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Mostly Atari-related projects, and other ramblings. Home of the Artie the Atari comic strip.

Entries in this blog

iBlog 3

No, I haven't already replaced my iPhone 5. Quite to the contrary, I've added another iDevice to keep it company: an iPad Mini.   I recently did some freelance stuff at work, so between that and the Apple gift card I got for recycling my iPhone 3GS, I had enough money to (mostly) cover the cost.   I hadn't really planned to buy an iPad, but the more I tried ones belonging to others, the more it appealed to me. Particularly for using it as a digital sketchbook. Several friends of mine all use

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Disney gets something right

Just to provide a balanced counterpoint to yesterday's post, there is proof Disney isn't entirely evil. (And of course, there's always Wreck-It Ralph. Now on Blu-ray!)   They're producing new Mickey Mouse shorts, and by the look of the first one... they've actually got it right.   A funny Mickey Mouse short... who'da thunk?

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Disney embraces the Dark Side

If you've been reading my blog, you'll know I've been following The Clone Wars animated series pretty closely since it started. It's had its hits and misses over five seasons, but in practical fact it's been nothing short of a milestone both in terms of TV animation, and theatrical-level CG work in a TV series.   It's also done something I didn't think possible - made me care about the prequel-era Star Wars universe and characters.   At the end of season 5, Over the course of the series

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

The death of "Cartoon Brew"

Let's see, what bad things have happened in animation recently?   Well, DreamWorks is reportedly laying off 20 - 25% of their employees.   Rhythm & Hues is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.   And the website Cartoon Brew is dead.   Where did I read about all of these? Why, Cartoon Brew, of course!   Cartoon Brew has been, for better or worse, a central source of animation-related news and opinion for the last nine years.   Co-founded by animation historian and author Jerry Beck a

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum


And so, the 2013 World Rally Championship (WRC) season is underway.   Actually, it started last month, but since it was basically a repeat of everything that happened last year, I didn't bother writing it up.   Sebastien Loeb won, Jarri-Matti Latvala crashed out, Mikko Hirvonen couldn't find a good pace, and Mads Ostberg was fast, but not fast enough for a podium. And VW came in second.   Wait... what?   Oh right... that.   Other than the results largely appearing the same, everything

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Welcome to the basement!

So, MLB Spring Training begins next week.   That magical* time of year, when baseball fans from across the league look forward to the new season with hope and expectations.   Especially those fans whose teams sucked last year.   Like my home team - Seattle.   Yes... we've had a few bad years up there. Bad signings (Chone Figgins - I'm looking at you), veteran players who faltered (Ichiro Suzuki - I'm looking at you), repeated injuries (Franklin Gutierrez - I'm looking at you... a whole b

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Star Wars Episode VII: (Insert subtitle here)

So... it's been confirmed that J.J. Abrams will be directing the next Star Wars film.   The director of the new Star Trek films, will be directing the new Star Wars films.   Two nerd-worlds collide. I wonder if the internet will survive?   "It was as if millions of nerds suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."   Now, I didn't think Star Trek was all that bad when I saw it the first time. Preposterous, yes. Ridiculous, yes. Utterl

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Another mouth to feed...

So, I finally bought a PlayStation 3.   I had planned to do so a year ago on Black Friday, but just didn't want to deal with the insanity of fighting people at stores for one, and all of the online deals sold out before I could get to them.   This year though... I had a plan!   I was going to camp out on Amazon, and snag one in a Lightning Deal™. I knew when their PS3 bundle was going on sale - all I had to do was just log on a little early, refresh the page until the deal showed up, and b

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Skyfall - Spoiler Free Review

So here we go again. This time I'm sitting in a properly huge IMAX theater, waiting for the latest James Bond epic to begin. No lack of a crowd this time - being a rainy Saturday night in Burbank. The movie kicks off in about 20 minutes, and as usual I'll be back with a review after I get home.   Or maybe tomorrow.   Either way, see you after the show. __________________   (15 hours later...)   So, is Skyfall the "Best Bond Ever"?   Well, no. That would be Goldfinger. But I'll get bac

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Money, money, money... but where's the love?

I rarely blog about my job since hey, it's a job. But this post isn't so much about my job, but rather my alma mater. Both of which just happen to be the same place. CalArts.   Y'see, the LA Times posted a little article today about how films that have been directed by CalArts animation alumni have collectively grossed over $26 billion dollars worldwide. Billion. With a "B". Like Carl Sagan would say: "Billllyuhn." There's a handy little "infographic" about it on CalArts' website.   I happen

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Wreck-It Ralph - Spoiler Free Review

Well, I've voted. So instead of sitting at home watching insipid coverage of the results, I've decided to catch Wreck-It Ralph in 3-D. Normally I avoid 3-D screenings, but since this is true 3-D and not some half-baked conversion I figured I'd fork over the extra money for the privilege of wearing an extra pair of glasses over my own for a couple of hours.   Speaking of forks and half-baked, at the moment I'm at Johnny Rocket's, waiting for my dinner to arrive. It should be along any moment no

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

George, Walt. Walt, George.

So Disney bought Lucasfilm today for $4 billion. Lock, stock and Jar-Jar.   I'll admit this took me by surprise, even though Disney and Lucas have teamed up in the past: Indiana Jones (the ride), Star Tours and all of its related merchandise, plus other more questionable crossovers like this:     As a friend of mine who works for the Big D pointed out, Leia is now a "Disney Princess". (shudder)   Anyway... the question is - is this acquisition a good thing or a bad thing?   Well, let'

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Tron 1.5.2

The first episode of season 2 of Tron: Uprising aired tonight. (Some episodes are online, depending on your TV provider, or through iTunes, but it's crazy-expensive there.)   Tonight's episode was "The Reward", in which Tesler offered up a shiny-new car to whoever turned in The Renegade.   Needless to say, that worked well. Because there were dozens of Renegades turned in. Way to clean up the streets there, programs. Of course, none of them were the real one.   Beck decided to lay low in h

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

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