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Java emulator found


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that's cool, now I can play Scramble when I'm supposed to be working. As for the speed, it seems a little slow on some games to me, especially while color cycling, and what's up with ms pacman? looks like somethings imperfect with the graphics emulation, otherwise she wouldn't freakout when going left and be upside down in the cutscenes. While you were looking for emulators, did you by any chance see a msx emulator? I found one once, then it dissappeared off the internet, it had some pretty good games you could play on it.

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Im on a t1 when im suppost to be working that probally explains the speed.. maybe. Ms Pac Man looks pretty bad, i assume the emulation is still in prelim stages. The only other java emulator i know of is for the commadore 64. You can play it




I never have found an online msx emualtor, although i have looked before. If i can find one then I will post it here

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