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What's the latest Atari related thing(s) you've bought on ebay?

Ross PK

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You've got to laugh at some of these eBay sellers. I've just seen a listing which says the stuff for sale "is worth between £62-75... so I am looking for bids to go around that price".


O RLY? What's gonna happen if (when) bids don't go around that price? Loft fall? :)

Ten hours to go, no bids (looking very tasty for a bidding war later on), and listing pulled. I don't know why I bother watching stuff on eBay anymore.

Edited by flashjazzcat
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He's too busy buying more stuff, no time to list anything!

I will early July. If you must know what I'm doing, this is my latest non-atari thing from ebay.

You building a huge ass hover-board :)

Looks more like a hover-desk. That way you don't ever have to log-off to get a sandwich or check the mail.

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My latest was an ebay acquisition by proxy. Thanks to Fibrewire for sending me an 835 modem in great shape.


Cool :) I got 3 before getting a working unit...


I have one, dont know if it works or not though... I'm still looking for a 825 printer though.

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When it rains, it pours:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3103296178771?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=310329617877&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Seller had that listed 2 months ago and I explained to him that it was a Video Card, so he pulled it to relist with a better title/description, but I guess he forgot :roll:


think i bid on it then too :'/




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