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What sega genesis could do all atonce the snes just can’t

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Now eventrough i was always a big snes fan and i will always like the snes and it’s games waaay more over the genesis BUT there are things wich changed my mind and/or make me felt like being disappointed about the snes over the genesis and in general,

1, the snes doesn’t have a fast cpu as opposed to the genesis, i remember how nintendo magazines claimed that “the snes became the fastest system”

2, while in most cases the specs of a system does not only show what a system could do but it could also do it all atonce, for instance the genesis could do 10 analogue sound channels,3 backgrounds at 240x320 pixels at 64 colors etc,, all atonce, now while nintendo did stated that the snes could do 4 backgrounds,mode 7,256 colors,generate 512x480 pixels and generate 8 soundchannels, but what they didn’t tell that the snes cannot do this all atoncr, it’s one or the other thing, so if you want to have 4 backgrounds then you have to sacrifie the amount of colors on screen, if you want to have high resolution graphics then you have to sacrifie 3 backgrounds and huge amount of colors on screen, if you want mode 7 then you have to accept  low-res graphics and sacrifie those other 3 backgrounds etc,,,

and eventrough nintendo stated in it’s magazines that it does have 8 modes but the right term would be 8 restriction modes because that’s what it is, these aren’t any extra’s or anything else,

what a letdown because for a looong time i trought that the snes could do it all atonce, for instance i trought that supermarioworld,donkeykongcountry etc,,, did used 4 backgrounds,256 colors and ran at 512x480 xpixels etc,,, but nope as it turns out most games do run at 240x256 pixels,

also i trought that supermario kart did used 4 backgrounds and mode 7 background and moved everything into 3D space like it’s own background and sprites but nope as mode 7 just shrinks,stretches or just scewes etc,,, a background to fake a 3D moving background,

3,i later on trought that snes audio was CD quality because i rememvber how nintendo magazines did claimed that and also somebody from the nintendo game service told me that back in 2001,heck i eventrought that audio compression didn’t existed yet, not before mp3 players, but the reality is that most snes games just did use used heavily 4bit adpcm/BRR compressed samples, wich were also cut and stretched to make them fit all with that 64KB audio ram, heck even the output is upsampled to fake 16bit audio, heck the snes doesn’t even have enough bandwide to stream full 16bit 32khz audio and graphics all atonce not without HDMA and not without reduction in audio quality, again that’s a letdown because i tout that games such as supermarioworld,donkeykongcountry 1.2.3 ,killer instinct etc,,, were all CD quality but nope as everything was heavily trimmed down and compressed,(even psg and fm sound on the genesis do sound more dynamic)

also most snes uses those same instruments for both sound and music from nintendo’s sample pack dev-kit wich eventually get’s old,

and while the snes could do true 16bit audio at 32khz but there will be no memory and pricessing power left to run a game,

4, i trought the snes could do sprite scaling as well because i remember how a game magazine did said how it could enlarge or shrunk down characters to create an elussional of 3D depth,but it turns out it could only do shrunk or stretch 1 background and nothing else,

5, while the nes could stream graphical data straight from the cartride at 240x256 pixels at 60fps but the snes (and even the sega genesis) cannot do that because of it’s limited bandwide, it could only stream graphical data at 200x160 pixels at 30fps, what a letdown, no wonder fx games are viewed in a smaller window and you cannot enlarge the screen of the supergameboy (so full screen shots of starfox and fortex,doom etc,,, in magazines and those game pakages are  just very decieving, because that’s impossible,

6,i trought that most snes games did used hirom to fully benefit the console’s speed, nope because most games just uses the cheaper lorom chip wich increases input lag and thus decreasing the speed of the snes,

7, i trought the snes uses sram chips but as it turns out it uses the slower Dram chips wich again does have a negative effect on the speed of the snes,

8,many snes games did require extra chips to function well on the snes whereas i trought that games such as mariokart,megaman x,pilot wings,supermario rpg could function without any enhancement chip on a stock snes, but nope as it turns out the snes became sooo weak that it needed a dsp1 chip to run mariokart, it needed a sa1 chip to run supermario rpg, it needed a Cx4 chip to run megaman X etc,,

