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About mr-atari

  • Birthday 05/28/1965

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  1. MyIDE_only is a term I gave to my code. It means that the IRQ-routines (disk-IO) of the resident OS is patched to support MyIDE (any version), instead of installing a complete (soft) OS. All code needed to do this is stored in the SRAM of the MyIDE-cartridge. Making it compatible with software that uses RAM at $C000+ and other BIOS specific entries.
  2. The MyIDE-II keyhole is accessible using the control-status of the cartridge. It's perfectly emulated in Altirra. Keyhole ranges $D580-$D5FF. Other interesting feature is $D540-$D57F that mirrors $D500 the IDE-data register. IDE registers are $D500-$D507 (also the secondary registers are accessible here) $D508 - "Left" Cartridge Page Register $D50A - "Right" Cartridge Page Register $D50C - Keyhole Page Register High-Byte $D50D - Keyhole Page Register Low-Byte $D50E - COMPACTFLASH CONTROL REGISTER $D50F - Control Register I have a similar information about SIDE.
  3. Sure. Altirra and 130xe with myide-2. But since I suck at playing the game, I can only test the first 3 screen then I die... No idea about side, I don't own one. But since it's a copy of myide, I'm sure someone can cook up a version for it.
  4. @rensoup asked me to include the readme file. Since I can not edit my first post anymore, here it is. readme.txt
  5. I didn't know pop was only loaded from atarimax, sic! and mega. Then the cartridge is disabled. I was under the impression levels were loaded from cartridge and the game ran from cartridge (being ON). For example 8k right for switching and 8k left for fixed code, since sic! and mega are 16k. But then 8mbit atarimax is a 8k left cartridge. Don't think a XE cartridge can be switched off, so no. No comments on my pop myide2 topic and having 10 downloads, so I guess it works ok?
  6. Complete misunderstanding about sram being used as extended memory v.s. how to load the game from a different bank-switched cartridges. Look here for trying the MyIDE-2 version.
  7. After some discussion with ressoup, I decided to hack my way into the atarimax flashfile. So here is my first attempt, after some sleepless nights, how to modify the code..... The file can be loaded with the standard atarimax-fat-loader on your MyIDE-2 cartridge. Basically the "rom" image is used for loading the game and then disabled. To make it work, I needed to change the atarimax-flash bank-switching to MyIDE-2 bank-switching. (see switch-code) So, please download the game and try if it works. Note: You still need a 128k atari to run pop. And I have no idea how frame 4 popped up.... PoP_Atarimax to MYIDE2.rom switch-code.txt
  8. Strange to find a continuing here instead of the original forum/post. I am not often on AA, just for the sci-fi challenge and altirra updates.... Anyhow, yes, it is possible to load pop into sram of myide-2. Then switch to read-only sram and then execute cartridge style. I know the bank-sequence and what registers to use. So if the makers of pop can contact me, preferable my email, I help them out.
  9. I did something like that for LiteDOS. Called it REMU (Rom Emulation), it loads standard 16k or 8k cartridges and (tries) to run it. http://www.mr-atari.com/Mr.Atari/LiteDOS/ Not a car to xex program, but a rom loader. Grtz!
  10. The case is textured, but someone made it smooth and painted it white on the top. I have removed the paint, when I got it. It wiped away with I.P.A. so I did the whole top. I found another sticker under the cartridge-plastic insert. "FCO" The wires on the back, go to the internal speaker. There is a small transistor connected to the channel switch (speaker on/off), channel select is disabled (trace cut). @bob1200xl This is the unit I used for your 14XL I need to fix the heatsink.... @x=usr(1536) I had a 1400XL and 1450 XLD for repairs some years back. The 1450 (short PCB) had a wire-board for the PPD. Awesome machine. Great voice when you run the Selftest (1400 also). I was very sad when I returned them to the owners.... Later!
  11. I have this 1200XL in my collection, reading this thread, perhaps anyone can shed some any info on this unit? Eproms, V10 SW16 LO / HI Flexi-foil cartridge connector Modified with a keyboard click speaker Reset push-button above ON/OFF switch, no wires.... No label on the back Big Cap reads "IST PASS" Grtz, Sijmen.
  12. @Marius Bug, confirmed and only on the first disk you copy. Every other disk is detected OK, until you powerup again or re-enter image-mode. MyIDE-][, bug not present, plus, I show the detected density. So somewhere between 4.8 -> 4.9 -> MyBIOS-RAM/ROM I fixed it.... (Picture MyIDE-][ MyBIOS-RAM, waiting for "Y", copy to slot $002A "jaja") You are right about room, I have 8 bytes or so left for the image-menu. So I have a thought about this. Will be after X-mas. Merry X-mas to you all! [EDIT] 4.9 for MyIDE-][ it is fixed too. [EDIT-2] 4.8 for MyIDE-][ it is fixed too..... So this is a MyIDE-I only....
  13. I checked the code, same as MyIDE-][, and no reports either. I do status of D1, if error, exit. If OK, read status-byte, negative=MD, bit4 = DD, otherwise SD Then copy 720 sectors or 1040 (MD). Nothing wrong there....
  14. 2nd thing that came to my mind. Hacking the internal MyIDE with some switches. The flash is 128k in size and only 32k (MyBIOS + recovery) are used. In recovery the IDE is disabled. Giving room to 3 more sets of OS + recovery. Anyone has a schematic of the layout? I found that A14 and A15 are "free" and A16 is the recovery select. But I have to measure how/where these traces go to, pulled up/down etc.
  15. Yes, that image-handling is on my to-do list, since 4.8.0B is out now..... Compared to the latest MyIDE-][ version, pfff, I am missing a lot of functionality. I was also thinking of adding 2 more densities, "small S" and 'small D" for disks with no boundary. This is a work-around to store a 16mb DD disk or to use all sectors available to an image. Now, setting S/D or M, limits the disk to 720 or 1040 sectors. (I could add Q and small Q for quad density, if needed) So from SIO to MyIDE the density is read wrong? Hmmm, interesting, never found that bug. Did you report that to me? Room is limited on this MyIDE, so I have to see. @Marius Yes, you can replace any standard 8k ROM with something else. The label-text is found in the first 8k, a hex-editor will help you here. Later!
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