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Almost got a 2600 Meltdown prototype for $1


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I have always objected to DP's policy of holding the ROMs from the community even after a successful repro run is sold off. I really hope that this generous release of Meltdown is the start of a new way of handling games, and not a suspicious abberation.


Don't know if you caught it or not but I also released TARG today.


You asked, I delivered.


I have run out of ways of making people believe. I will say this, however.


"Deeds, not words".

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I've got at least 1 thousand used eproms in stock.  What are you looking for exactly?


I'll have to look again because I dont have the prototype in front of me, but I believe it was a 4K 2732 EPROM by Mitsubishi.



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I'm enjoying the deeds I'm seeing from DP today for sure. I hope to see it continue.


I'm a firm believer in dispersing code to the public and that will never change. I don't care if a repro run sells out or not. People take their shot, it doesn't always work out financially. Holding the ROMs off the market can only depress sales. I think that an open Looping release (which DP doesn't hold the rights to anyway) for example would sell a lot of games when people realized how good it is. People pay for the packaging when it comes to repros, not the code. And speaking of which, I'm looking at the Looping box right now and wondering why it's yellowish orange instead of the proper Coleco red. Still, the materials used are high quality.


No matter, the point being that many classic gaming fans feel that the code should belong to the world and we repect (and feel good about giving money to) those who share. I also don't know of a single person who decided not to buy a repro because the ROM was available. If I'm ever lucky enough to find "Turbo" in a pawnshop I'll make it a point to pass it on to a classic gaming company who wants to share it freely and I know I'm not the only one.


We love AA for their policies, we'd like to love DP too.

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I have no opinion on the whole rift thing in the community that appears to be going on, because I know nothing of it.


But I do have a few comments, that I hope aren't out of line.


Isn't the whole point that 1) a previously unreleased ROM has been found and preserved by someone and 2) said ROM has been made available (for free, in fact) for everyone to enjoy? Does it matter by whom? I don't see that exclusivity matters when the ROM is available for free. Of course, if it gets put out in a cart form, then that's great, too. Whether one place or another does it, the result is the same, regardless of who you'd prefer to be doing it.


I hope that this is a trend that continues with the other games, since it's a positive step that's good for the community. Personally, I always prefer to have a ROM of any game available before I buy a cart, because (and this is especially true with protos) the game may, in fact, suck. If I like the game well enough, I'll buy the cart. If I don't, I won't, no matter how hyped it is, or nicely done the packaging, or whatever. Since I don't have money to throw around on just any reproduction (or homebrew), I prefer to play it first, and since I have yet to be able to get to a game Expo to see them in person, it's a ROM or nothing for me, and probably a lot of people.


Having said that, I don't go around begging for ROMs to be released, nor do I believe anyone owes it to me to release a ROM they posses. It would be nice - especially considering the age of these games and their questionable marketability (let's face it, there ain't a ton of people willing to buy 2600 carts anymore, even on a good day), but that's up to each owner to decide.


Finally, there are often perfectly legit reasons that some ROMs remain unreleased. I'd like to point out that ROMs for Rubik's Cube 3D, Saboteur, Sea Battle and Swordfight aren't available, and as far as I know this is entirely at the request of those who hold the legal rights to those ROMs. Activision doesn't allow their ROMs to be distributed either. Atari, if they wanted to get all snippy, could also clamp down and refuse to allow any of their ROMs to be distributed. (There are after all, a lot of licensed properties in those games.) I look at if from the standpoint that we're lucky to have what we've got.


I would, however, like to see a bit more info about why specific ROMs aren't available. So instead of the ROM just not being there, there'd be a short explanation. If for no other reason, than to cut down (or at least redirect) the whining. I think that's a reasonable request.


Anyway, that's my 25 cents. :wink:

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I've got at least 1 thousand used eproms in stock.  What are you looking for exactly?


I'll have to look again because I dont have the prototype in front of me, but I believe it was a 4K 2732 EPROM by Mitsubishi.




I have some of those. They have a raised square the width of the eprom where the window is and are labeled.




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When someone owns the real copyright to a piece of code, the discussion changes. They can do as they please with it.


But when the true copyright holder is not known (or we don't want to find them), as in the case with Looping, then no one can claim to own the rights to the code. The proto owner merely controls it for a temporary period. In these cases, I feel that the ROM is in public domain and I condemn anyone who tries to hoard it. Notice that AtariAge made the UA protos available before the repros were even printed. From what I understand, it didn't hurt sales either. I hope that the DP gang is seeing that this issue is important to more fans than they realize.


I also criticize companies like Activision and Intellivision for their ROM policies, but at least they have the unquestioned right to do so.

