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The Poor Man's Version of the Zarkstars Saga

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What's that you say?  You don't have 600 bucks to buy the 6-game Zarkstars Saga for Atari 2600?  


Not to say the games aren't worth the price.  IMO the quality seems to be very high!  For information about buying the actual Zarkstars games for Atari 2600, contact @HSW3ET.  Isn't that right, @HSW3ET?  


But if you're a little low on galactic credits these days and are wondering how to satisfy your space travelling itch on a much more modest intergalactic budget, then join me as we set course for The Poor Man's Version of the Zarkstars Saga!  

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Posted (edited)

Economy class space travelers, here is your mission briefing.  


There are six titles in the Zarkstars Saga.  They are:

  1. Zarkstars 1: A Space Saga
  2. Zarkstars 2: Ground Force
  3. Zarkstars 3: Deep Space
  4. Zarkstars 4: Nebula
  5. Zarkstars 5: Stellar

In this short mission, we will find free or inexpensive Atari 2600 games to serve as substitutes for each of the six parts of the Zarkstars Saga for Atari 2600.  



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Posted (edited)

Zarkstars 1: A Space Saga


Instructions  Link

Zarkstars I - instructions.pdf


Screenshots and Video


 img1_300x208.jpg.42b1fc167d90b766cc9187910f9154a7.jpg IMG2_300x217.jpg.437c28763cbe8cd9cd634657f5ea396d.jpg

 img3_300x211.jpg.c6d8ac1d6946a4019236dba26e978120.jpg img4_300x216.jpg.494782361d4f78d4e614f6ab80627ec9.jpg



Gameplay Description:

  • Fly to the left in a cavern, shoot enemy ships and towers


Closest Substitutes


Vanguard (Atari, 1982) Link ROM 

Laser Gates (Imagic, 1983) Link ROM


Screenshots and Video


 IMG1_300x176.jpg.c47a725f58c4f5570c7fdd750a790e78.jpg IMG2_300x176.jpg.3b29328302a2c4de8682967e6971daae.jpg IMG3_300x176.jpg.8c9ddb3782fa7a5e29238af90747b924.jpg



Time Warp (Funvision, 1983) Link ROM


Screenshots and Video


  IMG1_300x225.jpg.60da35ade4d01c00516131ff340d577f.jpg IMG2_300x224.jpg.ea0caa88e6aff890e90c0bee47a85c8d.jpg IMG3_300x226.jpg.d5c7a480555eb411ca4cdfb2c2d1d54c.jpg


Exocet (Sancho, 1982) Link ROM


Screenshots and Video


 IMG3_300x213.jpg.5b8fb4d8c1c2a5bf161818a70c48569d.jpg IMG2_300x213.jpg.889d73a01db06a8056bca39ac04a18ae.jpg IMG1_300x213.jpg.117f5352de4bb55f02d559c543f3eaef.jpg




Try any of these substitutes, and, with a little imagination, I hope you can have an experience similar to Zarkstars I: A Space Saga on a budget.  


What do you guys think of these substitutions?  Can you recommend any better ones?  Post your comments, below!  

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Now, on to Part 2!


Zarkstars 2: Ground Force Link 


Screenshots and video



IMG1_300x216.jpg.e9d833bfc50c6c1c1032ebd75ca73246.jpg Intro Cut Scene - This is not the game.  

IMG2_300x221.jpg.7972a8f904cb8ea165c0ae948fd8a557.jpg Intro Cut Scene - This is not the game.  

IMG3_300x199.jpg.ac4bbdea124de8148163ca745910f87e.jpg Intro Cut Scene - This is not the game.  

 IMG4_300x201.jpg.acb8b342b552230dee56c907296b9a76.jpg The game begins.  It's like Space Invaders.  

IMG6_300x206.jpg.a58eb15ec45e87602347169c0f80b863.jpg A special object appears.  Touch it.  

IMG5_300x206.jpg.12b1dfb91c383e09e5ddf45ea4d17136.jpg Your fuel is low.  Fly up and touch your mothership to refuel.  

IMG7_300x207.jpg.f936f12c3150003a35e89bc0e166e433.jpg A special object appears.  Touch it.  


Basically, this game is a beautifully rendered Space Invaders clone with the following differences in gameplay: 

  • Your base gun/rocket ship has a fuel gauge across the bottom of the screen.  Run out of fuel and you will lose a life.  
  • The mothership moving across the top of the screen is on your side.  Don't shoot it.  Instead, you can refuel your base gun/rocket ship by flying it up to the top of the screen and touching the mothership.  
  • Some enemies move horizontally across the ground
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Posted (edited)

ZarkStars 2: Ground Force - Substitutions


Here are the closest free or low cost alternatives I found.  