9,i trought that snes games were megabytes in sizes not megabites because in the 90’s i didn’t know about megabits, i only did knew about megabytes so when i saw slogans on game pakages saying for instance “32 megs of power” i trought that game was 32 megabyte, but in reality it’s only 4 megabyte but it just sounded bigger to say 32 megabits rather then saying 4 megabytes,

10, i remember about doom on the snes and i was realiy astonished about those promising screenshots in full screen so i couldn’t wait to try it out and once i played the pc version of doom back in 1999, i was like “whooaah i got to play the snes version” but only i got my hand on snes doom, i found out that many things weren’t so right as i was hoping, many missing sound effects, lack of fun, poor speed performances,poor physics, poor hit & colission detection smaller screen size etc,,,

i was like “hey what is this”

i conclude that if nintendo came up with a much more powerful fx chip for games like doom, we might would,ve a better version of doom, a lack free game experience in starfox,vortex,stunt race fx etc,,,

am mean damn if nintendo just spended some extra cash in a more powerful cpu, more and faster ram and roms into their games and the snes itself, if the super fx chip become waaay more powerful,if nintendo did came up with a CD-rom addon and nes addon for the snes, we might could,ve had the perfect 16bit game system ever, with more fun and games for it, what a misopertunity from nintendo since they did had a 2 year gap between sega to make their snes a much more advanced system, am mean if they already did had the courage to even came up with slogans such “the number one 16bit powerstation” well then am conclude it is just a joke as it it far from being a perfect 2D system, 

sure it is certainly in many ways better then the pc engine but that’s it.

why am complaining about this?

that’s because back in the 90’s the snes was expensive $199 while street fighter 2 costed $80 etc,,, some snes games were even more expensive and with that in mind we believed that we would,ve get big stuff,,, thus not,

so to me, the supernintendo wasn’t so supernintendo as those game magazines did make us/me believe, and with these limitations in mind it will always leave a big dirty taste in my mouth,


thing is that if i didn’t had readed those snes specs in magazines or on the internet, then i wouldn’t have believed that the snes would,ve so much better as those game magazines would make you believe, it’s not that we live in a parallel universe or having a disprdered mind to think that way, no those game magazines did want to make us believe at what they want us to believe so blame it on them for manipulating/influancing or minds about it as opposedc for what we originally trought about it because back then i saw the snes as just another 16bitter and thus not that much better then the genesis, untill we readed those game magazines and we all trought that the snes was miles better then the sega genesis in everyway,,, thus not.






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In general, console war stuff like this is disencouraged in the forum, as we had a person that was very obsessed with it banned a while ago, but yes, Nintendo in fact did some false advertising with the SNES's features, but hasn't every single company in the West done the same? Overall, I think the three main consoles of the fourth generation had some very balanced specs, there wasn't any that was objectively better than the other.

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3 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

later on trought that snes audio was CD quality because i rememvber how nintendo magazines did claimed that and also somebody from the nintendo game service told me that back in 2001

Really? I cannot think of anyone what thought the SNES could do CD quality sound. Mostly because ...

3 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

while the snes could do true 16bit audio at 32khz but there will be no memory and pricessing power left to run a game,

...there would be no space left  in the cartridge for anything else.



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So, what I'm gathering here, is that you read a bunch of magazines and took what they said as gospel. EVERY manufacturer wants you to think their machine is the best, that continues to this day. Advertisers cherry-pick situations where their product beats the competition's and always have and always will. Most of your "problems" are down to you misunderstanding how the machine works, and not problems with the games or the machine itself.
It was a $200 console in 1990, these suggestions you have would have put the price way, way up, and for what? It's not like we didn't get a fucking phenomenal library out of the machine, warts and all. What else matters?

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Well I'm glad you got an even trough, an uneven one could get messy.  See I can troll too.  Was this even necessary in this area, especially since it is peddling a lot of proven false to half witted commentary from what I can read of it at least.


Sigh... your points


I actually fell into the trap for a bit of writing out answers to debunk this bullshit post.  You're asking for a lot of blowback due to a year long suffering we had from an asshat fanboy that picked fights, lied his ass off, gas lit people, then blocked them including staff before finally being shown the door.


