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What sega genesis could do all atonce the snes just can’t

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To any SNES/Genesis argument I would just say,



SEGA had the better processor.


SNES had prettier graphics and more capable music and SFX.


In the end,  it's a bit of a wash.  Pick Either,  or better yet Pick BOTH.


They both had some Great Games!  Pick up the Great Games!


and Don't forget about Turbografx16 (PC Engine)!



Ahhh,  It feels so good to be the First person on the Internet to say this!  :D



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2 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

Yeah exactly, just free your mind but in a realistic way,

so for instance NO bullclaims like “the snes is a 32bit system” or saying that “the playstation is 64bits” etc,,,

because then we will lying all around🤣

This is the problem. The majority of your thread topics contain much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference).


For example:

On 6/18/2024 at 3:32 PM, johannesmutlu said:

1, the snes doesn’t have a fast cpu as opposed to the genesis, i remember how nintendo magazines claimed that “the snes became the fastest system”

Which Nintendo magazines, which issue, which page? The Sega Genesis used a Motorola 68000 processor running at 7.67 MHz, while the Super NES used a Ricoh 5A22 processor running at 3.58 MHz. You have zero evidence for this claim. I find it highly unlikely that any magazine would make such a claim, and without proof from you, why should I take anything you say seriously?


On 6/18/2024 at 3:32 PM, johannesmutlu said:

5, while the nes could stream graphical data straight from the cartride at 240x256 pixels at 60fps but the snes (and even the sega genesis) cannot do that because of it’s limited bandwide, it could only stream graphical data at 200x160 pixels at 30fps, what a letdown

You make crazy claims about audio, but at 16-bit 32khz, even 1 minute of audio would take up about 4Mb, with the largest carts on SNES being 6Mb. No one back in the early 1990s was expecting CD quality audio from a cartridge (let alone video). For that, you would have to get a SegaCD, where it was expected to have CD quality audio streaming from the disc.

6, 7, 8: No one cared.


On 6/18/2024 at 3:32 PM, johannesmutlu said:

9,i trought that snes games were megabytes in sizes not megabites because in the 90’s i didn’t know about megabits, i only did knew about megabytes so when i saw slogans on game pakages saying for instance “32 megs of power” i trought that game was 32 megabyte, but in reality it’s only 4 megabyte but it just sounded bigger to say 32 megabits rather then saying 4 megabytes,

Everyone did this. It would have been better for everyone to use the same terminology, since the majority of people were talking about Megabytes (but even that has issues when people are expecting base-10 rather than base-2). The problem is that when one marketing department starts using Megabits (looks 8 times larger), than everyone else needs to follow suit. It might be an interesting conversation if you actually did some homework to try to discover the first game that starting using Megabits in its marketing (or Kilobits instead of KBytes), but to be surprised or complain about it is childish.


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You know  how you tell your friend you got a new car,  and the first thing they ask is "Brand new?" and you say "No,  but it's new to me"?


Even if this topic has been done to death on the internet...It's still new to Johannes!*





*BTW,  Not ripping on the guy,  Just saying he's doing it now...His way.

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6 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

you can never know how you are supposed to write stuff in dutch.

Oh, I'm pretty sure Dutch uses periods and capital letters like, say, every other language based on Latin alphabet (and then some). 🙂

6 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

Hahaha i can hardly believe you no matter how hard i try to do so🤣

And that's the problem. You won't believe facts. That's what I take from your Dutch post Tanooki translated. You talk about dictatorship because you feel you don't have the right to think otherwise... You can have a different opinion, sure, but a fact is a fact, there is no alternative fact unlike what a lot of people would want you to believe these days. So when you post a topic claiming wrong things, of course we will tell you it's wrong.

2 hours ago, Cris1997XX said:

Damn, you're still going on about this console war crap? Grow the hell up already, we aren't in the 90s anymore...

Tell that to Amiga fans, please. 😩

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2 hours ago, CapitanClassic said:

This is the problem. The majority of your thread topics contain much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference).


