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Mostly Atari-related projects, and other ramblings. Home of the Artie the Atari comic strip.

Entries in this blog

Back in the Seattle (again)

I just got back from a nice, long vacation in Seattle. I never took a vacation last summer (it was insanely hectic at work), so it was nice to catch up on rest and relaxation for a few weeks.   It was also a good opportunity to recharge my creative batteries, which frankly, had pretty-much run dry. I've got several homebrew projects I should be working on (labels and graphics), so I'm hoping now to be able to get back to them in all earnestness, and with renewed vigor.   Just as soon as the

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Summer Full o' Superheroes pt. 6 - Captain America

A friend of mine got me into a free screening for Captain America the other evening, complete with free popcorn, soda and snacks! Now, despite this, I promise that this will in no way bias my review towards what is obviously the greatest movie in the history of cinema!   Okay, it wasn't that great. But Captain America was still pretty good.   Or rather, that should read "'Captain America: The First Avenger' was still pretty good", because after all, there may be two or three people on p

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum


The first Cars movie wasn't Pixar's best. Oddly enough, after playing the PS2 game, I began to like the characters more, and therefore, I began to like the film more.   I don't think that's going to work this time.   Cars 2 isn't Pixar's worst film - that dubious honor still belongs to A Bug's Life - but it's certainly their second-worst. After more thoughtful efforts like Wall-E and Up, and the funny yet emotionally touching Toy Story 3, Cars 2 is a huge step backwards for the studio. The e

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Alpo Cow Lips

"Weird Famine" Yankovic doesn't quite have the ring to it that "Weird Al" does, but with his latest album, the Alpocalypse is upon us:     Alpocalypse is Al's first album in five years (his longest break). He had quite the challenge in following up Straight Outta Lynwood, which was one of his strongest and most successful albums in his 30+ year career. (Yes... "Weird Al's" been around that long.)   There are no apocalyptic-themed parodies on the album. Rather, according to a recent interv

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Summer Full o' Superheroes pt. 5 - Green Lantern

Five down... one to go.   I only had a couple of Green Lantern comics as a kid. I knew he had a power ring that was recharged by sticking it into a lantern, and that he could fly and shoot energy blasts with it... and that was about it. It was only later as I began collecting comics that I peripherally learned more - that he was only one of thousands of Green Lanterns patrolling the galaxy, and that they make giant green things ("constructs") like dinosaurs, fists, and sledgehammers out of the

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

The "Weird Al" Curse

The is nearly upon us. And if you're a pop culture icon... be afraid. Be very afraid.  Of course, if you are a pop culture icon, the odds of you actually reading this blog right now are pretty-much zero.   Anyway, you've heard of the "Superman" Curse, the "Diff'rent Strokes" Curse, and the "Poltergeist" Curse, right? Where a string of seemingly improbable deaths or tragedies are all coincidentally related to a single pop culture event or phenomenon?   Well, I've got my own theory: The

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Summer Full o' Superheroes pt. 4 - X-Men: First Class

Sheesh... I'm up to part 4 already. I guess I'm committed to this for the long haul, now.   I went and saw X-Men: First Class at a late Friday night showing. Usually, I'll wait a week or so to go see a film to avoid lines or crowds, but well... I was bored. So I decided to go see it.   The first two X-Men films were okay, but I never felt that they got all of the characters quite right. (Anna Paquin?? Gimme a break.) It felt like they took random bits and pieces of characters and stories,

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

Revisionist History (Homebreviews)

Well, I warned you. Hang on... this might get a little bumpy!   I've gone back through all of my homebreviews, and re-scored everything based on a 1/2-point increment scale. The idea behind this is that with the sheer number of homebrews now available, a five-point scale simply isn't fine enough to really distinguish one game from another. The biggest problem is that it resulted in too many games getting a 5/5, which should indicate a perfect or near-perfect game, but on a five point scale al

Nathan Strum

Nathan Strum

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