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So Angry (Jumping Flash and Braindead 13) GOT EM NVM


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I am so pissed right now it's unbelieveable.


Two auctions I've been watching since they started...Jumping Flash and Braindead 13 for Playstation...I lost. Some jerks bid up the auctions in the last 4 days (wait till the last minute godammit). I was hoping they'd go under the radar but apparently not. My best friend used to have these two games (he got a Playstation when it first came out) and we'd have a blast. Lately he and I have been getting the games of old we used to play all the time. Well I was hoping to surprise him and say I got these two games but I guess not.


Both started at .99 cents. With days to go, they were up to 10. Then one was 10 and one was 20. I thought ok...that's a bit expensive but they still mean that much to me. I would have to sell more items to pay back my mom (for credit card..my paypal account is empty at the moment) so I was like ok. Then, people bid them both up to $30 each and I was like, ok, $60 total that would be a bit to make up for but they still mean that much to me. So in the last minute of Braindead 13, I kept bidding and bidding this guy's proxy bid up to $41 and after that I was just like fuck it. After a bunch of curse words, I thought "another day bitch..." and focused on Jumping Flash. It was at $30.99...so I bid 31.99. Outbid. That went on till $46 and I was just like fuck_you. Both combined mean so much more to me than that but again I don't have that kind of money.


And it's not my fault for trying to get them now instead of when they were out. Back in the day, after playing them at Stephen's house (my friend), I went all over looking for them. At that time I was still pretty young (I mean, I'm 16 now, so I was young then) so the places I went to look for either of these games were Toys R Us, Wal Mart, Target, Best Buy, and 2 specialty game shops. All of them didn't have them. Not once. I only just now learned that the long box games were the first PS releases. Isn't that just great.


I don't want them for rarity, I want them to play them. Now, would anyone here like to sell their Jumping Flash or Braindead 13 games (with longbox and manual) for a fair price? You have no idea...well...let's just say I'll cry some happy tears if/when I get these games. Thanks :sad:

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Exactly. But, the collector in me would like them complete. I came really close to buying the ones off half.com right now but decided not to. Now I'm never going to go into collecting Playstation 1 games (there are too many) but the ones I do get (probably under 7 games) I'd like to be complete :thumbsup:

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What I don't appreciate is the fact that I have to defend myself at every turn (or..every other post, rather) on these forums. It seems this is now happening more and more often these days. I pride myself on my honesty and that's all you'll get from me. Some may think I'm too straightforward, tough.


It didn't take long for an attempt to try to discredit me or mar whatever reputation I have. It just proves some people are watching what words I type and are looking for a target. You know, I have many things on my mind at a time and that does show up in my writing. Actually, from the very beginning I came here some people have been trying to bring me down.


I mention my opinion of the 2600 game Mario Bros. and how I thought Atari could do better, immediately someone else tries to shut down my opinion.


A topic asking "do you believe in ghosts?" comes up, and I post simply that I personally do, and I immediately get screamed at for having a differing opinion. Well, excuse me, but didn't the topic ask ME if I believed in ghosts? It didn't say "YOU CANNOT" and it's not your personal playground to put down anyone who thinks differently than you do.


I mention my thoughts on astrology, and immediately get put down. Granted, that's the same person who tried to scare anyone away in the ghost topic. But I digress.


No, I'm not a victim. I'm just a sensitive person. I don't dwell on these things, though they do bug me. It just seems a bit suspicious.


And for atari_wizard, I'm sorry I called you a spammer. I judged you too quickly...like some people here are doing to me. Became my own enemy in a way.


All I posted was a simple (abeit emotional/sentimental) request to buy these 2 games. I have not said 1 lie within this post, and I'm just offended I have to explain everything I say.

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It just proves some people are watching what words I type and are looking for a target. You know, I have many things on my mind at a time and that does show up in my writing. Actually, from the very beginning I came here some people have been trying to bring me down.


I'm not exactly sure what's happened in the past here with you (nor do I care), but judging by the content of this post I can see why people might be quick to jump on you. I was reading your post, somewhat in disbelief, as I couldn't believe someone would actually make a lengthy post about how he was outbid on two video games. You rattle off this whole rant, calling the eventual high bidders "jerks", when the simple fact is they were ready to pay more than you were, and you in turn lost out. Happens all the time on eBay, and I assure you you're not the only one. You say "I don't dwell on these things, though they do bug me." The fact that this post even exists shows me that, yes, you do dwell on things a bit more than you should. It's just a video game, man. There will be more. And if this is the worst thing that happens to you today, consider yourself foruntate.


