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Simple Help Needed for Fixing Impossible Mission


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Hi everyone,


Well, the cat's out of the bag-- I've got what I believe is a completely working 7800 NTSC version Impossible Mission (see recent end to latest Impossible Mission thread for some detail). But, since it still requires testing before release, some questions came up, that I figured I'd see if anyone can field.


1) Is the blueish-purple piano-like item in the upper-right corner of the following picture accessible for searching? If so, how? http://home.arcor.de/cybergoth/epyx/impyellow6.gif


2) I can test most NTSC color/scanline differences against my NTSC version. The only difficulty will be the end colors of the end scene. Would someone with a PAL system and a PAL TV, and a good video-capture card or digital camera be willing to grab a high-color-quality picture of the end screen, and give me a brief description of the end sequence, so I know it matches what I've currently got? I'd advise against posting the info here directly, but maybe as a hyperlink or as a direct email to me, as it could spoil it for new-finishers. Any takers?


Thanks everyone,

-John K. Harvey

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1) Yes you can search it. Usually though unless the bot is ultra dumb, you'll need a snooze to get it. Go up the lift in the middle to the highest point; jump right onto the floor with the two DAT machines; jump left onto the small platform (yes it is possible, a lot harder than the C64 version I play!); jump right onto the platform in question.


2) Got the PAL 7800, game and TV. And a digital camera. AND I can complete the game. Guess I'll have a go!

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Originally posted by Cybergoth:

So if a lucky owner of an atari 2600 buys this game, are you telling him the secret of how to run it on his console?





just get the game and a pal converter


or use a dualmode VCR ...

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Eckhard's table is straight from the Developers manual (though I did actually talk with Eckhard about this before). I have found which references occur that are palette-based in the code, and took the NTSC values instead of the PAL values. They do not 100% correlate with Eckhard's table.


So, though I am very confident that all is well, any good software project requires integration testing, and this would cover that phase. I just need to verify that I "got them all"-- I can do that for all NTSC stuff, but this covers my bases for the end screen, since no one's ever seen the NTSC version end screen. Remember, the colors for the end screen were implemented in the NTSC version-- they've just never been seen to know if they match the PAL version. And, this'll cover any deviations from Eckhard's PAL/NTSC list.



-John K. Harvey



-John K. Harvey

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I probably don't have the help you want, but I found this:


I made disassembly of both PAL & NTSC versions, each bank in one file(by 0x4000).


In bank 4 are these very suspicious differences:


addr AA37:

LDX #35 ;number of keys!

lp: JSR $AE6a (pal: jsr $b91e)


sta $6000,y


bne lp (pal: bpl!!!) doh!



addr b91e:

nothing in ntsc, this in pal:

lp: jsr $ae6a

lda $b81e,y

bne lp

lda #$00

sta $73aa



On address $b81e are some zeros and some ones. Number of ones = 44! (very probably number of terminals).


So I think this is the patch in PAL version how not to put items under terminals. And if I got the bne/bpl right, there's always only 35 items in NTSC version, so that it makes it unplayable anyway.


Any comments?


There were more changes but not all of them looked that suspicious, for example:


lda #$07


lp: lda $2107

bne lp (pal: nop nop)

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