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New contest!

Room 34

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I meant to give some time for people to try to figure out the last few steps before revealing everything... but then I got distracted.


By the time I started redesigning my website a couple months ago, I honestly had forgotten all about the contest, so the removal of the pages was inadvertent.


As far as the prize money goes... well, since it was all mine in the first place, I don't think I could really misappropriate it, could I?


I will look through my backups and put the contest pages back up on the site if anyone's interested in giving it another shot...

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OK... sitting awake in a hotel bed at 12:15 AM (because the post-nasal drip from my sinus infection is causing me to hack uncontrollably when I lay down... :roll: ), I found a backup of the contest files on my laptop, and thanks to the wonders of free WiFi in the hotel room, the contest pages are now back online!




Here's a hint for number 7:


We are the Atari Shufflin' Crew

Shufflin' on down, doin' it for you.

We're so bad we know we're good.

Blowin' your mind like we knew we would.

You know we're just struttin' for fun

Struttin' our stuff for everyone.

We're not here to start not trouble.

We're just here to do the RGB Shuffle.

Edited by Room 34
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OK... sitting awake in a hotel bed at 12:15 AM (because the post-nasal drip from my sinus infection is causing me to hack uncontrollably when I lay down... :roll: ), I found a backup of the contest files on my laptop, and thanks to the wonders of free WiFi in the hotel room, the contest pages are now back online!




Here's a hint for number 7:


We are the Atari Shufflin' Crew

Shufflin' on down, doin' it for you.

We're so bad we know we're good.

Blowin' your mind like we knew we would.

You know we're just struttin' for fun

Struttin' our stuff for everyone.

We're not here to start not trouble.

We're just here to do the RGB Shuffle.


So apparently "all" we have to do is rearrange the existing colored letters in some new order. Is there a clue (other than RGB) somewhere that says what order they should go in? I'm sure we've all tried the obvious, like making the minimal changes to put them in order RRRRGGGGBBBB and RGBRGBRGBRGB, but those ain't the solution. Within either of those RGB constraints but shuffling the letters within their colors, there are still literally tens of thousands of permutations, even taking into account all the repeated letters.

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So are we working with "DEFENDER" or "DEFENDER*" or "DEFENDERSTAR" or "DEFENDERASTERISK"? I've pondered that for a while.


And the "NINE" has puzzled me from the beginning. Does it mean to shift the letters front to back or does it mean you can fully rotate the "NIN" 180º and it will remain the same?


ò¿ó   smiling_to_atariage.gif

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So are we working with "DEFENDER" or "DEFENDER*" or "DEFENDERSTAR" or "DEFENDERASTERISK"?  I've pondered that for a while.


And the "NINE" has puzzled me from the beginning.  Does it mean to shift the letters front to back or does it mean you can fully rotate the "NIN" 180º and it will remain the same?


ò¿ó   smiling_to_atariage.gif


I think it should be obvious from the field length and the RGB clue which letters we should be working with.


However, I have to take exception to Scott's comment, "Some combinations make sense, and some don't." I used the Internet Anagram Server to check dozens of permutations that "make sense", more or less, just by making real words. There are several hundred of them, and that tool does not even put all the words in every possible order. Is there a hint that we've overlooked, providing some idea as to which particular arrangement is the preferred way in your mind to "make sense"? Or will it again only be obvious to us after we see the answer you've chosen?

Edited by A.J. Franzman
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How odd. I can't believe I didn't try that solution for part 7 before; I'm sure it was one of those I got from the IAS.


In part eight, did you know that several of the lines have multiple matches? So far I have at least one answer for each line, but 3 for line 1, 2 for line 3, and 4 for line 10, and I haven't done an exhaustive search to find any more. Using just what I have so far, I've tried all 24 "first letter, in order" solutions unsuccessfully. Should I be looking at something else, like brand names, CX numbers, or some other letters? Or do I need to find more alternate matches?

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How odd. I can't believe I didn't try that solution for part 7 before; I'm sure it was one of those I got from the IAS.


In part eight, did you know that several of the lines have multiple matches? So far I have at least one answer for each line, but 3 for line 1, 2 for line 3, and 4 for line 10, and I haven't done an exhaustive search to find any more. Using just what I have so far, I've tried all 24 "first letter, in order" solutions unsuccessfully. Should I be looking at something else, like brand names, CX numbers, or some other letters? Or do I need to find more alternate matches?


Hmm... didn't know about line 10, but did you notice that lines 1, 3 and 14 are all the same (with a separate clue for each)? Or are there multiple matches even WITH the clues?


(I did put this together quickly, so I may have goofed there. If so, I'll provide answers to the duplicate ones.)

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Or are there multiple matches even WITH the clues?

Yes, there are multiple matches. I have found four matches for lines 1 and 3, and nine matches for line 10. :)



First letters (which are really all you need):


1 - E

3 - C

10 - P


OK so now I have 14 letters, but they're not working in original order. Is it another anagram? :ponder:

cocoon sleepers - no good

o no peles soccer - no good


Giving up that approach, not about to try the other uncounted thousands of possibilities.


Hmmm... tried swapping Atari/Sears titles - no good


Or is there another line with multiple matches that I missed? Ugh. Or maybe it's another cryptogram, and I should be checking all the 14-letter titles (ignoring spaces). Double Ugh.

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hey check it out, I'm a spammer for a sly cooper contest, if you win you get all kinds of cool stuff, you should check it out, you even win a trip to alcatraz...
Heh, heh. Thanx, but we're currently working on a mental escape from Room34, Alcatraz. :roll:

Now, to figure out how to get a 13 character answer from 8 answers... :dunce:


ò¿ó   smiling_to_atariage.gif

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Now, to figure out how to get a 13 character answer from 8 answers... :dunce:

To be honest, right now I don't even remember how!


(I'll have to review the contest a little more closely.)


Take heart friends... if I hadn't created this contest, I most likely would NOT still be a contender! ;)

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