Your post is largely easily disproven bs and lies you've believed over time or were fed.  Go find any post that a douche known as Kirk Johnson did, and read the responses by various SNES coders and others including myself who knew enough to push back against that level of garbage.  You're not going to get any fans or help here to engage in this, as you just stepped it in...bad.

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I always admire everyone who take their time to read and try to comprehend a J-Mu topic. And then respond in a constructive way even. I just find it easier to let AI make a visual interpretation of a subject that the master of linguistic thinking has given us. 



As I suspected, it's the supreme council of Netherland discussing the merits of the SNES that J-Mu in his ethereal manifestation has brought on display. Of course the conversation yet again degrades into a shouting match of what became first with everyone having their own system of choice and the usual conclusive proof that accompanies any given machine. 


I'm glad that the council master, count Paars von Kleindink, has chosen that exact spot to conduct the proceedings. Otherwise we would have too much on display. 

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3 hours ago, WavyGravy said:

So, what I'm gathering here, is that you read a bunch of magazines and took what they said as gospel. EVERY manufacturer wants you to think their machine is the best, that continues to this day. Advertisers cherry-pick situations where their product beats the competition's and always have and always will. Most of your "problems" are down to you misunderstanding how the machine works, and not problems with the games or the machine itself.
It was a $200 console in 1990, these suggestions you have would have put the price way, way up, and for what? It's not like we didn't get a fucking phenomenal library out of the machine, warts and all. What else matters?

Well it’s true that every company tries the best out itself in one way or another from it’s. Competitors pricewise or hardwarewis and/or show it’s strengths, sega was not kidding about it’s blast processing slogan because it’s cpu was slightly faster then the snes cpu and and sega also dropped it’s price a bit to better compeat against the snes.

now sega did had made their mistakes as well such as claiming that the sega saturn was slightly more powerful then the playstation and that sony was just a baby company (hahaha)

but the saturn’s two 32bit cpu’s just couldn’t run well with each other to benefit over the playstation 1’s cpu performances among other things.

now atari also did made a huge mistake by not implementing a pokey soundchip into their atari 7800 but they still said in their 7800 commercials that the atari 7800 could do produce fantastic sound (yeah fastastic outdated sound) and atari also sold their 7800 for a much lower price.

nec called their system the turbo grafix 16 whereas it’s cpu was still 8bits but it was overclocked to a whopping 7,9 mhz and it’s other chips were 16bits to somewhat justifie their claims, it was still a damn good system.

now about the snes,among those other cartride based systems off course memory space was damn expensive back then, so companies tried hard to save on memory, so instead of using streamed audio they used synthesized audio (trying to recreate real music rather then streaming recorded music aside from making their own synthesef original music) but there were exceptions, if a consple couldn’t do sprite scaling or decompress data and/or without slowing down the cpu alooot, then they had to waste that extra space with multiple versions of identical sprotes at different sizes and use non-compressed data as well.

however these days memory space is in terms of costs and usage no longer an issue so imagine how much we could push those old hardware systems to it’s limits as well as trying to overcome some of it’s limitations by using more clever programming tricks,

for instance if the snes could stream 4bit COLOR fmv and 16khz stereo sound by using HDMA that would be great, so far i have only seem a bad apple demo with 2bit color, same thing for the genesis, i believe there is even a movie to genesis convertor software out there to run movies on a stock genesis, now if only there will be also a movie2snes convertor to run movies on a stock snes that would be pretty neat.

the most impressive project so far i,ve seen is the nested project to run nes games on a stock snes, pretty mind blowing, so with all those limitations in mind, it does lead to creativity, for instanceci bet that if the snes CD-addon was released, then nobody would,ve ever tried to found ways to get around the snes sound limitations, both star ocean and tales of phantasia uses sound streaming and also sprite scaling trough software, now that’s what i call a hell of a great example at what can be done on a stock snes, just imagine how much better better hacked versions of existing snes games could be😁



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What is a Paragraph?

A paragraph is a series of sentences on a specific point or topic. A well written paragraph must have a topic sentence which states the main idea: what the paragraph is about. While some say the topic sentence can be anywhere in the paragraph, it is best to put it as the first sentence in a paragraph. The rest of the sentences in the paragraph support, elaborate, and/or further explain the main idea expressed in the topic sentence.

