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What's the latest Atari related thing(s) you've bought on ebay?

Ross PK

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I think Joystick Sketchpad came with the 1020 plotter.



Hmm, I wonder if I have another copy then, as I have a 1020 plotter, that I only opened once. I have the tape in that listed as "Graphics Software"


I'll take a look tonight (however the manual I have for Joystick Sketchpad is the larger type and matches the pre XL era documentation)

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Won a Commodore monitor on Friday evening at a low price from a UK seller. The item was listed "pick-up only", but the seller went on to say (in this and another couple of simultanous auctions) that he'd be happy to pack the monitor up if someone was willing to pay shipping. This struck me as odd anyway, since by listing the item as pick-up only when he was willing to ship, he'd immediately alienated 95% of potential buyers. In any case, I won it, and I immediately sent him a total cost request, as well as (since I want the monitor so keenly) a note saying I'd happily compensate him further to the tune of a tenner for his trouble, since the selling price was so low (as an occasional seller, I kind of felt sorry for him that the monitor hadn't fetched a higher price). I also asked if he wanted to arrange a courier himself, or if he was happy for me to arrange it this end.


That was Friday evening... and so far, no reply. I guess he's away for the weekend or something (no feedback left for other buyers or any other apparent eBay activity), but in the light of my being the originator of the phrase "loft fall", I'm already suspicious. He's been an eBay member since 2002, but in that time has only had 64 transactions (with 100% positive feedback), only two of which were as a seller. He also said in the listing that the winning bid would not be accepted until the monitor had been tested.


Well - call me cynical, but I already smell a rat. I don't like leaving purchases unpaid for this long.

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Went to VCF East 7.0


Got an 800 and a 1040STf for $10 each, and Compute!'s 1st, 2nd, 3rd book of Atari, the ANALG compendium, Atari Basic (the book), UNIX Shell Programming, and two BASIC carts, and a Star Raider cart... ($30 for all)


oh, and got a pic of Curt Vendel ;'D


and got to talk to Curt Vendel...


(for our C= friends, I also got to see a C128 prototype and talk to Bil Herd...)



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Ultima II still in shrinkwrap and unopened!!




eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3504532296171?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=350453229617&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

Ultima II was my first game addiction. I was probably 12 and my buddies and I were entranced. We would literally play until we were about to pass out, take a nap and go back to playing. The idea of being in another world was very new to me.

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Went to VCF East 7.0


Got an 800 and a 1040STf for $10 each, and Compute!'s 1st, 2nd, 3rd book of Atari, the ANALG compendium, Atari Basic (the book), UNIX Shell Programming, and two BASIC carts, and a Star Raider cart... ($30 for all)


oh, and got a pic of Curt Vendel ;'D


and got to talk to Curt Vendel...


(for our C= friends, I also got to see a C128 prototype and talk to Bil Herd...)




1040STf for $10 <------- VERY NICE!!

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Went to VCF East 7.0


Got an 800 and a 1040STf for $10 each, and Compute!'s 1st, 2nd, 3rd book of Atari, the ANALG compendium, Atari Basic (the book), UNIX Shell Programming, and two BASIC carts, and a Star Raider cart... ($30 for all)


oh, and got a pic of Curt Vendel ;'D


and got to talk to Curt Vendel...


(for our C= friends, I also got to see a C128 prototype and talk to Bil Herd...)




1040STf for $10 <------- VERY NICE!!


yeah, but bombs once it gets warm... but the drive worked fine...



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Just got this nice add-on, at a price and condition that were TOO hard to pass/let-go:


Atari CX85, basically NEW/unused for U.S. $5.99: :cool:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1405473453651?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=140547345365&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]






Good snag, I was considering that, but I already have 4 of those loose.

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Winning bid: 0.99GBP. :)

Wow that looks brand new!


That Atari 820 I got on ebay for $50, the guy cut a thin box down so it was 'form fitting' to the printer, then wrapped the box in a single layer of butcher paper...


Needless to say the mint condition 820 I won on ebay was not the destroyed by shipping 820 I received. I think I need to start telling sellers to "treat it like the irreplacable antique it is"

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Yes, I'm gonna have to choose couriers with care, without going over the top (we've all seen videos of reputable couriers throwing boxes onto recipients' porches, etc). I already impressed on the seller the importance of plenty of padding. I figured the 10GBP I insisted on giving him for the monitor can't have hurt. ;)

Edited by flashjazzcat
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