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Mostly Atari-related projects, and other ramblings. Home of the Artie the Atari comic strip.

Entries in this blog

What's this? A short blog entry?

A few quick things (well... quick to type them up anyway): The RPS label is done! Billy really liked the final artwork, and plans to get back to working on the game soon. As a side note, Billy also had me create some new sprites for the game. So I'm anxious to see how they work out. Speaking of sprites, the next 2600 project I need to work on are some sprites for Manuel's port of Colony 7. (Thought I forgot, didn't you Manuel?) After that, I'll be coloring Jess Ragan's artwork for



It should look easy

Well, I think I'm nearly done with the RPS label. I sent a copy off to Billy to see what he thinks of it, so hopefully I'll know soon. There are just a handful of tweaks left to do at this point.I forget who said it, but there's a saying that goes something like, "Art is never really finished. But at some point you just have to put it down and walk away."I have no idea how many hours I've put into RPS, but I'm sure it's more than any other label I've done so far. By a wide margin.The irony is -



Stella at 20-something

Well, if you've been following along with this thread in the 2600 forums, then you already know that a DVD release of the 2-part documentary "Stella at 20" is in the works.   Shot in 1997 and released on VHS, this documentary featured interviews with many of the Atari 2600's designers and programmers, as well as Atari's founders: Nolan Bushnell and Al Alcorn. (See complete descriptions of "Stella at 20" at the CyberPunks home page.)   Volume 2 has long been sold-out, although Volume 1 is sti



Who's the leader of the club...

...that's made for you and me? Well, it's sure not Michael Eisner anymore. Eisner has severed all ties with Disney as of today, stepping down from the board of directors. And all I can say is, "it's about time". In recent years under Eisner, Disney Feature Animation has been an oppressive, depressive environment akin to a terminal patient ward at a hospital. People who had been loyal to Disney for years just couldn't bring themselves to re-sign their contracts, because of the appalling mis



Off on a tangent

It's always interesting revisiting artwork I haven't looked at in awhile. Invariably, I see things that need to be changed that I completely missed before. Usually this happens because I was so focused on getting individual details right, that I didn't step back and look at the overall picture with an objective eye. Not seeing the forest for the trees, as it were.With the RPS label, the problem turned out to be bad tangents. It's a pretty complex line drawing with overlapping objects, and those



The problem with blogs

The problem with this whole blogging thing, at least from my perspective, is that I tend to ramble on too much. (This should come as no surprise to people who've known me over on the MacMAME Message Board, or have read any of the video game movie reviews on my website.)   My first blog entry was titled "If it's Saturday, it must be October". Of course, I neglected to actually include anything relevant to it being October. For example - the reason I look forward to October.   Baskin & Rob



Rock, No Paper, Scissors

The whole point of doing this blog, is to have some sort of work-in-progress place for Atari-related projects I'm working on. This will include stuff like my Video Mods Comparison Project (which is need of an update), the Stella at 20 DVD, and artwork for homebrew games.   So this weekend, it's all about the artwork.   The homebrew scene is something very exciting to me. I'd always wanted to make my own games back-in-the-day, but never learned to program. I made the attempt at it, but discov



If it's Saturday, it must be October

Okay, so I'm blogging. Just like the rest of the internet. Always more than a few months behind the curve, it seems, even though I was online with AOL, usenet, and even doing the whole "chat" thing (irc) back in '94. But I was one of the brilliant people who never thought the World Wide Web (remember when people still called it that?) would catch on. It seemed like a handful of disjointed sites with questionable content and no coherent way of finding anything. Now of course, it's millions of dis



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