Sky Alien (Home Vision) Link





IMG1_300x224.jpg.7e29cdc523a6d5cb7b1268dbddc4dd05.jpg IMG3_300x223.jpg.d42413ecc7559b0c9b277171b202e6a6.jpg



- has a big mothership on top of screen (although it's not yours) 
- colorful aliens move side to side, drop bombs straight down
- similar music/sounds
- there is a progress bar at bottom of screen (although it is not for fuel)


You might also consider:

  • Spacechase (Apollo) Link
  • Threshold (Tigervision) Link
  • Space Invaders (Atari) Link
  • The End (homebrew) Link

You might even consider:

  • Space Cavern (Apollo) Link (You control a human, not a gun base/rocket, but otherwise, the gameplay is similar.)  
  • Space Invaders: Ground Forces (hack) Link  (The gameplay is different, but you might like it.)  
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On 5/27/2024 at 5:39 PM, Living Room Arcade said:

There are six titles in the Zarkstars Saga.  They are:

  1. Zarkstars 1: A Space Saga
  2. Zarkstars 2: Ground Force
  3. Zarkstars 3: Deep Space
  4. Zarkstars 4: Nebula
  5. Zarkstars 5: Stellar


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Posted (edited)

Hello, @Bomberman94! If you have inquiries about buying the actual Zarkstars games, send a PM to @HSW3ET.  I'm sure that they would love to hear from you!  


Currently, I don't think that they do digital downloads.  But, hey, if enough people request it, maybe that will convince them to change their minds!  


Personally, I would love to have ALL of their games if I could.  Here is their catalog.  Don't they look great?   

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/8/2024 at 6:45 PM, Yurkie said:

How about a cart only release by @Albertwith all the games selectble from a menu screen. This would also be a great new game offering for Atari, and the new 2600+

We're not making any carts or selling anything here in this thread.  We're just discussing the Zarkstars games and which games might be similar at a lower price.  


On 7/7/2024 at 11:26 AM, magnusfalkirk said:

@Living Room Arcade When will you be posting substitutes for the other three Zarkstars games?

Let's see if we can do Part 3 right now!  

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ZarkStars 3: Deep Space


Another beautifully made game by @HSW3ET!  Let's break it down and see if we can match it up with any substitutes.  


Screenshots & Video


I found this video for the game online.

Here are some screenshots I took.

IMG1_400x275.jpg.d398c1afe4b53fa1b2382d167c9aaec5.jpg A beautiful radar display.  This is not the game. 

 The game begins!  

IMG2_400x272.jpg.67bac8a77ec0ff7d8e011d07d0ea32f2.jpg Alien Attack Phase I

IMG3_400x273.jpg.e0639e4b7650bd7187002739afcfd268.jpg Alien Attack Phase II

Dodge the meteors and collect the blue rectangles until...


The enemy mothership appears!

IMG4_400x277.jpg.00dca9cdf7406e9162a4915943c61926.jpg Enemy Mothership Part 1

Shoot the enemy mothership and dodge it's fire! 

IMG5_400x271.jpg.18a405a8649497f5fb19af077b6faa92.jpg Enemy Mothership Part 2

Avoid the brilliant balls of energy being thrown at you until...

The mothership is destroyed, and we go back to Alien Attack Phase I.  


From the video, it appears that you must pass through the first and second waves of the alien attackers three times, then the mothership appears.


The graphics are beautiful and the animations look smooth and there is good use of sound to create a sense of drama.  




IMO you have to break this game up into pieces to substitute it well.



- Space Game by @Karl G has very similar gameplay and appearance. 





- Rescue Terra I.  Play Game 1 Mission Mode.  Play through the Meteors and maybe some Space Pirates, but stop before you get to the Robot Interceptors.    


meteors_400x294.jpg.ce0184adfaad041f1182e9d3b50552c7.jpg Just Meteors

image.jpeg.81e9021abdf67d6a18851523653a92ca.jpeg A mix of Meteors and Space Pirates



- Death Trap by Avalon Hill.  A gigantic, enemy spaceship has captured you in its force fields!  You must avoid its plasma fireballs and destroy its power generators!  


image.jpeg.5162f773dd99551b39fed79692225f1e.jpeg Trapped!    


Instructions for Playing the Substitute Games


- If you are emulating, it will be much better.  Follow the suggestions below for saving and loading game states.  



Play Space Game for about one minute.  Save game state (slot 1).

Play Rescue Terra I for about one minute.  Save game state (slot 2).  


Load game state from slot 1.  Continue playing Space Game for about one more minute.  Save game state (slot 1).

Load game state from slot 2.  Continue playing Rescue Terra I for about one more minute.  Save game state (slot 2).  


Load game state from slot 1.  Continue playing Space Game for about one more minute.  Save game state (slot 1).

Load game state from slot 2.  Continue playing Rescue Terra I for about one more minute.  Save game state (slot 2).  


Now, after about six minutes of alternately playing Space Game and Rescue Terra I, play Death Trap until you take out the power generators and destroy the enemy mothership!  Save game state (slot 3).    


Repeat the entire sequence above to play for a longer time. 


Just remember slot 1 = Space Game, slot 2 = Rescue Terra I and slot 3 = Death Trap.  Remember to always save the current game state before changing games.  If you are using Stella, I recommend using the hot keys: F10 next slot, Shift+F10 previous slot, F9 save state and F11 load state.  


What do you think of this Poor Man's Version of Zarkstars III: Deep Space?  What other substitutions would you make?  Post your comments, below!  

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