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[CLOSED] 2024 Lynx High Score Club: Round 6 - Shanghai (Turtle) and Yastuna 1 (Tetrisnoid)

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    Atari Lynx High Score Club



HSC rules


For July, we will play Shanghai's Turtle board and the fascinating game Tetrisnoid from Yastuna 1: The Alchemy of Cubes by @Fadest. I'm still working on scaling Tetrisnoid so take pictures of your high scores and I'll let you know the medal thresholds soon!


Round Over: Thursday, August 1, 12:00am International Date Line West




Manual / instructions / discussion: https://atariage.com/manual_html_page.php?SoftwareID=2392

Settings: Table - Turtle

HSC Record: First year!


Description: Try to clear all of the tiles! Share both your time and points! Hints are allowed, but watch out - they're usually not the best move and are often outright blunders!


NOTE: Simply restarting with "Restart Same Game" will keep the same tiles as before, and is not fair. Make sure you choose "Select New Game" and then choose Turtle again to make it a fair fight.




Medal Thresholds:

Platinum Medal: Fastest time to complete the board!

Gold Medal: Complete the board!

Silver Medal: Place more than 115 tiles!

Bronze Medal: Place more than 100 tiles!






Manual / instructions / discussion: 


Download: https://fadest.itch.io/yastuna-the-alchemy-of-cubes

Buy physical: https://yastuna-games.com/en/atari-lynx/25-the-alchemy-of-cubes.html (EU especially) or https://k-retro.com/homebrew-games/346-yastuna-volume-1-the-alchemy-of-cubes.html (rest of world)


I recommend buying Yastuna 2 while you're at it



Settings: N/A, just play!

HSC Record: First year!

Description: Don't let the bricks stack up too high! Try to keep the ball in play where it helps you instead of hurting you.



Medal Thresholds:

Platinum Medal 1: Score the most points!

Platinum Medal 2: Clear the most lines!

Gold Medal: Clear 50 lines

Silver Medal: Clear 35 lines

Bronze Medal: Clear 15 lines





Current season point standings:




Any corrections please post. Please put your score in text in your post please to make my life a little easier. Thanks for joining us!

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Posted (edited)

I was wondering why there was a Game FAQ about Upsad Down (the NES proof of concept based on TetrisNoid), but the link is for Loopz, so probably a copy/paste from previous HSC ?


Edit :

Did someone manage to play ColumnsNoid (hidden prototype game on Yastuna 1), and which concept (Tetris + ball or Columns + ball) did you prefer (apart the fact ColumnsNoid have slowdowns as it was just a prototype)


Edited by Fadest
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13 hours ago, Fadest said:

I was wondering why there was a Game FAQ about Upsad Down (the NES proof of concept based on TetrisNoid), but the link is for Loopz, so probably a copy/paste from previous HSC ?

Oops, fixed.


I was pleased to see @karri say:


This is definitely a good candidate for the High Score Club.

Glad to make it happen, even if it was 16 (!!!) years later!

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If you don't know how to answer Fadest's question about Columnsnoid for the bonus point, play the Merlain adventure game for clues to unlock it (and other secrets).


EDIT: actually since the secret doesn't seem to be explicitly posted anywhere I might do a bonus point for finding the secret and direct messaging it to me...

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After 10+ hours in I still have not finished the Turtle board once, so I am changing the medal thresholds. Thanks for your understanding!


My current best: 122.


By the way, hints are allowed - but be careful as it often suggests horrible blunders!


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5 minutes ago, Fadest said:

The Turtle layout is really touchy, and the game lacks some modern quality of life tips (like # of remaining moves, ...)

The inability to see what you already removed is what gets me into trouble a lot.

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So here's my feedback on Bonusnoid vs. Tetrisnoid: the Columns rule implementation is not exactly right, and it behaves more like SameGame or Magical Drop. That means it doesn't matter what orientation the blocks are in as long as they touch. That means that there is very little impact from the ball bouncing around. I scored 5220 in Bonusnoid without really trying.




Tetrisnoid on the other hand punishes you severely for letting the ball get into a vertical block well etc, which adds an element of peril that is very welcome and makes some of my games only last a few minutes.


I think a Columnsnoid that strictly implemented Columns rules would be pretty fun, but just due to the nature of the vertical tower pieces it wouldn't be as fun as Tetrisnoid.

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This Turtle screen is really hard. I cleared the board I think on my fourth play and haven't done it since even though I've played literally hundreds of times. The closest I came was having two tiles left with the same tiles stacked on top of each other so I couldn't clear them.

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