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Originally posted by -^Cro§Bow^-:

Did you notice they include the Pit-Fighter Demo with it!!


Anybody have any luck getting the demo to work on the MESS Emulator. I would do it myself but I'm not really sure how to put the header on ROM. Maybe Mitch or -^Cro§Bow^- will do this for us? Please.


I can't wait to see some screenshots!!!

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Originally posted by Tizoc:

Anybody have any luck getting the demo to work on the MESS Emulator. I would do it myself but I'm not really sure how to put the header on ROM. Maybe Mitch or -^Cro§Bow^- will do this for us? Please.


I can't wait to see some screenshots!!!


I'm afraid you overrate my abilities.

Unfortunately the game is 64k which MESS currently doesn't support. I've tried a couple of the tricks that have been used to get some of the other 64k games to work but no luck so far. Cro§bow, it won't work with the Dev system Ramcart either because the max size for it is 48k.




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OK, I have a MESS compatible ROM of Pitfighter posted to my site. You can download it here: http://members.aol.com/~Atari7800games/emulation.htm/


Thanks goes to Eckhard who got it working using the ROM doubler trick.


My own opinion on the game is that it is an early beta that looks like an early beta. I think it would have it looked a bit more like the arcade Pitfighter if it had been further along in the development cycle. In it's current state it's not really playable.




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Originally posted by Mitch:

OK, I have a MESS compatible ROM of Pitfighter posted to my site.


Thanks to Mitch and Eckhard!! You guys rock!!


I actually got the guy on the left to jump and punch by pressing the fire buttons. I haven't explored all the different combos, so there may be more moves?


The game does look like it was in very early stages of development, I can see why Tom Sloper decided to not finish this one, or was that GATO?

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You weren't joking in the least!


this looks nothing like Pit-Fighter or Double Dragon for that matter. It looks more like an early beta for something else like that though. Perhaps some Streets of Rage clone or something.


Also..it is just my box or does the background keep palette shifting? Also my man can only move up and down on 3 levels? That is..he only is at the very top vey bottom of just middle of that strip we walk around on. Also..the enemies have zero AI..they just want in a big circle holding pattern sorta of way. Occasionally one takes a swipe at me...but of course with the collision detection not programmed in for our player, I never get hit. I really am curious as to what this was going to be finally. Because Pit-fighter it isn't!!!

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I'm kind of curious as to why John Hardie thought it was Pitfighter myself. From what I remember there was no title screen and the cart didn't have a label on it (maybe the EPROM did). I would have a hard time believing that this was going to be Pitfighter. Was Pitfighter ever annouced for the 7800?



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Well, that certainly was a bizarre game... Perhaps it was meant to be a 7800 version of Guardians Of The Hood (Sorta of a sequel to Pit Fighter, and was side-scrolling), though I'm not sure that fits the time-frame, as GotH was probably a lot newer than the 7800... Perhaps this *was* going to be Pit Fighter, but was just sort of a test game to see if it was actually possible.


By the way, trying jumping while you're at the very bottom of the screen



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