Anyway, the whole point of *my* reply here is to say, that based on this post of yours, I think there's a damn good reason that "from the very beginning I came here some people have been trying to bring me down." Calm down, don't make things out to be the end of the world, and think before you type. These simple guidelines will make your stay here a much more pleasant one, I can assure you.



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I have to say that I can certainly understand where he's coming from. There are times when I've been bidding on stuff and either some newb comes along and bids up a storm, raising the price into the Twilight Zone, or someone comes along in the last two minutes with a rediculous proxy bid. Bugs the hell out of me even being a pretty seasoned eBayer. Even worse are the ones who go and bid on multiple copies of the item I'm trying to win and knowing that they're either just going to turn around and resell or they're just hoarding.


In the end there's not much I can do about it; I'm a cheap bastard sometimes and I just have to live with getting outbid, but there are times when I try repeatedly to get the same title, hoping it flies under the radar of the big spenders, only to have a couple of people get into a nasty bid war with a minute left to go. And you can bet the epithets stain the walls when it happens.


I mean, I don't air it in public, but I can understand the desire to, especially if it's something you're passionate about that you've tried desperately to win only to have the rug yanked in the last few, and Kialan I think is young enough where stuff like this hits a little harder than the rest of us who've had it happen often enough that we just don't pay it the same attention we used to. I mean, we've all been at that teenaged point in our lives where stuff we now consider trifling felt like the end of the world at the time, after all.


(Holy shit, I feel old now...)

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Dude.. Bottom line... Some yahoo paid what he thought was worth for a game or two, and probably saved your ass at the same time. If he/she paid so much for a game and you couldn't afford it, cool. You saved some pesos. Keep an eye out at thrift stores and stuff. The world doesn't revolve around Ebay. I got pissed, I lost out on a game or two or twenty, but all games are around. I got an amazing deal last week that made my year already, but it'll just usually just fall in your lap. Keep your eyes open. But if you want something that bad, right now, you better get another job. Patience young Skywalker. Jedi's need lunch money too...

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That's one thing that I've noticed. I'll spend weeks, even months trying to win something for a reasonable price (read: cheap) and fail utterly. Then one day, once I've just stopped trying to any great degree I'll suddenly win it unexpectedly and cheaply. I won a Snoopy that way recently for $7, and a Skeet Shoot at the same time for $3. I considered it a good deal for a couple of unexpected R5s. :-)


Patience is definitely paramount with eBay. It seems like the more effort you put into it the less success you have, and then you turn your back for a minute and suddenly win it on the first bid without even trying. eBay's a funny old world...

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Thanks for your kind words. I guess games mean more to me than most people. What I did was I bought Braindead 13 for Saturn instead, though I will keep an eye out the PS1 version and Jumping Flash. I'm such a drama queen :wink: (understatement)


I guess anger has to come out sometime. That's what happens when you ball it up inside.


And as for losing things...damn I guess it's the same for everybody. You know I lost the original Game Boy headphones (may have even donated them to a thrift store!) but they may turn up sometime when I least expect it. And that sure is right about ebay, whenever you actively want something everyone shows up to bid. But one day you passively stumble upon an ending auction for "chuckwagon dog food game" for $2, who knows.

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Not XONOX boxes. <img src="http://cpuwiz.com/smiley/crying.gif">


<img src="http://cpuwiz.com/smiley/leavesad.gif">


Thats just funny.. Reminds of the Homers perfect game episode, were he tells his family that Lenny was an in an accident and they are all

"Oh No, Not Lenny! Not Lenny!"


But one day you passively stumble upon an ending auction for "chuckwagon dog food game" for $2, who knows.


Not with people on the boards posting "CHECK IT OUT SUPER RARE ON EBAY, LISTED WRONG, IT'LL GO CHEAP" :roll: It'll happen.... It always does...



On a related note, is braindead 13 rare at all..? I know its semi-hard to find on Jaguar...




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Sounds like wha thappened to me also. First time using ebay, started bidding on H.E.R.O. for the Atari 2600 after emailing the seller to prove I'm a decent person though I was brand new (thank goodness for DP feedbacks). So the guy tells me in an email I'm likely going to get sniped because the other guy I was bidding against is someone who really wanted it and he had done business with the seller before. What a guy, but in the end I was sniped.


In all, just keep trying, other auctions for the items you want do turn up, sometimes you just gotta wait and be presistant for awhile.

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