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And then...


I have a few thoughts about the actual game. Imagine that! :D


Meltdown is a great game! This is really cool stuff. It's one of those classic-era abstract games, that only could have come out in the early 80's, when people were trying all sort of creative gameplay ideas. It has a completely unique play mechanic that I really like.


The control scheme takes a little getting used to, but when you do, it's a blast! The sounds are great, and the graphics are really cool. One thing the screenshots don't show - the circles are anti-aliased! This is the first 2600 game I can think of that ever did that.


This is definitely cart-worthy. I'd sure consider buying one.


Go download that sucker and play it.


I don't know if the score wraps over yet or not... I only got this far:




Fun stuff! :D

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Just a quick update on the proto since everyone seems to be jumping to conclusions.  We're now 100% sure it is a broken address line and that it can be fixed.

Inside or outside the chip? From the way you said it, the pin is probably broken where it comes out of the chip. Half legs are easy, I deal with them all the time when I'm desoldering chips for fun. Just tack a new leg on top of the old one. Fully broken legs have been too much trouble for me to even try fixing. (And a broken bond wire? I'll leave that to the folks with the serious pro tools.)

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From the way you said it, the pin is probably broken where it comes out of the chip. Half legs are easy, I deal with them all the time when I'm desoldering chips for fun.


Nope its not a broken leg, even I could have fixed that. It's the actual wire, which is why it's going to take asome delicate surgery.


@Dav I'll let you know about those EPROMs. I *think* thats the right one though.




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Good news! Through a friend of mine I was able to come up with several of the exact same EPROM. Hopefully this will allow us to experiment on them and fix the real one. Thanks to everyone who offered to help, it's nice to know AA full of friendly people willing to pitch in.



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I hope that you can get your proto to work. The good news is that DP has released the rom so at least you will be able to play the game but I know that things will be a lot better if you can get your proto to work. I really hope that your copy is a little different than the DP version so that you still are able to have something unique. I would assume that you wouldn't have paid the $1,000 had the rom already been released, but at some point most of us take chances on deals in this hobby and sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. You didn't have a big win with this gamble, but at least the rom has been released to a game that you really wanted.


I am sure that DP releasing this rom so close in time to Matt buying this proto will cause friction between AA and DP. I wish that it wouldn't. I am on AA a lot more than DP, but I also am a member of DP. I have had several dealings with Joe, John, and Sean over the years and I have found all of them to be first class. I know that there is one ass clown who used to be a member of AtariAge and who now is more associated with DP who has caused some people with AA problems. In my opinion he is not part of the main group with DP/CGE and I hope that all issues with AtariAge and DP can be worked out.

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So what is the deal with z26 not displaying the circles on the right hand side correctly? (they show up as ovals for some reason, but it runs fine on the cc2)


I noticed that as well when I was playing around with it today. Interesting to see that it doesn't do that on a real 2600. Quite an odd emulator side effect though.



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So what is the deal with z26 not displaying the circles on the right hand side correctly? (they show up as ovals for some reason, but it runs fine on the cc2)


I haven't tried any other emulators since I don't have any others installed :)


You still use the emulator? Why? Everything's so much better on a real system.

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You still use the emulator?  Why?  Everything's so much better on a real system.


I tried the rom on the emu before I put it on the cc2. Noticed the difference pretty quickly :)


This is a very fun game though. My highest score is only 1344, but it does have a nice feel of impending doom when you get to the later levels, and the explosion at the end it nice :)

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I tried the rom on the emu before I put it on the cc2. Noticed the difference pretty quickly :)


Weird... I had no idea they were all supposed to be circles. I kind of like the ovals. Yet one more 2600 emu-oddity.


This is a very fun game though. My highest score is only 1344, but it does have a nice feel of impending doom when  you get to the later levels, and the explosion at the end it nice :)


Here's a gameplay hint: In the faster levels, hold down the fire button, and use where your shots meet as an aiming cursor. :D

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Weird... I had no idea they were all supposed to be circles. I kind of like the ovals. Yet one more 2600 emu-oddity.

The emulators do their best to emulate all known games as good as possible. But due to the very special way the Atart generates graphics it is almost impossible to know all possible programming tricks before they are used for the 1st time.

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I couldn't edit my post above but I should have mentioned that Targ, Wings, and Sweat were all playable at the Digital Press booth.


Hmmm...that's really odd that you mention that you had all of these games available for play at the DP booth...I don't recall seeing any of them displayed or even running on the TV you had at your booth...there certainly weren't any signs indicating that these games were around - did I miss something? I was waiting to see Wings and was disappointed that I didn't - did anyone else who went to CGE see these games?

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