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Hey, I have a question for you developers

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How do you guys develop for the Atari nowadays? Do you use a cross-assembler, or do it directly in emulation? I have some source code I wouldn't mind re-entering and try to get running, but all I have is some 8-bit emulation software for my PC. And my old AMAC code is pretty heavily dependent on its features. Just curious.



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Well, I personally use cc65 (from www.cc65.org) to compile C code and assemble assembly. I use this on a PC, Unix and Linux depending on where I am sitting.


I use atari800win plus to test my code... the monitor is very useful.

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If I am reading an online book (http://www.atariarchives.org/), I will use what ever compiler is being used in the book on an Emulator. Even the Atari Assembler Editor Cart is fast on an Emulator! :-)


I've also used DASM (http://www.taswegian.com/TwoHeaded/Atari2600/dasm/) to play around with 8-bit and 2600 code.



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boinxx is completly written in XASM crossassembler




or you can try MADS assembler for PC...all atari related and specific...


(MADS link is at the bottom...)


or infos here: http://strotmann.de/twiki/bin/view/APG/WebHome


and for testing i prefer atari800win4.0plus and the debug version with single step etc which is missing in the good monitor of the "non dev" version of the emulator...


and on real hardware it's tested with the XASM tools XBOOT and sio2pc and a old 233mhz win98 laptop...

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ATASM's a great MAC/65-like cross assembler http://www.cs.utah.edu/~schmelze/atari/atasm/


I second Atari800WinPlus 4 as one of the best emulators for developing


could be interesting - someone here http://www.cox-internet.com/wa5bdu/amac.txt

gets AMAC working on the XFormer emulator (although that isn't such a great emulator IMO) but doing the editing on PC

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Well, I personally use cc65 (from www.cc65.org) to compile C code and assemble assembly.  I use this on a PC, Unix and Linux depending on where I am sitting.


I use atari800win plus to test my code... the monitor is very useful.

I also use the assembler and linker from cc65. I use Atari800Win Plus for most of my testing but APE or SIO2PC is good for final testing on the real thing (or an a52 USB maxicart to Atari 5200 testing.)
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I use TASM to assemble on the PC, then test in the emulator or on the real Atari using APE/SIO2PC.


You can get TASM and some of 6502 assembler source files at http://www.atarimax.com/flashcart/


If your going to start from scratch, XASM or one of the other free assemblers is probably best. I like TASM for personal reasons, mostly because all my older code is written in it.



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Oh... hijacking the thread somewhat, but over on the Retro Gamer magazine forums there's talk of getting a CD together with readers' submissions on... might be worth anyone with a nearly complete project (assuming they were planning on giving it away rather than selling it) wandering over...? =-)

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