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is any one actually buying a ps3?


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The odds of me getting a PS3 are very slim. I do hope Namco doesn't make Time Crisis 4 a PS3 exclusive or there's gonna be trouble.


Never cared that much for Japanaese support-which is the PS3's strong point anyways. Even in the Genesis days I didn't buy that many Japanese games outside of Segas stuff. I will buy a PS3...eventually. But only for the few must have Japanese games I still care about-Contra,Shinobi,Castlevania( and any Sega based racers that are exclusive to the machine.) The rest I can find on my 360-love Wesern games more than anyting.


In short-I'll get a PS3 much later down the line once I see the must haves that arrouse my interest.

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I'm gonna wait 'til they get the kinks knocked out of it. Actually I can't afford the steep price since I'm just a college student and all. But I figure that past will repeat itself, and as such, there will be some kind of issue with the PS3 causing these first few batches to go nuts for some unforseen reason. If I were to get a launch system, it'd be a Wii, since Nintendo has a reputation of getting their systems right on the first try. But even the Wii will have to sit on the store shelves for a little while.


Actually I just got an Xbox last year, so I've been using this year to capitalize on all these folks throwing out their old Xbox original games to finance their Xbox 360 collection. So I've been picking up used games that original came out for $40 and are now going for $3 to $5. :P :D

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I'm personally not a big fan of Sony to begin with .. so it's not on my radar


I am however going to buy destroy all humans two next payday for my poor old antiquated X-box-1


I'm saving the 360 purchase for Halo-3, wich is what I told the kids on the local news when they caught me playing the demo unit a day before the thing came out at the circut city

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When it's $150... if it ever gets that low, yes.


On PS3 launch I'll be too busy to go and get one anyways. I'm going to be busy dreaming about Red Steel and Wii Sports. I've never played a Zelda game before (got Link's Awakening coming off of Ebay) and depending on how I like that one I may get Zelda at launch as well.

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I've never played a Zelda game before (got Link's Awakening coming off of Ebay)

Link's Awakening is wicked. I can't believe they got so much out of a monochrome 8 bit system. I'd say you can judge the 2D Zelda's based on it. It's not quite "A Link to the Past", but it's really solid.

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I've never played a Zelda game before (got Link's Awakening coming off of Ebay)

Link's Awakening is wicked. I can't believe they got so much out of a monochrome 8 bit system. I'd say you can judge the 2D Zelda's based on it. It's not quite "A Link to the Past", but it's really solid.


Yeah the way I see it, if I like Link's Awakening, I'll like the NES ones. And if I it I'll like the 3D ones as well.


Thing is I'm trying to combine shipping on ebay with this one seller, so I haven't paid yet. Thus far I got WWF Betrayal (sounds so bad it's almost essential) for 2.59, Double Dragon II for .99 and Link's Awakening for $3.86. $3.00 total shipping, so that's not bad. I am having trouble waiting, but I'm gonna try to get Castlevania for the original GB. If not I'm cashing in, I can't wait.

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I wish Square would make the FF games for more than one console


Maybe the logic is that if the sucky boringness was difused over more systems it wouldn't hurt any one system as much.


Naw, I actually really enjoy the FF games, but your opinion is noted :roll:


I would like them to get a wide release (say, on all three platforms like the EA games). That way I could pick which system I wanted to play them on. I don't want to be locked into a PS3 just for those games. I suppose it's no different than Zelda games only being on Nintendo systems...except Nintendo is the developer in that case as well.

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I've never played a Zelda game before (got Link's Awakening coming off of Ebay)

Link's Awakening is wicked. I can't believe they got so much out of a monochrome 8 bit system. I'd say you can judge the 2D Zelda's based on it. It's not quite "A Link to the Past", but it's really solid.


Yeah the way I see it, if I like Link's Awakening, I'll like the NES ones. And if I it I'll like the 3D ones as well.


Thing is I'm trying to combine shipping on ebay with this one seller, so I haven't paid yet. Thus far I got WWF Betrayal (sounds so bad it's almost essential) for 2.59, Double Dragon II for .99 and Link's Awakening for $3.86. $3.00 total shipping, so that's not bad. I am having trouble waiting, but I'm gonna try to get Castlevania for the original GB. If not I'm cashing in, I can't wait.


Well, You might not like 'Zelda 2' for the NES as that was a side scroller and the others were top down view. Out of all of them that title dissapointed me the most.

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Yes I wil be getting one. And a 360. But no way in hell am I going to get suckered into buying a wii. No thank you nintendo I have already bought your classic games 3x over. I am happy with my gamecube. And with Twilight/Zelda comming out for the cube I see not reason to get a Wii.

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When it's $150... if it ever gets that low, yes.

Have any systems that launched at such a high price (Neo Geo, 3D0, etc) ever come down in price that much before they were discontinued entirely?




I don't think so. Hell, PS2 just dropped below that mark very recently in Canada

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When it's $150... if it ever gets that low, yes.

Have any systems that launched at such a high price (Neo Geo, 3D0, etc) ever come down in price that much before they were discontinued entirely?




I don't think so. Hell, PS2 just dropped below that mark very recently in Canada

I guess one could always get one used at some distant point in the future, but then the other consoles will also be proportionally priced and cheaper than a used PS3. ;)



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I've never played a Zelda game before (got Link's Awakening coming off of Ebay)

Link's Awakening is wicked. I can't believe they got so much out of a monochrome 8 bit system. I'd say you can judge the 2D Zelda's based on it. It's not quite "A Link to the Past", but it's really solid.


Yeah the way I see it, if I like Link's Awakening, I'll like the NES ones. And if I it I'll like the 3D ones as well.


Thing is I'm trying to combine shipping on ebay with this one seller, so I haven't paid yet. Thus far I got WWF Betrayal (sounds so bad it's almost essential) for 2.59, Double Dragon II for .99 and Link's Awakening for $3.86. $3.00 total shipping, so that's not bad. I am having trouble waiting, but I'm gonna try to get Castlevania for the original GB. If not I'm cashing in, I can't wait.


Well, You might not like 'Zelda 2' for the NES as that was a side scroller and the others were top down view. Out of all of them that title dissapointed me the most.


I'm a sidescroller geek, so that one may actually be my favorite then!

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No, no and more no for the PS3. I'm getting a Wiivolution all the way. Besides even if I wanted one, I can't afford to shell out 600 for a console, thats just insane!! The Wii will be my first console bought at launch sense the SNES which I made 139 for. So buying the Wii is gonna be just about double what I have ever paid for a video game system in the past. Let alone if I got a PS3, that would be quintuple the price at least.

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