Paragraphs have varying length depending upon various factors. An average paragraph in an academic essay is about six to eight sentences.

Types of Paragraphs

There are various types of paragraphs such as summaries, abstracts, and answers to questions for a specific assignment. In addition, there are specialized types of paragraphs for various reports such as feasibility studies or performance reports.

The types of paragraphs covered in this lesson are general paragraphs, as would be used in the body of a letter or an academic essay, including general research papers (research essays).

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22 minutes ago, GoldLeader said:

I think that's a Pearl Jam song.

Eventrough,,,touts arraiv like botherflies

oh he didn'n no-oo,,,,sooo he postes them waaay

oh somenngngngheey,,,,hell begin his thred agiing.

ooh wishin snes,,,,genesis,,in my waay.

in my way,,,in my way

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😆Just now I copied the entirety of the first post and pasted it into CoPilot A.I. Obviously, it only accepted up to a certain point (character limit reached by "3,i later on trought that snes audio was CD" ) interestingly though it did display it into paragraphs 😁 I mention this as a suggestion if the OP cannot be bothered he might consider letting CoPilot add the paragraphs. More oddly, it produced this output in response (not joking):


It’s fascinating to explore the differences between the Super Nintendo (SNES) and the Sega Genesis (also known as the Mega Drive). Both consoles left a lasting impact on gaming history, and each had its unique strengths and limitations. Let’s dive into some of the points you raised:

CPU Speed:

You’re correct that the Sega Genesis had a faster CPU than the SNES. The Genesis used the Motorola 68000 processor, which was also found in early Macintosh computers, Atari ST, and Amiga systems. In comparison, the SNES used a 65816 variant similar to the Apple IIgs.

This difference in CPU power influenced game development. For example, Sonic the Hedgehog showcased the Genesis’ speed advantage, while Mario games on the SNES had a different pace.

Ultimately, the SNES’s mix of lower CPU power, better graphics, and sound capabilities led to a wide range of timeless titles.

Graphics and Backgrounds:

The SNES boasted impressive graphics capabilities, including its famous “Mode 7” feature. Mode 7 allowed for scaling, rotation, and pseudo-3D effects, but it came with limitations.

You’re right that the SNES couldn’t do everything simultaneously. Developers had to make trade-offs. For instance:

If a game used multiple backgrounds, it might sacrifice color depth.

High-resolution graphics could mean fewer simultaneous backgrounds.

Mode 7 effects often required compromises in other areas.

Despite these limitations, iconic games like Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country still managed to create captivating experiences.

Audio Quality:

The SNES had excellent audio capabilities, but it wasn’t quite CD quality. It used a custom sound chip (Sony SPC700) that allowed for rich music and sound effects.

The Genesis, on the other hand, had a distinct sound due to its Yamaha YM2612 FM synthesis chip. Some people preferred its edgier, more electronic sound.

Both consoles had memorable soundtracks, and personal preferences often determined which system’s music players enjoyed more.

Game Preferences:

Kids tended to prefer the SNES, especially early on, while teens and adults leaned toward the Genesis. The Genesis excelled in beat’em-ups and sports titles.



Over time, RPGs (role-playing games) gave the SNES staying power. The Genesis games that played to its strengths moved on to newer consoles1.

In the end, both consoles left their mark, and fans continue to appreciate the unique experiences they offered. Whether you’re Team SNES or Team Genesis, there’s no denying the impact of these 16-bit classics! 🎮



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Can you guys just stop responding, so I don't have to try to actually decipher what that broken brain is trying to convey?  He will never listen, nor will he ever learn what sentences or paragraphs are.


EDIT: Also, creepy Wrenchien and KMD vibes, at least there are no psychological test scores involved here.

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58 minutes ago, CPUWIZ said:

Can you guys just stop responding, so I don't have to try to actually decipher what that broken brain is trying to convey?  He will never listen, nor will he ever learn what sentences or paragraphs are.


EDIT: Also, creepy Wrenchien and KMD vibes, at least there are no psychological test scores involved here.

