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How complete do you think Atarimania's 8-bit game list is?

Ross PK

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I believe at least 90% of the existing commercial games are listed. We're still adding obscure stuff on a more or less regular basis but most of it is there...


Then you have all the PD software (mostly written in BASIC), magazine type-ins, book listings... We're far from complete there so that probably amounts to at least a thousand programs more...


What we know for sure is that a number of educational titles are still missing, mainly because there was a real parallel market for such products and information is harder to find. Some people are doing a great job archiving games from Eastern European countries. We need to check stuff from South America (mainly Chile) and Canada and also delve into the very, very early titles produced in the US... I was told there was some Russian software as well...



Atari Frog


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I believe at least 90% of the existing commercial games are listed. We're still adding obscure stuff on a more or less regular basis but most of it is there...



Atari Frog





I have taken a look at your lists and I think the following correctings and addings should be made to make your ANG Software library complete:




Not listed (all disk):

Operation Blood (ANG version)

Thinker (ANG version)

Eureka (ANG version)

Draconus (re-release Zeppelin game, ANG stereo gumby version)

Zybex (re-release Zeppelin game, ANG stereo gumby version)

Jocky Wilson darts compendium (re-release Zeppelin game, ANG version)



T34 the battle (Mirage never finished and never published the game but ANG finished it and published it)

Operation Blood for the lightgun (was actually made by ANG, Mirage never published it)

Whoops! (was also published by Mirage in Poland with different cover and bug in the software)

Johnny the ghost (originally made by Powersoft Germany (compiled turbo basic), ANG made a remake (machine language and gumby stereo compatible) so there are 2 versions)




Not listed (all disk):

Colorfont editor (ANG)

TML Drumeditor 1 (ANG)

TML Drumeditor 2 (stereo Gumby compatible) (ANG)

AMJ Base 3.0 (ANG, originally from AMJ soft)

Basicdup (ANG)

Diskkeeper 3 (ANG originally from AMJ soft)

Hack Picture II (ANG)

Home studio (ANG)

Labeldesigner 2 (ANG, originally from AMJ soft)




Edited by Fred_M
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RE: Zybex 2 and Zybex 3


Were they ever 'officially' released or were they simply 'hacked' versions


The same goes for Draconus 2, 3 and 4


'Officially' released of just hacked versions


What dou you mean with 2,3 and 4???


Zybex and Draconus were official releases from Zeppelin (Cognito). When Zeppelin left the 8-bit scene all distribution and reproduction rightswent to Micro Discount UK. ANG Software had arrangements with Micro Discount to distribute and reproduce their games. ANG Software made a stereo conversion of both games (mono compatible).


Micro Discount and ANG Software sold the Zeppelin titles (including the stereo conversins) with their original cassette covers on disk.


From my point of view, they are all orginal releases and were sold in many European countries.




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RE: Zybex 2 and Zybex 3


Were they ever 'officially' released or were they simply 'hacked' versions


The same goes for Draconus 2, 3 and 4


'Officially' released of just hacked versions


I understand those are hacked versions. the same game only with different maps (keeping the same character set).

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