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TOTAL Surprise for Jaguar Fans


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C'mon guys, take it easy on us poor fans on the other side of the pond...


Can't you just enjoying silently? :P


*checks for mail every five minutes...the mailbox door breaks*




I'm suffering with you brother. Seeing these people get their copy makes me anxious... :_(


Yeah especially after it took about a month last time when I ordered a game from carl. The box has been examined at the border. I wonder what those guys thought it would be. Atari Jaguar...hm....

Well can't wait.


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C'mon guys, take it easy on us poor fans on the other side of the pond...


Can't you just enjoying silently? :P


*checks for mail every five minutes...the mailbox door breaks*




I'm suffering with you brother. Seeing these people get their copy makes me anxious... :_(


Yeah especially after it took about a month last time when I ordered a game from carl. The box has been examined at the border. I wonder what those guys thought it would be. Atari Jaguar...hm....

Well can't wait.




Wow that's somthing I don't think about!

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C'mon guys, take it easy on us poor fans on the other side of the pond...


Can't you just enjoying silently? :P


*checks for mail every five minutes...the mailbox door breaks*




I'm suffering with you brother. Seeing these people get their copy makes me anxious... :_(


Yeah especially after it took about a month last time when I ordered a game from carl. The box has been examined at the border. I wonder what those guys thought it would be. Atari Jaguar...hm....

Well can't wait.




Wow that's somthing I don't think about!



I did not either. Guess they do some random controls or something since they can't check EVERY box, but aside from the fact that I waited so long and bothered Carl with emails, I thought it was pretty fun when I got the package which was cleary opened and closed again with the sticker that it was examined.


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Shipping update: I shipped a few packages earlier this week, then FINALLY my packing boxes arrived from the Post Office, so I'm shipping another 18 or so orders today. Half are USA, half are international (today is the first day I'm shipping out international packages for TC).


I will do my best to get caught up over the weekend, but I'm still only about halfway through the orders at this point. Thanks for the support, and especially thanks to everyone for being patient. :)

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Hello Bones,


See here for a review of the SNES version, with a couple of screenshots.



Clearly the lack of colours on the SNES compared to the Jag is very evident,

that sort of thing people tend to overlook. I like any good game on the Jag,

because I don't own every platform, and the Jag is my system of choice. :)






Crickey, the SNES version looks like crap! Thanks for the link, the Jag version looks a hella lot better than that.



Those 2 pics may not look great but it would be better to do a side by side comparison to see which is superior. I'll pull out my SNES copy of Total Carnage I picked up at a flea market and start to play it. Then when my Jag version comes I'll compare and see what the differences are.

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned how expensive the cart is- isn't it $89.95? I totally understand the price, and I'm excited to buy one- but I can hardly believe someone bought two. If any game is worth this price, it's this one. No where's that Smash TV Jaguar version?


OK, so what is the Pro Stick? I mean, anyone got some links or pix?


Actually, I would have loved to see support for the rotary controller or two joysticks or something like that- or does it have that? Rotary would be fun for a two joystick game- at least for firing.


Not to undercut what an accomplishment this release is by any stretch, merely stirring up a tiny hint of controversy and criticism. We are lucky to have Carl in our midst.


I can't wait to play it!

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Out of intrest Carl how many have you sold so far?


No i'm not gonna ask you if you've sent mine  :ponder:



But I'll do :-)

No better spend the time packing stuff up than answering questions of impatient guys like me.....actually right now I should do more important stuff than playing games, so god knows if it isn't good if the package arrives later


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I've received orders for about 60 carts so far. This is more than I anticipated for the first round of orders, but still a lot less than what I need to recoup my expenses... but that's OK, I can be patient for another 6-12 months. ;)


Got another 7 packages ready to go this morning, including some internationals like Paolo, Vidar, and 16/32 Sys. I think that leaves me with about 20 orders to go...

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Just got an email from Richard Turner (he's out of town on business for a few weeks and can't access AA) and he asked me to post here on his behalf:


"The package arrived, so thank you very much for the prompt delivery, I really appreciate being first perhaps in UK! I'm just sorry that I can't give you a nice review of the game for some time, but it will be done. And my wife says 'it looks great, the box and cartridge look very nice.'"


Thanks, Richard! Hope you are able to return home soon, enjoy some time with your family, and eventually play the game. :)

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Hello everyone! I think I may be the first person in England to play the game, my copy arrived this morning! Thanks Carl. I have to say this game is exactly what I expected, just like the arcade. Havn't got very far yet but that is probaly because I havn't got a pro controller. I keep meaning to buy one but always get distracted by buying another game, so that'll be next on my shopping list.

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Hello everyone! I think I may be the first person in England to play the game, my copy arrived this morning! Thanks Carl. I have to say this game is exactly what I expected, just like the arcade. Havn't got very far yet but that is probaly because I havn't got a pro controller. I keep meaning to buy one but always get distracted by buying another game, so that'll be next on my shopping list.



Oh the jealousy. Nah just kidding, as I said before it should better arrive a littler later because of my exam next week but on the other hand it's sounds too good to be able to play something "new" on my Jag so.....angel here devil there and I know how I will end up as soon as this baby hits my mail.....oh boy.... :-) I can feel the excitment of everybody who ordered that game....


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Hello everyone! I think I may be the first person in England to play the game, my copy arrived this morning! Thanks Carl. I have to say this game is exactly what I expected, just like the arcade. Havn't got very far yet but that is probaly because I havn't got a pro controller. I keep meaning to buy one but always get distracted by buying another game, so that'll be next on my shopping list.


Congrats on the claim to fame, mr.kizza!

I'd brag about that 'til the end of time. :cool:

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