Huh a “broken brain” ? Maybe you should look into the mirror and everybody else whose making such stupid annoying joking generic comedy complainments about and against me, whether about my topics, sentences,paragraphs or whatsoever, as if nobody takes me serious at all that’s how it felt like to me, yes i can understand that companies try to find ways to make their systems as cheap as possible while still trying to achieve similar results from expensive systems by using certain programming tricks and yes i can understand how they try to convince you at how good their systems are and yes i can understand that a high price is not only because of their brand name,the technology they used but also for those investigation costs and tests wich they probably used to make it all cheap but still good, but still it blows my mind that how we were tricked at the end with not so seemingly advanced stuff, nowadays it doesn’t matter anymore for most peoples because they don’t know any better or don’t mind about it and eventually it’s all about those games to be fun (well aslong theres no hiderance of slowdown in those games or if games are just too short etc,,, because of cheaping out certain important parts hardwarewise out of a system)

but still i just don’t like the fact everything was was stated in magazines or in tv commercials did make those games and systems seem to be waaay more over the top cooler then that they really were.

Well i guess i have to rewind my mind back to 1993 when i was just 11 years old and look at things at that perspective and who knows how things will feel so differentas opposed to now🤣

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43 minutes ago, johannesmutlu said:

Huh a “broken brain” ? Maybe you should look into the mirror and everybody else whose making such stupid annoying joking generic comedy complainments about and against me, whether about my topics, sentences,paragraphs or whatsoever,

Excuse ME? Who you calling generic? Why, I'll have you know my comedy complainments are second to none!




44 minutes ago, johannesmutlu said:

yes i can understand that companies try to find ways to make their systems as cheap as possible while still trying to achieve similar results from expensive systems by using certain programming tricks and yes i can understand how they try to convince you at how good their systems are and yes i can understand that a high price is not only because of their brand name,the technology they used but also for those investigation costs and tests wich they probably used to make it all cheap but still good, but still it blows my mind that how we were tricked at the end with not so seemingly advanced stuff, nowadays it doesn’t matter anymore for most peoples because they don’t know any better or don’t mind about it and eventually it’s all about those games to be fun (well aslong theres no hiderance of slowdown in those games or if games are just too short etc,,, because of cheaping out certain important parts hardwarewise out of a system)

So you DO get it? 

51 minutes ago, johannesmutlu said:

but still i just don’t like the fact everything was was stated in magazines or in tv commercials did make those games and systems seem to be waaay more over the top cooler then that they really were.

Well i guess i have to rewind my mind back to 1993 when i was just 11 years old and look at things at that perspective and who knows how things will feel so differentas opposed to now🤣

Imagine that, advertisements trying to convince people that their product is the better choice over the competitions? That's just crazy! Look, it was the same as any product or service in that attempt to make themselves out to be the best choice for your hard-earned dollars. Just like trailers for movies or shows they want to sell to you and the best way to do that is to convince you they are the best, with video games they hyped it with buzzwords like bits, 8 bit, 16 bit, or more colors or stereo sound. You don't think they were as cool as they made themselves sound? Well I am sure to many they absolutely were, just like I am sure some people found less hyped or advertised games or consoles to be as good or better than the overhyped ones. Not like Sega was going to do commercials saying "Sorry guys, we just don't have the capabilities or specs of Super Nintendo but please buy our games anyway, ok?" What fun would that be? 

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Does Kirk have a little brother that doesn't know how to properly use a keyboard or something?


Long in short, no one gives a damn, play what you want, enjoy whatever the hell you want, this topic has been done to death over the course of the internet.


Companies will sell you on something so that you spend your money on their console. Both companies were guilty of it, end of story. Companies today don't have the balls to do this, not from what I have ever seen anyway. From what I hear, Nintendo doesn't seem to worried about competing, people will still buy the Switch because it's Nintendo, and it tickles their fancy, whether by new games in old IP's, or a blast from the past with the SNES Online service, or Arcade Archives.

Edited by Bloodreign
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1 hour ago, OldSchoolRetroGamer said:

Excuse ME? Who you calling generic? Why, I'll have you know my comedy complainments are second to none!




So you DO get it? 

