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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah it looks much more tempting than my ancient ancient Sean Kelly multicart with dip switch and plain white xerox scissor cut label that doesn't even have all the games. :P


However that recent Blaster update has got me salivating.. As mentioned above, I've known for many years what it feels like to have a cart that is missing some items. :ponder: So with the Blaster rom release, will there possibly be an update to one of these perhaps with Blaster included? Also, Nukey made some fine hacks of Jr. Pacman with Jr.Pac sped up. Since it seems with some of the XE games and trainers on there that these images would be an easy add... would that be possible to get one with those images on them? I'd buy one TODAY if that could be done. :D

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I have one of these carts too and for what you get on it, it's a super deal. It blows away the SK dip switch multi (I got rid of mine already) and has almost everything you could want on it, including a working version of Super Pac Man and a bunch of those XL conversions. Plus, classics is much more accessible then SK (who seems to be MIA for the most part) and he also ships very promptly! I wouldn't let the lack of one game stop you from getting it. I'd bet that he would upgrade your cart for a nominal fee when there are a batch of new games to add.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Blaster and Burgertime added.


Umm... Keep in mind that one of the stipulations on releasing the Blaster rom was that it NOT be sold for profit. By putting it on a Multicart and selling it for more than the cost of manufacturing the cart, you are violating this stipulation. Please remove Blaster from the cart (or you can sell it at cost if you want).


I'm sorry to be such a @sshole about this, but I promised Mr. Jarvis and co. that I would abide by their wishes.



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  • 2 weeks later...
You should put the Adventure 2 Demo on there.


That is not a good idea, as Adventure II is an original homebrew game still under development by several people in the hobby. Unless they gave permission, I don't think they'd be very pleased to see it distributed in such a fashion.



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