For example:

Which Nintendo magazines, which issue, which page? The Sega Genesis used a Motorola 68000 processor running at 7.67 MHz, while the Super NES used a Ricoh 5A22 processor running at 3.58 MHz. You have zero evidence for this claim. I find it highly unlikely that any magazine would make such a claim, and without proof from you, why should I take anything you say seriously?


You make crazy claims about audio, but at 16-bit 32khz, even 1 minute of audio would take up about 4Mb, with the largest carts on SNES being 6Mb. No one back in the early 1990s was expecting CD quality audio from a cartridge (let alone video). For that, you would have to get a SegaCD, where it was expected to have CD quality audio streaming from the disc.

6, 7, 8: No one cared.


Everyone did this. It would have been better for everyone to use the same terminology, since the majority of people were talking about Megabytes (but even that has issues when people are expecting base-10 rather than base-2). The problem is that when one marketing department starts using Megabits (looks 8 times larger), than everyone else needs to follow suit. It might be an interesting conversation if you actually did some homework to try to discover the first game that starting using Megabits in its marketing (or Kilobits instead of KBytes), but to be surprised or complain about it is childish.


Well my best friend, here is  the clear evidence that a dutch nintendo magazine did claim that the snes is twice as fast then the genesis, now to be fair i have used google translation sothat everyone could read it and jodge by them self.

i also will put those original dutch copies of it sothat everyone could use it for their translater,

Note: that i do have other evidence about certain bullclaims about what nintendo did said in it’s dutch magazines about their systems, so everyone being curious about it i could post those ones as well with and without translation.










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7 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

Hahaha i can hardly believe you no matter how hard i try to do so🤣

I don't care if you don't believe me, I posted the evidence.   Your Kamala Harris style word salad is borderline impossible to understand, definitely is for full intent.  That AI I copy and pasted that post you did into it, and that's the result completely.  It is far easier to read and makes you look smarter too, and you need all the help you can get at this rate.

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3 hours ago, johannesmutlu said:

here is  the clear evidence that a dutch nintendo magazine did claim that the snes is twice as fast then the genesis

Did the magazine claim it, or did the advertisement in the magazine claim it? It might constitute puffery, depending upon exactly how it was worded. (Ie it might be 88% faster than Genesis at retrieving data from the cartridge when using a specific algorithm). 


Does anyone seriously believe that Neo Geo has 4 dimensional graphics? Nor did anyone think that it could display 65,000 colors simultaneously. No one thought you couldn’t hear your woman scream over the 15 audio channels. And almost no one would be playing Neo Geo all night rather than with the blonde in the advertisement.



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On 6/20/2024 at 8:49 AM, frankodragon said:



AI art does some very bizarre things lately.  It must have a lot of "Alien" references to produce a man with a gun coming out of his mouth.

Yes, a lot of hallucination happening, which is fitting for this topic I guess. And I didn't even ask for violence, my prompt was:


A page from a comic book where people are talking and doing things. Everyone is saying "trough" in their speech bubble except in the final panel where a man is yelling "trough is not a word".


About half of the results had guns, including this rather interesting depiction:


I can only assume this design is meant for those contemplating murder-suicide. 

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5 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

Yeah in my experience, magazines used to repeat marketing buzzwords anyway. Remember that at the time, editors were usually (very) young game fans with zero journalist background.

Remember?  They still are, most those game reviews you find from the remaining gaming media are still a bunch of aging from then to far younger tools, fanboys, they pay favorites, pick sides, tell half truths and try and stir the pot than just taking personal opinion about things and just evaluating games on their quality or lack there of.  Then you get into the decade plus of drama of whistleblowers pointing out the third party fraud of paying for ads, if you give better reviews and what happens (Gerstmann--Gamespot) when you do not (FIRED!)

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On 6/20/2024 at 3:54 PM, Razzie.P said:

I believe that.  😁  Speaking of things that nobody in the universe will ever convince you of, is there a reason you always use a comma instead of period?   Like this key . doesn't exist so you always punctuate with ,   Is that a Dutch to English translation sort of thing, like Dutch language always uses commas and never periods or something?


And what's up with so many ,,,,,,, ?   Is that something that's acceptable in Dutch and just not translating well to English?



