no way Jose?"  


"Well guess what, I decided this family should have one whether you bought it or not, so I bought you one. HERE. It's a John Deere."    


Pull out the spray paint and go to work :)



Lee dude what did you do to me      


...I couldnt stop thinking about your Colecovision Jr. unit you made (which looks REALLY nice by the way) and I literally ended up dreaming about it last night. Geez.  


Maybe game mod and homebrew dreams are normal for some of you but this is a first-timer for me.  


I wish I had injection molding equipment. It would make these much easier to build.


If you have the time and patience, you can do it. I suggest using a band saw to cut the case.


Otherwise, happy dreaming. I wish I had classic game dreams. Maybe I do and I don't remember them.


Oh well, sweet dreams,



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I think I'm going to do that. All I have available is a dremel, so I'm goign to hold off until I can find a buddy who has the proper saws and tools. I have never ripped into a ColecoVision yet and I had no idea that you could cut them down to that size. Anyway, again, great job.


BTW, how did you make the front label? Is that aluminum or is that just paper?

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Not offended about any "dissing" of the 7800 Delorean...I knew what I was buying was potentially fishy but I thought it was interesting, even if it was produced by a well-meaning Delorean dealer or enthusiast rather than by Atari, if only for the attention and history it was creating for itself.


Also this was "BK" or before kids...I had the money to spend on an oddity. Considering what I paid for the 1400XL (you don't want to know) and one of my Marlboro Man carts (free), I guess I could tolerate a dud.


Hopefully I'll be sane enough by December to share at least pictures of what I have, possibly to satisfy the community, and possibly embarras myself further ;-)



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I recently had Nolan autograph one of my mint 7800 units with a magic marker. There's nothing really special about the 7800, it's just stock... but Nolan signed it personally so I think that makes it a little more collectable. =)

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