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HSC1 R2: Gorf and Drol


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Its week 2 and we've added another game to the mix. Scores for btoh will be tracked in this msg. Please add a new reply for each score change. Last week was tough for me to find new scores (of course I was the first to edit my msg :D). Also, please indicate games you would like to vote for next week when submitting scores - That way I dont mix up voting and suggestions like last time ;)


Ok - One last item. Im going to award points to the top 3 (3, 2, 1) and keep track of them. Why? Who knows, maybe at the end a Stelladaptor might be shipped to the top point getter - When is the end? I presume when no plays anymore or Dec 31 - hopefully the latter :D


Good luck! Attached are atr and roms to play! Gorf requires the 800 OS.





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Here is an .atr of Gorf that I am going to use that doesn't require the -800OS (runs fine on XL)


I've got that one too. Anyone know if this was an actual release version of the game or was it (more likely) a hacked conversion?

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Here is an .atr of Gorf that I am going to use that doesn't require the -800OS (runs fine on XL)


Please let me know if this isn't allowed and then I will dig out my 400 to play my actual cartrige (won't work in XL)


This version is fine. Again we're having fun here :)

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Do you think 5200 gamers will participate in the GORF competition? :lol:


Sorry, couldn't resist...


I have pretty lowly scores but since no one posted theirs. I will go ahead and post my current best embarissment. Just to be first.


4770 - Gorf

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One interesting thing I found - I have a Roklan Gorf catridge that doesnt have the 'High Score' table - Was this added to a disk release?


I think the beginning story that scrolls by when the game is started isn't in the cartrige either.


EDIT- here is my new Drol high score. I actually got my camera ready before the game was over so I could get the level number in there also. ;)


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Excellent Drol score - I see you survived the man eating plants :)


It took me about 5 times before I got past them. I think they are random and show up in different places. :ponder:


I am liking Drol better than Gorf now. It is a great game, with a nice little intermission between sections.

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BTW the high score thing on Gorf was added for the disk version.


Yeah I'm finding that I like Drol more as well. Too bad I spent most of my week messing with Gorf when I know I don't even have a chance.


Still I did break 10,000 which is not bad.


Part of it had to do with not having Drol readily available on my two gaming machines.

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I have a Stelladaptor so I havent found much difference between emu and real deal - However I seem to be a bit better at Drol on the emu.



lol, I have a Stelladaptor as well and I like it's performance on AtariWinPlus but I still haven't worked up the courage to bring an Atari joystick to work :D

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