Imagine that, advertisements trying to convince people that their product is the better choice over the competitions? That's just crazy! Look, it was the same as any product or service in that attempt to make themselves out to be the best choice for your hard-earned dollars. Just like trailers for movies or shows they want to sell to you and the best way to do that is to convince you they are the best, with video games they hyped it with buzzwords like bits, 8 bit, 16 bit, or more colors or stereo sound. You don't think they were as cool as they made themselves sound? Well I am sure to many they absolutely were, just like I am sure some people found less hyped or advertised games or consoles to be as good or better than the overhyped ones. Not like Sega was going to do commercials saying "Sorry guys, we just don't have the capabilities or specs of Super Nintendo but please buy our games anyway, ok?" What fun would that be? 

Well off course sega will never say “just please buy our infirior products over nintendo products” and even if they did so then they still could,ve sold their genesis with top games and at a lower price point, but even with all those infiriorities in mind, sega did wisely used the word blast processing and they eventually did came up with addons to boost the sega genesis performances of it, and off course it was eventually sonic who did made the genesis fly off store shelves,

HOWEVER since the nintendo wii,wii U and the switch, nintendo never came up with overhyping tech’s and specs of those systems, instead they only demonstrated it’s handyness over it’s competitors such as using motion controllers, a tabled controller for distance play or joycon controllers as well as the optional portibility of the switch etc,,, and i think it was a very wise decission from nintendo to do so as most casual gamers simply just wouldn’t care about technology, the N64 and the gamecube probably were nintendo’s last consoles were they hyped the technology behind it altrough most peoples were simply disappointed that the gamecube didn’t had multimedia support such as audio CD’s and DVD playback but was the only thing as they were impressed by those games.

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2 hours ago, Bloodreign said:

Does Kirk have a little brother that doesn't know how to properly use a keyboard or something?


Long in short, no one gives a damn, play what you want, enjoy whatever the hell you want, this topic has been done to death over the course of the internet.


Companies will sell you on something so that you spend your money on their console. Both companies were guilty of it, end of story. Companies today don't have the balls to do this, not from what I have ever seen anyway. From what I hear, Nintendo doesn't seem to worried about competing, people will still buy the Switch because it's Nintendo, and it tickles their fancy, whether by new games in old IP's, or a blast from the past with the SNES Online service, or Arcade Archives.

Well i am so glad that nintendo no longer talks about the tech and specs of their systems such as the wii,wii u and the switch also because they knew their systems were waaay underpowered compared to it’s competitors, but they did show the handyness of those systems such as introducing motion controllers,a wii u tabled controller and joycon controllers for casual gamers as well as the ability to play fully portible on the switch or at home or play at distance with the wii U tabled controller from the main unit, and it worked well in most cases, sure it probably wouldn’t target those diehard nintendo fan base gamers whose grown up with nintendo in the 80’s & 90’s (including me) but it did prove that nintendo could go into a different direction and target different audiences of gamers,

it goes to show that nintendo mostly no longer cares about advanced technology, instead they try to convince and show the world at what they could do with limited technology.

still trough , even if nintendo did hyped the specs about both the N64 and gamecube back in the day, i will always love both the nes and snes more then all those other systems.

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5 hours ago, CPUWIZ said:

Can you guys just stop responding, so I don't have to try to actually decipher what that broken brain is trying to convey?  He will never listen, nor will he ever learn what sentences or paragraphs are.


EDIT: Also, creepy Wrenchien and KMD vibes, at least there are no psychological test scores involved here.

Ok, I see it now, point taken. I even half-heartedly tried to engage after your post but looking at the responses since, it's just round and round, more pointless and endless verbal diarrhea that gets nowhere, nothing new is being discussed. 

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Again, the vast majority of the issues you've brought are

1. With the advertising industry as a whole, which is well out of scope for AtariAge as a whole, never mind the SNES subforum of it, and

2. That Nintendo didn't do a bunch of stuff that would have made the machine more expensive than the Neo Geo. 


#1 is ridiculous, even back in the day we knew it was a bunch of jargon to compete for our money.

#2 was just a good business decision, clearly. The SNES hardware has flaws, but it's not on the level of something like the Saturn or the PC-FX where different hardware would have dramatically altered it's fortunes. 

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