Well i will only complete a sentence with a period at the end (especially if i end my text) but if a sentence consists of two parts then am used to put a comma between those parts.

so let’s say i write the sence

” i think my about my girl from past. “

Or i can say

”am thinking about my former girlfriend from the past, that’s because i did love here so much.”

and that’s i was used with it for decades.

so i really don’t understand how everybody could be sounding like as if it is a drama as if it becomes to be the end of this world.

sure it’s true that i often times do make an oversight mistake like excidentally hit a wrong letter then the intended one to write a certain word ( so instead of writing the word ‘games’ i will unintentially write ‘gamea’), or i may be convinced at how to write a certain word but then later will find out that it was wrong (is it though or trough)   .

but by that time am realize this then it is already too late because by that time the ability to hit that edit button has been already expired.

well yeah am sorry but then i simply can no no longer turn those tables around, sure i could decide to check my loooong text for a hundreds years and correct things before i will decide hitting the submit button, but man that will take forever.

and sure i could always look up to certain words on google (wich i often do) to know how to write that certain word but again i not always do that because it’s time consuming.

And that’s the thing.

and for everybody whose making funny jokes in that ‘the world or the gaming world should,ve to be the way i want it but that that’s only possible in a parallel universe’ i will say to them that that is absolute nonsense, why would i ever want that? because i already know the world is not perfect and so is the gaming world being not perfect either and it will never be and i accept that.

This really needs to stop.


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Copyedit by ChatGPT


I prefer to end my sentences with a period, especially in texts. If a sentence has two parts, I use a comma between them.

For example: "I think about my ex-girlfriend from the past." "I loved her deeply."

I've been doing this for decades. I don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal out of it, as if it's the end of the world.

Yes, I do make mistakes sometimes, like accidentally typing the wrong letter and not catching it in time to edit. Once I notice, it's too late to fix because the edit option has expired.

I apologize, but I can't go back and rewrite everything perfectly. I could spend forever checking my long texts before hitting submit, but that's not practical.

Sometimes I look up words on Google to check spelling, but it's time-consuming and I don't always do it.

That's just how it is.

To those who joke that "the world should be how I want it, but only in a parallel universe," I say that's nonsense. I know the world isn't perfect, including the gaming world, and I accept that.

This needs to stop.


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10 hours ago, Biff Burgertime said:

Mijn luchtkussenboot zit vol paling!


Ich glaube Der hat die im Kopf!


Whilst it is all fine and good that we have tools, to correct someones malfunctions, it's just as bad as arriving at a McDonald's in California, where NOBODY speaks a single word of English.  


It's unacceptable to make every user work on trying to decipher the nonsense, do it yourself, Johannes (or whatever your name is)!  Especially because you are 100% wrong in what you are trying to argue most of the time.

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20 hours ago, Tanooki said:

Ugh don't get me started on So Cal fast food... You want seeeeeks nuggets.  I pity anyone who isn't comfy with thick accents with a fast food speaker output magnifying the probably 10 fold.

Have you had the displeasure of using Wendy's AI ordering system?

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On 6/18/2024 at 9:48 PM, M-S said:

In general, console war stuff like this is disencouraged in the forum, as we had a person that was very obsessed with it banned a while ago, but yes, Nintendo in fact did some false advertising with the SNES's features, but hasn't every single company in the West done the same? Overall, I think the three main consoles of the fourth generation had some very balanced specs, there wasn't any that was objectively better than the other.

Yet, people will always do a console war post on occasions in any gaming forum. We could just enjoy every platforms, with the pros and cons they naturally have, but sometimes the fanboy side of anybody will slip through the cracks at any given time XD 

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On 6/20/2024 at 8:58 PM, CapitanClassic said:

Does anyone seriously believe that Neo Geo has 4 dimensional graphics? 


Slightly O/T, but... 


Well, the Neo Geo graphics are animated, and so they move with the passage of time, so that does, technically, count as 4 dimensional. (Of course the same claim could be made about anything more graphically sophisticated than Tennis for Two.)


I remember once seeing a computer graphic animation of a 4D cube -- it was constantly in motion. 

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