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High Score Club Week 15: Tunnel Runner


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I love this game.  Its one of my all time favorites.


Same here.


Killed my last high score :) Finally! I knew I could do a lot better. Almost made it to those darkness levels: Run 37. I'm going to quit now, though; this is gettin' intense! If this game were sold nowadays, it'd come with a warning label on the box in regards to not playing it if you have a heart condition and/or if you've had a previous heart attack! (Speaking of which, it's nice that this game is finally getting some recognition, after all these years...if it didn't come out during the crash and tv commercials were made for it... 8))


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Damn... I went back to playing the game to beat Malc's score being he's only 2k away... died at the 2nd level.


That's what you get for trying to beat my score. :lol:


I think I've had enough of this one. It gets too frustrating on the higher levels, where those bastard Zots just seem to sit in front of the key and the exit, and every time I teleport I seem to wind up either at the end of a dead end corridor or put back exactly where I was when I teleported. :x


I'm well impressed by Fellow Atari Man's score - I can't imagine how difficult the dark levels must be.

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TIP : How to get the key easily (very useful on maps where your location isn't displayed e.g run 9)


Walk around in the maze to search teleportation doors (there are a lot and they are easy to find)... you get a lot of chances to get the key during the teleportation period. If it don't work the first time, repeat the operation again.

Usually I get the key using this tip with less than 3 teleportations.


after you'll just have to go to the right side to find the out door :D


Use without moderation ;)

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I have the cartridge, manual, and insert. I only need the box and I've got the whole thing. =D


Anyway, I think I've lost my edge because I'm getting tired of the game... I don't think I'll be playing any more Tunnel Runner for now. I was never able to top my most recent score.

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Ok, NOW I'm quitting...for GOOD!


But first, did Todd Rogers HAVE to own this game? ;)


Actually, that turned out to be a good thing, since I learned quite a few things on this "run".


First off, I was mistaken in thinking that, when you run out of time and have to redo one of the dark Runs, you're given a different maze. That isn't true. If you accidentally hit a down door and have to go through the previous maze again, you'll get the same maze again. So remember how you got out of there, plus the next one, so you won't end up going through the same ones five times each (if your lives last that long).


I also learned when the game turns over: at 100,000...which I thought that was when it did, but wasn't sure...which, yep, that's what I got. I got a couple of screenshots for that, too, showing the dark mazes as well, so the continuity will match (one of my last previous mazes before my bonus was a dark gray maze, at 98,736, then I entered the dark Runs, capturing the screen shot at 100,725 points, which I didn't last much longer than that!), as I turned it over (and no, I didn't use Paint or PhotoShop to paint the maze black! And yes, it was game 2!). So my final high is 101,878.


Oh, and I'm also attaching a shot of myself facing an up door in one of the dark Runs...can't see the up arrow, can you? :) God, what a nightmare, I hate those... (going to have nightmares about the Zots now)





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I think I finally hit my stride... 14,555 :)


Where is everyone? C'mon, this game is fun! It's not that difficult either, so this could be your chance to snag a few points while not that many people are playing!



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Where is everyone? C'mon, this game is fun! It's not that difficult either, so this could be your chance to snag a few points while not that many people are playing!


What, do these games usually get more than three pages for these high score deals? 'Cause I think this is doing pretty well for an obscure game that several people on here are just now discovering, all these years later :) But then, I'm new to this high score deal.


Oh, and nice patch, too! :thumbsup:

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Better score: 23,169.




1. If you are having trouble finding the key, use the teleport doors. When you teleport, you visit many intersections on the map. If one of them has the key, you will pick it up.


2. The zots tend to start by the key. If the key is on the left side of the maze, then go to the right side and find the exit. The zots will move away from the key towards you. Now zip back to the key, and then back to the exit.



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