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Room 34

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Think carefully about the manufacturer of each game. See a pattern?

Not exactly a pattern, but a small number of brand names, and a few games with special properties. If there's an actual pattern there, it doesn't reveal itself or have meaning to me.


Then think again about the two clues I provided with the puzzle:




Atari games did not exist when Gertrude Stein uttered, "A rose is a rose is a rose."


How does this apply to Atari games?

I don't see that it does.






What to make of this? A clue: It has nothing to do with the emulator (or the car). Perhaps consider... Z = 26.

Rather obvious, but my every attempt to apply it has failed.

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Think carefully about the manufacturer of each game. See a pattern?

Not exactly a pattern, but a small number of brand names, and a few games with special properties. If there's an actual pattern there, it doesn't reveal itself or have meaning to me.



Sorry... I didn't actually mean a PATTERN. Rather, a distinguishing characteristic.

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Well, I hate to do this, but part 5 seems to be a killer, perhaps the hardest of all. So here are a few more direct hints.


A rose is a rose is a rose.


Are all Atari games given only one title?




I've already given this away as a code. But what do you do with the numbers once you've translated the letters into digits? Think back to the first challenge.

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But what do you do with the numbers once you've translated the letters into digits? Think back to the first challenge.


Yeah, I'd already gotten both of those general ideas. But the problem of what to do with the numbers is that the numbers I get are too high to use in the manner of the first challenge.


No matter what I do to get those numbers, some of them exceed the number of letters in any of the words I try to apply them to. 19, for example, keeps coming up.


So I'm not getting the numbers in the right way, apparently.

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I'm sad to do this, but since the contest seems to be dying off, here's a guide to #5. I didn't test the difficulty of these challenges before throwing them out there, and this one just seems to be too obscure.


You still need to figure out the games.


The games are titles made by both Atari and Sears. When possible, I used the Sears artwork. But the trick is, you need to use the ATARI titles of the games (even if it's the Sears art) to work out the key: Match up each of those games to a letter of the alphabet via the CX2600 number of the game. So for instance, if the game in the picture were Miniature Golf (CX2626), the letter you'd need to enter for the solution would be Z (the 26th letter of the alphabet).


Good luck! I'm eager to see how you all fare on the later challenges!

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Agh! The one piece I was missing was to use the CX numbers. Damn that's clever. You wouldn't believe some of the crazy things I tried to get the answer.


I'm sorry that you finally had to give it away, but thank you. Now on to part 7. Oh boy!

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I'd thought of using the CX numbers, but I didn't think a couple of them had CX numbers, so I didn't go try it until you said that was the way to go. Then I found them.


Some small additional hint about Miniature Golf would've helped, rather than just the Z26 clue. (Coincidentally, aimeric made a reference to tilting at windmills in an earlier post.)


Anyway, thanks for the help. On to part seven.

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I'd thought of using the CX numbers, but I didn't think a couple of them had CX numbers, so I didn't go try it until you said that was the way to go. Then I found them.


Some small additional hint about Miniature Golf would've helped, rather than just the Z26 clue. (Coincidentally, aimeric made a reference to tilting at windmills in an earlier post.)


Anyway, thanks for the help. On to part seven.


Heh, unintentional :)


Actually, I was thinking that really, the Z26 hint was the only one that was needed...you could take it two ways:


Use z26 (the sears games in the Atariage archives still link to the Atari rom versions, so that tells you to use the Atari names)

Z=26 (the CX numbers)

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Use z26 (the sears games in the Atariage archives still link to the Atari rom versions, so that tells you to use the Atari names)


Wow... I didn't even intend that, but nice thinking!


Z=26 (the CX numbers)


Yes, that's how I intended that clue to be interpreted! :)

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