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Activision games at Burger King

Brian R.

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I like the fact that the art on the tiny little decal on the game is actually from the original 2600 game box art!


Not a bad rendition of Grand Prix... be nice if they could do the bridges, of course, and the oil slicks, but that's just not possible with an LCD game like this.


I'm looking forward to Kaboom!

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I haven't found one BK employee - not even the "older" ones - that has any clue what the history of these games is.


Pretty sad. It's all been forgotten, I fear. Not like that's a recent development, any way. Been that way for a while.


I'd like one of each - I don't care about the color "variations" - but I'm most interested in Kaboom, naturally. It's the stand-out title in the bunch.

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I got Barnstorming today for 99 cents. It's pretty lame. The ducks follow the exact same pattern every time you play and you can't go through the barn.


That's too bad. For me the whole allure of Barnstorming is going through the barns. Guess I won't be getting that one.



I haven't found one BK employee - not even the "older" ones - that has any clue what the history of these games is.


Don't mean to be mean, but really, if they had a clue at all, they wouldn't be working at BK, right? I worked at BK for 35 days when I was 16 and figured out pretty quickly that escape was the ONLY option.

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I especially enjoyed the little blurb in the booklet that came with it - "non-replaceable batteries" If I'd had one of those triangle screwdrivers handy, i would've opened the thing on the spot.


I was able to get the screws out with just a regular, very small screwdriver. But I wasn't able to get the two halves to separate, and I didn't want to use too much force.

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I was able to get the screws out with just a regular, very small screwdriver. But I wasn't able to get the two halves to separate, and I didn't want to use too much force.

I just cracked open my Grand Prix handheld. In addition to the four screws, the two halves are held together by some snaps toward the center of the interior. After removing the screws (not too hard at all with a small panhead scewdriver), I opened mine by gently twisting a larger panhead inside the seam between the two halves. This had the unfortunate effect of breaking the snaps, but I didn't notice the difference; after I put the screws back in, it looked and felt as good as new.


For a unit that was designed to be disposable, it seems to be put together fairly well. Instead of exposing the LCD display directly (as I've seen some do), it is covered by a transparent shield that can be easily removed and cleaned. The battery (a very small button-cell) is mounted beneath a gray plastic assembly along with the LCD, but I didn't disassemble it further so I can't say for sure how easy it would be to replace.


One odd thing I noticed about Grand Prix ... maybe it's just me, but the little "jingle" that it plays when you switch it on sounds suspiciously similar to the opening music from Spider Fighter!

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Only the BK near Riverside and like 71st had Kaboom in this week. The misses picked up 2 of each color for a total of 4. So I now have 4 grand Prix and 4 Kaboom. Also like the Grand Prix they sold me two extras for .99 each to which our tax here would made the totals about 1.08 each. Kaboom is the most challenging one thus far. I was able to get to the 3rd level easy enough..but then it got pretty frantic like the actual game. You only have just the one bucket as opposed to the 3 in the original. And yes the bombs were replaced by burgers. But when they start falling 2 on the same line from opposite sides....you gotta move quick.


Now for the next 2 in the series. We called all the other Tulsa area BKs and the Riverside one was the only one with Kaboom. The others were still handing out Grand Prix. These aren't going like hotcakes out so there should be plenty.

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Just got my Kaboom today. I bought again one of each color and one to play with. Kaboom is definetly a way harder game than grand prix but I was still able to beat it. At first the lady at the counter thought I was crazy for thinking there were two color version of kaboom I then told her yes there is another color. She looked and would'nt you know it they did have the other color :roll:

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can someone can upload a picture of the Kaboom! unit ?


Here ya go.


I got Grand Prix and Kaboom today and have to say, although I think a fast food Atari-themed prize is pretty cool and has gets a lot of nostalgia points for me, the games are pretty much just for kids or the collector. I collect to play, not to store. For adults, the two games I have are fun for a few minutes, great to look at, but don't have much long-term playability value. Both games were easliy mastered in short order. Not really a criticism, since these things really are meant for young kids.


That said, I thought they did a good job with the design of the casings, colors, stickers, etc. One nice touch I'd like to point out that no one has so far: I really appreciate the fact that they took the extra step of providing a plastic sleeve for the little brochure that comes with the games. I'll be filing these with my manuals for posterity.


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