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Atari Flashback


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Hey... did anyone buy this thing?


I bought it simply because it said Atari on it. I never plan to actually even plug it in. But Target is selling them for $30 bucks.. they shipped them all to one store. I don't know how well they did... seems too little, too late for Atari on this one. The TV Games market is totally flooded now and most people stopped buying them alltogether now...


Anyway, I opened it up just to see... it's hilarious.. it actually says "mini 7800" on the serial number / Atari sticker on the back.


It's literally only 1/4th the size of a 7800.


Actually, it's maybe only a little bit larger than a 5200 cart.



Haha.. and the controllers are sooo tiny...

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I think the only forum sections that don't have Flashback threads in them would be the Pong, Etc. and Politics & Religion.  :roll:


Nope.... The "Chruch of Pac-Man" thread discussed the Flashback as "the second coming" ... :roll: ;) :roll:

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atariage needs another flashback thread like i need a shotgun blast to the face.


Where is Atari-Joe when you need him?


Atari Joe is not doing too well actually. As I'm sure everyone who's familiar with Joe knows he suffers from a few minor birth defects that have affected his mental growth (he's kinda a 12 year old stuck in a 42 year old's body) and he also has some problems with his respiratory system. He was in the hospital for a while with pneumonia... I was really worried for him over Thanksgiving. He's been through this sort of thing before so I feel confident that he'll be up and around and back to being good ole' Joe, hopefully by easter.


I saw him around Christmas and he asked about a few AtariAge members and we talked about the "Atari Super-Gang" as "slippery" pete was there to see him too. ...next time he's home and I get to see him I'm going to encourage him to update his website some. He stopped posting to AtariAge as often as he used to sometime I think in spring 2003 after he went over the top a few times and garnished a few too many complaints.


He is having a great deal of fun with his new Nintendo VirtualBoy though.... even though that system was a flash in the pan Joe seems to get a great deal of enjoyment out of that thing. It's fun for him to use while in bed too.


Thanks for thinking of Joe. He's a good guy and has nothing but good intensions in his heart, but most people just dont "get" him.

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word is Atari (faux french atari mind you) is intending in launching 2 more units that will be significantly improved. flashback 1 was just a quick effort to get something by christmas. dont forget flashback is targeted to the general population who doesnt sink as much time or effort or love into the hobby as we do. hopefully the next products (if released) will be more to our liking.

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lol good point. but at least it gets people thinking about atari again just by seeing it on the shelves. and that might generate more interest in atari and get more people involved and on atariage.


what id like to see is an atari-branded console that could accept cartridges. i think thats the whole point of having a console. i'm not sure exactly what faux french atari has in mind but some of the former employees ive been in touch with over the years have been put on retainer by atari for some hardware project.... so thats saying alot.


if the flashback would have been a *real* atari i would have liked it a whole lot more than i did.... and by *real* i mean not running stale nintendo technology to emulate a 7800, having a cartridge port, and having silver badging instead of some odd looking red sticker with the "new and improved" bastardized version of the fuji logo.


im willing to give them a second chance though. again.

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... if the flashback would have been a *real* atari i would have liked it a whole lot more than i did.... and by *real* i mean not running stale nintendo technology to emulate a 7800, having a cartridge port, and having silver badging instead of some odd looking red sticker with the "new and improved" bastardized version of the fuji logo.


im willing to give them a second chance though. again.


There you go. Keep the casing, but slap some real 7800 hardware under the hood. And maybe make the cosmetics look a little more like a real 7800.


But don't stop there. It's fine and well that Atari wishes to include their classics. But they need to do two things:


First include some new original titles (and by this I mean original efforts, prototypes that never made it but finished for this project, or maybe even some homebrew efforts). And that whole cartridge slot idea? Yeah. :D


Second, those joysticks are nice but again you get into the "paddle game debacle" where you must use the joysticks to "digitally" emulate the paddle controllers. Tis stupid. Instead, make the joystick heads "twistable" much like the paddle controllers were, with a switch on them to select joystick or paddle (or for you Indy 500 fans, driving controller) modes. That way you have a combination joystick / paddle controller all in one.


Wouldn't solve every problem, but would be a couple of steps in the right direction. We're watching, Atari. :|

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Well, sorry if I pissed everyone off by posting about the Flashback! :)


Then again, you don't have to read / click on it.. do you? heheh...



I doubt Atari will come out with any kind of a system in the near future. At least... while Microsoft and Sony are duking it out... there isn't much of a chance for a new system to come out. The Nintendo Game Cube is still picking up the slack that the other two leave behind.


In order for Atari to succeed in the market place, they would need a system that was VASTLY superior to anything on the market, cheaper than anything in the market, and have just as many, if not MORE games available to it.


It would need a huge user base, with lots of networking support... it would need built in DSL support, have a built in WebTV capability automatically, and be able to accept CDs... because cartridges are basically obsolete. They cost the supplier faar too much money. By reducing the production costs, they can usually lower the cost of the software.


I would be thrilled to see the Atari logo on the latest and greatest video game system.



I bought the Flashback simply because it was made by Atari (at least I think it was, it says Atari on it everywhere), and it was actually hardware.


I opened it, checked it out, and threw it in my closet with my boxed XEGS and all the other stuff I don't play.

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Okay so I admit the Flashback isnt the most wonderful piece of Atari hard ware to be released.... but its certainly not the worst. I woulld have liked to have seen better quality plastic used.... the original Fuji.... cartridge port.... maybe some packaging that didnt look so tacky, maybe even some packaging that looked more authentic. But for what it is its not a bad little stocking stuffer. For people who havent played Atari in 10, 20 even 30 years its a nice way to get reintroduced to the lifestyle and get people involved.


I'd be VERY dissapointed if I didnt see Atari release a cartridge version. That little Chode-like Sunmark system looks promising.

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Okay so I admit the Flashback isnt the most wonderful piece of Atari hard ware to be released.... but its certainly not the worst. I woulld have liked to have seen better quality plastic used.... the original Fuji.... cartridge port.... maybe some packaging that didnt look so tacky, maybe even some packaging that looked more authentic. But for what it is its not a bad little stocking stuffer. For people who havent played Atari in 10, 20 even 30 years its a nice way to get reintroduced to the lifestyle and get people involved.


I'd be VERY dissapointed if I didnt see Atari release a cartridge version. That little Chode-like Sunmark system looks promising.



At the risk of being yelled at by the regulars and told to use the Search Button....


Can you tell me what this SunMark system is?


I'm a bit hesitant to search the database for "chode".




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